October 14, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1869 deeply honored to have been invited to wel- High School in Cupertino, California. After with three bronze stars, the Combat Infantry- come them back to Iowa at the end of their briefly spending time in college in Portland, he man’s Badge, the World War II Victory Medal, journey, and I am very much looking forward returned to his home state to pursue his inter- and the Good Conduct Medal. to the opportunity to hear about their experi- est in computers. Mr. Ragsdale has earned yet another ence seeing their memorial for the first time In 1976, Steve founded Apple Computer in medal. After 66 years it is my honor to present and to having the opportunity to personally Cupertino, with Steve Wozniak and Ronald the Bronze Star for meritorious service in Bel- thank these heroes. Wayne. Almost 40 years later, Jobs has been gium during World War II to Mr. Ragsdale. Sadly, however, 17 of Iowa’s heroes who listed as either primary inventor or co-inventor This is the fourth-highest combat award the were planning to travel with their fellow vet- of more than 340 U.S. patents and patent ap- U.S. Armed Forces has and is given to an in- erans to Washington, DC, passed away before plications for a wide range of technologies. His dividual for bravery, acts of merit, or meri- they were able to embark on their trip. My wife insatiable desire to innovate made Apple into torious service. Terry and I join all Iowans in mourning their one of the world’s most profitable and rec- I am also privileged to see Mr. Ragsdale re- loss and in extending our deepest sympathies ognizable brands. ceive the Belgian Fourragere for his service to their families. His diagnosis of pancreatic cancer in 2004 during the Battle of the Bulge in defense of lib- I am proud to have a piece of marble from shocked and saddened us all. However, as erty. The Belgian Fourragere is a military the quarry that supplied the marble that built was often the case with Steve, he continued award given by the Belgium government and the World War II Memorial in my office. Like in sickness to lead by example. During the is a braided cord. It is considered one of the the memorial that it built, that piece of marble time between his diagnosis and death, Apple top awards. reminds me of the sacrifices of a generation of introduced the iPhone and the iPad, which We are very lucky to have had dedicated Americans. When our country was threatened, have set new standards for mobile devices. warfighters like Mr. Ragsdale in our Army. Our Jobs announced his resignation as Apple’s they rose to defend not just our nation, but the country owes him and those like him a great CEO on August 24, 2011, and in a letter to freedoms, democracy, and values that make debt of gratitude for the sacrifices he and oth- Apple’s Board of Directors, he said, ‘‘I believe our country the greatest nation on earth. They ers made for us. did so as one people and one country. Their Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are sacrifices and determination in the face of ahead of it.’’ We believe that the next great f great threats to our way of life are both hum- innovators are in California classrooms right bling and inspiring. now, learning about Steve Jobs and being in- PROTECT LIFE ACT The sheer magnitude of what the Greatest spired by his legacy. Generation accomplished, not just in war but The following are the names of the 53 Mem- SPEECH OF in the peace that followed, continues to inspire bers of the California Congressional Delega- us today. They did not seek to be tested both tion: MIKE THOMPSON, WALLY HERGER, DANIEL HON. EARL BLUMENAUER abroad by a war that fundamentally chal- LUNGREN, TOM MCCLINTOCK, DORIS MATSUI, OF OREGON LYNN WOOLSEY, GEORGE MILLER, NANCY lenged our way of life and at home by the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Great Depression and the rebuilding of our PELOSI, BARBARA LEE, JOHN GARAMENDI, economy that followed. But, when called upon JERRY MCNERNEY, JACKIE SPEIER, PETE Thursday, October 13, 2011 to do so, they defended and then rebuilt our STARK, ANNA G. ESHOO, MIKE HONDA, ZOE Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, today nation to make it even stronger. Their patriot- LOFGREN, SAM FARR, DENNIS CARDOZA, JEFF I voted against the badly flawed H.R. 358, a ism, service, and great sacrifice not only de- DENHAM, JIM COSTA, DEVIN NUNES, KEVIN Republican bill brought to the floor today that fined their generation—they stand as a testa- MCCARTHY, LOIS CAPPS, ELTON GALLEGLY, will have a profoundly negative impact on a ment to the fortitude of our nation and the HOWARD ‘‘BUCK’’ MCKEON, DAVID DREIER, woman’s ability to make personal healthcare American people. BRAD SHERMAN, HOWARD BERMAN, ADAM decisions. I am deeply troubled by any con- I am tremendously proud to provide an early SCHIFF, HENRY WAXMAN, XAVIER BECERRA, gressional action that restricts a woman’s right welcome to the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight and JUDY CHU, KAREN BASS, LUCILLE ROYBAL- to choose. I oppose this legislation and reit- Iowa’s veterans of the Second World War to ALLARD, MAXINE WATERS, JANICE HAHN, LAURA erate my support for a women’s right to make our nation’s capital next week. On behalf of RICHARDSON, GRACE NAPOLITANO, LINDA her own decision about her healthcare deci- ´ every Iowan I represent, I thank them for their SANCHEZ, EDWARD ROYCE, JERRY LEWIS, GARY sions and obtain access to emergency care. service to our country. MILLER, JOE BACA, KEN CALVERT, MARY BONO Instead of advancing policies to put Ameri- MACK, DANA ROHRABACHER, LORETTA SAN- f cans back to work, Republicans instead have CHEZ, JOHN CAMPBELL, DARRELL ISSA, BRIAN decided to debate legislation restricting the THE LEGACY OF STEVE JOBS BILBRAY, BOB FILNER, DUNCAN HUNTER and health care choices available to women and SUSAN DAVIS. HON. ZOE LOFGREN their families. If enacted, H.R. 358 would limit f the choices individuals and families have re- OF CALIFORNIA BRONZE STAR MEDAL FOR garding their health insurance coverage, even IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PRIVATE FLOYD RAGSDALE forcing individuals to drop coverage they have Friday, October 14, 2011 already selected. It gives hospital workers the Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. HON. ROBERT T. SCHILLING right to refuse treatment to women in need, even in the case of rape, incest or life-threat- Speaker, I rise today on behalf of the Mem- OF ILLINOIS ening complications. To force insurance com- bers of the California Congressional Delega- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion to honor the legacy of Steve Jobs, one of panies and healthcare providers to deny a the world’s greatest innovators and entre- Friday, October 14, 2011 woman access to a legal procedure would be preneurs and a committed family man. Steve Mr. SCHILLING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to a very disturbing step backwards. unfortunately passed away last Wednesday, honor a brave warfighter, Mr. Floyd D. Already federal law prohibits federal funds October 5, 2011, leaving behind his beloved Ragsdale. Mr. Ragsdale was born on Sep- from being used for abortions, except in cases wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, and four children. tember 9, 1925, in Waterloo, Iowa. He was of rape or incest, or when the life of the He embodied the American entrepreneurial drafted into the Army in December 1943 and woman would be endangered. This legislation spirit and was a true pioneer of California’s went through basic training and advanced unit further restricts the ability of individuals and technology sector, inspiring millions with cre- training at Camp Shelby, Mississippi. In Octo- families to make personal decisions about ations at Apple that continue to sustain Silicon ber of 1944, Mr. Ragsdale was sent to Europe their health care. Valley today. His passion, ingenuity and hard and assigned to the 424th Regiment of the At a time when my colleagues are saying work have changed the way we live and work 106th Infantry Division—a division that was that they want to make government smaller, it forever. known as the ‘‘Golden Lions.’’ Mr. Ragsdale is hypocritical and dangerous to pretend that a Steve was a native of California and a prod- participated in combat operations in Northern small government gets to make personal uct of its public education system. He hailed France, the Rhineland Campaign, and the health care decisions for women and families. from San Francisco, and was adopted by Paul Ardennes. There is no room for government involvement and Clara Jobs, who moved to Mountain View, For his bravery and diligence, Mr. Ragsdale in the personal and difficult decisions around California when he was a child. Steve at- received the National Service Defense Medal, women’s reproductive choices. I strongly op- tended Cupertino Junior High and Homestead the European Theater of Operations ribbon pose this legislation. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:56 Oct 15, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14OC8.006 E14OCPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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