»adlng Economic rndrcaloti Hp»ermifits I Twin FFalls iHfirtii wins^^- Bl l h --------...................................- t -V- ;: i : ^ : ...... .................79t?9th year. No. 364" T w inF alls,s, Idaho k tu rdday, ay Decffmber.29,1984 R ^ ig a nI c auitio u IS a B >OUt i s ta ltks ByGEORGESKELTON)N , '•W e hope it will b e a construe!ructlve beginning emphaslztIzed to reporters here, .whereere Reagan Gorbacliov, whowlu Is considered to bo the No,Ni 2 to questions posedxl by: Yomiurl Shinibun. \ lions. But It Isn’t w as b egininning a New Year’s holiday, (rem lin, Uiat " ll Is now up lo;o the Japan’s largest newsp!wspaper, leading up lo his \ Thc Ijos Angeles Timess for}r further detailed negotiation ly. that "w e ; m an In thc Krei an eeasy job." are nol seekingsc lo raise expectationlons” aboul United SUitcsIS Klo m ake a nfove" toward ararms meeting next Wedncscnesday In Los /\ngolos with \ LOS ANGELES-Presresident Reagan sought TlThe presldenl’s commentsints — wrilten ‘ the meetlrting. rc'ductlon by offoffering concessions, includlnling a Japanese Primele Minister Yasuhlro F rid a y to dam pen worldrid Ihopes for significant res{esponses to questions posedI by reporters for Readingng from prepared notes,s, Speakes |,alt lo Reagan’an’s “Star Wars” research1 Inloi Nakasone. A transcrljscript of tlic Interview wns —i progress toward nuclearear arms control when a JtJa p a n e se new spaper — dppeopeared lo be p art said : “ WeVe go into Uie m eeting wlUiiliigli hi hopes possible develc;eiopment of a missile defcfcn.se released F rid ay by' prtprcsitlentlal aides here. U.S. s e c re ta ry of S tatee G eorge P . Shultz and off aan adminI.slratlon-wide efforffort to Inoculate but no'f■' preconceived expectationsons. We’ve sy stem in spacoaco. Reogan emphasizedIzed Uial he Is "not looking Soviet Foreign Minister;er Andrei A.* Gromyko boUoUi R eagan and Shultz fromom any possible recognizosed lhat there’s hard babargaining •‘ifpcoplearcarc expecting a lot out of Genenova, for an agreement for its own sake” wilh the m e e t Ja n . 7-8 in Geneva,a, SSwilzeriin^. Inipup resslo n by world leaders; or Uie A m erican w hich ledcd lo expcclalions" lhat mmay have Uiey’re goingg to be dI.sappolnted.’’ the offi<■ficial Soviets. “We are strivitriving to Improve slability, W lille saying Uial liee Is ‘'encouraged" thot piiblibllc after Uie meeting that the United Slates recentlyI rre.sulled trom “a propaganlanda offen- said. "Exixx:talctatlons deserve to bc loweretleti. II reduce the risk of warw ar and lo lower Uie levels the Soviets have agreed<1 t<to m ectat oil, Reagan somomehow m ay have failed InI G<Geneva. The in- sive bemFig g pul on by Uie Soviets." doe.sn’lhelpwh'when the olher side is slakingigout of nuclcar arms,"’’ •hehi s a ld r “T hat involves^--------- t_lempec.our expe^v- ervlew w as conducted a t Uie Wliite H ouse- - T he anononymous official ciletl, inI piparticular, its propagandaIda turf."i iiard bargaining on Iissues of great mutual . tions wiUi realism . A two;wo-day meeting cannot andnd the text was released Frida:Iday. .a stalemcnenl last week in the Britlsltlsii P arlia- R eagan’s_..alaUllude aboul Uic Gemjnevu conccm . The U.S.^ Is commlUed lo conduct______ solve the complicaled IssiIssues before us. PresidentialP ^kesm ari I.Knrry-- Speakes merit by/ £Soviet P61ilburd"meml>eff A'Mikhail S." m eeting wass e:exprcMwl ih"wHtlen‘rcspoiloiisciL------------ .-S w R E AiAGANonPflgfrAa G ' ------------ ---------- Hornleless ^ ~ M i hiero b\>ufied BPiw^ fin*e ByGHKGMYItE 'recover,er,” H anvell said. *'It is the . > The Associated Presssss tragedydy of an honored hero soon f l a WASHINGTON —- The gov- ■ forgottei;ten." . ires em inent saluted Jesilesse Carpenter • The: funeralfi was attended by - -pm' ' 'mM The A.s.soclattriatod Press onFridayandlaidhIrhim to rest with .some 10010 people on a sunny' aiW miiitary honors. Uiretiree weeks after unu-suallally w arm w inter day, In-'P lEVILLE, Ulah - Work ig Carpenter’s son and th e W orld Wj\r II hero and eluding t t . A . Ing to seal Uie Wilberg Aline .------- Iter, James Carpenter andd hom jiless d rifter froziroze to death In daughtei r thc fire Uial killed and cn- cd Hamilton, and a bu.sIoadd lh e shadow of fhe WllllVliiteHouse, Mildred ' m iners w ere forced off the otirners brganlzed by thee •'Oursocietychoselise to tre a t Jesse of moUi Friday when flames flared lunity"' for Creative Non-1- a s invisible," t^e Rev,tev. Vin Harwell Commur he portals they were trying . of th e M ount Vftmonon 1Presb> erian Violenceice, a Washington-basedd ORANGEV less riglits group. Church said In lhele (eulogy. "Yet homelesi H crow s try inlews g i report quoied a miner ‘ military honors ceremony (hcrrisked not onlyly {disability but The n to sm oU icrUie th fire nppnrcntly began led six servicemen escorting vulnenibiiity tocarefreforothers." included g tom bed 27h-v61lagc‘powcr m l line. emalns. a'squad ot seven C arpenter, Gl, a Bronze Star the rem mounlaln FriMining .spokesman-Bob______ War II, froze lb rinemenion firing three volleys, and a, 7 - 1 . In one of the | v/lnner in World Wai lid oftlcials of liie federal r sounding laps, death Dec.SlnlJifaycayette Square, a bugler s( . tocap. :ty and HealUi Adminlstra- street from the Followlowing the eulogy, -And a ncwi park across lhe strc 4 ■ ' - red about 25 workers off Wlilte House lliat hash; become a , Carpentiinter’s son and daughter ^ who said ‘redUie Easl Mountain aboul 3 - xl tlie rectangular, .gray- gathering place forjr tthe homeless entered /■ yi nearahigh-v(ri fire was spotted Inside a In the nation’s capital.tal. 'stonecolcolum barium w here Ihelr fa- m . E m ery he central Utah coal m ine’s “ H ere is... ahumum i an being who Ih er’s, ashesa were inumed along ■ Henrle said the, cremated remains of)f t a t one point In his life risked with th< ■ • Mine Safetysaid i crcws had .scaled 10 *4^ ev ery th in g to get oth«others lo safety, some 3,3003,: oUier service person-1- fl tlon orderedhen'thcy were ordered off-------- who n e e d ^ help andnd 1la te r In l i f e . nel. ^ snow-covered IC ■ ||||||||||||^ ^ ^ ^ H Jite w here 27 m iners perlsh- . w as shut out by loo many In our On thethe nighl C arpenter died, thc J p.m . w henI Dec.fii 19 fire trapped Uiem .society," Harvk’cll saitsaid. only protectionprc he had from thele p porlal a t thjn e d c . ^ C arpenter, who enlentered the Ar- cold, asideasi froi^ hl£ ^lothing.- was entrance. t bums'ltscif 'forvvard and m y in Seplem lw r 194194.'} in Indiana, Uie warrirm th of his friend and fellow~» A is requiring that we not w as decorated in IWID44 in Uriltany, street person,-p wheelchair-boundd le'on site,” Henrlesaid late Lam , 59, who w as huddled<1 F'rance. Accordingg Ilo the award .John La :T1ic crews are) hoping they' certificate, the ArmyAr prlvale near hethe veteran's body, able to get up there again made three trips5 ccarrying the —Lam.n, who attended the funeralII , b ut Uiat depends on w hat w ounded to an aid station 400 of ishis • longtime friend, toldd c s and w hat MSHA believes y a rd s from the figlili■Illlng, "braving reporter[ers in the park.. ¥liur*day—y — th e unabated fire." th at CatCarpenter took carc of him, rtals rem ained to be capped. “ (Carpenter’s) Is tlthe sto ry of a pushingng his wheelchair to soupp |i-; Henrle ’ingsai( mixtures of concrete, personal tragedy,i, of a life kllchens:ns, shelters and public H portals whenck, plastic foam sealant and disrupted by w ar nevernc to fullv restroonom s. H thc m ine site3 plastlc-canvas type mate- R j ed a fte r a Dc — I Mildred HamiltIton holds a flag fromn tthe funeral for her fatlfather at A rlington cem( below ground,lee-MiNEMPdWAZ ------------------- ■fl “ Until it bl out, MSHA I: have peopie'o Retireeiis groupI hits Rea<igan plarn Rea2agan, Prince He•\ ! F rid ay . “ (Tlw riiight be abli ' tomorrow, bu to freezize more Medican1 repayniGBnts i the fire docs a Is p ru d en t.” WASHINGTON (AP)P) — The na- hospitals5 sseek to recoup their losses£s up for dim inished Incncome under ^Society^ plans bash F iv e portal! lion’s largest organizailzaUon repre- Uirougli co;cost-shifting to non-Medlcarere Medicare by boosting tUielr bills lo „ „ • Ume 1 with varyingtlin young leadership.” senting retired peoplei s£said Friday a- patients.’’ olher. patients, he said, “ All J>JDOLPH E; SCHMID Thi 1 cindcrblock,]ng an invitation was-88- prospective Reagan •administrationad Part of}f Uiei proposal under Wliitete A m ericans, old and yououng, will see TiieAssoisoclated Press year- brattice, api;Burns. Chosen "for his - —— —proposal—to_hroaden_fli-fl-Irc c z c _ o n Hou.se discussiond ls ,wouid__call for3r th eir mOdical bills rls<Isc under the -Uie-lheory-Uial-lt!s— imnn 'ould be 103 at the tim e pf M edicare paym ents couiould mean thal Medicare■c rccIpi<?rtfs''lo cohtribuiC”tc—reporrcKlTidmlnlstrationi n p ro p o sa lse * -r------- ‘■all A m ericans, younglg and old, will m ore lowiiward the doclor insurance:e A day L'a'rlier, Steve RRadabaugli a n ever toetoo early Id plan, a prlvalee groupgi this w eek In- th ep i ong Uiose honored is 81- , - rise." parlof Iheitie program , known as P a rt B, broadcast spokesmanm for the vited Prei’rcsidchlRcagari, Biltain’syosyoungPrinceHarry • AIj see their medical bills rls< jima of Tokyo, Jopan.
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