The Planning Act 2008 Internal Power Generation Enhancement for Port Talbot Steelworks Examining Authority’s Report of Findings and Conclusions and Recommendation to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change _______________________________________ Examining Authority Roger Eyre BSc CEng MICE MCIWEM 9 September 2015 7KLVSDJHLQWHQWLRQDOO\OHIWEODQN 5HSRUWWRWKH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWH ,QWHUQDO3RZHU*HQHUDWLRQ(QKDQFHPHQWIRU3RUW7DOERW6WHHOZRUNV ERRATA SHEET – Internal Power Generation Enhancement for Port Talbot Steelworks – Ref. EN010062 Examining Authority`s Report of Findings and Conclusions and Recommendation to the Secretary of State for the Department of Energy and Climate Change, dated 9 September 2015 Corrections agreed by the Examining Authority prior to a decision being made Page Paragraph Error Correction No. 1 n/a “File Ref EN10062” “File Ref EN010062” 1 n/a Erroneous bullet point Removal 5 1.1.6 “The applicants…..” “The applicant`s….” 8 1.3.15 “…by the ExA 20 May “…by the ExA on 20 May 2015..” 2015..” 11 2.1.2 “The applicants “The applicant`s Planning Planning Statement..” Statement..” 12 2.1.7 2.1.7 2.1.7 12 2.1.9 “…within 1o years of..” “…within 10 years of..” 14 2.1.19 “…control” “…control;” 14 2.1.19 “a 66 kilovolt [V] “a 66 kilovolt [kV] electrical electrical connection..” connection..” 15 2.1.28 “…either in new and “…either in new or existing existing ducting…” ducting…” 19 3.1.1 “…local planning “…local planning policies..” polices..” 19 3.3.1 “(5) NPS Ports – “(5) NPS Ports – National Policy National Policy Statement for Ports (“NPSP”).” Statement for Ports” 24 3.11.3 “…(the WFD “…(the “WFD Regulations”)” Regulations)” 24 3.11.5 “…to achieve them “…to achieve them and are..” And are..” 26 3.15.4 Formatting The paragraph number should be deleted and the text indented and italicised within speech marks 27 3.15.10 “Kenfis Pool and “Kenfig Pool and Dunes” Dunes” 28 3.18 Formatting – Delete the section duplication of paragraph 3.16 38 4.7.6 Erroneous paragraph The paragraph number should be number deleted and the text indented and italicised within speech marks 40 4.8.9 “Reduced onsite “Reduced onsite electricity electricity imports from imports (from approximately the grid (from 65MWe to 10MWe per annum on approximately 65MWe average) from the grid:” to 10 MWe per annum on average);” 40 4.9.1 “…for the propose..” “…for the proposed..” 41 4.10.1 “…and the NSER..” “…and the No Significant Effects Report (“NSER”)..” 47 4.12.32 “…chapter 2 “…chapter 2 paragraph 2.1.21..” paragraph 2.0.21..” 49 4.14.5 Number in bold Remove bold 51 4.15.6 “…300MW threshold “…300MW threshold set out set above..” above..” 59 4.21.1 “NPSP 4.4.1states” “NPSP 4.4.1 states” 60 4.22.1 “…Article 8 of “…Article 8 of Part 2 of the Schedule 2 Principal recommended DCO (Principal Powers.” Powers).” 61 4.23.13 “…Requirements 10, “…Requirements 10, 11 and 14..” 11and 14..” 64 4.24.14 “Energy Response “Energy Response and Flood and Flood Risk Risk Management Plan Management [ERFRMP]” [ERFRMP]” 68 4.24.32 “…to the ExA written “…to the ExA`s written questions..” questions..” 74 4.28.9 “…and meets the..” “…and meet the..” 76 4.31.2 “A Relevant “A Relevant Representation Representations from..” from..” 76 4.31.4 “…gas pipework and “…gas pipework and a asubsequent escape,” subsequent escape,” 76 4.31.4 “Such anescape..” “Such an escape..” 76 4.31.4 “Tiabach” “Taibach” 77 4.32.4 “SWP[RR-004]” “SWP [RR-004]” 82 4.35.1 “..of EN-2 is “..of EN-2 are applicable.” applicable.” 84 4.36.5 “…temperatureof the..” “…temperature of the..” 84 4.36.5 “…if the waterwas “…if the water was discharged..” discharged..” 84 4.36.5 “…depthof the water..” “…depth of the water..” 85 4.37.2 “The ExA`s raised..” “The ExA raised..” 87 4.37.5 “ABP relevant “ABP`s relevant representation..” representation..” 90 4.37.19 “…within existing by “…within existing licences issued licences issued by..” by..” 91 4.37.30 “…level of “…level of 4.95m AOD..” 4.95mAOD..” 95 5.2.6 “...response to ExA “...response to the ExA`s first first written written questions..” questions..” 98 5.3.8 Duplication of Remove statement in “Aerial Deposition of Nitrogen and Acid” in paragraph 5.3.7 100 5.4.4 “…can be found at the “…can be found at the audio audi recording..” recording..” 101 5.4.9 “The applicant`s “The applicant`s NSER [APP- NSER [APP-193] as 193] as submitted concluded no submitted concluded LSE as a result of the proposed that no LSE as a result development, either alone or in- of the proposed combination, and that an development, either Appropriate Assessment – stage alone or in- Two of the HRA process – was combination, not, therefore, required.” concluding that an Appropriate Assessment – stage Two of the HRA process – was not required.” 101 5.4.11 “`Based on this “Based on this information..” information..” 102 5.4.14 “This report [AS- “This report [AS-007] stated..” 007]stated..” 104 5.6.2 “…the Countryside “…the Countryside Council for Commission for Wales..” Wales..” 105 5.7.2 “…features shown in “…features shown in this table this table have not have not been disputed..” disputed..” 107 5.11.6 “..and therefor is..” “..and therefore is..” 114 6.6.2 “…within the final draft “…within the final draft DCO.” DCO[Doc Ref].” 127 Requirement “`Construction work for “`Construction work for the 13 the authorised authorised development must not development must not take place:- take place: (a) Outside the hours of- (i) Outside the (i) 07:00 to 19:00 on Monday hours of- to Friday, and (ii) 07:00 to 19:00 (ii) 07:00 to 13:00 on on Monday to Friday, Saturdays and (b) At any time on Sundays and (iii) 07:00 to 13:00 public holidays, except with on Saturdays prior written approval of the (iv) At any time on relevant planning authority.” Sundays and public holidays, except with prior written approval of the relevant planning authority. Construction work shall not be carried out on Sundays and public holidays without the prior approval of the relevant planning authority.” 127 “Explanatory “Explanatory Note Delete Note” Final paragraph……is to be inserted” 129 7.4.10 Erroneous paragraph Delete paragraph number and number include text in italics within speech marks. 131 7.4.32 “…has been submitted “…has been submitted to and and approved by..” approved by..” 138 8.1.1 “The Examining “The ExA considers..” Authority [ExA] considers..” Appendix D “Countryside “Countryside Council for Wales” Commission for Wales” Appendix D “Minister of “Member of Parliament” Parliament” 7KH([DPLQLQJ$XWKRULW\¶VILQGLQJVDQGFRQFOXVLRQVDQG UHFRPPHQGDWLRQLQUHVSHFWRIDQDSSOLFDWLRQE\7DWD6WHHO8./LPLWHG WKH$SSOLFDQW IRUD'HYHORSPHQW&RQVHQW2UGHUIRUDQHZJDVILUHG SRZHUVWDWLRQZLWKDJHQHUDWLQJFDSDFLW\RI0:H ,QWHUQDO3RZHU *HQHUDWLRQ(QKDQFHPHQWIRU3RUW7DOERW6WHHOZRUNV WKDWZRXOG RSHUDWHDVD%RLOHU7XUER$OWHUQDWRUSODQWWRJHWKHUZLWKDQHZ LQWHJUDOHOHFWULFDOFRQQHFWLRQDQGDQHZLQWHJUDOJDVFRQQHFWLRQDW3RUW 7DOERW6WHHOZRUNV3RUW7DOERW6RXWK:DOHV File Ref EN10062 x 7KHDSSOLFDWLRQGDWHG$XJXVWZDVPDGHXQGHUVHFWLRQ RIWKH3ODQQLQJ$FWDQGZDVUHFHLYHGLQIXOOE\7KH 3ODQQLQJ,QVSHFWRUDWHRQ$XJXVW x 7KHDSSOLFDQWLV7DWD6WHHO8./LPLWHG x 7KHDSSOLFDWLRQZDVDFFHSWHGIRUH[DPLQDWLRQRQ6HSWHPEHU x $VLQJOH([DPLQHU5RJHU(\UHZDVDSSRLQWHGDVWKH([DPLQLQJ $XWKRULW\RQ1RYHPEHU x 7KHH[DPLQDWLRQRIWKHDSSOLFDWLRQEHJDQRQ'HFHPEHU DQGZDVFRPSOHWHGRQ-XQH x 7KHGHYHORSPHQWSURSRVHGFRPSULVHVDJDVILUHGSRZHUVWDWLRQ LQFOXGLQJWZRQHZERLOHUV 0HJDZDWWWKHUPDO 0:WK DQG WZRQHZVWHDPWXUELQHVHWVZLWKDJURVVFDSDFLW\RIXSWR 0HJDZDWWHOHFWULFDO 0:H ZLWKLQWHJUDOFRROLQJXQLWVDQGWZLQ PVWDFNVWRJHWKHUZLWKDQLQWHUQDOJDVFRQQHFWLRQDQGRWKHU SLSHZRUNDQHOHFWULFLW\JULGFRQQHFWLRQDQGDQFLOODU\EXLOGLQJV 7KHJHQHUDWLQJVWDWLRQZLOOEHILUHGSUHGRPLQDWHO\E\WKHUHVLGXDO JDVHVSURGXFHGE\WKHVWHHOPDNLQJSURFHVVZKLFKDUHFXUUHQWO\ IODUHGZLWKLPSRUWHGQDWXUDOJDVXVHGDVDEDFNXSIXHO x Summary of Recommendation: 7KH([DPLQLQJ$XWKRULW\UHFRPPHQGVWKDWWKH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWHVKRXOGPDNH WKH2UGHULQWKHIRUPDWWDFKHG 5HSRUWWRWKH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWH ,QWHUQDO3RZHU*HQHUDWLRQ(QKDQFHPHQWIRU3RUW7DOERW6WHHOZRUNV Report Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 5 ,1752'8&7,21 6758&785(2)5(3257 7+((;$0,1$7,21$1'352&('85$/'(&,6,216 6,7(9,6,76 27+(5&216(1765(48,5(' 5(48(67672%(&20(25:,7+'5$:)520%(,1*$1 ,17(5(67('3$57< 6$6%$1'6=$ 81'(57$.,1*62%/,*$7,216*,9(1726833257$33/,&$7,21 2 MAIN FEATURES OF THE PROPOSAL AND SITE ....................... 11 7+($33/,&$7,21$60$'( 7+($33/,&$7,21$77+(&/26(2)(;$0,1$7,21 5(/(9$173/$11,1*+,6725< 3 LEGAL AND POLICY CONTEXT ................................................. 19 ,1752'8&7,21 3/$11,1*$&7 $6$0(1'(' 1$7,21$/32/,&<67$7(0(176>136@ :(/6+1$7,21$/32/,&,(6$1'*8,'$1&( *29(510(172):$/(6$&7 *:$ (8523($15(48,5(0(176$1'5(/$7('8.5(*8/$7,216 &216(59$7,21$1'63(&,(65(*8/$7,216 $6 $0(1'(' 7+(+$%,7$765(*8/$7,216 63(&,(6 5(1(:$%/((1(5*<',5(&7,9( ',5(&7,9((82)129(0%(521,1'8675,$/ (0,66,216 ,17(*5$7('32//87,2135(9(17,21$1'&21752/ ,33& $1' 7+(,1'8675,$/(0,66,216',5(&7,9( ,(' $1'',5(&7,9((&2)0$<21 $0%,(17$,548$/,7<$1'&/($1(5$,5)25(8523( 7+( $0%,(17$,548$/,7<',5(&7,9( 7+(:$7(5)5$0(:25.',5(&7,9( '(52*$7,21 352-(&7&217(;7 27+(5/(*$/$1'32/,&<3529,6,216 8./(*,6/$7,21 1$785$/(19,5210(17$1'585$/&20081,7,(6$&7 7+(&28175<6,'($1'5,*+762):$<$&7 1$785$/(19,5210(17$1'585$/&20081,7,(6$&7 0$'('(9(/230(17&216(1725'(56 75$16%281'$5< ())(&76 /2&$/,03$&75(32576 5(/(9$17'(9(/230(173/$16 7+(6(&5(7$5<2)67$7(¶632:(56720$.($'&2 5HSRUWWRWKH6HFUHWDU\RI6WDWH ,QWHUQDO3RZHU*HQHUDWLRQ(QKDQFHPHQWIRU3RUW7DOERW6WHHOZRUNV 4 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS IN RELATION TO POLICY AND FACTUAL ISSUES ...................................................................
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