^ l i a i T v ^ T B MmnOitan Curoteo ffm O li THURSDAT, JANUARY 9, im . ' AVKBACn DAILY OmODLATIOM Tta* ragular meeting of Minn- DANCE TO THE McKinney la atarting hla aeoon'd tor the Hoalh M DMaaabar, IM t - tonomoh Tribe No. 68, I. O. R. M., term. mesaaga and also sing at the morn­ rurseaM of O. a Wmtfin Bart CONNECTICUT , PUBUC SE1BACK wiu be held tomsrrow night a t 8:15 ing sendee. Majoi Atkinson wlU Baitford o'clock In Tinker ball. LYNCH AGAIN MADE The llrat term of Quatave Schrei SALVATION ARMY TROUBAOORS’ ORCHESTRA ORANGE HALL her, third member, wlU expire next speak St the evening sendee. A rep­ n-nK IIA U ebu Vblr and slightly ooMar twOghtt October. resentative . number of veteran Msnowsrai Conn 5,852 Saturday inereoatag eloaghw** fol­ School St. Bee., Frida]r> Jon. 10 TOMORROW NIGHT AT 8:30 Past Noble Oranda Mrs. Jessie members wlU also take parL Favor­ ’ t t Om Audit lowed by rain or mow B o tu r ^ 8:80 to 12:S0. AdmlMlon SSc. Wallace and Mra. Marion Straughan RELIEF BOARD HEAD VETERANS’ DAY ite old-time songs and melodies will of OiealutloM alghk ^ Door Prize, Seeson P au. of Sunset Rebekah lodge; Noble be rendered oy the band and Song­ CASH PRIZES Grand Mra. Grace Latbrop, Vice SOUTH METBODIST GUILD sters Brigade. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM The Coast to Coast setback club's Grand Mra. Lottie Cummings and Major Atkinson has received an Self Serve Friday Mra. Kathleen Sweet, attended the Invitation from the Mount Vernon (OaoaUed Adverttataig oa Dagu It.}, second team defeated the Hartford Named Qiairmao at Meeting Local Corps to Pay Respects VOL. LVw NO. 86. MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, JANUARY 10.1986. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE < ABOUT TOWN Y. M. C. A. last night. 384 to 333, Installation of Ivy Rebekah lodge In PLANS PARISH SUPPERS Cotpa to attend the sendees con­ 3 to 6 Specials a margin of 61 points. A meeting Glastonbury last night. Dlatrlct ducted by the National aecretary. Dick Oerson and hla orcheatra, of the club will be held tonight at Deputy President Mrs. Whitman and Last Night; Has Been Mem* to Retired Officers Now Commissioner Edward Parker. The formerly from New Tork, will play 8:30 o’clock at the clubhouse on her installing staff of Priscilla Re­ Gleaners’ Group to Be in major was formerly stationed In 19c Package tonight at the Silver OrlU. There Maple Ptreet. bekah lodge of Middletown were In Charge of First in Series of that city but owing to the sendees will also be a floor show featuring charge of the work. her Over 25 Years. Liviiig in Town. here be will be unable to accept the the singing and dancing Lurie sta­ Four — To Be Held Next Invitation. The course in "Home Hygiene and Wednesday. ters. •-Care of the Sick, " .sponsored by the The Manchester Sub-deb club met RINSO - _ f— Tu'e.sday evening at the home of Edward D. Lynch, milk producer A story-hour lor children of National Red Cross, and under the Sunday Veterans' Day will be ob­ In.strut'tlon of Miss Lena D. Mcf> of Miss Rose OrtItcIIi of 15 Warren of 235 Vernon street, was re-elected grades 1 to 6 Inclusive will take street. During a abort business The Wesleyan Guild of the South served throughout Salvation Army HOUSE place tomorrow afternoon at 4 Waterbury. will be completed next chairman at the organization meet­ Methodist church la arranging for circles when the reUred officers of THE BONUS week. On Thursday evening, Janu meeting Mias Marguerite Peabody all ranks wlU occupy the place of Walter N. Leclerc o’clock at the Whiton Memorial and Mlsa Blrgett Frlssell were Ini­ ing of the Board of Relief laat night. a seriea of four monthly pariah sup­ 2 “y ] * library. ary 16. the class wfll present a two> pers, each one In charge of a differ­ honor. Adjutant Valentine of the lo­ •T act play entitled "Convincing Aunt tiated. At the social time whlcb Everett T. McKinney, wjio waa re­ cal corps has arranged for the real- Funeral Director followed cocoa, cake and lee cream appointed to the Board of Select­ ent group of Guild workers. The Wtlbrod Messier was winner of Lucy." The play will be given at first oh Wednesday, January 16, at dent retired officers. Major and 858 No. Mido St* Monchcotot Short “Last Mile” For Hauptmann the V. M. C. A., and will be open to were served. The next meeting will men last October, was reelected sec­ Mrs. Edward Atkinson and Com- Confectionery first prize in bridge and Mrs. Rriso be held January 21 at the homo ol retary. 6 o'clock will be managed by the MORGAN EXCITED the public. mandant Roblna Larder, to conduct Oruessher second at the card party Miss Florence McNeill of Walnut During next month the board will Gleaners’ group. The leader, Mra. the services morning and evening. at St. James's hall last night. Mrs. A meeting of the committee from street. review the work of the asseaaora Gladys Moseley, will supervise the Mrs. Larder will bring a scripture a s * 3 5 5 T O J Stephen Horan wa.'s first in whist Gibbons Assembly, C. L. of C. in who will complete the grand Ust for dining room arrangements imd Mrs. SUGAR \and Miss Abbie Fogarty second in charge of the Jerold O’NeUl lecture. The flnal sitting of the setback thla year January 31. Public hear­ Ellen Crosaen, the kitchen. AS HE ANSWERS ^blst and Miss Sue Gleason first January 28, is called for tomorrow tournament being played between ings to receive complaints will be It Is hoped the parishioners will Mrs. Mary McVeigh second in evening at the home of the chair teams representing Campbell Coun­ held from February 1 to 8 Inclusive, support these suppers, and to assist L. T. Wood Co. lb. pkg. setback. Rcfrc.shmenls were .served man. Mrs. H. H. I-»ongaker, 215 Pine cil, K, of C., and the Holy Name It was decided last night, with eve­ the committee It Is advisable that vomc TooAv ON VETERANS MEASUR] followng the plnjing. street. Society will be played at St. Brid­ ning sessions February 3 and 7 from reservations be made through Mrs. 51 Bisseil St. Tel. 4496 get’s pariah hall Friday evening. The 6 to 8 p. m., and afternoon sessions Marion Eddy, telephone 6593, at an APRON PROBERS* QUERIES Holy Name Society Is leading by 99 the other days from 1;30 to 4 p. m. early date. Over 2,000 Soldiers and Sail­ points and It Is hardly expected that James M. Clcmlnshaw and Ed­ A G E N T Tins Is More Than the TvrS the lead will be overtaken and that ward Wilkins of the J. M. Clemin- DANCE ors Angment Police to the Holy Name teams will win the shaw company of Cleveland, which Saturday Night, January 11 lenies His Banidiig House State *s Share of Bonus tournament and the supper. made the qulntcnnlal rca.ssessment FOR 50 MEN GUARD Thirds Required to Passi; WAIT AND WATCH last year, will attend the hearings FOB YOUR BVH.DINO AND 7:30 to 12:00 O’clock The CHOICE Guard Against Disturb­ and will work with the Board of Re­ REPAIR JOBS CALL TURN HALL Bronght On Panic in 1915 lief during the remainder of the OPPERS of a good automobile insurance More Than 26Million Bill Over Fri month, BIELAK’S ORCHESTRA policy is of vital importance to LAWTON MILLS ances as Cubans BafloL PLAYERS TO OFFER WM. KANEHL The lady with the prettiest apron in Order to Force Presi­ Mr. Lynch has been a member of General Butldlni; Contractor will win a prize. you . 1 seli dependable auto­ Veto — House Defetfl;^ the Board of Relief for more than a mobile insurance. IVasblngton, Jan. 10.— (AP) —^.Michigan 134,000 n.476.704 PHILCO quarter of n century and has been 519 Center St Phone 7778 Admission 25o. OKE dent Wilson to Permit IN PLAINVILLE Havana, Jan. 10.—(AP)—A dosen Rep. Patman (D., Tex.) made the Minnesota ...,, 86,632 02,780,630 TOLLYANNA’ NEXT chairman for many years. Mr. persons were wounded In a seriea ot following estimate today of the num­ Mississippi , . , 36,802 10,808,411 Motion to Pay B oras W i|| a Missouri ........ 111,706 60,820,033 Loans to ADies. Santiago bomb exploalona today, a Ofdtf 9H Cash JOHN L. JENNEY State Police Added to Local ber of veterans, by states, holding Montana ........ 18,106 10,281,687 Unexpended Relief Fi Price 10 Depot Square Phone 6860 noisy prelude to the election of a certificates and the amount which Nebraska ..,. 40,238 21,803,100 Educational Club to Sponsor 1 2 ^ Representing President and other constitutional would be paid them under the House Nevada .......... 8,066 1,771,846 Ton THE TRAVELERS, Hartford, Conn. Washington, Jan. 10.—(At*)—J, Force — Town Quiet — officers by Chiba’s 2,000,000 voters. cash payment bill: New Hamp'h* 12,370 7,308,118 BRUNNEk - BENSON STUDENTS New Jersey ,. 116,440 60,670,645 Washington, Jan. 10.—(AP)- Now Is the proper time to P. Morgan whaled away today at a Ten bombs exploded before the No. of Community Play Next K You Prefer Coke Senator’s charge that hla big bank­ polls opened In the seaport city of State Certificates Total Value New Mexico ,. 10,101 6,810,432 eruahlng Houoa majority to< rent or buy a good Standard 300 Oot of 850 Employes New York .
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