FRAMWELLGATE MOOR PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Wednesday 4th May 2016 held in the Pavilion Building, Front Street, commencing immediately following the conclusion of the Annual Assembly of Electors meeting which was scheduled to commence at 6.15pm. Present:- Councillors: - P.Wolstenholme (Chair), G. Blenkiron, C.Hillary, T. Moderate, C.Lowery, P.Dawson, A.Smith, and P.Johnson 2 Police Representatives County Councillors A.Hopgood, M.Simmons and M.Wilkes No Members of the Public Apologies: - Councillors, K.Gates, and K.Willis Election of Chairperson for the ensuing year Councillor Moderate was nominated, seconded and therefore duly elected to the position of Chairperson for the ensuing year and then signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Min.No.3103 Election of Vice Chairperson for the ensuing year Councillor Hillary was nominated, seconded and therefore duly elected to the position of Vice Chairperson for the ensuing year. Min.No.3104 Appointment of Internal Auditor The Council agreed to the appointment of John Price Min.No.3105 Appointment of School Governers The existing arrangements of existing members attending these meetings would continue but the Council agreed to review these to comply more fully with existing legislative requirements. Min.No.3106 Appointment of Representatives to Outside Bodies County Durham Association of Local Councils These appointments would be considered again at a future meeting. Framwellgate Moor Youth and Community Association The Council would be represented by Councillor Smith Area Action Partnership T. Moderate and C.Hillary were confirmed to these positions. Min.No.3107 Notices of Motion and Declarations of Interest There were none made or received at the meeting. Min.No.3108 1 Minutes of the meeting held on 13th April 2016 These had been circulated and were confirmed as a true and correct record, subject to a typographical correction to a street name in the Parish, and they were signed by the Chairperson. Min.No.3109 Report of Community Police The Chairman welcomed the police representatives to the meeting and their report, previously circulated, included the following:- Framwellgate Moor Parish Council Meeting Framwellgate Pity Me Brasside Arnison Centre Moor Figures for month beginning 01/04/2016-30/04/2016 Burglary 1 2 0 0 Burglary Other (Sheds, Garages & 1 1 0 0 Businesses) Criminal Damage 2 0 0 0 Theft of Motor Vehicle 0 0 0 0 Theft from Motor Vehicle 0 0 0 0 Thefts 1 3 0 5 Violence Against the Person 3 1 0 0 Robbery 0 0 0 1 Anti-Social 12 2 1 2 Behaviour/Harassment Road Related Nuisance 4 0 2 0 133 reported incidents over the month of APRIL 2016. Figures from above relate to: Burglary Other Front Street, Framwellgate Moor – bikes stolen from garden shed Woodbine Road, Pity Me – bike stolen from garage Burglary Dwelling Lilac Avenue, Framwellgate Moor – unknown person break window and enter an unoccupied property. Nothing stolen. Beaver Close, Pity Me – unknown persons break into a property and remove numerous items from inside. Occupants not at home at the time. Kira Drive, Pity Me – unknown persons break and enter into a property where an occupant is inside. She is scared and runs to neighbours address. There is CCTV but as yet offenders have not be identified. Criminal Damage Front Street, Framwellgate Moor – damage to a fruit machine in the Happy Wanderer Garden Avenue, Framwellgate Moor – fire damage caused to an empty property Theft of Motor Vehicle No reported incidents Theft from Motor Vehicle No reported incidents. 2 Thefts Cocken Farm – theft of windows and doors of a caravan stored at the site. 5 reported shoplifting offences from the Arnison Centre Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor – theft of pedal cycle parts from a bike in a secure rear yard Front Street, Pity Me – theft of garden furniture from a rear yard. Paxtons, Pity Me – theft of trailer wheels from the compound Robbery Costa Coffee, Arnison Centre – known persons enters premises and threatens staff Violence Against The Person Beaumont Close, Framwellgate Moor – domestic incident Front Street, Framwellgate Moor – known students from New College attacking a fellow student with learning difficulties New College, Durham – report of a student assault another student inside the premises. Abbey Road, Pity Me – report of girls fighting and assault a female. Anti Social Behaviour/Harassment ASB Personal Carrside, Framwellgate Moor – report of children and adults making threats to each other. Finchale Road, Framwellgate Moor – report of a personal nature – domestic related The Avenue, Pity Me – report of a personal nature, between neighbours Arnison Centre, Pity Me – report of a dispute over parking. ASB Nuisance Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor – report of youths banging on windows and throwing things. Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor – report of a known youth causing nuisance outside of children’s home Front Street, Framwellgate Moor – report of known youths causing nuisance outside of Sainsbury’s Front Street, Framwellgate Moor – report of known youths causing nuisance outside of Millennium Restaurant Front Street, Framwellgate Moor – report of unknown persons going through the charity shop bins at the rear of the premises. Finchale Road, Framwellgate Moor – report of youths causing a nuisance and drinking outside of property. Underpass, Framwellgate Moor – report of youths causing nuisance, lighting fires and drinking. New College, Framwellgate Moor – 3 x reports of youths causing nuisance with off road bikes The Forge, Pity Me – report of noise nuisance from neighbouring property. Brasside – report of a prison visitor causing nuisance to staff. Arnison Centre, Pity Me – report of a note being left on a car. Harassment Finchale Avenue, Brasside – dispute between neighbours, resulting in threats being made on several occasions Road Related Nuisance and Highway Disruption Lilac Avenue, Framwellgate Moor – Vehicle causing obstruction to a bus. Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor – report of a known youth riding up and down the street on a motorbike without licence, insurance, etc. Kirby Avenue, Framwellgate Moor – 2 x report of a known vehicle blocking a driveway Finchale Avenue, Brasside – 2 x reports of vehicle parked blocking the footpath. For information: 2 Traffic 183 warning notices have been issued in relation to the motorbike complaints. 2 Community Protection Notices (warnings) have been issued to two males in relation to anti social behaviour around Framwellgate Moor and Pity Me. A further Community Protection Notice (warning) is to be issued to another male once we can catch him at home. Thank you to everyone who came along to the Framwellgate Office official opening on Wednesday 27th April and I hope everyone had a good day. Following questions, the Chairman thanked the Police Representatives for their attendance. Min.No.3110 3 Public Matters There were no items raised for consideration. Min.No.3111 Members Matters The following issues/items were raised for action / follow up for attention or noted : A query was received from a dog walker regarding suitable locations to walk their dog. An issue was raised about the creation of a Parish Plan and reference was made to grants available to help fund the cost of this. There was a need to consider setting up new operational policies and procedures for the Pavilion Building, Bowling Club and Play areas to be considered at a future meeting of the Council. The website was now working and approval was given to the installation of a site map at a maximum cost of £120.00 (excluding VAT). Min.No.3112 Report from Unitary County Councillors The Chairman welcomed the County Councillors to the meeting. The report given to the meeting included the following:- The drainage works for the Brasside Play Project was to be funded by S106 money. The planters throughout the Parish area would be attended to by the Greenkeepeer once their locations had been established. There were some works to trees in the Parish which quotes would be obtained from. The Cabinet were giving consideration to the creation of 20mph speed limits around school areas. The Chairman thanked the County Councillors for the report. Min.No.3113 Clerks Report a. From County Council (i) Planning Applications. The Council considered lists of Planning Applications received since the previous meeting All applications considered were as follows : 4 1. List dated 18th April 2016 App. Number Applicant Location Proposal Case Decision Officer Level DM/16/01166/FPA Avant Homes Site Of Former County Retaining wall, associated engineering Durham & Darlington Fire & operations and amendment to Chris Delegated Rescue Service H/quarters boundary treatment Shields Finchale Road Framwellgate Moor DH1 5JR DM/16/01030/FPA Mr Marco Calzini Adventure Valley Extension to existing shop to form Union Hall Farm larger shop. Lisa Delegated Brasside Morina Durham DH1 5SG DM/16/01025/AD Rapleys LLP Lidl Uk Gmbh Erection and display of 1no. internally- Wheatlands Way illuminated free-standing pylon sign. Stephen Delegated Pity Me Potter Durham DH1 5GB DM/16/01156/FPA Mr Roger The Granary Erection of 1.5 storey extension to rear Stephenson 3 Red House Farm of dwelling. Lisa Delegated Pity Me Morina Durham DH1 5RZ 2. List dated 25th April 2016 App. Number Applicant Location Proposal Case Decision Officer Level DM/16/01171/AD Food Programme Salutation Inn Erection and display of 1no. internally Delivery Orchid Dryburn View illuminated totem sign Stephen Delegated Group Finchale Road Potter Framwellgate Moor Durham DH1 5AP DM/16/01202/FPA McDonald's McDonald's Restaurants Ltd Refurbishment and reconfiguration of Restaurants Ltd Unit L the restaurant, drive thru lane and patio Arnison Retail Centre area to include extensions totaling Jennifer Delegated Pity Me 24.8sqm, incorporating associated Jennings Durham works to the site. Alterations to DH1 5GB elevations which include the installation of an additional booth to accommodate the new fast forward lane.
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