THE NOTRE DAM E SCHOLASTIC VOL. 79 OCTOBER 8, 1943 NO. 13 9n ^UU 9UM: lOOfh Commencemenf V'12 Dance Next Week Emigranfs fo Ann Arbor Irish-Michigan Tilf Inferhall Foofball AUTUMN LEAVES COVER LAKE WALKS— AND PATHS TO ST. MARY'S I ^ I PARKER-WINTERROWD I 151/2 - I 171/2 No. Main Street (Upstairs) North of the Oliver Hotel ^a^ 35 ifeanA, Soddk l^enJl^ old eiiaUuked OFFICERS' UNIFORMS Our Naval Officers' uniforms may be worn with pride. They are regulation and their fine fabrics, precise fitti ng qualities and appearance effect the compli­ ments of the highest traditions of the Naval Service. Prices are modest and the service rendered is in keeping with our highest standards. ' "' l4Je l4Jelco4m l/fou^ 9H^faeciia*t Naval Uniforms » $38.00 upwards — Also — Whites Ties Khakis Shirts Raincoats — Overcoats — Caps — Etc. OPEN SATURDAY QuefUf, Qa/ufieHt Gu4,to4ft Made PHONE 3-6318 AND FOR SUNDAY AFTERNOONS APPOINTMENTS Bill Roberts CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES Jim Cunningham 406 St. Ed's. >yOTWWWWWWWCT9?W779WWqWWWW0O0POTg9Wy99q^^ J Custom-Tailored Naval Officers Uniforms When you purchase your Officer's Uniforms you will select a tailor in whom you have confidence. You will expect smart style, correct fit and service under all conditions of wear. You will also require delivery in ample time with a guarantee of satisfaction, whether your assign­ ment be salt or fresh water. This quality, service and guarantee you'll expect at reasonable cost. Ed. V. Price & Co. — "largest tailors in the world of good made-to- order clothes"— meet all service requirements. Our uniforms are worn by officers in all parts of the world, on land, on sea. and in the air. Our trademark "Ye Jolly Little Tailor" is as jamiliar a sight today as it has been jar nearly fifty years. It guarantees to you absolute satisfaction NO MATTER WHERE YOUR STATION. Our Uniforms are fine in style, quality and fit. Ye Jolly Little Tailor Our prices are moderate because we tailor and sell direct to you. That we do render satisfaction is evidenced by the fact that approx­ imately one-third of the last class graduating from Notre Dame was uniformed by Ed. V. Price & Co., without a single disappointment. We suggest that you drop into our store this next week-end or ship's tailor 148 Morrissey Hall week days. An inspection of our Uniforms will convince you. I 77 West LaSalle St., South Bend. Indiana (Opposite the Hoffman Hotel) 4-0220 General office and shops: 327 W. Van Buren St.. Chicago Ship's Tailor: 148 Morrissey Hall Officially Appointed Ship's Tailor for U. S. N. R. Notre Dame Midshipmen School J- HE NOTRE DAME T SCHOLASTIC Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus BY BILL TALBOT AND JIM CUNNINGHAM FOUNDED 1SG7 TOP OF THE WEEK By the way, the pep rally wasn't bad at Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, all; but it lasted forever, and that is not Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of "Whip The Wolverines!" necessary; almost made us miss the show postage. Section 1103, October 3, 1917. Authorized June" 25. 1918. in the Navy drill hall, a show by far the ONE FOR THE BOOKS best yet presented.... We missed the Engineers' Ball, but were told that it Great game last week. Nice plays. lived up to all expectations, thus prov­ Nice scoring. Nice going, team. The N. ing that a Friday night dance can still R. 0. T. C, spic and span to the last be staged successfully. Incidentally, with man, kept their distance from the rest all the big week-end celebration, we are of us who were woefully in want of having the devil's own time trying to pleasant companionship. Not only were A raise $3.00 for that Ann Arbor trip. the Walsh boys the best-dressed set in Fortunately, we ran into a program LI \\ the stadium; their associates were eye salesman and achieved our goal. filling. As usual (and we told you so) the best of the flock were the dates from •:• the "Rock". From one of our usually reliable sources comes the report that HERE WE GO AGAIN one of the Marines was seen standing up Ah, fall! ah, leaves that are falling! during the third quarter—sort of a sev­ ah, the belles that take their toll! With F. J. PEQUIGNEY, Editor enth-inning stretch, no doubt. all the dances now going on at Notre Dame, the denizens of that high-towered, ROBEKT O'TOOLB . Managing Editor hamlet are starting to hang out that BILL CAREY. Sports Editor ORCHIDS TO old familiar shingle bearing the tell-tale. DICK AMES .:. Campus Editor war cry: "St. Mary's Can Go." And JAMES SCHAEFFER wAdmin. Editor The Na\"y officer who jumped out of -that's supposed to make everybody just JOHN MATTMILLER Circulation the stands to lead the Middies in a cheer too, too happy. From usually reliable for Georgia Tech and a cheer for Notre sources (again), we overheard our ghost CHARLES .,RBNAUD......Sta# Photographer Dame—^that was the sporting thing to writer, Augustus Gump, declaring that REV. C. M; CAREY. Faculty Advisor do. And to those asking why Middies a crop of unusual Freshmen over there sat in that particular spot, here is the has compelled some Seniors to stick a Features answer; V-7 men outrank all other Navy big neon, sign above the driveway arch, The Weeki:^ JWm. Talbot and trainees at the school, and therefore reading "(H) OPEN FOR BUSINESS." headed the contingent of servicemen at­ And darn if we don't invariably fall for •• " I James Cunningham tending the game And wasn't the old it, bless their little hearts! Pressbox Splinters Bill Waddington weatherman a gentleman, for once! . N.R.O.T.C.„..„-.H. Gilligan, J. D. Usma People in the boxes are always interest­ •:• Marines — Lou Riepenhoff ing, aren't; they? ... "VYe thought. the ROMANCE . band was very good; but the play-, The big game got under way Avith ing of the "Victory March" so often Wilburfore and his beloved, bedraggled tends to make a highly respected song Mildred munching Paul's Enriched very common. We remember when every­ Kreamo bread in the north stands. But one in the stadimn used to stand with alas! catastrophe struck. As Mello ^nd bared heads during its rendition — but the Bert went to work Mildred began that tradition was not borne out Satur­ to cry. She had forgotten her slide rule day. ... By the way, Philbert, do you and was unable to keep track of the know of anyone Avith^a big' truck going score. It grieved her very much be­ by Ann Arbor this commg Saturday? cause she had- all her money sunk into a We can assure the fellow that he won't total-scoTe pool. Wiburfore, being. a be lonesome. commerce man, couldn't do a thing with­ out a calculating machine. So tears ran Members- of Catholic School Press Association, IT CAN HAPPEN HERE down, the cheeks of pretty Millie. And Associated Collegiate Press, Distributor of Col- ' This business about Navy Company B as they did they cut grooves in her - legiate Digest. Represented for national advertis­ is really getting serious. From bur un-^' make-up, and suddenly she. was carried ing by National _ Advertising Sex-vice, Inc., 420 'off by four guards. Wilburfore was sad. Madison Avenue, ' New York City—Chicago—Bos­ derstanding of it, there are' seven men ton—Los Angeles—San , Francisco. THE SCHO­ vested with, power to take demerit cards Mildred had been mistaken for Mrs. LASTIC is published 30 times during • the . school upon the slightest notice. They are af­ Pruneface. year at the University of .Notre Dame. Address - • -, all manuscript to the. Editor, 305 Sorin .Hall or fectionately called the Gestapo , Goat 121 • Administration . BIdg., Notre Dame, Indiana. Guards. One of the more amiable mem­ bers of this group last week even wore BOnOM OF THE WEEK .; Staff meetings in the Editorial Rooms, Old Ave Maria Building: Sunday through Wednesday at an arm-band with a large "G" on it.... WTiat! No Bearskin!! •7:15 p.m..' .' .-\ . -.. - ' - THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at ^fotre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailine at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Autliorized Jane 23. 1918. VOL. 79 OCTOBER 8. 1943 NO. 13 100th Commencement October 29th 209 to Receive Degrees Notre Dame's 100th Commencement, country as Cardinal Pacelli, and it has ley is a Knight of St. Gregory and an long awaited and long planned, was an­ remained close to his heart. outstanding American Catholic layman. nounced by Eev: Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C., Leo T. Crowley, recently appointed The war will be evident in the absence president, to be held on Friday, Oct. 29. as foreign economic administrator after of many of those receiving degrees, and "War has modified its original scope a brilliant record in business and pub­ in the presence of a number of gradu­ severely, but in its present plans are lic affairs, will be among those to be ates in the uniforms of the services, es­ the symbol and the implications that honored at this historic commencement pecially the V-12 programs on the Notre were to mark the formal closing of the with the honorary doctorate of laws. Dame campus. The simimer school, which University's centenary year. Bishop O'Connor and Governor Kelly did not hold a commencement daring the \\all be so honored. smnmer, will also award its degrees, This lOOtli Commencement will be the Mr.
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