West Dean Parish Council Newsletter AUTUMN 2020 Volume 3 Issue 3 Recent grant awards delight Berry Hill; Bream; Brockhollands; Cannop; Berry Hill RFC Bream Sports Club Pillowell VillageHall Christchurch; Clements End; £3,450 £3,399 £3,000 Edge End;Ellwood; Joyford; Disabled access/car Tractor Electrical, plastering Little Drybrook; Nine Wells; park repairs & insulation work Oldcroft; Parkend; Pillowell; Shortstanding; Sling; Viney Hill; Whitecroft; Yorkley Inside this issue Yorkley Community Dean Yorkley School PTA All in a P2 Centre Scribblers £2,000 day’s work.. £1,382 £200 School trip& commemorative Kitchen Fi�ngs Prin�ng school ……..All in a P3 creative writing mosaic day’s work anthology Forestry P4 information Ellwood Football Berry Hill Memorial Viney Hill Club P5 Club Ins�tute £5,000 £4,00 0 £1,000 Refurbishment of Shed for equipment Redecoration Club House P5 for WDPC awards Cricket P6 at Bream Forest Read Easy All images for Keep safety P7 illustra�on only Deal (FRED) in mind £1,178 Seepage5 for some Reading and Dean Forest P8 teaching materials recipients’ responses Greenway News of P9 PARISHcouncillors havecontinued to new councillors Workingfrom meet via Zoomthroughout lockdown. and Village P10 will beresumingmeetings,subject to veg homeand, as Governmentguidelines, at the WestDean P11 Centre whenit is safe andlegal to doso PageF 1orest Edge South always, open (See also P4) Seethe council website - Knowyour P12 for business www.westdeanpc.org.uk councillors for full details of parish councilmeetings Page 2 Your man for Thedeputy clerk has the duty to back-up the clerk, currently Dave Kent, and take on jobs delegated from him as well as standing in during Spotlight holidays and sickness. However the day-to-day on role is Administrator at The West Dean Centre at Bream I AM Clive Hooper, the Locum and to look after the amenity Deputy Clerk at West Dean Parish provision in the parish. Council. becameayouth centre under the control of the county council. Twenty years later, the county council decidedtosell off the old school as a development site. Bream residents rebelled and, using money for a new burial West ground, bought the building which became Bream Community Centre, (Photo©Clive Hooper) in 2000. The parish council carried out a Dean THEWest Dean Centre inthe High building refurbishment andin 2005 Street atBream is the former demolishedthe old school toilet Church of England National School, block to build a parish office to built by the Rev Witherby in the house the clerk. In addition there Parish 1860s, extended by the Rev was a new suite of toilets, including Gosling a few years later and again a public toilet accessible from by the Rev Eales in 1901. It had outside. The building was renamed four classrooms andthe boys and The West Dean Centre. Deputy girls had separate entrances and The deputy clerk administers playgrounds. the centre,from ensuring its When secondary education was continuing maintenance, through to re-organisedin the 1970s, Bream liaising with the 30user groups and Clerk School was closed andthe building operating the booking calendar. ANOTHERmain duty is West Dean Parish area. Bowson Square in the looking after the Some have playing woodland and at Council's Amenity fields and play parks Crowash Road. Provision. The largest run by their own The play equipment of these is overseeing management needs to have a weekly the maintenance and committees. However inspection for safety safety of the council's West DeanParish which the deputyclerk play parks. Council has three play carries out and also a There are more than areas it controls at the yearly more detailed 20 conurbations in West Dean Centre; inspection by RoSPA. Page 3 all reasons at WDP ◼ The Bowson Snake (left), Bowson Zip (right) in Bream with Crowash play area, Berry Hill (below left) The Play areas, which were closed during the COVID-19 lock-down, are all part of the deputy clerk’s responsibility. They are now open again with parents supervising their children and ensuring Covid- 19 compliance. Other amenities the deputy clerk managesare street furniture including notice boards,benches, bus shelters, waste bins and grit bins as pictured here in Sling (Below) Recent additions to the Amenities Portfolio include redundant phone boxes. The Post Office has recently de- activated 14 phone boxes in the West Dean area which the WDPC has adopted on behalf ofparishioners. It is hoped they will be used for a whole variety of purposes such as art venues, sites for defibrillators orbook stalls when they have been refurbished. ◼ The deputy clerk is currently Shown here (right) is the Sling Phone box awaiting working from home during the Covid refurbishment. crisis. If you need to contact him call (Photos © Clive Hooper) Clive � 01594 530641 Page 4 Help keep our beautiful Forest clean and safe THIS year we have seen a huge increase in li�er in the forest. To protect our forests,do notli�er and please take your rubbish home. With more than 100 entries. Forest primary school pupils have created li�er posters. The three winning posters seenhere will be displayed at Forestry England sites. We were overwhelmedwiththe creativity and effort these young people putintohelp stop littering. Please con�nue to helpus keep our beau�ful forest cleanandsafe. Larissa Lingham ◼ Third placewas awarded to ◼ The winning poster by 10- Chloe Newman (10) a pupil at year old Bea Manning from Ann CamCofESchool. Dymock. Lydney. ◼ In secondplace was Amelia James, Class 3, Walford. Primary School. subs�tute for face-to -face mee�ngs advance. Furtherdetails are on the Coronavirus — in a council chamber and we were Council web site. WDPC’s policy looking forward to returning to our In a changing and uncertain world, tradi�onal mee�ngs. weareopen forbusiness as usual. However,the latest Government The physical office at the West Dean WEST Dean Parish Council had instruc�ons (at the �me of wri�ng) Centre is closed, but we respond to intended to return to holding our seem to forbid these public telephone calls and emails and carry mee�ngs at the West Dean Centre in gatherings. We are seeking out our work around ourparish. September.Sincethe start of the clarifica�on on what is meant by We are frustrated bythe emergency lock down in March, ‘workplace’, as theseareas are restric�ons and we look forward to mee�ngs havebeen held on line exempt from the new lockdown rules. returning to the West Dean Centre using Zoom technology, to which Our adviceat the moment is to be when it is safe and legal to do so. members of the public have been cau�ous and to protect councillors, invited. staff and members of thepublic. With the recent li�ing of certain We will be rever�ng to Zoom restric�ons it seemed we could revert mee�ngs un�l it is safe and legal to to physical mee�ngs. get back to thecouncil chamber. Although Zoom enabled council Members of the public maya�end business to con�nue, it is apoor on applica�on to the parish clerk in Page 5 “This is reallylo vely news, thank you very much indeed.” how our communi�es welcomed their grant bid outcomes THANK you, that’s brilliant news. Please thank all members ofWDPC forsuppor�ng us in our next planned projects. It’s also good to know we are on the same wavelength with regards to the club’s link with the Berry Hillc ommunity. I’ll share the news at the club’s Zoom mee�ng. Hopefully as we come out of COVIDour delayed projects can start. (See page 11for workin progress). John Evans, Berry HillRFC ONbehalf of Pilllowell VillageHall committee, we would like to say a huge thankyoutoWDPCfor the ongoing support through the amazing Community Grant system. We have alreadylined up a builder/plasterer to undertake this work on the downstairs area of the hall. As the unlock from Covid19con�nues we are hoping to open our door, star�ng with our much supported coffee mornings. We have beenavery fortunate beneficiary from community grant monies overthe years, which has resultedinanowwarmand cosy place to meet. It is the central hub for people in our small, friendly village. We feel that WDPC always puts 'community' at the heart of its work. Manymany thanks, once again! Kindregards. Peter DunfordPillowell Village Hall Commi�ee THIS is marvellous news. Bream Sports Club would like to thank West DeanParishCouncil for its kindsupport. It has been very difficult project to under take, but the fruits of our labour are beginning to show already, with anund er 13s’ Cricket team springing up at the club. Once again a big thanktoWest DeanParish Council for its con�nued support. Many thanks. Jonathon Graham Thankyou so much! Wewill of courseprovide photosand information in our schoolnewsletter. Someof the grant will bespent oncethe wholeschool are back in Septemberbut wewill keepyou postedwith that too. I am so delighted. Thank yout o you and all the councillors. The children will beoverthe moonwhenthey We have started our planning for re-opening but it could well find out onMonday. be August before we meet all the criteria from the GCC Covid guidelines but as soon as we are able to, we will send you Thank youfor considering us. pictures and details. Thankyou for le�ingme know. Treasurer: VickyCockingYorkley PTA Best regards Rita Birch Yorkley,Commun ity Centre Manager Page 6 A cut above the rest CricketClub. The cricket club triumphedbut the football club performedverywell with both ball and bat. Not really a game for the purist, the next fixture saw the rugby clubvBream Amateurs FC. It was wholly enjoyedby the villagers whocame to watch. Live music was provided by Mike and Dan during andafter the game.
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