g,Eppnq5 ronnFlrugGgr?plal €b6?D6iruu6, G'lsaneinar - 106 TAMIL NADU STATEELECTION COMMISStrON, Chennai- 600106. elr ufran €b6dr666r STATUTORYORDER eqgdas gfliq ABSTRACT ELECTIONS- OrdinaryElections to UrbanLocal Bodies - October2011- TiruvallurDistrict - - Contestedcandidates Failed to lodge accountsof election expenses - Show causenotices issued - Failed to submit explanationand accounts - Disqualification- ordered. S.O.No. 3 5/20 1 3 /TNSEC/I4E-tr Read: 1. S.O.No. 3912011/TNSEC/EE,dated, the 156 September2011. 2. S.O.No.38/201I/TNSECIEE, dated, the 15b September2011. 3. S.O.No.45l2011/TNSECA4E1, dated, the 21't September 2011. 4. Fromthe District ElectionOfficer,District Collector, Tiruvallur District Lr.NoPtc. 14301 120 12lftft1 dated2t.tt.Z0I2 5' Show causenotice issuedby the Tamil Nadu StateElection Commission Rc.No.6993 /20 IL|MEZ, dated17 .12.2012 6. Fromthe District ElectionOfficer/District Collector, Tiruvallur District Lr. No. Rc. 14301 120 12/rtt$l 1 dated25 .4.20 B, rc.1.2013. 25 .7 .2013 and, 27.9.2013. ORDER: WHEREAS,in the Notification issuedwith the StatutoryOrder first readabove, by invoking sub-rule(3) of the rule 116 of the Tamil Nadu Town Panchayats,Third GradeMunicipalities, Municipalitiesand Corporations(Elections) Rules, 2006, the Commissiondirected that all the contestingcandidates in the electionslisted thereinshall lodge a true copy of their accountsof electionexpenses keptbythem orbytheirrespective election agentunder sub-rule (1) of rule 116of the saidRules with the ofFrcersmentioned therein, within thirty daysfrom the dateof declarationof theresult of theelections; 2. WHEREAS,in the Notificationissued with the StatutoryOrder second read above, this Commissionprescribed a formatfor the saidpurpose by invokingsub-rule (2) of the rule 116 of the saidRules: 2 3. WHEREAS, this Commission conducted ordinary elections to the urban local bodies during October 201 1 as notified in the Statutory Order third read above; 4. WHEREAS, the District Election OfficerlDistrict Collector, Tiruvallur District, in his letter fourth read above reported that 557 candidatescontested in the said Ordinary Elections for various offices failed to lodge copiesof their accountof electionexpenses as directedby this Commission; 5. WHEREAS, based on the report of the said District Election Officer/District Collector, Tiruvallur, a show causenotice was issued in the reference fifth read above to each of the contested candidate, who failed to lodge a true copy of the account of election expenses in the Ordinary Elections held during the month of October 2011, through the District Election Officer/District Collector, calling for explanation within 2l days of the receipt of the said notice, as to why action should not be taken dgainsthim as per sub-section(2-A) of section 49 of the Tamil Nadu District MunicipalitiesAct, 1920(Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920); 6. WHEREAS, the said District Election Of{icer/District Collector, in his letters sixth read above, has now reported that out of the said 557 contested candidates, two contested candidates expired, 64 contested candidateslodged their accounts of election expensesalong with explanation wilhin the time prescribedand the remaining 491 contestedcandidates have neither submittedtheir explanationsnor lodgedthe accountof election expensesinspite of the show causenotices issuedto them; and 7. WHEREAS, in view of the said report of the District Election Officer/District Collector, Tamil Nadu StateElection Commission is satisfied that 49I candidateslisted in column (3) of the Table below against the contested election mentioned in the corresponding entry in column (2) thereof, have failed to lodge their account of election expensesas required by or under the said Act and haveno goodreason orjustification for the failure. 8. NOW, TF$REFORE, in exerciseof the powers conferredby sub-section(2-A) of section 49 of the Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act, 1920 (Tamil Nadu Act V of 1920),the Tamil Nadu StateElection Commissionhereby declares that the candidateslisted in column (3) of the Tablebelow against the contested election mentioned in the corresponding entry in column (2) thereof, shall be disqualified,for being electedas a Chairmanor a Councillor or a Ward member for a period of three years from the date of this Order. ThIETABLE TN"IIRUVALI-U R DISTRICT Sl.No. Electioncontested Nameof theCandidate with address ({ (21 (3) ) (Thiru/TmVSelvi) 1 AvadiMunicipality Atharial.T MunicipalityChairman No.30Palavedu Road, Mittanamallee, LA.F.Avadi, Chennai.55 2 AvadiMunicipality Antharidoss, MunicipalityChairman No.3Govinda Rajilu Street, Sri Devi Nagar, Avadi,Chennai.56 3 AvadiMunicipality AnthaKrishnan, MunicipalityChairman No.5/4Station Road, Annanur, Avadi,Chennai - 77 4 AvadiMunicipality Ramanujam.R., MunicipalityChairman No.5/13Nehru Street, Senthil Nagar, Thirumullaivoil,Chennai - 62 5 AvadiMunicipality ChandraSekar.A, MunicipalityChairman No.1 9 KarunanithiStreet, Nanthavanamettur, Avadi,Chennai - 56 6 AvadiMunicipality DeenaDayalan.C., MunicipalityChairman No.6Munusami Street. Mittanamallee. Avadi. 7 AvadiMunicipality DeenaDayalan R.C., MunicipalityChairman No.3/4Sekkadu, Bajanai Koil Street, Avadi. 8 AvadiMunicipality Ramajayam.K, MunicipalityChairman No.3Annai Terasa Street,E.S.l. Anna Nagar, Avadi,Chennai - 54 9 TiruttaniMunicipality AnanthaSayanam. K, MunicipalityChairman No.32Jothi Sami Street, Tiruttani 10 TiruttaniMunicipality A.R.K,Subhash, MunicipalityChairman No.26B MettuStreet, Tiruttani 11 TiruttaniMunicipality V. Perumal, MunicipalityChairman No.29Gandhi Road, 1st Street, Tiruttani 12 PoonamalleeMunicipality VimalKumar, MunicipalityChairman 27.Mariamman Koil Street, Poonamallee. 13 PoonamalleeMunicipality P.James, MunicipalityChairman 69.Bankkinkam Road, Poonamallee. 14 AvadiMunicipality M.lndirani MunicipalCouncillor No.38Palavedu Road, Mittanamallee. Ward No.1 Chennai.55 15 AvadiMunicipality S.Gajalakshmi MunicipalCouncillor No.48Venugopal Koil Street, WardNo.1 MittanamalleelAF, Avadi, Chennai.55 16 AvadiMunicipality Parvathisekaran, MunicipalCouncillor OldNo.9/11 Bajanai Koil Street, Ward No.1 MittanamalleelAF, Avadi, Chennai.55 17 AvadiMunicipality Sivagami,S MunicipalCouncillor No.241.6th Street, Saraswathi Nagar, WardNo.2 Thirumullaivoyal,Chennai.62 1B AvadiMunicipality Selvamani.G. MunicipalCouncillor 37lA.School street, Mittanamallee, Avadi, WardNo.2 Chennai.55 19 AvadiMunicipality Neelavathi, MunicipalCouncillor No.63.Dr.Ambedhkar street, Ward No.2 Mittanamallee,Avadi, Chennai.55 20 AvadiMunicipality MercyRani,.G. MunicipalCouncillor No.9Valluvar street. Mittanamallee. Ward No.2 Avadi,Chennai.55 21 AvadiMunicipality Santhi,D. MunicipalCouncillor No.24,Bajanai Koil Street, Kannadapalayam, Ward No.3 Chennai.62 22 AvadiMunicipality Nagavalli.S. MunicipalCouncillor 10/1, North Madaveethi, Koilpathagai Ward No.3 Chennai,62 23 AvadiMunicipality Neelavathi.S. MunicipalCouncillor No.6Samy Nagar lst street,Koilpadagai, Ward No.3 Chennai.62 24 AvadiMunicipality ParimalaBharathi.B MunicipalCouncillor No.4Valluvar Street, Koilpadagai, Ward No.3 Chennai.62 25 AvadiMunicipality Mahalakshmi MunicipalCouncillor No.72Main Road, Koilpadagai, Ward No.3 Chennai.62 26 AvadiMunicipality Jayaprakash.A.V. MunicipalCouncillor 7 lststreet Phishop Line, Paruthipattu, Ward No.4 Chennai.54 27 AvadiMunicipality Gajendran.D. MunicipalCouncillor No.149Main Road, Koilpadagai, Ward No.S Chennai.62 28 AvadiMunicipality Gopinath.G. MunicipalCouncillor No.8Ponniamman koil Street, Koilpadagai, Ward No.5 Chennai.62 AvadiMunicrpitity- Municipal Counciilor pound No.3/10 street,Koilpadagai, Chennai.62 Avaditvtunicrpatitv NiJalingam.S. MunicipalCounciilor Veppankulam,Koilpadagai, Chennai.62 Avadi filunicipatiW Municipal Counciilor street'Koirpadasa i;"111'Tj i' Avadi Utunicrpatrtv- Palaniammaip MunicipalCounciilor Nasar,suriakandhi i;"Ki&mpozhil st, AvaditrlunicipatiW Municipal Counciilor street,poompozhir |;Jf"IH Nasar, Avadi Municrpiirtv- Anbarasu. MunicipalCouncijlor f.N. No.37 KulakkaraiStreet, Thirumullaivoyal Chennai.62 AvadiMunicipality MunicipalCounciilor Palfivinayagar |:,_UU Koil Street, t nrrumullaivoyal,Chennai.62 Avadi Municipilitv Municipal Sivakumar.g Counciilor N.o.17136 WardNo.7 Gangaiammankoil Street, M.G. R.Nagar, thirumullaivoyal, Chennai.62 Avadi Vtunicipatitv SureshBabu.S MunicipalCounciilor No. WardNo.7 112. C.T.H.Road, M.G.R.Nagar, Thirumullaivoyal,Chennai. 62 Avadiwtunicipatitv- Palani.V. MunicipalCounciilor 5,.2nd |o Street,Sivasangarapuram, Avadi,Chennai AvadiMunicipatitT- Municipal MullaiTamilanA Counciilor No.2011 WardNo.7 0, Kamarajarstreet, Ettiamman -" Nagar,Thirumullaivoyal, Cnennai.OZ AvadiMunicipifiv MunicipalCounciitor Nasar,rhirumunaivoyal Ward No.7 i;**,?i AvadiMunicipatr'tv- MunicipatCounciilor No.2 Dr.Ambedkarstreet, Thirumullaivoyal Chennai.62 AvadiMunicipatitv- Sowndarajan^S' MunicipalCounciilor No.32Dr.Am bedkar street, Thirumullaivoyal Colony,Chennai.62 h ElanchezhianP. AvadiMuniciPalitY No.al6Thiru.Vi.Ka street, Kalaigher MuniciPalCouncillor karunanidniNagar, Thirumullaivoyal' Ward No.9 Sankar.K. AvadiMuniciPalitY No.17AJ39th valadhu Manikandapuram' MuniciPalCouncillor ThirumullaivoYal,Chennai'62 Ward No.9 SandeeP.A. AvadiMuniciPalitY Nagar' Og,gtd street,Kalaigher Karunanidhi MuniciPalCouncillor ThirumullaivoYal,Chennai'62 Ward No.9 Ranganathan.K' AvadiMuniciPalitY flo.i+ Kumaranstreet, Manikandapuram' MuniciPalCouncillor ThirumullaivoYal,Chennai 62 Ward No.9 Rajakumar.T.S. Avadi MuniciPalitY No.S,qJZ,Gangaiamman Koil Street' MuniciPalCouncillor CnoznaPuram,Ambathur,
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