continuing medical education Sporadic Congenital Leukonychia With Partial Phenotype Expression Patrick J. Brown, MD, Charlottesville, Virginia Julia K. Padgett, MD, Charlottesville, Virginia Joseph C. English III, MD, Charlottesville, Virginia GOAL To describe the characteristics and inheritance pattern of a case of congenital leukonychia. OBJECTIVES 1. To describe the etiologies of congenital and acquired leukonychia. 2. To discuss the differential diagnosis of leukonychia. 3. To outline inheritance patterns associated with leukonychia. CME Test on page 124 This article has been reviewed by Michael Fisher, MD, Professor of Dermatology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in July 2000. Congenital total leukonychia is an autosomal dom- According to the patient’s mother, the child had had inantly inherited condition that manifests as com- this condition since birth but had become more self- plete whitening of both fingernails and toenails. A conscious of his fingernails in the preceding months. case of a sporadic congenital leukonychia with He had never complained of any pain or decreased partial phenotypic expression is described and sensation in his nails or fingertips. The nail color was leukonychia is discussed. consistently white in his second, third, and fourth fin- gers on both hands since birth. The nails of his thumb eukonychia is defined as the whitening of the and fifth finger on both his right and left hand alter- nail plate.1 The disorder is classified as congen- nated in color, such that at times the thumb would L ital or acquired, with total, partial, punctate, or be white and the fifth finger pink and vice versa. This striate forms. Congenital leukonychia is predomi- variability was not affected by temperature, activity, nantly autosomal dominantly inherited, however or stress, and he denied any specific trauma to his other modes of inheritance have been suggested.2 We nails or fingers. He had no systemic complaints and report a case of a sporadic-appearing congenital is an otherwise healthy boy. His past medical history leukonychia with partial phenotypic expression with was significant for some minor delay in losing his de- no previous family history and review this topic. ciduous teeth, but he had no specific problem with dental caries, hair growth, short stature, poor weight Case Report gain, or academic and social development. His fam- A 12-year-old boy presented to the dermatology clinic ily history was positive only for insulin-dependent di- for evaluation of white fingernails (Figures 1 and 2). abetes mellitus in his father. There is no family his- tory of nail discoloration in either his parents or From the University of Virginia, Departments of Pediatrics (Dr. grandparents. The patient is an only child. On phys- Brown) and Dermatology (Dr. Padgett and Dr. English), ical examination, the patient was well grown with no Charlottesville, Virginia. REPRINT REQUESTS to Assistant Professor of Dermatology, obvious abnormalities besides his fingernails, which University of Virginia, Department of Dermatology, Box 800718, were white on both hands with the exception of some Lee Street, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0718 (Dr. English). brownish linear distal streaks, suggestive of an ex- VOLUME 66, AUGUST 2000 117 SPORADIC CONGENITAL LEUKONYCHIA FIGURE 1. A 12-year-old Caucasian male with congeni- FIGURE 2. Congenital leukonychia. The exogenous pig- tal leukonychia. The toenails were not affected. mentation was undetermined. ogenous source to this change. Questioning failed to and exogenous chemicals. Mees’ lines (white transverse yield a specific agent. The nails were normal with re- bands originating in the nail matrix) may be seen clas- spect to shape, texture, and hardness. At the time of sically with arsenic poisoning; however, they have also our examination, both of his thumbnails were pink been reported with the use of chemotherapeutic agents and blanched with pressure. His toenails were uni- and in patients with Hodgkin’s disease, myocardial in- formly pink bilaterally. There were no punctate or farction, parasitic infections, and carbon monoxide poi- striatal regions appreciated. There was no nailfold soning.8 Muehrcke’s lines are an abnormality of the nail telangiectasis. The child was diagnosed with a spo- vascular bed associated with hypoalbuminemia, which radic case of congenital leukonychia. typically disappear when the underlying problem is cor- rected.8 Acquired leukonychia has also been observed Discussion with cirrhosis of the liver (Terry’s nails),9 ulcerative co- Leukonychia is the most common chromatic abnor- litis, anemia, and leprosy.2 Exogenous causes of leukony- mality of the nail.2 The condition may be congenital chia include direct contact with nitric acid, nitrite so- or acquired; may be total, punctate, striate, or partial; lution, or concentrated sodium chloride.3 and may be associated with systemic illness or exist The congenital form of leukonychia has been ob- as an isolated finding in an otherwise healthy indi- served to have an autosomal dominant pattern of in- vidual. True leukonychia results from a structural ab- heritance with variable expression.10,11 There have been normality of the nail plate.3 It is thought to be due reported cases of total leukonychia in a mother and par- to a defect in keratinization of cells of the nail plate tial leukonychia in her daughter, as well as a patient so that immature, large nucleated cells containing with leukonychia who experienced documented peri- keratohyaline are present throughout the entire ods of total and partial involvement.11 Autosomal re- length of the nail.4 The keratohyaline-containing cessive inheritance of leukonychia has been suggested cells reflect light, resulting in a white nail that pre- in the study of two siblings with leukonychia born to vents visualization of the underlying pink vascular unaffected consanguineous parents, although a parental bed. The shape, texture, and hardness of the nail plate somatic mutation with gonadal mosaicism was also con- are otherwise normal. sidered as a possible etiology for this event.12 Acquired leukonychia is fairly common and usu- In the case presented here, an apparently new phe- ally manifests as punctate lesions or transverse striae. notype has been expressed as a novel event in this The acquired form may arise after local trauma or in child’s pedigree. The phenotype is total in three fin- association with a wide range of systemic conditions, gernails of each hand and variable in the nails of the including epidermoid cysts and renal calculi,5 pili thumb and fifth finger. This phenotype might be ex- torti,6 knuckle pads, palmoplantar keratosis, sen- plained as either a sporadic germ line mutation of an sorineural deafness,7 cholelithiasis, duodenal ulcer autosomal dominant condition or, less likely, as an disease, LEOPARD syndrome, mental retardation, expression of a somatic mosaic mutation that may or koilonychia, and renal insufficiency.8 may not have germ cell involvement. No treatment The differential diagnosis of acquired leukonychia is indicated or available for this benign condition. includes: Mees’ lines, Muehrcke’s lines, Terry’s nails, Cosmetic concerns can be reduced with nail polish. 118 CUTIS® SPORADIC CONGENITAL LEUKONYCHIA Genetic mosaicism is a condition seen in individu- 8. Hepburn MJ, English JC III, Meffert JJ: Mee’s lines in a pa- als who have a mixture of genetically distinct cell pop- tient with multiple parasitic infections. Cutis 59: 321-323, ulations. 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