Public Statements „ by the Secretaries of Defense Part 4. The Nixon and Ford Administrations (1969-1977). Public Statements by the Secretaries of Defense Part 4. The Nixon and Ford Administrations (1969-1977): Melvin R. Laird, January 22,1969—January 29,1973 Elliot L. Richardson, January 30,1973—May 24,1973 James R. Schlesinger, July 2,1973—November 19,1975 Donald H. Rumsfeld, November 20,1975—January 20,1977 Edited by Paul Kesaris Guide Compiled by Cynthia Hancock A Microfilm Project of UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA, INC. 44 North Market Street • Frederick, MD 21701 Copyright© 1983 by University Publications of America, Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 0-89093-532-7. NOTE ON SOURCES The material used in this project was obtained from the Historian's Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense, Pentagon. ACRONYMS AAG—Assistant Adjutant General ACF—Air Combat Fighter ACMC—Assistant Commandant U.S. Marine Corps AEGIS—Active Electronic Gimballees Inertial System AFLC—Air Force Logistics Command AFRT—American Forces Radio and Television AFRTS—Armed Forces Radio-Television Service AFSC—Air Force Systems Command AFSOUTH—Allied Forces Southern Europe AMSA—Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft ASW—Antisubmarine Warfare ATC—Air Training Command AWACS—Airborne Warning and Control System C—Comptroller CENTO—Central Treaty Organization CGFMFPAC—Commanding General Fleet Marine Force CGCONARC—Commanding General Continental Army Command CHAMPUS—Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services CIA—Central Intelligence Agency CINCEUR—Commander in Chief U.S. European Command CINCLANT—Commander in Chief, Atlantic CINCPAC—Commander in Chief, Pacific CINCPACFLT—Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet CINCSAC—Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command CNA—Chief of Naval Air COMAIRSOUTH—Commander, Allied Air Forces, Southern Europe COMARFOR—Commander Army Forces COMNAVAIRPAC—Commander, Naval Forces, Pacific Fleet COMPHIBPAC—Commander, Amphibious Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet COMSECONDFLT—Commander Second Fleet COMSEVENTHFLT—Commander Seventh Fleet COMSIXTHFLT—Commander Sixth Fleet COMSUBLANT—Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet CONAC—Continental Air Command CONARC—Continental Army Command COS—Chief of Staff COSLANT—Chief of Staff Atlantic C/S—Chief of Staff DACOWITS—Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Services DASA—Defense Atomic Support Agency DAV— Disabled American Veterans DCA—Defense Communications Agency DCAA—Defense Contract Audit Agency DCOS (R&D)—Deputy Chief of Staff (Research and Development) DCS—Deputy Chief of Staff DDR&E—Director of Defense Research and Engineering DIA—Defense Intelligence Agency DIS— Defense Investigative Service DMA—Defense Mapping Agency DNA—Defense Nuclear Agency DPA&E—Defense Program Analysis and Evaluation DPC—Defense Planning Committee DR&E—Defense Research and Engineering DSA—Defense Supply Agency EO—Equal Opportunity EUCOM—European Commander FIRSTFLT—First Fleet FMF—Fleet Marine Force GSA—General Services Administration H&E—Health and Environment I—Intelligence ISA—International Security Affairs JCS—Joint Chiefs of Staff JSTPG—Joint Strategic Target Planning Group LA—Legislative Affairs LANDSOUTEAST—Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe MAC—Military Airlift Command MACV—Military Assistance Command Vietnam MAP—Military Assistance Program MASF—Military Assistance Service Funded MAST—Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic MBFR—Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction MH&PA—Manpower, Health and Public Affairs M&RA—Manpower and Reserve Affairs NAVAIRLANT—Navy Air Force, Atlantic Fleet NDTA—National Defense Transportation Association NORAD—North America Air Defense NPG—Nuclear Planning Group NSA—National Security Agency NSC—National Security Council OASD—Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense OCNO—Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OJCS—Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff OMB—Office of Management and Budget OSD—Office of the Secretary of Defense PA—Public Affairs PACAF—Pacific Air Forces PACFLT—Pacific Fleet PA&E—Program Analysis and Evaluation PMDG—Permanent Military Deputies Group RAND—Research and Development RDT&E—Research, Development, Test and Evaluation R&E—Research and Engineering RFPB—Reserve Forces Policy Board R&M—Resources and Management ROK—Republic of Korea SA—Systems Analysis SAC—Strategic Air Command SACLANT—Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic SAGA—Studies, Analysis and Gaming Agency SALT—Strategic Arms Limitation Talks SARs—Selected Acquisitions Reports SHAPE—Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe S&L—Supply and Logistics SST—Supersonic Transport T—Telecommunications TAG—Tactical Air Command TAG—The Adjutant General TRIMIS—Tri-Service Medical Information Service USAREUR—U.S. Army, Europe USARPAC—U.S. Army, Pacific USATLANFLT—U.S. Atlantic Fleet USMA—U.S. Military Academy USMAC—U.S. Military Assistance Command USMSC—U.S. Military Staff Committee USNAVEUR—U.S. Naval Forces, Europe USAFE—U.S. Air Force, Europe WSEG—Weapon System Evaluation Group WWMCCS—Worldwide Military Command and Control System TABLE OF CONTENTS Reel I-XII 1 Melvin R. Laird Reel XIII 46 Melvin R. Laird (Cont.) Elliot L. Richardson Reel XIV 50 Elliot L. Richardson (Cont.) Reel XV 52 Elliot L. Richardson (Cont.) James R. Schlesinger Reel XVI-XXI 55 James R. Schlesinger (Cont.) Reel XXII 77 James R. Schlesinger (Cont.) Donald H. Rumsfeld Reel XXIII-XXV 82 Donald H. Rumsfeld (Cont.) REEL INDEX Reel I Melvin R. Laird Public Statements 1968 Frame 0001 Table of Contents for Volume I: 1968-69. 25pp. 0027 Press Conference as Secretary of Defense Designate, Pentagon. December 13.13pp. 0040 Press Conference as Secretary of Defense Designate with Deputy Secretary of Defense Designate, Washington, D.C. December 30. 13pp. 1969 0053 Press Conference as Secretary of Defense Dsignate with the Designated Secretaries of the Military Departments, Washington, D.C. January 6. 13pp. 0066 Press Conference as Secretary of Defense Designate, Washington, D.C. January 13. 9pp. 0075 Testimony on Nomination as Secretary of Defense before the Senate Committee on Armed Services, with Supplementary Data. January 14-15. 45pp. 0120 Press Conference, Pentagon. January 30. 20pp. 0140 Remarks at Pentagon Meeting, with the President (White House Press Release). January 31. 3pp. 0143 Press Conference with Defense Minister Gerhard Schroeder of the Federal Republic of Germany, New York City. February 1. 2pp. 0145 Statement on Nomination of Assistant Secretary of Defense (M&RA) (Press Release No. 89-69). February 4. 2pp. 0147 Interview with Representative Barber Conable for Local TV or Radio, Washington, D.C. February 5. 5pp. 0152 Statement on Review of Sentinel Program (Answer to Press Inquiry). February 6.1p. 0153 Interview on CBS-TV and Radio Program, "Face the Nation," Washington, D.C. February 9. 10pp. 0163 Message to the Chamber of Commerce of Wausau, Wisconsin. February 12. 2pp. 0165 Interview on NBC-TV Program, "Today," Washington, D.C. February 13. 5pp. 0170 Letter to College Presidents on Degree Credit for ROTC Courses, Quoted in Part in Washington Daily News, March 4,1969). February 15. 2pp. 0172 Press Conference with Deputy Secretary of Defense Packard, Pentagon. February 18. 6pp. 0178 Testimony on Nonproliferation Treaty before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. February 20. 61pp. 0240 Remarks upon Presenting Reserve Officers Association Award to Speaker of the House McCormack (as Printed in the Congressional Record, March 10,1969). Febru- ary 21. 1p. 0241 Remarks to the Wisconsin Broadcasters' Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Febru- ary 25. 5pp. Interview with Newsmen upon Arrival in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 0246 Address before the State Governors at Governers Conference, with Question and Answer Period, Washington, D.C. February 27. 4pp. 0250 Interview for Seattle, Washington, TV Station, Pentagon. February 27. 4pp. 0254 Letter to Secretary Volpe on Termination of Military Operations at Washington National Airport (Press Release No. 143-69). February 28. 2pp. 0256 Memorandum of March 1,1969, on Prisoners of War and Support of Their Families (Press Release No. 149-69). March 3. 2pp. 0258 Remarks at Swearing-in Ceremony of Assistant Secretary of Defense (M&RA), Pen- tagon. March 3. 2pp. 0260 Memorandum of March 4,1969, on Public Information Principles (Press Release No. 153-69). March 5. 2pp. 0262 Trip to Vietnam (Press Release No. 145-69). March 5-12. 30pp. Interview with Newsmen before Departure for Vietnam, Andrews AFB, Maryland. Interview with Newsmen upon Arrival in Alaska enroute to Vietnam, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. Interview with Newsmen upon Arrival in Saigon, Vietnam. Press Conference, Danang, Vietnam. Press Conference, Saigon, Vietnam. Interview with Newsmen upon Arrival in Hawaii enroute to U.S.,'Hickam AFB, Hawaii. Interview with Newsmen upon Return from Vietnam, Andrews AFB, Maryland. 0292 Announcement of Removal of Defense Restrictions on Space Available Travel (Press Release No. 191-69). March 14.1 p. 0293 Testimony on Fiscal Year 1970 Budget Authorization before the Senate Committee on Armed Services. March 19-20.151pp. 0445 Table of Contents for Volume II: 1969. 2pp. 0447 Testimony on Fiscal Year 1970 Budget Authorization before the Senate Committee on Armed Services (Continued). March 19-20. 93pp. Interview with Newsmen following Testimony. 0540 Testimony on the ABM before the Subcommittee on International Organization and Disarmament Affairs of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Washington, D.C. March 21. 98pp. 0639 Interview on NBC-TV and Radio Program, "Meet the Press," Washington, D.C.
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