<p> g>an JfamjffQ Jfogfjorn SPECIAL FOUNDERS' WEEK EDITION OCTOBER 15, 1979 UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO USF Hosts Founders Week Festivities </p><p>USF is finally sponsoring tertainment from noon to 4 p.m. something fun for us students! Many clubs are sponsoring Something for nearly everyone is booths selling beer, popcorn, planned during Founder's cartoon portraits, international Week. October 15-19. This desserts and coffees. Cha- eventful week will commemo morra food, cookies, massages, rate the founding of USF in cotton candy, and baked goods. 1855, and celebrate USFs 125th There will also be a dunking anniversary. booth, pie in the face booth, and The week will begin with the a white elephant sale. Games will dedication of a plaque at the site include: dart and balloon game, of USFs founding, the Market coin toss, ring toss or fish pond, Street Emporium, at 11 a.m. At bottle throw, sponge throw, and noon there will be a T-shirt pinata bust. drawing at which 100 shirts will Ocean Breeze band will be be given away. Also the prelimi playing at the fair, while stu naries for the pizza eating con dents, faculty and staff have fun test will take place. These will running one mile around cam be followed by a Faculty-Staff pus and three miles through Art Show in McLaren Lounge Golden Gate Park. Still more and an exhibit of USF Historical physical exertion will be re photographs in McLaren Gal quired for the Faculty-student- lery, both of which will continue staff Intramural competition. until Thursday. This exercise will help burn off A Founder's Mass is sched calories gained during the pizza uled for noon on Tuesday, Octo eating contest. Everyone is en Today's USF with 51 acres of ground on the hilltop. ber 16. At 7:30 p.m. Founder's couraged to wear his favorite Addresses will be given by Rev. "USF—a Glimpse of the Past" On Thursday, October 19, a demonstrations in gymnastics, USF T-shirt because this will John B. McGloin, a USF histo and "The Founders Perpetu campus talent show will take dance, and fencing. also be "T-shirt Day." rian and author, and Hon. ated" will be repeated Wednes place from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Friday, the end of Founder's The Founder's Week finale Preston Devine, a USF alumnus day at noon. Also Wednesday, Harney Plaza. Participants in Week, will be filled with activi will be the "Midnight Magic" and retired presiding justice, the U.S. Navy Sea Chanters clude USF cheerleaders and ties. There will be a President's dance in the Commons from State Court of Appeals, in UC (chorus) will perform at 11 a.m. song girls and Rob and Kathy Day Fair on Ulrich Field featur 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., sponsored by Lounge. The two talks entitled in Harney Plaza. Grant. 1 ly* *Ui be J olio vied by ing free hot dogs, games, and en Hui O'Hawaii. FOGHOR The Job For 53 Years by Marcella Farragher dedicated sentfee tpr |tt» past 5fr Thistory and no other puUfcatign FOGHOUN has 'bad the In 1927, "the Ignatian" Managing Editor years. Ihe Sail "F*»nci#Co on this^camjms can share tbit denunciiition of students and at became the "Ignatian News" and The San Francisco FOG FOGHQ#N^jg--*^<-fyffent r e c i>g*a-il io n" which the other mrttk ihdtf compliments. was published every other HORN has been on the job publication «£ 'V'yf, has LCJ-fiHOHN fta& established Ihe FOGHORN has coAte a Thursday. Sports columnist for reporting and keeping the tecordMaM ro^cttywhat has throughout <ht-J3#*. ;, ;f»fe way from the first prilled the S.F. Chronicle Will students ofthe University of San happejtfd .^. this , Timers .,J*is (jLiificult tb write a history fcritjft which circulated','r/v J 9^6. Connolly served as the paper's Francisco up to date with throughout oveV h ot ^.-OWMfipper. Throo|l-foutW Tie Ignatian,^" aS.lnonth^ editor, yearbook editor, and as responsible journalism and Half? cli# stuient journal edited by manager of the college's ^dAard McQuad? Who ;, ir publicity bureau. AOfked for the Sifn ftaucisco';' The first significant change in Veteran's , Examiner, the Uddei* and thejthe FOGHORN policy came ^krScmitor. The firsfl editor wasSabout in 1928, when Jimmy by Walter Neary S |00 copies, *!l$own to be one jof'fflirbest McGee decided to get off to a One special feature of the es himself j-j^ved newsmen. I^''thfi»-4ljWies//fresh start with the paper. ©wards were presented in} hif • McGee labeled the August 23, Founders' Week celebration will Ihe rapid rate '/memory by the Associrffiftn of 1928. issue. Volume 1, Number I. be the Founders' Addresses at ;tehimV*he pflfhim. Catholic newsnush. The awartft The paper had dull makeup and 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 16, a* of course, ;hJ Honorable Presto*? are presented to Sain Erancispo absence of pictures remained in and i\oon on Wednesday, Oct. py •ftn^afH.'SFsince jfjB iretired presiding' newsmen wh<> in their .specific the newspaper's policy. In its 17. , rriv^J^ I-5J48, there oA this -California S«-a»e fields live up'to thf,ideas which Continued on page 4 The two featured speakers for was littlt^on rjjfc ayr^J site Court of-.-^ppealfc. each address will be the Rev. except foXb-Ca McQuaaV^oste'tati, \ t John B. McGloin, S.J., and the some temponjf v Honorable Preston Devine. the first of thb, mortjjpTodern Fr. McGloin, a softspoken Alumnus Talents buildings. Gleesatv I IfSrary. as and extremely intelligent man, \f constructed, and sn||e then FW b\k.Js4arcella Farragher 11 has been teaching at USF since McGlion says he haT'^nched W Bistro, .^hnathan'enna s Folks" air play on Bay Area radio 1948. He received a PhD. in the buildings and the VSf ,\%iwi tiftfaraarf4Eathy have. hjfcu many engagements stations. The group "Johna- Histoiy from St. Louis grow. I .Grant' who are known lit'the arownd the bay area. The thans Folks" have released songs University, and says his specialty Fr. McGloin is also interested mtr-dfe... fvy4U as "Jou-i-uhjpi'* husband and wife duo have sung such as "Here's That Rainy Day" is the history of California and in the history ofthe St. Ignatius Folks" wilL^«Treriorming in together for the past five years. and an original soft music ballad San Francisco. Indeed, Fr. Church, which was dedicated in Harney Plaza on Thursday, The name "Johnathan's Folks" called "Harmony." McGloin has been teaching the I914. A former altar boy for the October 18, before the talent Their performance is highly was inspired by their son — history of The City since 1950 to church, Fr. McGloin calls it show. Appearances in such professional and their music is Johnathan Grant. a total of 1,500 USF students. "part of my life." places in San Francisco as The exceptionally talented. The His textbook for this year's Fr. McGloin says his Following Sea, Pier 39, Rusty Rob and Cathy Grant are a group Johnathan Folks are a class is also his latest of four Founders' Address will be a Scupper, the Dock in Tiburon, duo which display versatile and credit to the Alumni of USF. published books: San Francisco: "quick overview" of pertinent the City, ben Johnson's, the dynamic talent. Their first 45 Showtime for this dynamic duo The Story of a City. Published history. Just as Shakespeare Melting Pot, The Old Waldorf rpm record sold 1,000 copies. will be 11:45-12:15 on Thursday just six months ago, the book wrote of the seven ages of man, and the Cannery Coffee House This record gets an awful lot of October 18 in Harney Plaza. P»ge2 San Francisco Foghorn OCTOBER 15, 1979 </p><p>University Marks 125th Year USF: Over A Century o </p><p> by Marcella Farragher </p><p>Along with being one of the The first Saint Ignatius This phenomena was the talk of oldest institutions of higher Church was constructed of brick the West as an electric learning in San Francisco, USF with adjoining wooden searchlight in the college tower shares a proud history along buildings. The property at that was seen throughout the Bay with the city with which it shares time cost $11,500. Area. Enrollment grew and its name. USF has grown up Fr. Maraschi said "This street Saint Ignatius College moved to with San Francisco for the past Van Ness Avenue. 125 years. The University of San is certain to be the main artery of Seven hundred students were Francisco still promotes the a fine city. Time and energy are enrolled in Saint Ignatius standards of high academic needed, but time will pass and College by the close of the 19th excellence which was the basis in the needed energy will be century. which it was founded. The Jesuit awakened; here build and tradition is to offer a well- wait." In 1912, the school changed its rounded academic curriculum. title from the Saint Ignatius The Jesuit fathers have been, College to the University of throughout the centuries, Saint Ignatius. Degrees such as interested in educating the whole "here — build and Bachelor of Science and person - mind and heart — Bachelor of Law degrees were body and soul. This famed wait" being offered. Colleges of tradition still continues at USF Letters, Science, Philosophy, to this present day. Law and Engineering were added. A two-year pre-med Saint <a href="/tags/Ignatius_of_Loyola/" rel="tag">Ignatius of Loyola</a> was course was also offered. the founder of the Jesuit order. When the school first opened In 1912 the cornerstone of When the Jesuit order began to it had one room and one teacher. The USF campus of today located on th Saint Ignatius Church was laid. this present day the Jesuits are The teacher was a young Irish finest apparatus in the West. A anniversary of the college said, highly educated men devoted to man by the name of Haley. In library which housed some "Your archbishop wishes to see the service of Christ and the back of the school there were 100,000 volumes remained his college assume the name of pope. When the first University two rooms with a kitchen. In nothing but ashes. our great and imperial city by the in San Francisco opened, there here Father Maraschi, Father "If San Francisco will live, the Golden Gate — The University were three centuries of Jesuit Bixio, and Father Isabella lived. "Saint Ignatius college will live with it.' This was of San Francisco. teaching behind it. The founder of USF Father the statement and decision made Anthony Maraschi was born on College by Fr. Francis Frieden, S.J., September 2, 1820. Maraschi A wards Degrees" who was then president of Saint came to the United States in Ignatius College. The college 'Saint I gnat iu USF 1848 from Italy. He served as was moved to "temporary University of San Francisco president of SI College from headquarters" at Hayes and San Francisco's First I nisersilv Founded in 1855 1855 to 1862. Maraschi was Shrader Streets. The building The Univers quoted as "a man of action, not was better known to SI College On All-Saints Day, November words; seemingly cold and In 1906 a civic celebration students as the "Shirt Factory." 1, 1979, three Jesuit priests sailed distant, but, for all that, commemorated the college's The "Shirt Factory" proved through the Golden Gate, their possessing a warm heart." contributions of fifty years. The temporary until August 1927. In names were Fr. Maraschi, Fr. When World War II broke out Messea, and Fr. Masnata. many students left for war. In the Father Anthony Maraschi 40s, the university was having (1820-1862) founder and first San Francisco's First University financial difficulties. For awhile president of Saint Ignatius the school was being used as a College (USF) had received military training school. orders to proceed to San Between 1945-1955 the Francisco where it was proposed administration was reorganized. that a Jesuit college be The academic excellence established. Archbishop increased and so did the number Kendrick of Baltimore spoke of students and faculty. with Fr. Maraschi regarding a recent letter in which he received In 1964 women were from Archbishop Alemany of admitted. In past years women San Francisco. The letter said, were only in nursing and law "open a good college for the schools. education of the male youth in When the Second Century San Francisco." Program was launched in 1972, its slogan was. The Past/A Century of Service The Future / Commitment to "San Francisco's Only Excellence. University" Courtesy of Public Affairs Saint Ignatius College in 1855 located on Market Street, San Francisco. On May 1, 1855, Father In 1862, Market Street was Saint Ignatius College had 1927, Saint Ignatius College Maraschi acquired title to the recently graded and paved while grown with the city and served it moved to its present location, property which is the present San Francisco was expanding. well. On April 18, 1906, an era the hilltop of Fulton and Parker location of the Emporium in The college received its charter ended for the city and the Streets. downtown San Francisco. Two from the State of California in college. San Francisco was in In 1930, at requests of civic small buildings were construct 1859 and in 1863 awarded its ruins after a devastating leaders, San Francisco's only ed first baccalaureate degree. Only earthquake and fire. university and oldest institution Inside the main entrance on fourteen years after its founding of higher learning, took the Market street in the Emporium Saint Ignatius College began to name of the city whose destiny it the plaque inside the door reads: attract worldwide attention. At "Saint Ignatius College shares. On the school's 75th "On this site was erected the first this time. Rev. Joseph Neri, S.J., in Ruins" anniversary in 1930, Saint St. Ignatius Church and College, a science professor perfected an Ignatius College became the May 1855. Dedicated by the electric lighting system. This was University of San Francisco. Society of California Pioneers, ten years before Edison The work of 50 years was Archbishop Edward J. Hanna Phoenix emblem on I i May 22, 1930." marketed his incandescent lamp. gone, along with it some of the of San Francisco at the 75th San Francisco Foghorn Page 3 f Excellence </p><p>On the USF campus the Gleason Library was construct ed in 1955, Phelan Hall, 1955; USF Memorial Gym, 1958; Faculty Residence, Xavier Hall, 1959; Harney Science Center, 1965; Gillson Hall, 1965; University Center, 1966, and Hayes-Healy, 1966. In 1978, USF expanded its space and bought the Lone Mountain Campus. The campus today has a total of 51 acres on the "hilltop." A student body of over 6,000 from over 70 countries throughout the world attend USF to share in this Jesuit tradition of high academic excellence. Today after one hundred and twenty-five years of history and traditions, the standards of academic excellence continue at the University of San Francisco. </p><p>Courtesy of Public Affairs e Hilltop. Photo bv: Ted Brooker Corinthian columns support the dome in St. Ignatius Church. </p><p>One of the most famed Francisco. The bell was placed in structures on campus is Saint the first St. Ignatius Church Ignatius Church. At one time, located on Market Street. Saint Ignatius Church was the Charles Devlin was the largest church west of St. Louis. architect of this magnificent Its architecture is Italian structure. The church was r College Becomes Renaissance Style. Today it dedicated by Archbishop would cost $35 million to replace Riordan in 1914. The gold this structure. In the crosses, which always appear in ity of San Francisco " construction of the church in pictures of San Francisco, are 1914, it consisted of 100 tons of eight feet high and are known to steel, 250,000 face bricks and be one of the first sights seen by cast concrete. The dome of the ocean voyagers approaching S.I. Church is supported by San Francisco. The church immense Corinthian columns. The seal of the Second measures 54 feet by 263 feet. The Parts of the church were shipped Century Program which is also twin towers on this structure are Pholo by: Perry Clark from Europe. The S.I. bell was the emblem on the University 213 feet high. This historical cast in I860 in England and center carries the phoenix ofthe The Richard A. Gleeson Library built in 1955. structure is truly a tribute to the shipped around the Horn to San city and the shield of the legacy of USF. University, "Pro Urbe et Universitate" for the city and University embodies the spirit of USF Presidents Historical Events that program. Anthony Maraschi, S.J.— 1855- 1855 St. Ignatius College founded. October 15 The school continued to grow 1862 1859 Slate Charter authorizes St. Ignatius College to grant degrees in the seventies and so did the Nicholas Congisto, S.J.—1862- 1862 College moves to new building on Market Street tuition. 1865 1863 First bachelor of arts degree awarded <a href="/tags/Burchard_Villiger/" rel="tag">Burchard Villiger</a>, S.F. — 1865- 1867 First master's degree awarded The University of San 1865-1866 1880 College moves to new buildings on Van Ness Avenue, near present-day Francisco is situated in one of Nicolas Cbngiato, S.J.— 1866- Civic Center 1906 Van Ness Facilities totally destroyed bv fires after earthquake. College the most magical cities in the 1869 world. The college is located in a relocates to temporary quarters at Hayes and Shrader Streets Joseph Bayma, S.J.— 1869-1873 1910 Ignatian Heights properly acquired at Fulton and Parker Avenue: metropolitan neighborhood, Aloyiusus Masnata, S.J. 1873- which is half way between Bay ground broken for Si. Ignatius Church 1876 1912 School of Law established and Beach. Fourteen major John Pinasco, S.J. 1876-1880 1914 Si. Ignatius Church dedicated buildings are now on campus. Robert Kenna, S.J. 1880-1883 1925 Evening classes in liberal arts and commerce begin Joseph Sasia, S.J. 1883-1887 1927 College moves lo Ignatian Heights campus Henry Imoda, S.J. 1893-1896 1930 Diamond Jubilee: St. Ignatius College officially becomes Ihe L'niversilv John Frieden, S.F. 1896-1908 of San Francisco Joseph Saisa, S.J. 1908-1911 1931 Major academic divisions established at L'niversilv: College of Liberal f II HUM Albert Trivelli, S.J. 1911-1915 Arts. College of Science, and College of Business Administration, in ad Patrick Foote, S.J. 1915-1919 dition to Schi>ol of Law 1932 Summer session begins Pius Moore, S.J. 1919-1925 1947 Labor-Management School founded Edward Whelan, S.J. 1952- 1948 Baccalaureate degree program in Nursing instituted: Department of 1925-1932 Education established, offering a postgraduate program leading to state William Lonergan, S.J. 1932- credentials 1934 1949 Graduate Division established Harold Ring S.J. 1934-1938 1951 Livening College established William Dunne, S.J. 1938-1954 1954 School of Nursing established John F. X. Connolly, S.J. 1954- 1964 I 'niversitv becomes coeducational in all academic divisions 1963 1972 Department of Education becomes School of Education Charles Dullea, S.J. 1966-1969 1974 College of Business Administration's new McLaren Center dedicated. 1977 KLSF-FM begins broadcasting uuhe Bav Area Pholo by': Perry Clark Albert Johnson, S.J. 1969-1974 William Mclnnes S.J. 1974-1977 1978 L'SF acquires Lone Mountain campus liversify Center. John LoSchavio S.J. 1977 — .Page 4 San Francisco Foghorn OCTOBER 15, 1979 </p><p>The paper also receved to updated Moonie articles, up The City's 4th Daily recognition from Pierre to the present day addition of city news into the paper, many Continued from front Salinger, press secretary to the changes have taken place. early days, the FOGHORN was back into tabloid format. (Note: edition. In this special edition late President John F. Kennedy, mild-mannered as far as its tabloid format is the size of the Hinckle stated that the "editors recognition from the San In the past fifty-three years, editorial policys were concerned. paper today.) By mid-fifties the of the GATOR were in the Francisco Board of Supervisors, the San Francisco FOGHORN Topics such as communism in FOGHORN had become more process of selling their Governor Edmund G. Brown has established the credibility in Russia were discussed, which the outspoken and denounced the newspaper to the S.F. and William S. Maillard of the which it shares with this FOGHORN was opposed to, student legislation regularly. FOGHORN, the S.F. State fourth congressional district in University. and school spirit which the paper In 1957, the greatest faculty had asked that there be the sixties. From the first editor, Edward was very enthusiastic about. As journalistic scoop was no mid-terms held and that the In the seventies, editors such McQuade, to today's present far as the new "talkies" (all mass announced in the FOGHORN. Stage Cagers will begin drills by as Rob Grant, Steven Purtill, editor — Matthew Mallet, here Media students should know After the Santa Clara Victory shaving their legs... in David Harpster, Herman is a tribute to past and present this) were concerned, the paper Bell had been stolen and the accordance with the sweeping Cowan, Jr., and present editor FOGHORN editors and remained rather conservative daily newspapers had been changes in athletic policies." Matthew Mallet, have been journalists — a tribute in return about the new invention. informed the USF FOGHORN Richard Harcourt, in I960, responsible for decisions for a tribute of a job well done. The news went through ran a whole front-page expose published the paper weekly in a evaluating what the USF public The San Francisco FOG drastic revisions under the new telling how two students new magazine-type format. The should read. From Watergate, HORN, over half a century of editor, Edward Sullivan in 1929. identified as "X" and "Y" had paper featured special articles coverage in the early 1970s to dedicated responsible service to Sullivan became a writer in stolen the bell. The resultant highlighting the celebrities Harpsters' battle to keep the the University of San Francisco. Hollywood. During the term of raids on both campuses were vsiting the campus. The "Focus FOGHORN on campus in 1977, his editorship, the title of the reported on the front page of the Page" was brought into the "Ignatian News" was changed to FOGHORN. Later, there paper which featured foreign the "FOGHORN." The name appeared to be evidence that the affairs. Jazz and movie reviews Candid Look At The Past was styled after the title given to two "mysterious" thieves were also appeared. In 1961, Ed by Allen Funky IX the athletic teams, "the Grey actually FOGHORN reporters. Stephan, editor brought the In 1959, Warren Hincklecame FOGHORN back to the Fog." dogs at a discount in the to power at the FOGHORN "newsy" type format. In 1930, the school changed its 1) DEFINITION OF found-, neighborhood, because as of late office. The second most In the 1960s recognition was name from Saint Ignatius ers Week is a week that founders they have become a big item. Not significant change in the brought to the FOGHORN. The College to the University of San we're in trouble. One definition only are carloads being brought FOGHORN occurred. Hinckle San Francisco FOGHORN was Francisco. The FOGHORN of founder gleaned from in for founder's week, the turned the weekly daily-sized one of the top college sports editor at that time. Jack Webster's is: to break down, College Players sent them out to Rholde, started a contest to re collapse, fail. If it is run like most dorm residents last week as a name the athletic teams. Many "THE CITY'S FOURTH DAILY** of the other things are around publicity stunt. Show your names were submitted and Member of The Associated Press here, it may turn out to be the hotdog and you get into Who's finally one title was accepted — newspaper into a thrice-weekly newspapers in the nation. It won Chrysler of celebrations. Happy Now? for free. So all you "the Dons." tabloid. Hinkle called the the highest award in college However, if Founder's Week guys remember to show your Jack Hanley, editor in 1931, FOGHORN "The city's fourth journalism — the Pacemaker means week that makes people hotdog this week. Maybe you changed the bi-monthly daily" and announced that it Award presented by the founder, we're in trouble again. can make someone happy. Sorry FORHORN into a weekly. would fill the gap left by the American Newspaper Publish Founder also can be defined as: Bubenzer, cocktail weenies don't Along with this dramatic change merger ofthe San Francisco Call ers Association. The FOG to become sick from overeating. count. the FOGHORN changed its Bulletin and the News. One of HORN was praised especially Remember that definition when FINDER'S WEEK is what format. It patterned itself after Hinkles' notorious scoops was for its "forceful reporting on gluttony (one of the seven deadly really ought to be introduced at one of the city's morning papers. his Halloween edition. Because campus news." It won the All- sins) is thrust upon you by USF, particularly at the This new format included large, at that time the FOGHORN was American for the fifteenth Jesuits offering you exorbitant Registrar. The week can be spent bright headlines and pictures on competing with San Francisco consecutive semester by the amounts of beer, pizza and trying to find missing grade the front page. Although the State's paper, the GATOR, a rift Associate Collegiate Press hotdogs. change forms, Fred Schluep's paper had switched to "modern" had grown between the two Newspaper tycoon William 2) Comparison — Somehow registration, and countless other layout, the editorial policies publications. Randolph Hearst said this about or other, I don't think it is going things. remained unchanged. Hinkle ceased publication on the FOGHORN, "Congratula to work out, because up in BARGAIN BASEMENT When the Second World War that Halloween day, and instead tions to you and your staff upon Canada they have a holiday somehow that is fitting that the broke out, enrollment dropped published his own edition of the the distinction of receiving the called Founder's Day. I don't plaque commemorating USFs at USF, and the FOGHORN S.F. State GATOR. Then at 2:00 Pacemaker Award from the know what it's like, but if it's like founding appears right near the staff decreased. Because of the that morning, Hinkle, along American Newspaper Publish everything else I've encountered cut-rate lingerie in the difficulties of keeping an with members of the FOG ers Association. To paraphrase from Canada it's bound to be a Emporium basement. Every adequate staff, the FOGHORN HORN staff, took the GATOR David Everett is almost beyond self perpetuating bore. pervert in town will encounter was required to drop the from its news stands and recognition, "mighty editors HOT DIGGITY. There must our name when he goes traditional daily sized paper replaced it with their special from little FOGHORNS grow." be some thug selling stolen hot shopping. </p><p>NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION Foghorn U S POSTAGE PAI D PERMIT #1908 San Francisco Subscription Information "I I If you want to be in touch with the happenings on I • Yes, I would like to start receiving my one-year subscription of the I the Hilltop this is for you. Through this Special Offer you I Foghorn. Enclosed is a check or money order for $7.50. I can receive the Son Francisco Foghorn mailed to your I I house each week. Keep tabs on your fellow classmates, I Save even more. Order a two year subscription for only $13.50! I on the professors you once had. Follow, in depth, the I I I • Please send me my two year subscription to the Foghorn. Enclosed is a I Dons' progress in basketball and soccer. Through this I check or money order for $13.50. I limited offer you can receive 25 issues of the Foghorn 1 I — a one year subscription, for only S7.50. This is a S2.0C I D If you are in business, or work for a business that is interested in advertising in I savings off the regular rate. So why wait? Order now and I the Foghorn just check the box and we'll send you a copy of our advertising I I information. I keep in touch! I I I My Name and Mailing Address Is: I I I I Name: I Ma// ihe coupon to: I I I Address I Subscriptions I I I I I City I San Francisco Foghorn I I State Zip I 2135 Fulton St., San Francisco I I ,JI L </p>
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