CASE REPORT Foreign Accent Syndrome in a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis Jacqueline I Bakker, Suzanne Apeldoorn, Luanne M Metz ABSTRACT: Background: Foreign accent syndrome is a speech disorder which leads listeners to perceive the patient as having a foreign accent. It has been recognized previously after stroke, brain injury or unknown causes. Case report:A 52-year-old woman with clinically definite relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) presented with episodes of what was perceived as a Dutch accent along with other neurologic symptoms that would resolve simultaneously. She was assessed by a speech therapist both during an episode and after complete recovery. Speech and MRI changes (showing deep white matter lesions in the corpus callosum, left pariental lobe and left frontal lobe) were consistent with previous reports of foreign accent syndrome. Conclusions: This patient’s episodes of foreign accent are thought to be due to her MS. This is the first case reported of a patient with foreign accent syndrome secondary to MS. RÉSUMÉ: Syndrome de “l’accent étranger” chez une patiente atteinte de sclérose en plaques. Introduction: Le syndrome de l’accent étranger est un trouble du langage dans lequel le patient est perçu par l’entourage comme ayant un accent étranger. Cet état a déjà été observé après un accident vasculaire cérébral, un traumatisme cérébral ou sans cause connue. Observation: Une femme âgée de 52 ans, atteinte de la forme rémittente de sclérose en plaques (SEP) confirmée, a consulté pour un phénomène épisodique comprenant un trouble du langage, perçu par l’entourage comme un accent hollandais associé à d’autres symptômes neurologiques qui disparaissaient simultanément. Elle a été évaluée par un orthophoniste pendant un de ces épisodes et après résolution complète du phénomène. Le trouble du langage et les changements observés à l’imagerie par résonance magnétique, qui montrait des lésions profondes de la substance blanche dans le corps calleux, le lobe pariétal gauche et le lobe frontal gauche, concordaient avec ceux rapportés antérieurement dans le syndrome de l’accent étranger. Conclusions: Nous attribuons ce phénomène épisodique à la SEP chez notre patiente. Il s’agit du premier cas rapporté de syndrome de l’accent étranger secondaire à la SEP. Can. J. Neurol. Sci. 2004; 31: 271-272 Foreign accent syndrome was described as early as 1918.1 It dysphasia or dysarthria but she had what sounded to be a European is defined as a speech output disorder occurring subsequent to a accent. Our patient speaks only English with a Canadian accent as do her brain lesion causing aberrations in pitch, inflection, stress and parents and grandparents. When compared to a voice message on her articulation; it leads listeners to think that the patient has a answering machine recorded months earlier there was an obvious foreign accent.2-5 Previously reported cases were secondary to change in her speech. She reported four previous episodes of speech stroke, traumatic brain injury, or unknown causes.2-10 We report change over the last five years. Others thought she had a Dutch accent. a woman with multiple sclerosis (MS) who developed transient These episodes lasted four to six weeks and worsened with fatigue. They episodes of foreign accent syndrome which we believe are were always associated with other neurologic symptoms; all symptoms related to her MS. This is the first reported case of foreign accent resolved simultaneously. Twelve to 24 hours prior to each episode her syndrome secondary to MS of which we are aware. speech became slurred and scanning, her tongue felt thick and her jaw felt tight. Previous treatment with decadron had not been helpful. CASE REPORT Neurologic examination showed: pale optic discs bilaterally, right This 52-year-old left handed woman presented with abnormal speech. She had a 20 year history of relapsing remitting MS. Her main MS symptoms included moderate ataxia, fatigue, Uhthoff’s From the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Calgary (JIB, phenomenon and neurogenic bladder. Her past medical history included LMM), and Calgary Health Region (SA), Calgary, AB Canada. hypertension, asthma and two previously excised melanomas. RECEIVED FEBRUARY 12, 2003. ACCEPTEDINFINALFORM NOVEMBER 27, 2003. Reprint requests to: Luanne Metz, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Foothills Her symptoms at presentation included decreased memory, word Medical Centre, Multiple Sclerosis Clinic, Main Floor SSB, 1403-29th Street NW, finding problems, grammatical errors and labile emotions. There was no Calgary, AB, T2N 2T9 Canada. THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES 271 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 01 Oct 2021 at 02:04:40, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0317167100053956 THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES hemiparesis, bilateral extensor plantar reflexes, asymmetric hyper- Moonis in which a patient with a mild concussion developed a reflexia, and incoordination of both hands. foreign accent syndrome. That patient showed no defects on an An MRI showed several T2 hyperintense lesions in the white matter unenhanced MRI scan but on SPECT scan showed a focal including: two lesions adjacent to the left frontal horn of the lateral hypoperfused area in the left inferior dorsolateral frontal lobe ventricle (dorsolateral inferior frontal lobe), two lesions within the and left caudate nucleus.3 corpus callosum, and one in the left parietal lobe. This episode recovered Our patient’s episodes of foreign accent are thought to be following treatment with high dose methylprednisolone. caused by her MS because of their fluctuating nature, their Speech pathology assessment following recovery revealed both association with other fluctuating neurological complaints, their speech and language to be normal. Repeat assessment during an episode worsening with fatigue and their response to high dose steroid of ‘foreign accent’revealed speech accent characteristics consistent with treatment. This patient has been on glatiramir acetate and relapse those found in previous studies.2,3,6-8 She had dysprosody, anomalous free for the past three years. phonetic features, and speech sound errors. There was failure to reduce unstressed syllables to a schwa that resulted in equal and excess stress REFERENCES on syllables and prolongations of vowels. There was the addition of 1. Pick A. Uber anerungen des sprach-characters als schwa (“uh”) to the ends of some words. Vowel tensing of many lax begleiterscheinung aphasischer strorungen. Zeitschrift fuer de vowels occurred, consistent with a tense vocal tract setting and the gesamte Neurun Psychologie 1919;54:230-241. patient’s report of a tense jaw. Consonant distortions and substitutions 2. Aronson AE. Clinical Voice Disorders. New York: Thieme Inc. including /r/ rounding, flaps pronounced as stops, and “th” a fricative 1985:119-123. pronounced as /t/ a stop occurred. Language was intact except for the 3. Moonis M, Swearer JM, Blumstein SE, et al. Foreign accent syndrome following a closed head injury: perfusion deficit on presence of minor grammatical errors and there was no dysarthria or single photon emission tomography with normal magnetic apraxia. resonance imaging. Neuropsychiatr Neurophysiol Behav Neurol 1996; 9:272-279. 4. Roth EJ, Fink K, Cherney LR, Hall KD. Reversion to a previously DISCUSSION learned foreign accent after stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil Previous studies suggest the concept of a generic foreign 1997;78:550-552. 8 5. Takayama Y, Sugishita M, Kido T, Ogawa M, Akiguchi I. A case of accent. Blumstein et al in 1987 report, “the normal listener foreign accent syndrome without aphasia caused by a lesion of categorizes this speech pattern as a generic foreign accent the left precentral gyrus. Neurology 1993;43:1361-1363. because the anomalous speech characteristics while not part of 6. Kurowski KM, Blumstein SE, Alexander M. The foreign accent the English phonetic inventory, reflect stereotypical features syndrome: a reconsideration. Brain Lang 1996; 54 (1): 1-25. which are a part of the universal phonetic properties found in 7. Gurd JM, Bessell NJ, Bladon RA, Bamford JM. A case of foreign 2 accent syndrome, with follow-up clinical, neuropsychological natural language”. Aronson in 1985 described 25 cases from and phonetic descriptions. Neuropsychologia 1988; 26(2): 237- 1907 to 1978 and found that 68% had associated aphasia, apraxia 251. or dysarthria with the majority having speech patterns that most 8. Blumstein SE, Alexander MP, Ryalls JH, KatzW, Dworetzky B. On closely resembled apraxia of speech. the nature of the foreign accent syndrome: a case study. Brain Lang 1987; 31(2): 215-244. The lesion identified by imaging or autopsy in those with 9. Graff-Radford NR, Cooper WE, Colsher PL, Damasio AR. An foreign accent syndrome varies, however, most of the reported unlearned foreign “accent” in a patient with aphasia. Brain Lang cases involve part of the dominant inferior dorsolateral premotor 1986;28:86-94. cortical–striatal–pallidal–thalamic circuit which mediates motor 10. Monrad-Krohn GH. Dysprosody or altered “melody of language.” speech planning.2-5,7-9 This is consistent with the study by Brain 1947;70:405-415. 272 Downloaded from https://www.cambridge.org/core. IP address:, on 01 Oct 2021 at 02:04:40, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0317167100053956.
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