22380 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS November 13, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING PAULINE KLIEWER sion; he was a member of the State Bar of ments in the Santa Barbara community that it Michigan, a member of the Bankruptcy Rules is only fitting that we pay tribute to her today. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH Committee for the Eastern District of Michigan, f OF CALIFORNIA and he was chairman of the Servicing Com- PERSONAL EXPLANATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mittee of the Mortgage Bankers Association of Tuesday, November 13, 2001 America. But most of all, Mr. Trott was committed to HON. DAN BURTON Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise his family. As a husband, father, and grand- OF INDIANA today to honor Pauline Kliewer for being father, he had a kind heart and gave unself- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES named ‘‘Registered Nurse of the Year’’ by the ishly to his family. He used to tell his family Central Valley Coalition of Nursing Organiza- that he was always in their corner rooting for Tuesday, November 13, 2001 tions. Kliewer will receive the award in the them. Mr. Trott taught his finally about many Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, due Education category. things, but most importantly, he taught and to a serious illness in my family, I was regret- In her 30 years as a nursing educator, Pau- gave them love. tably unable to be present for legislative busi- line has gained a reputation as a strong advo- Mr. Speaker, Robert Trott achieved many ness scheduled for November 6–8, 2001. Had cate for nursing education. She has mastered great goals which has improved Michigan’s I been present I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on the ability to blend the science of nursing, the community, but his biggest contribution was rollcall votes numbered 426–434. art of education, and the importance of rela- his commitment to his family. I send my pray- f tionships into effective nursing education. ers to everyone who knew Bob, especially his Pauline has been an active member of her wife Jo Ann, his son and daughter-in-law CONGRATULATING NANCY community. She is a mentor, volunteer, and David and Kathlenn, and his three grand- PITIGLIANO supporter for the Hope Now For Youth organi- children, Duke, Courtney, and Taylor Rose, zation. She is a member of First Presbyterian during this difficult time. HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH Church, where she has served as a church f OF CALIFORNIA elder and a Sunday school teacher, Christian IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES education director, and choir director. Pauline HONORING MAMA PAT PATRICK is a member of the Nursing Leadership Coun- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 cil and the Chairman of the Paradigm Pro- HON. LOIS CAPPS Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise gram. She is also the Central Valley liaison for OF CALIFORNIA today to congratulate Nancy Pitigliano for re- the Differentiated Practice Research Project. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceiving a 2001 Common Threads Award. This Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate Pauline Tuesday, November 13, 2001 award is presented to women in agriculture Kliewer for being named ‘‘Registered Nurse of Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, today I would who have made a remarkable contribution to the Year’’ in the category of Education by the like to pay special tribute to a woman who has their community through volunteer work and Central Valley Coalition of Nursing Organiza- exhibited extraordinary efforts in uniting the philanthropy. tions. I urge my colleagues to join me in wish- Santa Barbara community through music. Nancy Pitigliano has worked at the state ing Pauline Kliewer many more years of con- On November 10, 2001, the Beacon of Light and federal level to advance the cause of tinued success. Foundation honored Mama Pat for her 21 farmers and ranchers in California agriculture. f years of community service. Mama Pat found- Nancy and her husband, Charlie, operate a TRIBUTE TO ROBERT A. TROTT ed the Inner Light Community Gospel Choir in custom farming and harvesting company. She 1980 with the goal of introducing African- is active in the Tulare County Farm Bureau, HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG American gospel music to the Santa Barbara where she currently holds the office of first community. Citizens from all walks of life and vice-president. She has been involved with the OF MICHIGAN backgrounds demonstrated a willingness and Farm Bureau Youth Leadership, California IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES desire to sing gospel music. The choir is non- Farm Bureau Federation Water Advisory Com- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 denominational and interracial, and has done mittee, California Women for Agriculture, San Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, today I wonders for bringing diverse cultures together. Joaquin River Coalition, Friant Farm PAC, pay tribute to Robert A. Trott, a former con- The choir has been a wonderful way of uniting Breast Cancer Awareness, World Ag Expo, stituent of Michigan’s 11th Congressional Dis- multiple ethnicities and sharing musical tradi- Tulare Les Petit Children’s Home Society, trict. Mr. Trott, enjoying his 74th year on this tions among cultures. Tulare Garden Club, and St. Aloysius Church. earth, passed away on October 22, 2001. Mama Pat is also a member of the inter- Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Mr. Trott spent most of his life in Michigan national organization, the Gospel Music Work- Nancy Pitigliano for earning a 2001 Common before he retired in 1992 and moved to Ohio. shop of America, which was founded by the Threads Award. She has shown outstanding He grew up in Rochester and attended the Reverend James Cleveland. She was respon- involvement, not only in agriculture, but also in Detroit College of Law. After his graduation, sible for introducing the Inner Light Community strengthening her community. I urge my col- he eventually worked his way up to become Gospel Choir to this organization. Since its in- leagues to join me in wishing Ms. Pitigliano a senior vice president of mortgage servicing for duction, the Inner Light Community Gospel bright future and continued success. Advance Mortgage Corporation in Detroit. Choir has performed throughout the United f In 1976, he founded the Trott & Trott law States and Scotland. ´ firm with the assistance of his first wife, Rose, In addition to her musical contributions to TRIBUTE TO RENEE STEVENS who predeceased him in 1986. It has grown the community, Mama Pat has also been in- over the years to become one of the largest strumental in educating the community about HON. JOE KNOLLENBERG firms in the Nation conducting residential de- African-American history. She worked hard to OF MICHIGAN fault procedures. It employs over 250 people obtain the Black History Flags that fly along IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES representing clients nationwide and is now run State Street in Santa Barbara every February by Mr. Trott’s son, David Trott. in honor of Black History Month. Tuesday, November 13, 2001 Robert Trott was committed to his law firm Mama Pat is such a wonderful individual Mr. KNOLLENBERG. Mr. Speaker, I rise and he was committed to serving his profes- who has made such extraordinary accomplish- today to pay tribute to a remarkable young ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 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