-iy^ s V' ■ . i . /. ■ ■■■ . ■ .1 Averafi Daily Net Press Run EIGHtEEN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBEB 6. IMO. ThaWsathar . For the Week Ended Fowwaat H V . 8. WeeWw |pwsat iKanrljf^ater lEttPtting Ifc^raUt Jaira 4tb, 19S0 IWr u S wamer teslfkl. U # Marine Lance Cpl. Elwood J. An- Phi TheU Chapter h t Beta Sig- ThreeJnj^ed icrapM. .8 13,125 W So as. MasOy samq derton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar bna Phi wlU hold a bowllilg pw ty Son, Raymond, 3H-years-old, was X. r. U la About tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Park- not injured. Member of the-Aw L Anderson, 93 W. Center Bt., Is IkmMi of OheahM serving with the 2nd Battalion, 4 th ade Lancs. In Bolton Crash State Trooper DerwLn Anthony -id City of ViUdgo Charm DelU Chapter, Royal A «a i Ma- “ iglment of the Eirst Marine Brl- investigated. He wras asalsted by ■ona wtll hold iti flrat fall meeting ga d < a t the Marine Corps Air Sta- Hose Co. No. 2 of the' Eighth Three people were admitted to Auxiliary State Troopers Richafds piatrict E ire, Departpient will and Grlsel. tomorrow 7:30 p.m. at the tlon^Raoeohe Bay, Hawaii. Manchester Memorial Hospital (OhwiUM AavertMag «a Faff* IS) Masonic Temple. After a business meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the In another accident Sunday in Ltxo; m (T W E N T Y t k i S I m ) MANCHESTER, CONN;, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1960 .PRICE FIVE c e n t ! early Sunday afternoon with In­ 188 •esslcm, there wUl be a social hour The Rockville..Hlgh School class Main and Hilliard St. headquar­ Bolton at about 8 p.m., Thomas and refreshments. of 1935, is p lan h % a 25 th re­ ters. juries sustained in a headon col­ Hendersoin. 19, of Warehouse Point, union Oct. 8. Members of the lision on Rt. 8 Just east of Bolton was warned for speeding by State Miss Nancy Bantly, daughter of class who have not received a no­ An orientation meeting for new Notch. Trooper Francis Plsch. 6 PolicenK^ Accused Mr. and Mrs. E. Theodore Baiitly tice by mall are asked to calkMrs menlbera of the League of Women According to the police. report^ State News Jr., 25 Raymond Rd., and Miss Gall June Dick Maguire, 'Vem Voters will be held tomorrow at 8 Louis N. Dubuc, 26, of 63 Moun­ tain St., RockvUle, driver of one of Henderson skidded rounding- a Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. RED 2. m. at the home of Mrs. James V. curve at the Intersection ^ot Ly- Sherwood V. Martin, 359 Avery Tim,. 90 Concord Rd. the cars, has oeen 'charged with reckless driving. He .and hiis wife, 4all and Lake Ste., rtpu^k and R n S t. Wappln®. will enter the Mary The Reed-Eaton Circle of the A boariL.meetlrtg of the Junior Delta, 28, are both patients at the embankment and ov^tumed. The A. Burnham School, Northampton, Community Baptist Church will car was extensively damaged. o n Century ClubC^ll be held tomor­ hospital, as is Mrs. Patricia Hilt- Mase., college preparatory board­ meet at the home of Mrs. O. E. HendersonAiid his three passen­ ing school' for girls, as freshmen on Stanford, 2.3.3 Ferguson ’Rd.. and row at 8 p.m. al'tjm home of Mrs. gen, 18, of Wlllimantlc, wife of the Donald Eorstrom, 161 Tanner St. 4rlver of the second car Involved. gers escaped Injury except for a Education t> ^ . Sept. 14. Miss Terry Martin of Circle Six will meet at the home of biipjp^on the head sustained by a Wapping will return for her Junior Mrs. James Davis, Hillside Manor, ''TAe accident-bccurred near Mun- w'omM'nasseha^' year. Vernon, both at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Manchester Emblem Cibh^wlll son^andy Kitchen at about 1 ^ + ^ ^ passenger. For New Funds ' resume its monthly meetings p.m. when the car driven b y 'P tf^ c morrow at 8 p.m. at the K of The Army-Navy Club Auxiliary The Willing Workers of South went Into'a skid on wet.gifvement Hartford, Sept. 7 The hall. After a business session, while passing: hnotber car, went U.S. will meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. In the Speaks to G roup em Methodist Church will meet to­ Hartford, Sefet^ 7 (;p)— emads but that, as' later Informa- StAte Department of Educa­ clubrooms. Members are reminded there will be a social hour with re- out of controKand struck a car morrow at 2 p.m. at Susannah freshments. Thp Ray. Earl Robert Modean, tlon was gleaned, It would have tion today requested a 30 per to bring small Items for the cup. driven by Doilald\Hlltgen, 22, of WM. DICKSON State’s Atty. John D. EsaBelle “Tt: Wesley hall. Hostesses will be pastor of bhctet the King Luther­ been desirable to make them kt' a cent, boost in its operational .auction. Mrs. Carolyn Clegg and Mrs. Rob­ an Church, . wndsor, will address WlllImMtl6, head ofi> police of the announced today that he ^11 vlater date. The Alpine Society will hold Its CoIcbeMer Troop reporl^Both cars ert Martin. first fall meeting tomorrow at the organizational'meeting of the ask to t a one-man grand jury ^Tiw gambling operations In budget plus $47 million addi­ t The Ladles’ Missionary Society ^ le fe demolished according, to the & SON Har^rd have undergone various tional for building and equip­ 7:30 p.m. at the Italian-American Youth and Servic^niM's Com-, accident report, investigation of vice condi­ of the Talcottvlllo Congregational Miss Jeanne P. Halvorsen club, Eldrldge St. mittee of Concordia Lu^eran 260 TOLLAND TPKE. changres (Cs..a result of the raids, ment projects. Church will hold its first fall meet­ The condition of the three in­ tions in Hartford. lort on daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Church Friday at 7 p.m, -at^thie ing tomorrow at 11 a.m. in the TEL. MI 9-0920 Six Hartford policemen, he said, The budget, filed at th.e state Halvorsen, 61 FTielps Rd.. will be Two students from Manchester. church, _ . ■ , ' . jured is termed good by the hos* (Continued eii Page Nine) church parlors. Members will 'l^ a l today. Dubuc has a torn knee established 1918 have now been accused of crim­ capitol, cov'ers departmental op­ among guests of honor at a "get Miss Mary Ann Beach, daughter Pastor Modean,. A Manchester work on sewing for the Pumpkin cartilage, back injuries, and a cut inal WTongdoing, including the two erations for the 2-year period W-. acquainted party’’ Sept. 13 at 8 of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Beach. native, will beooine pastor of the . festival. on the" head. Mrs. Dubuc suffered who allegedly accepted bribes to (Tinning next July 1, The requests' p.m. at the home of Mrs. .Walter 143 Boulder Rd,, and Miss Bar­ First Lutheran Church, Clifton, "Cemmtrelal and “protect” an Illegal drinking esr are subject to trimming by the By FBI Questioned Schiller, 14 Stony Comers, Avon. bara Rottner, daughter ’of Atty. N. J„ beginning Oct. 2, He is a cut leg and forehead and Mrs. toblishment. Hlltgeft has a fractured Jaw. Houston Stalls state Budget Department. The party is sponsored by the and Mrs. John S. G. Rottner, 483 prcsi^nt . of the New England Hlltgen and hie 17-month-old In ^ tr io l Pointing The grand Jury will be asked ■ The. agency asked $140.2 million Central Connecticut Chapter of E. Center St., will enter Wellesley Conference Luther League. son. John, were given emergency specifically, according to the pros­ for its basic operating expenses. the Centenary Alumni Associa­ College. Wellesley, Mass., Sept.-lS He will discuss the young adult Enrolling of X Washington, Sopt. 7 {/P)— President Eisenhower said today treatment at the hospital Sunday ecutor, to look Into geunbling, That’s an increase of $32.1 million, LECLERC tion o f Centenary College for as fre.ahmen. / ' movement in the church. The new . prosltution, police payoffs and Il­ or 3(5 per cent more than it re- the defection, to Moscow' of two American code clerks shows Women, Hackettstowm, N..T. Miss committee will serve post-high legal liquor violations. ceiwd during the present bien­ the^eed for an examination of the government’s entire secu* FUNERAL HOME Halvorsen is a senior at the col­ The public Is Invited to an in­ school age young people. Labelle said that an Investiga­ Negro Pupils nium. rity nt^hinery. lege. stallation of officers of Manchester Alfred C, Lange, vice president tion by his office and by State More money to meet state edu­ The Pr^ident said every (wssible step must be taken, 'with­ FUNERAL Grange tomorrow at 8 p.m. in of the church, will be toastmaster. Police, which predated the Sep­ Houston, Tex., Sept. 7 (JP\ — cational aid to town grants was Orange Flail. Officers'will be In­ A dinner, pretyared -by Edward tember '1959 gambling raids In Negro parents sought to enter requested. The department asked out violatmg the rights of individuals, to remove bad ffcicu- stalled by past masters. Kehl, co-chairman of the commit­ Hartford, had 'been In progre.ss their chilldren in previously all- for $86.7 million for this, sji in­ rity risks frdni positions where they can harm the Ration. SERVICE tee, wlU be served.' without , p u b 1 i c i t y ' for many white schools here today, but crease of $7.5 million, or 9 jjer Eisenhower his news conference that the defection Of WALTER N.
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