II. Annals Founding Members of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, 1929 181 History of the Giannini Foundation 182 Current Members and Associate Members 184 Foundation Leadership 1928–2009 185 Emeriti of the Foundation 185 Chronology of Faculty and Specialist Appointments 186 American Association of Agricultural Economics 190 Honors and Awards Western Agricultural Economics Association 195 Honors and Awards Ph.D. Recipients and Dissertation Titles 197 Giannini Foundation Publications 223 GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS • UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS 180 ANNALS Founding Members of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics 1929 At the initial stages of its development it is recommended that the following individuals be made members of the staff of the Foundation, with the titles indicated. C.B. Hutchison Director of the Giannini Foundation, Professor of Agriculture and Associate Director of Research in the Experiment Station B.H. Crocheron Director of Agricultural Extension, Professor of Agricultural Extension and Agricultural Economist on the Giannini Foundation L.W. Fluharty Specialist in Agricultural Extension and Associate on the Giannini Foundation H.R. Wellman Specialist in Agricultural Extension and Associate on the Giannini Foundation H.E. Erdman Professor of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation Frank Adams Professor of Irrigation Investigations and Practice and Irrigation Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation R.L. Adams Professor of Farm Management and Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation Walter Mulford Professor of Forestry and Forest Economist on the Giannini Foundation E.C. Voorhies Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Associate Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation David Weeks Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Associate Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation E.W. Braun Specialist in Agricultural Extension and Associate on the Giannini Foundation S.W. Shear Assistant Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation C.H. West Assistant Agricultural Economist in the Experiment Station and on the Giannini Foundation F.R. Wilcox Specialist in Agricultural Extension and Associate on the Giannini Foundation Source: The Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, Revised Plan of Organization, May 10, 1929. 181 GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS History of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics he annals of the Giannini Foundation of formulating ways and means of enabling the agri­ Agricultural Economics provide a brief histori­ culturalists of California to profit from the existence Tcal description of the Giannini Foundation of of favorable facts and conditions, and to protect Agricultural Economics, University of California, and themselves as well as possible from adverse facts and refl ect the contribution of Foundation members to conditions.” the profession. It was prepared for the occasion of the The mission of the Foundation broadly encour­ 75th Anniversary Symposium held on the Davis ages production and dissemination of scientifi c campus. The event memorialized A.P. Giannini’s early information relating to production, marketing, and affiliation with agriculture and his generous gift to consumption of agricultural commodities; develop­ the university in support of California agriculture and ment and allocation of natural and environmental rural areas in a period of difficult economic times. In resources; welfare of farm families, farm laborers, and addition, the symposium celebrated the accomplish­ rural communities; and interrelationships among the ments of the Foundation over the past seventy-fi ve agricultural sector, the rural community, and other years in meeting the changing needs of this dynamic components of the state, national, and world econo­ sector of the California economy and examined mies. challenges and issues that deserve the university’s The Giannini Foundation is a systemwide Univer­ attention as we move forward through the twenty-fi rst sity of California organization reporting to the century. Commissioned papers and discussant com­ Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources in the ments are published for general audiences. Office of the President. There are currently fi fty-nine The University of California’s 2005/06 academic active members. Associate membership is accorded year included two celebrations commemorating the to other professional economists (ten in 2009) 1928 gift of $1.5 million to the Regents of the Univer­ with interests in the programs and activities of the sity of California in tribute to A.P. Giannini, founder Foundation. and president of Bancitaly Corporation. The gift The Foundation budget is used to support specified that no more than one-third of the gift be selected research projects; sponsor publication of the used for construction of Giannini Hall on the Berkeley bimonthly ARE Update, which reports topical activi­ campus, designated to house the Giannini Foundation ties of members; publish the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics. In September 2005, the research series; and promote a number of activities seventy-fifth anniversary of completion of Giannini designed to enhance the professional work of Foun­ Hall was memorialized by an event sponsored by the dation members and associates and enhance the College of Natural Resources. relevance of that work to problems faced by society at large. The Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Early History The remainder of the gift became an endowment fund All University of California teaching, research, and supporting the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural extension programs in agriculture were administered Economics. The endowment provides important from the Berkeley campus during the first half of the support for activity in agricultural and resource 1900s, including agricultural programs located at the economics at the University of California. The gift University Farm at Davis, the Citrus Research Station specifies that the annual income from the endowment at Riverside, and the Los Angeles campus. The found­ is to support “the activities of the Foundation [which] ing members of the Giannini Foundation were an are to be regarded as chiefly: (a) those of research eclectic group, including eight economists (six agricul­ with the purpose to find the facts and conditions tural economists, a forest economist, and an irrigation which will promise or threaten to affect the economic economist), the director of Agricultural Extension and status of California agriculturalists; and (b) those of four Extension specialists, and the first director of the 182 ANNALS Giannini Foundation, Claude B. Hutchison, an agri­ of the Berkeley and Davis departments) plus two cultural scientist who was formerly the director of the Foundation members—one each from Berkeley and Davis branch of the College of Agriculture from 1922 Davis serving staggered six-year terms with the senior to 1924. Hutchison quickly launched an expanded one named as director of the Foundation for a three- program in research and extension in marketing, year period. fi nance, and management problems of California farmers. Library Facilities The Giannini Foundation Library at Berkeley was Current Structure opened in 1930 to provide needed research material The chair of the Berkeley Department of Agricultural for the Foundation staff. It is considered to be one Economics served as director of the Foundation for of the finest specialized collections in agricultural much of its early history. The Berkeley and Davis economics in the world. The Davis departmental departments were one department, with the chair at library is a smaller, excellent research library that Berkeley and the vice chair at Davis, until 1966, when has been developed with departmental, campus, and the Department of Agricultural Economics became Foundation support. Both libraries contain a wide an independent unit of the College of Agriculture at range of materials—papers, books, periodicals, serials, Davis. Reorganizations since have attempted to rec­ conference proceedings, and symposia and work­ ognize the expanded spheres of responsibilities that shop reports, as well as reports and statistics from have resulted from delegation of many activities to local, state, national, and international governmental general campuses of the university. agencies, associations, societies, research foundations, Leadership of the Foundation is now vested and business organizations. Both libraries are noncir­ in the Giannini Foundation Executive Board with culating libraries, but they are also open to others for three standing members (the UC vice president of on-site use. Agriculture and Natural Resources and the chairs 183 GIANNINI FOUNDATION OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Current Members and Associate Members, 2009 Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Giannini Foundation Executive Board, 2007–2009 Colin A. Carter Director, University of California, Davis Dan Dooley University of California Vice-President, Agricultural and Natural Resources Richard E. Howitt Department Chair, University of California, Davis Larry Karp Department Chair, University of California, Berkeley Jeffrey M. Perloff Professor, University of California, Berkeley
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