Lambda Sci-Fi DC Area Gaylaxians (202) 232-3141 – Issue # 344 – November 2018 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.lambdascifi.org The LSF Book Fantastic Beasts: Discussion Group The Crimes of Grindelwald - an LSF Movie Outing - announced by Peter When: Sunday, Nov. 18; 3:25 PM show. Where: Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14, 701 Seventh St NW, Washington, DC (Gal- If you’re interested in lively lery Place-Chinatown Metro Station on the discussions of F&SF books (with an Red Line). emphasis on elements of interest to the LGBT community), we invite you to Details: It’ll be opening weekend for the mo- join the LSF Book Discussion Group. vie, so it’s recommended that you buy your Each month, we conduct fascinating ticket in advance. It’s also reserved seating, round-table discussions of works by so you can show up whenever you want. significant F&SF authors. Peter, Rob, and Wess will be sitting in Seats The LSF Book Discussion F9, F10, and F11, in case you want to get Group usually meets on the 4th Thurs- seats close to them. For those who are in- day of every month, starting at 7:00 PM, terested, we’ll have dinner in Chinatown af- Questions: Please send email to: at Peter & Rob’s home: 1425 “S” St., ter the show. [email protected] NW – for directions or more details, call 202-483-6369. The next book discus- sion will be held on December 6. Happy Thanksgiving to Here are the details for the next everybody at LSF couple of book discussions: Dec. 6 (combined Nov./Dec. discus- and to all their friends sion) – Leviathan Wakes by James A. and families! Corey (moderator: Konrad). - < < < < < < November 2018 LSF Meeting > > > > > > What’s Inside? Page 2: Minutes of the Oct. LSF Meeting; The next LSF meeting will be held on Sunday, November 11th. The meeting will be Monsters in Philadelphia!; Dwarf Planet held at Peter and Rob’s home, 1425 “S” Street NW, Washington, DC. The meeting and Giant Moon. will begin at 1:30 and the “group watch” will begin at 3:00 PM. Hope to see you there! Page 3: DC’s Different Drummers Con- cert (Saturday, November 3rd). Page 4: Information About LSF: DC Area Gaylaxians and Con Calendar. Minutes of the October Monsters in Philadelphia! Dwarf Planet and LCF Meeting info passed along by Carl Giant Moon taken by Scott info passed along by Carl Rob reminded everyone that the On October 2nd, the Interna- next Gaylaxicon will be held in October tional Astronomical Union’s Minor Pla- 2019 in Minneapolis. net Center announced that a previously- TV News: Amazon picked up unknown dwarf planet is circling through The Expanse from the SyFy Channel. the far reaches of the Solar System. The Amazon is also apparently developing a small spherical object was officially TV series of The Lord of the Rings. Rob designated as TG387 when it was first enjoys the new season of Doctor Who, observed in October 2015 by the Subaru featuring Jodie Whittaker as the Doctor. telescope at Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Obser- He also likes the new NetFlix series The This is an art exhibit that would vatories. And, in the spirit of its near- Haunting of Hill House, set in current warm the cockles of H.P. Lovecraft’s Halloween discovery, TG387 was nick- times. Not much is known so far regar- heart! named “the Goblin”. ding CBS’s new Star Trek-based series There’s a fabulous temporary art Picard. The third season of Iron Fist has installation at Building 611 (an old rusting been cancelled. In answer to a question warehouse) in Philadelphia’s Navy Yard. from Joe, Teresa recommended two gen- Over a dozen huge, purple, 40-foot-long re shows on non-cable TV: NBC’s The tentacles are bursting out of windows and Good Place and the CW’s various DC reaching from the roof-top. The tentacles Comics series (Flash, Supergirl, etc. – are inflatable sculptures, so they sway in “but not Arrow”). Rob described the new the breeze and create a sense that a huge idea for Black Mirror Season 5: going creature is trying to break out of the interactive, with viewers choosing their building. (It sure looks “Lovecraftian” to own adventure. me!) Film News: The First Man The installation – “Sea The Goblin is about 300 kilo- (starring Ryan Goslin) is reported to be Monsters HERE” – was created by UK- meters (nearly 190 miles) in diameter, six incredibly boring. Teresa reported that based artists Filthy Luker and Pedro times smaller than Pluto – “on the small she enjoyed the new Predator movie, Estrellas. They were invited to install the end of a dwarf planet” said discoverer which apparently includes some humor- work as part of a collaborative project Scott Sheppard (Carnegie Institution for ous elements. between Group X (a collection of local Science). It’s probably a ball of ice; and it Upcoming LSF book discus- artists and organizers) and the Navy Yard. “always stays well beyond the giant planet sions: Theory of Bastards by Audrey It’s on view until November 16. region” (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Nep- Schulman (Oct. 25) and Leviathan Wakes tune). The Goblin’s orbit comes no closer by James S.A. Corey (Dec. 6). than 65 AU (astronomical units) to the Upcoming LSF Event: LSF ga- Sun. (Reminder: An AU is the distance ming party – Saturday, Oct. 27. between the Earth and the Sun.) In con- Finally, we watched the first trast, Pluto is on an average about 40 AU Star Trek Discovery short feature (“Run- from the Sun. away”) and Episode 1 of the new season The Goblin has a lopsided ellip- of Doctor Who. tical orbit: 65 AU at its closest approach to the Sun, but 2,300 AU from the Sun at the furthest-away point of its orbit – reaching well into the region of space known as the Oort Cloud. The Goblin takes 40,000 years to complete one orbit of the Sun. (One “Goblin year” ago, there were Ne- anderthals on the Earth.) Because it moves so slowly, confirming the Goblin’s orbit required repeated observations between 2015 and 2018. And it’s a good thing they spotted the Goblin when they did, because A Klingon Thanksgiving? Have a SUPER Thanksgiving! (continued on page 3) Dwarf Planet and entist and deputy editor at Science Ad- DC’s Different Drummer Giant Moon vances, was not himself involved in the Concert continued from page 2 study.) “Beyond Our World” Then Kipping and Teachey - November 3rd – for 99% of its orbit, the Goblin is too asked for 40 hours of observation time distant and too faint to be detected. on the Hubble Space Telescope (which Two other dwarf planets – is four times as precise as the Kepler). VP113 (nicknamed “Biden”) and Sedna During their observation, there were – also have skewed orbits like the “weird signatures in the flicker of Goblin’s. Scott Sheppard theorizes that Kepler 1625. Kepler 1625’s light faded a large, unknown planet could be “shep- more than an hour before Kepler 1625b herding” these dwarf planets, guiding (a known exoplanet) transited the star, DC’s Different Drummers them around the fringes of the Solar and the star’s light remained dimmer proudly announce their upcoming No- System. Other astronomers agree, theo- for a while after the planet passed. vember 3rd performance by the Capital rizing that this “shepherd planet” would Kipping and Teachey determined that Pride Symphonic Band, featuring be bigger than the Goblin or Pluto, this wasn’t the result of activity on the compositions inspired by space and possibly up to 10 times as massive as star; and there was no evidence that exploration. The title of the concert is Earth. In a 2014 Nature article, Sheppard another planet was influencing Kepler “Beyond Our World”; it will feature said that smaller objects like the Goblin 1625b’s orbit. To them, it looked to musical performances drawing their would have to “dance around” the un- them like Kepler 1625b is being orbited inspiration from humankind’s wonder known planet or else risk collisions or by another body the size of Neptune. and curiousness about the cosmos. being ejected from their orbits – and, so So, here’s what seems to be Their special guest Master of far, all the objectives Sheppard has going on: Kepler 1625 is an aging star Ceremonies will be Dr. Robert Lutz, spotted out there appear to dance as and is known to host a gaseous planet founder and co-chair of the Lesbian, predicted. The Goblin sits right in the the size of Jupiter (called Kepler Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advi- middle of a cluster of known objects and 1625b). And Kepler 1625b is sory Committee, an employee asso- “If the trends are true, then we don’t apparently being orbited by a Neptune- ciation that advocates for LGBT per- know of another explanation for why sized moon. How did that unusual sonnel at NASA’s Goddard Space they would be grouped in an orbit like combination come about? Kipping and Flight Center (Greenbelt MD). this.” Teachey aren’t sure. Kepler 1625b’s huge “moon” might ac-tually be a When: Saturday, Nov. 3rd, wayward planet captured by the larger beginning at 7:00 PM Kepler 1625b – or, like Earth’s moon, Where: The Church of the it could have been formed by some Epiphany, 1317 “G” St., NW, Wash- catastrophic collision when something ington DC big hit Kepler 1625b. “It’s raising new Tickets are available on- questions about the sort of dynamical line through their website: http://dcdd.org processes that go on to create the planets and moons,” said Teachey.
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