1078 INDEX. Salt-works of Sauna, 553, 554 Savali, 283 Scorpions, 42)), 564, 722, 724; Salterella, 471 ; BilllngsI, 516; Mac Saxlcava, 157; aretica, 988, 984; Upper Still'-fat), 550, 565, 1174, cullochi, 573; pulehella, 471, 472*; rugosa, 084, 995 722 ; Devonian, 575; Carbon rugosa, 578 Saxifraga, 240; oppositifolia, 045 iferous, 677, 691, 701* Salton Lake, 200 Saxon)-, Ai-ehaan In, 455, 456; Scotland, 155, 918, 2214, 258, 238, 453, SuLti)iistail Ridge. SU1 Per706, 707-mian,; Triassic, 708 584; Archwan In, 453, 456, 157; Saltpeter, 68l. 187 Scalaria, 916, 1)22; Bowerbankil, Cambrian, 457, 481 ; Lower Salvinia, 584, 718; natans, 435,436* 925; Granlandiea, 9184; Hercules, Silurian, 518, 524), 524 ; Upper Samoan Islands, $6, 88, 145, 288, 854; Slllimani, 854 Silurian, 568, 565, 573; Devo 297 Scalent series, 728 iilnii, 622, 628, 625 ; Snbcar San Bernardino, Pass of, lOt) Scales, Fish, analysis of, 73 boniferoiis, 695; Carboniferous, San Francisco Mountains, 660 Scalites angulatus, 54)9* 709, Tn) ; Permian, 4397 ; Triassic, peninsula, 884, 892; River, 8S5 Scandinavia, 82, 43, 256;ilords 768, 778 ; .Jurassic, 775; great San Gabriel Range, 892 of, 94s; Archa'an in, 456; Cain thrust movement in highlands San Juan Mts., 868 brian, 482; Lower Silurian, 521 of, 584 Sand, 75, 76; barriers, 223, 024*; Upper Silurian, 56), 568, 569, Scratches, 95, 96 bars, 192, 193, 202, 212, 216, 225, 573; Cretaceous, 857; Glacial, Scratching by drifting sand, 160 226*, 227*; hills on sea shores, 948. See also Norway; Sweden; by icebergs, 252; by slides of 94, 155, 161, 162; rock, 90; etc. rock, 240* scratches, 160; spits, increase of, Scandinavian plateau, 19 Scutella, 559 228, 224 Scaphaspis Ludensis, 567 Scuteiia limestone, 559 Sand-blast, carving by, 161 Scaphlocrlnus, 640, 690 ; Missouri Seyphia (ilgitatn, 513 Sand-flea, 420*, 421 coals, 640, 046 Scyphian-Kaik, 79') Sand-worm, 428 Seaphites, 854 ; a'qualis, 866; Con Sea-anemone, 481§ Sandstone, 80; dikes or veins, mdi, 549*, 854, 855; (Ieinitzi, 866; Sea bottom, changes In level of, 844*, 811, 876 hippocrepla, 854 ; larvaforu11s, 845, 348, 949 Sandstones of Condros. 625 842*, 848, 855; noilosus, 855; 1)111 Sea water, salts of, composition of, Sandusky limestone, 551 cherrlmus, 866; Texanus, 855; 120; dotomlzation by means of, Sandy 1-took, formation of, 224, 225 ventrlcosus, $55; vemniifommls, 184 Sangay, 26 855 Seals, 415 Sangre de Cristo Range, 266 Scaphodus Liidensls, 567 Seani, 92 Sanidin, 84, SS; trachyte, S4 Se.aphopods, 424 Seaweeds, 56, 75, 143, 155, 486 Sannionites, 501 Scapolite, 65, 79, 810, 318, 320 Secondaryformations, 738; minerals, Sannoisian stage, 926 Sear limestone, 695 820, 323, 332, 840, 841; rocks, Santa Cruz beds, 927; Islands, vol Scaumenacia, 621 40S, 880 canoes of, '296; Mts., 892 Scelklosatirus, 787 Secretary Bird, 923 Santa inez Range, 892 Scolidotherlum, 1003 Section, general, ofgeological series, Santa Lucia Mts., 892 Scenella, 482; reticulata, 472*; re- 410*, 411* Santa Maria Island, elevation of, tnsa, 472* - of Adirondacks, Can., 452*; 849 Schillerlzation, 821 Appalachians, i09*, 109*, 355*, Santa Monica Range, 892 Schist, 83, S4 850*; Arehican, 451*; Bald Mt., Santa Suzanna Range, 892 Schistose rocks, 82, 88 N. Y., 52S* Santee beds, 888 Schistosity,118, 871 - of Coal-measures at Trevorton Santo Domingo. 19, 935 Schizaster atavus, 866 Gap, 650* ; Coal-measures near Santonian, 859, 866 8chIzobolu truncatus, 612 Nesquehoning, '49* Santorin Island, 296 (volcanoes) Schizocrania filosa, 507*, 544 -of Colorado Plateau, 110*, 363* San hirsuta, 481*, 482 Schizocrinus, N32; nodosus, 514 Cumberland Table-land, Tenn., 8a Miguel, geysers of, 808 Schizodus, 61)2, 621, 687, 707 ; am 350 Sapindus. 838, 896; Morrisoni, 888 plus, 690; Cliesterensis, 647; - of Dent do Morcies, 807*; Mt. Saportiea, 685 (lubius, 71171 ; ol)seurus, 707 Enlus, Vt., 530* ; at Genesee Sapphire, 64 quadrangutitris, 621); Ilossicus, Falls, 01*, 542; of Gmcvlock ML, Sapphlrina Iris, 420*, 421 655; Sehlnthelinl, 707; truncatus, Mass., 530* Sarclnula, 640; obsoleta, 511*, 515 707 - of hamilton beds, Lake Erie, Sardinia, Cambrian in, 4-S'2; Upper Schizopods, 489, 708 594*; Hawaii, 269*: Himalayas, Silurian, 563, 564 Schizothoriiini, 91$ 82*, 808* ; Jurn Mts., 868* Sargasso Sea, 45, 121, 143, 156 Sehierri (i,)loIi)yte, 774 - of Mt. Los, 296* ; of Portland Sargassiiin. 437 Schiu'nbaelila l3etknapl, 836 ; ens dirt-bed, 776* at Niagara River, Sarmatian stage, 927 tata, 9415 (lei] tjito-calinata, 855 549* ; of Palcozole at I'ottsville, Sarotes venatoriiis, 16$ inIlata, S65 ; l'ocii viiion, 886 650* Saskatchewan River, 29, 208, 947 Van aiiM, ; vnrk'i sti, 865 - (Prosser's) of Now York rocks Sassafras, 812, 831, 837, 879, 921 Schlo'nbnelila clays, 486 near Rochester, 005; (Prossor's) Cretaceiini, 887, 58Ø Sehoharki epoch, 410, 576, 579 ; grit, of Pennsylvania rocks, Munroe Sat valley, 240 676, 579, 547, 590, 591, 601, 628 Co., 51)4, OtIti Saurichthys, 772; apicalis, 774 Sehunl rock, 45 - on the Schuvikili, Pa., 65O aurocephalus, 862; lanclformis, 844 Selitivlkili River, 816 (,fSIlflke Mt., Vt., 529*; Taconie i4aurodon tanciformis, 844 Seirini s, 7,5; ((ol1iltOSlis, 946 Range, near Mont,iiorenci Falls, Saurodonts, 826. 848, 862 Sciurits. 910. 914 527*; Tennessee Rocks, 856* Sauropods, 701, 762-764, 786, 867 Seiiitlitis, 421, 4-M; linearis, 477* Timpaliuto liange, 866* ; Utah 8auropus pi1mivus, 645* 5col 'Iieroiia. 419, 724 ore-beds, 339* Saussurite, 65w, 88, 818,819; rocks, Seoria, 266, 267w, 29l, '282 - showing cavern-making iii lime- 82, 88 Scoriaceous invas, '280S, 28l, 208; stone, 130* ; of decaying little- Sage Island, elevation, 850 rocks, 78 stone, Awonin, N.Y., 126.
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