THE WEATHER. NET PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION LicreMtiig cloadlness and warm* OF THE EVENING HBOtALD er tonight. Tuesday showers and lor the eaooth of October,' 1996. Icblderl 4,898 v,-". Vi.f. *»•' »i* ^ PRICE THREE CENTS MANCHESmt, c o n n ;' BfONDAX NO VB»W ft^ VOL. XLV„ NO. 27. d u d lle d AdTertiilng ob Page 6 c tNEARING 40, IS GIVEN VDTEBS TO GO TO POLLS STEPMOTHER, AGED 16 Too ^ ch Pabl^^ 14STATESARE EECnONHERE K U E R CUNIFFE I Washliiiton. % v . 1.— PracU- Patchogue, N. Y., Nov. .1.— ei^ly alP ugh .'olQclals deserted Viola Marie Alter, Just turned Little Rich Girl RariA Whshingtbn today ^ order to go 16, today ia the wife of Dr. Silas home to vote in tomorrow's elec- DOUBWIN HAYBRINGOirT Rogers Corwlth, 66, and the SLAIN, PAL A N ) uonp.-' stepmother of Mrs. William Camden, N- J., Nov. 1.— Publici­ The example.was set by Presi­ Thompson, of Milwaukee, who S ou p J^ b ty has spoiled the self sought Clp-v dent ^CooRdie, who with Mrs. TUESDAY TEST ARECWVOTE is considerably more than twice COPDMFIGffT derella experience of Bllnbr Dor- jQbbU^e. leaves tonight for her age. i-ance, daughter of the multi-mil­ Nbrtiiampton, Maae-> to cast baX- " ■ • The physician and his Girl lionaire head of the,Cauipbell soup ^0 home town; The Scout bride were quietly mar­ ’ Cbbildges-Will return' In time to ried at Brookhaten yesterdgy company and has drlvexy'her out'of Control of Boffi Houses of Notorious Crook, Sought for her job. Elinor, tomute p'eetor at rbtutns over the radio at the Closing of Mills, R e p u b lic afternoon while practically the Whlie House tomorrow night. whole population of Patchogue 30 cents an hour, punched l^e time clock just as any other factory girl, in Bsiofni, is to - In' a 'list minute appeal, the Congress in Balance; Ex­ waited in the rain outside the Mail Job, Murdered in P^tdeat-urged all citizens to Organization and Interest church here. hours before her fatger drove up to the plant office in his cuL.She vote.’ . pect 20 Millions Will Go SpoOs Row; Slayer KMs plunned a scgle to advancement Dosiii by - "Let BO, vo.ters abdicate their in Dewey-Gabb Fight to from the tomato peeling - depart­ aovereiga rlfbt of self^overn- ment to the cashier’s cage and on to Coatfmebuod.; joent at the election on Tuesday to Ae Polls. lUNYPRISOliEIiS Officer, Is Shot Dead. a permanent place on the advertis­ by failing to vote." Bring Out Crowd. ing staff. The other; girls didn’t Tbat and nothing more was know her from the most conimon- the .l^al statement that came Rome, Nov. .1.— An unBiicofMful from the .y ^ te House. Washington, Nov. 1. (United POLLING PLACE— ^New Mun­ Detroit, Nov. 1.— A bandits’ place Lizzie Smith. ’ BEGFORFItEEDOM Then it came out that she was attempt, to awassinate Premier Press).— With a final blare of cam­ icipal Building. quarrel over spoils during a cham­ Mussolini in -Bologna yesterdgy TDIE— 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. the daughter of the big boss. The paign tru-mpets, the 1926 congres­ pagne carousel today was believed newspapers printed the story. She was the result of a well defin'qd TRANSPORTATION — Phono pJot, It was l^anrtd today. It end­ sional campaign closed today and\ “Republican Headquarters,” to be the cause of a pistol fight in became a public figure. ed in-the death'of the assasain. at tomorrow about 20,000.000 people^ Pardons Board Hears Long With the spell broken, Elinor fled give your name and address which James (Killer) Cuniffe, an­ the bands-of ap infuriated moh are expected to troop to the polls and a car will call. If yon can other bandit, their woman compan­ back to the palatial family estate On Friday,'it was dlaclbsed, the at Randor, Pa. The poor little rich to select the men who are to make possibly get to the polls your­ List of Appeals from ion and a policeman were slain Bologna police ; seized nupierous TRIAL FOR MURDER laws for the nation during the next self, do so. early yesterday. Two others were girl for the present is going to for­ cdples of mahifeato which had get the music of factory whistles, two years. HOW TO VOTE— Party lovers wounded during the terrific gun­ been; placarded tiioughout the city Thirty-two senate seats and 435 must be pulled to the right Wethersfield Inmates. fire. the clinging touch of a scratching Elinor Dorranco. in a mysterious fathlon, carrying a house chairs are to be allocated by until the bell rings. In splitting The shooting occurred in Apart­ work apron, the straining and cal­ hint that the' premier would not the electorate in one of the most ticket push up lever over name ment 20 of the Highland Court lousing contact of tomato juice and leave Bologna^ alive. Sb^er of Forth Worth Lmn tense congressional contests be­ apartments, 257 Highland avenue, machinery. Discovery 'of-this placard-aroused of candidate you are scratch­ Hartford, Nov, 1.— ^Elght years tween the Republican and Demo­ ing, pull down lever over can­ which the two bandits and the “ Of course Elinor wants to know the police-and moat elaborate pre­ cratic parties since inauguration oi of service as a purchasing agent for AM EE T O ‘ EXPOSE didate you favor. woman had occupied since October the business,” explained Dr. Dor- cautions were tal^en to protect the b e r ^ Faces Jury; Self the modern ballot system. TO VOTE A STRAIGHT TICK­ a firm of garment makers, although 17. shortly after the $150,000 Eli­ rance when the story came out. life of the pteinler, evett though Upon the outcome rests control some officials were Inclined to be­ ET SIMPLY PULL THE PAR­ confined in prison, were told about! zabeth. N. J., mail robbery that “ And the best plape to'learn it is in of both Houses of Congress during prompted posting of United States the factory. She would learn much lieve .the manifesof a joke. Defeose Claimed. TY LEVER UNTIL THE BELL by Charles Bassett, of Waterbury, . The Bologna police. Aided by the the last two of President Cool- RINGS AND LET IT SPRING marines on mall trains. more than just soup-making too. agents of .the governmbnt, are to­ idge's present administration and who Is serving a life sentence f r 'Hie Dead. She would gain a human under­ the future of pending internal leg­ BACK. The dead are James (Killer) day making a widespread search A recoru vote for an “ off” year murder, when he appealed for a standing which no amount of flap­ Ftort Worth, Tex., Nov. 1. (Unit­ islation upon prohibition, tax re­ Cuniffe, wanted for two murders in per parties could give. I approved for the accompUcea of the 18-year*- ed Press).-—J. Frank Norris, pas­ is expected here tomorrow when pardon today before the state .mar.', i Names Tnmk and "Jackie’ old youth who -attempted the as- duction, tariff rates, waterways New Jersey, one in Long Island of the idea, heartily.” ■ tor of the First Baptist church, Manchester voters go to the polls of pardons. aaasination. There was some con­ and other problems. and the $150,000 robbery of the The daughter’s disappointment Is was'scheduled to go on trial here to register their choice for state United States mail truck in Eliza­ jecture as to whether the - govern­ Expect Heavy Vote. Bassett’s appeal is among nine- shared by the father. today on charges of murdering D. Leaders of both parties through­ officers. The closing of the Cheney beth, N. J., in which a postal em­ Letter to a Los Angeles ment would take' action to displace one others being consld<-red ty the E.' Chlpps, 50, wealthy lumberman. out the country have made final silk mills for the afternoon and the board, over which Governor i.' ployee was shot to death and three the police officials of, Bolgna. organization which has been per­ lAst night, Hallowe’en night, appeals to get out the vote and be­ bull is presiding. Bassett has been other persons wounded; Pateolman Newspaper. • Red Hotbed Norris’-religious followers staged a fected by the local Republican, com­ Ernest Jones, drive;r of the’^Hlgh Bologna has long been- a hot-b^d lieve that perhaps 20,000,000 citi­ in prison since 1905 but makes his SHOW COFFIN WILL huge demonstration, parade and zens will answer the call— more mittee will be largely responsible first appeal for clemency this year. land Park police patrol wagon; gf radicalism and it is firmly be-^ In bringing voters to the polls, it is prayer meeting, supplicating aid than have ever before voted in a He said that about twelve years William James Olsen, bank bandit lleved that the plot against ,the life from high. ot the premier was thoronghly or­ congressional election. In 1924 the thought. ago he decided to study and edu­ suspect; an unidentified woman, Los Angeles, Nov. 1.—-Contents Norris’ plea will be self de­ Practically all departments of the the bandits’ companion. HOLD H O m DEAD of Kenneth G. Ormlston’s trunk, „ganized. —---- , ^ . total vote -for President ran over cate himself. At the start he was fense. 29,000.000 but political statisti­ silk mills will be closed for the Illiterate, but at present he is Patrolman Ephraim Rancour containing dresHes, robes, eboes and- ° . nrSr® wa! ChlPPs 'was shot July 18 in the afternoon, as was announced by The was shot through the right shoul­ qonUuued today, and order was cians customarily deduct about 35 studying calculus.
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