PAGE THIRTY-SIX__ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed., June 5, 1974 Columbia Proposed Landfill Rules Explained About Town VirsiniaVirginia Carlson groups9mitnQ urifhinwithin thefho townfnnrn millwill Kbea - Mountain Laurel Chapter of Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. town as a collector. The license the area without written Chapman Court, Order of Correspondent given preference to recycle that it will not blow or fall off Amaranth, will meet Friday at Sweet Adelines will rehearse The rehearsal is open to all Tel. 228-9224 may be obtained by presenta­ authorization from the first materials. However, no group tion of a list of town customers toe vehicle and create an un­ 7:45 p.m. at toe Masonic Tem­ Thursday at 7:3(Kp.^p. at ST. women interested in singing HanrljFHtpr fontng Upralb Propo$ed landfill regulations selectman. will be given "exclusive" rights and is valid for one year. The sightly roadside condition. This ple. Officers will wear white. L u k e’s C hurch h a ll, barbershop-style harmony. presentkl at a recent public to recycle. Dumping of tree trunks and fee is $25. is a state law, according to Vic­ Refreshments will be served MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974- VOL. XCIII, No. 210 hearing will become law if ap­ The Solid Waste Conunission stumps will be limited to those tor. Manchester—A City of Village Charm t w e n t y -e i g h t p a g e s — t w o s e c t i o n s Non-residents will not be per­ after toe meeting. PRICE: f if t e e n CEN'TS proved by a town meeting and believes some of the youth eight inches in diameter at the Any violation of the mitted to dump refu^ unless butt or largest end. 21 days after publication, accor­ groups would be interested in regulations could result in a Washington LOL will have a the refuse is a direct/result of Regulations state that any ding to the charter. the recycling program as a fine not to‘exceed $25. special meeting Saturday star­ work, operations or/ business vehicle carrying refuse to the The proposal states a means to raise funds. No date has been set for the ting at 6 p.m. with a roast beef undertaken in the town. A per­ area shall carry it covered so maximum resources recovery town meeting. dinner. The Boston (Mass.) effort including recycling Admission to the landfill area mit for $5 must t» obtained FREE will be sticker only. The from the town clerk stating the degree team will exemplify toe . r paper, glass, metals and rubber Royal Arch Purple degree on will be made. stickers are available in the nature and source m the refuse. town clerk’s office. When recycled i^aterials are several and candidates. Police Kill Sniper Selectmen will made con­ Almanac tracts with the custodian of the Refuse collectors will be brought to the area in a condi­ I H tion in which they can be Reynolds Circle of South area and other persons or permitted to dispose of refuse United MethodistjsChurch will SLACKS in the area provided they are recycled it is required that they groups to carry out the United Press International Americans between toe ages of have a potluck tonight at 6:30 at recyciing effort. Non profit iicensed or employed by the ee placed in &e designated OF YOUR CHOICE areas. Today is Wednesday, June 5, 21 and 31 registered in World Susannah Wesley House of toe The regulations require the the 156th day of 1974 with 209 to War I draft. church. Mrs. Clifton Coffin and WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY custodian to compact and cover follow. Mrs. Forrest Howell are co­ In 1933, President Franklin D. hostesses. Who Wounded 10 The moon is between its full the area with at least six inches Roosevelt signed a bill SS" SPORT COAT OMAHA, Neb. (UPI) — A sniper killed a PINEHURST of clean fill each day. phase and last quarter. Roth, told Andersen', “I don’t want any 'Three people in the home, Mr. and Mrs. The morning stars are abolishing toe gold standard. The Presbyterian Church will young policeman and wounded 10 other more patrolmen shot.” « Harry Owens and James Solman, No person will be permitted In 1966, American astronaut persons during a nearly five hour gun bat­ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ at 302 Main in the area except during the Venus and Jupiter. have a prayer meeting and Bi­ Roth, former head of the Secret Service managed to escape while Carr was inside. The evening stars are Mer­ Gene Cernan left Gemini 9 for a ble study tonight at 7:30 p.m. $25®®/ tle that ended early today when he was in Omaha, added, “We can always wait Andersen said just how they escaped was Today...as always... hours when open to the public two-hour, 10-minute gunned down by officers while fleeing a and the custodian is there. cury, Mars and Saturn. and a Bible study Thursday at until morning. He’s got to come out.” uncertain, but they weren’t physically “spacewalk." burning home filled with tear gas. Andersen said autlhorities will SWe chairman Robert Victor ’liiose bom on this day are un­ 9:30 a.m. at toe church, 43 harmed. ^ Famous for Fine Meats! In 1968, Sen. Robert Kennedy Spruce St. Police Chief Richard Anderson said of­ “probably never know” what prompted said the commission would take der the sign of Gemini. The night-long ordeal started when Carr was fatally shot in Los Angeles 789 ficers opened fire on Elza Carr Jr. 33, Carr to open fire. Andersen said Carr was Every summer, we sell thousands of freshly made under consideration that there Madame Chiang Kai-shek, reportedly shot and wounded his half by a 24-year-old Aab national Main after Carr came out of toe home onto a convicted of two felonies, a burglary in U.S. Choice BEEF RATTIER. They run 5 to the lb., should be a regulation covering wife of the leader of Nationalist First Church of Christ, Scien­ brDtoer, Jesse McDonald, 44, less than a China, was bora June 5, 1897. later identified as Sirhan tist, will have a testimony Straat closed-in porch and fired a shotgun at the 1967 and for auto theft in 1972. blocff^from the rooming house. and the demand seems to be split evenly between emergencies. Sirhan. The assassin was officers crouched outside, wounding one Scavenging is prohibited in On this day in history: meeting tonight at 8 at toe Manchaatof Bystanders reported, Andersen said, PInehurst Lean Patties which sell for $1.39 lb., and In 1917, more than 9.5 million sentenced to life imprisonment. church. The meeting is open to MEN’S SHOP policeman. that Carr fled down an alley into the Special Chopped Sirlqin>attles at $1.59 lb. toe public. Carr’s bullet-riddled body fell out of toe Barrel of Pennies rooming house where he shot two door onto the steps below. A Douglas coun­ Buy them fresh by the pound or by the number you NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (U PI)-There is policeman and a bystander from windows. need. They are alsd'avallable Freshly Frozen in 2 and ty sheriff’s deputy recovered a shotpn on toe porch floor inside. no question at the New Britain Bank and 4-ib. boxes... Trust Co. who its largest penny con­ Angry young blacks, who had watched tributor is. Call him king copper or toe drama during a night filled with We Are Headquarters lor Meats for Outdoor Grilling peerless penny pincher, his name is Charge Denied sometimes heavy thunderstorms, surged and our .fneat Manager Frank TofOs wiil cut Fuil Carmelo Accevedo. Tenderioined Porterhouse or Sirlojn Steaks...justthe into the Combat area objecting to the way By Manafort the police had gunned Carr down, literally An employe of Tunnel Variety, a Hart­ thickness you wanti ford candy store, rolled a pickle barrel 5 jerked his body off the steps and dropped 6 it on a sidewalk. with about 20,900 pennies into the bank and HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) - Public Many are marinating Chuck Steaks and report good walked out with a monetary equivalent of m . The crowd, estimated at more than 100 Works Commissioner Paul J. Manafort iuck griiling them over the open fire... $209 plus $20.90, or 10 per cent, for his ef­ today denied charges of improprieties in persons, dispersed but only after a woman forts. was shot. She was not believed to be the awarding of a $714,444 contract to SEM I-BONELESS CALIF. seriously wounded. Anderson said he was DeMatteo Construction Co. as project w l^ you buy uncertain who fired the shot. manager of a Waterbury higher education CHUCK STEAK :........... «>.<1.19 Throughout the incident involving Carr Inside facility. police were openly harassed by blacks, In a letter to Gov. Thomas J. Meskill, SMectad Cmtar U.S. Chorea several of whom flaunted police Today^s Manafort denied charges made by state CHUCK STlAKS .............,o.99‘ barricades and walked within firing range auditors last weekend and called “totally of the sniper, who was bolded up in the up­ false” their accusation his agency was bedroom furniture In a country store scene of the 1930s from the store for her mother; and Timothy Mainville as per story of a two-story near North Omaha “less than cooperative” to auditors in­ operetta, “Mulligan’s Magic,” are Verplanck Mulligan, a lively peddlar selling magic liquid. The vestigating toe contract award. Wey, otter fmm Dubuque ol«» m r home where he had a room.
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