The 90th Annual Meeting of CSJ Program 4S1- 10 Special Program Lecture Synthesis and optical properties of Room S1 inorganic-organic nanocomposite materials based on mesoporous materials (Frontier Research Center, Canon Inc.)MIYATA, Hirokatsu(12:05~ 12:10) Bldg.21 203 4S1- 11 Special Program Lecture Control of aggregation structure of photofunctional organic molecules using one-dimensional inorganic polymer (Grad. Sch. Sci., Eng., Kagoshima Univ.)KANEKO, Yoshiro(12:10~ Quantitative analytical researches on multi- 12:15) 4S1- 12 Special Program Lecture Preparation of Inorganic Layered functional foods Compounds for Selective Adsorption of an Organic Molecule(Fac. Eng., ) ( ~ ) Sunday, March 28, PM Shinshu Univ. OKADA, Tomohiko 12:15 12:20 4S1- 13 Special Program Lecture Highly Functional Low-Dimen- Chair: TAMIYA, Eiichi(13:30~15:00) sional Compouds(Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyoto Univ.)KAGEYAMA, Hiroshi 3S1- 01 Opening remarks(Kyoto Pref. Univ. of Med.)YOSHIKAWA, (12:20~12:25) Toshikazu(13:30~13:40) 4S1- 14 Panel Discussion (12:25~12:30) 3S1- 02 Special Lecture Current situation of the researches onmulti- functional foods(National Food Research Institute, NARO)HINO, Akihiro(13:40~14:20) New energy innovation and material produc- 3S1- 03 Special Lecture Food Factors in Medicine(Kyoto Pref. Univ. tion based on the artificial photosynthesis of Med.)YOSHIKAWA, Toshikazu(14:20~15:00) Monday, March 29, PM Chair: HINO, Akihiro(15:00~17:00) Chair: NANGO, Mamoru(13:30~15:00) 3S1- 04 Special Lecture Development of Functional Foods(Institute 4S1- 15 Introduction(Fac. Eng, Oita Univ.)AMAO, Yutaka(13:30~ for Health Care Science, Suntory Wellness Limited.)KISO, Yoshinobu 13:40) (15:00~15:40) 4S1- 16 Special Program Lecture Carbon Dioxide Fixation Based on 3S1- 05 Special Lecture Future contributions of artificial digestion, the Artificial Photosynthesis System(Fac. Eng, Oita Univ.)AMAO, Yutaka absorption and metabolism systems to the evaluation of food functions(IIS, (13:40~14:20) The Univ. of Tokyo)SAKAI, Yasuyuki; FUJII, Teruo(15:40~16:20) 4S1- 17 Special Program Lecture Construction of Photocatalysis Sys- 3S1- 06 ( Special Lecture Biodevices for analysing food function Grad. tem for CO2 Reduction using Mesoporous Organosilica(Toyota Central Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.)TAMIYA, Eiichi(16:20~17:00) R&D Labs., Inc.; JST/CREST)INAGAKI, Shinji(14:20~15:00) (17:00~17:10) Chair: AMAO, Yutaka(15:00~16:30) 3S1- 07 closing remarks(National Food Research Institute, NARO)HINO, 4S1- 18 Special Program Lecture Energy Conversion and Catalytic Akihiro(17:00~17:10) Systems Using Porphyrin-Antibody Complexes(Grad. Sch. Sci., Osaka Univ.; JST-CREST)YAMAGUCHI, Hiroyasu; HARADA, Akira(15:00~ Photoscience of low-dimensional inorganic- 15:40) 4S1- 19 Special Program Lecture Self-assembly of photosynthetic an- organic hybrid systems-Photofunction of or- tenna polypeptides/pigments complexes.(Grad. Sch. Eng., Nagoya Inst. of ganic compounds within microenvironment- Tech.)NANGO, Mamoru(15:40~16:20) 4S1- 20 ( ) ( ~ ) Monday, March 29, AM Summary Fac. Eng, Oita Univ. AMAO, Yutaka 16:20 16:30 Chair: NAKATO, Teruyuki(9:30 ~10:20) 4S1- 01 Special Program Lecture New Photofunctions of Metal Complexes Manifested in a Low-dimensional Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Room S2 (Grad. Sch. Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Tech; CREST, JST)ISHITANI, Osamu (09:30~10:00) Bldg.21 204 4S1- 02 Special Program Lecture Control and Photofunction of Mo- lecular Arrangement of Dye/Metal Oxide Hybrid Langmuir-Blodgett Film (Fac. Textile Sci. Technol., Shinshu Univ.; SORST/JST)USAMI, Hisanao (10:00~10:10) Special Lecture 4S1- 03 Special Program Lecture Investigation of Photochemical re- actions in Clay-Porphyrin Complexes(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.; PRESTO, Saturday, March 27, AM JST)TAKAGI, Shinsuke(10:10~10:20) Chair: SUZUKI, Keisuke(11:00~11:50) 2S2- 01# Special Lecture β-Peptides from Chemistry to Biology Chair: MIYATA, Hirokatsu(10:20~11:10) (Organische Chemie / Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule, 4S1- 04 Special Program Lecture Photoelectrochemical Aspect of Switzerland)Dieter Seebach(11:00~11:50) Phase-separated Nanostructured Polymer Thin Films(Chem. Res. Lab., Tokyo Tech)IYODA, Tomokazu(10:20~10:50) 4S1- 05 Special Program Lecture Environmental Luminous Re- Total Synthesis of Structurally Complex Natural sponse of Dyes Incorporated in 2-dimensional nano-space(Shimane Products: New Transformations and Strategies Univ.)SASAI, Ryo(10:50~11:00) 4S1- 06 Special Program Lecture Control of aggregation state and Saturday, March 27, PM arrangement of dye moelcules on the organically modified nanosheets(Univ. (13:30~13:40) of Hyogo)MATSUO, Yoshiaki(11:00~11:10) 2S2- 02 Introduction(School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Univ. of Tokyo)INOUE, Masayuki(13:30~13:40) Chair: KAGEYAMA, Hiroshi(11:20~12:00) 4S1- 07 Special Program Lecture Size effect on the optical properties Chair: TANINO, Keiji(13:40~14:10) of organic nanocrsytals(Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ.)ASAHI, Tsuyoshi 2S2- 03 Special Lecture Synthetic Strategies aiming for the efficient (11:20~11:50) construction of the framework of the natural products(Graduate School of 4S1- 08 Special Program Lecture Nonlinear Optical Properties of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The Univ. of Tokyo)WATANABE, Hidenori Organic Compounds Surrounded by Two-Dimensional Inorganic Crystals (13:40~14:10) (Grad. Sch. Med., Yamaguchi Univ.)KAWAMATA, Jun(11:50~12:00) Chair: WATANABE, Hidenori(14:10~14:40) Chair: KAWAMATA, Jun(12:00~12:30) 2S2- 04 Special Lecture Synthetic study on complex natural flavonoids 4S1- 09 Special Program Lecture Layered Crystals as Soft Matrices (Tokyo Institute of Technology; SORST, JST)OHMORI, Ken(14:10~ of Photofunctional Molecules(BASE, Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Technol.) 14:40) NAKATO, Teruyuki(12:00~12:05) 1 The 90th Annual Meeting of CSJ Chair: OHMORI, Ken(14:40~15:10) Sch. Pharm. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo)ABE, Ikuro(12:00~12:30) 2S2- 05 Special Lecture Synthetic Study of Highly Oxygenated Multi- Cyclic Natural Products(School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Univ. of Tokyo)INOUE, Masayuki(14:40~15:10) Room S3 Chair: INOUE, Masayuki(15:20~15:50) 2S2- 06 Special Lecture Synthetic Studies on Polycyclic Alkaloids: Total Bldg.21 205 Synthesis of (+)-Haplophytine(Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Tohoku Univ.) TOKUYAMA, Hidetoshi(15:20~15:50) Chemical approach for therapeutic agents Chair: TOKUYAMA, Hidetoshi(15:50~16:20) 2S2- 07 Special Lecture Enantioselective Total Synthesis of Bioactive and its future Polycyclic Natural Products via Sequential Reaction as the Key Step(Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ.)NAKADA, Masahisa(15:50~ Friday, March 26, AM 16:20) (9:30 ~9:35 ) 1S3- 01 Introduction(Fac. of Chem., Mater. Bioeng., Kansai Univ.) Chair: NAKADA, Masahisa(16:20~16:50) NAKAI, Misaki(09:30~09:35) 2S2- 08 Special Lecture Total Synthesis of Marine Terpenoids on the Basis of a [6+4] Cycloaddition Reaction(Fac. Sci., Hokkaido Univ.) Chair: KINOSHITA, Isamu(9:35 ~10:35) TANINO, Keiji(16:20~16:50) 1S3- 02 Special Program Lecture (Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Nagoya City Univ.)HIGUCHI, Tsunehiko(09:35~10:05) (16:50~17:00) 1S3- 03 Special Program Lecture G-quadruplex as a Target for Can- 2S2- 09 Closing Remarks(Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda cer Chemotherapy(Tokyo Univ. of Agric. & Technol.)NAGASAWA, Univ.)NAKADA, Masahisa(16:50~17:00) Kazuo(10:05~10:35) Chair: SUGAI, Yuko(10:35~11:25) New Trends in Carbon Dioxide Fixation: 1S3- 04 Special Program Lecture Development of functional fluores- Approaches from Basic Sciences cence probes for use in drug-discovery(Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo; JST-CREST)TERAI, Takuya(10:35~10:55) Sunday, March 28, PM 1S3- 05 Special Program Lecture Hydroxyazine-type heterocyclic Chair: IWASAWA, Nobuharu(13:30~16:35) compounds - Synthesis of Metal Complexes and Their Application to 3S2- 01 Opening Remarks(Grad.Sch.Sci.andEng.,TokyoTech) Metallopharmaceuticals -(Fac. Sci. Technol., Seikei Univ.)KATOH, IWASAWA, Nobuharu(13:30~13:35) Akira(10:55~11:25) 3S2- 02 Special Lecture Transition-metal Catalyzed Preparation of Car- boxylic Acid Derivatives(Grad. Sch. Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Tech) Chair: YANO, Shigenobu(11:25~12:35) ® IWASAWA, Nobuharu(13:35~14:05) 1S3- 06 Special Program Lecture AstaREAL astaxanthin and its 3S2- 03 Special Lecture Recent Development in Aliphatic Polycarbo- industrial application(Fuji Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.)YAMASHITA, nate Synthesis(Sch. of Eng. The Univ. of Tokyo)NOZAKI, Kyoko(14:05 Eiji(11:25~11:45) ~14:35) 1S3- 07 Special Program Lecture Chiromorphology - chirality gen- 3S2- 04 Special Lecture Production Process of Polycarbonate from eration, transfer, amplification and measurement(Grad. Sch. Arts Sci, The Carbon Dioxide as a Starting Material(ASAHI KASEI CORP.; ASAHI Univ. of Tokyo; JST ERATO-SORST)KURODA, Reiko(11:45~12:30) KASEI CHEMICALS CORP.)FUKAWA, Isaburo; Miyake, Nobuhisa 1S3- 08 Summary(Fac. Sci. Technol., Seikei Univ.)MATSUMURA, (14:35~15:05) Yuriko(12:30~12:35 ) 3S2- 05 Special Lecture Carbon Dioxide Fixation with Molecular Cat- ( ) ( ~ alysts Grad. Sch. Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Tech IKARIYA, Takao 15:05 Symbiosis between Future Medical Care and 15:35) 3S2- 06 Special Lecture Importance and the state of technologies for Chemistry CO2 utilization using solar energy(Grad. Sch. Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Tech; CREST, JST)ISHITANI, Osamu(15:35~16:05) Friday, March 26, PM 3S2- 07 Special Lecture (IMS)TANAKA, Koji(16:05~16:35) Chair: FUKASE, Koichi(13:30~14:20) 1S3- 09 Introduction(Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka City Univ.)NAGASAKI, Takeshi(13:30~13:40) Chemical Biology for Living Systems 1S3- 10 Special Program Lecture Biology and medicine of GPI-an- chored proteins(Res. Inst. for Microbial Diseases, Osaka Univ.) Monday, March 29, AM KINOSHITA, Taroh(13:40~14:20) Chair: UEMURA, Daisuke(9:00 ~9:30 ) 4S2- 01 Special Lecture Metabolomics-based phytochemical genomics Chair: NAGASAKI, Takeshi(14:20~15:00) (Grad. Sch. Pharm. Sci., Chiba Univ.; RIKEN Plant Science Center) 1S3- 11 Special Program Lecture Technology for Intracellular Deliv- SAITO, Kazuki(09:00~09:30) ery of Biopolymers using Cell-Penetrating Peptides(Inst.
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