Law Revisions for the 2018 Season The MCC have retrised the Laws of Cricket. Please familiarise yourself with the char€es on the MCC website: www.lords.org/mcc/laws-of-cricket . The changes apply to all League cricket with Panel Umpires. Click on 'The Laws'. There are eight sections detailing the Laws of Cricket plus an eLearning section which varies every time you go to it and a set of Animations- Please pay particular attention to: THE SPIRIT OF CRICKET - Positive behaviour and respect. ,-x L! ilur$er cf Phyers - match shall continue if the number nominated players is reduced. lau 1.3, Captain not antabb to nondmte ptryers - any person associated with the team may act as his&er deputy. Law 1.3.3 Deputy for Captain at the toas - only a nominated player can act as deputy for the captain at the toss. t-* L3.l-5 CmulEtim trrl$ Ca@irs - the umFdres and captains shall comuft on tfie use of covers before fie toss. law 2.8.2 Suspension of play in dangerous or unreasonable circumstances - The Umpires shall immediately suspend play, or not atlow play to start or to recomtnence if ekher umpke considers that the corditioos of ground, weattter or light, or any other circum$ances are either dangerous or unreasonable. Change in the Laws from both umpires to either umpire. Law 2.Xl Umpke s decislon - An umpire may alter any decision provided that such alteration is made promptly. This apa6 an urnpirds decisinn, once made, is final. law 5 The bat - The thickness of the edges (40mm) and overall depth (67mm) are defined. All bats in all forms of cricket must conform by the 2020 cricket season. Law 6.1 Area of pitch - lf the pitch is next to an artificial pitch which is closer than 5 feet/1.52m from the middle stump, the pitch on that side will extend only to the junction of the two surfaces. Lnt &3.4 Danies aimed at protecting player safety by limitins the distance that a bail can travel otr tfie sturpc *iS be a$ryed - These devices need the approval of the Governing Body for the match (either nationally or locally) and the ground authority. Lau Uf.6 Last ttrrfi d mddr - number oil oyers - ln a rain interrupted game which League Regulations say must become a timed match the last hour of the match will end either one hour after the original time for the last hour to start or after 20 overs have been bowled. Example: lf the last hour was due to start at 5pm but did not start until 6.05pm because the over in progress had to be completed the last hour will finish at 7pm, not 7.05pm as previously, or when 20 overs have been bowled unless a result has been achieved earlier. Law 18.5 Deliberate short runs - The first and final warning when deliberate short runs have occurred has been removed, since this is considered as cheating and should, therefore, carry an immediate penalty without a warning. The umpire shall inform the scorers as to the number of runs to be recorded. Law 1!1.2"7 Bqmdaries - A person or animal coming onto the field of play while the ball is in play shall not be regarded as a boundary unless tte umpires detemlne otherwise at the tirne that contact betrreen the ball and suclr a person or animal is made. The decision shail be made for each separate occurrence. lf in the opinion of the umpires the ball would have continued to the boundary they may award a 4 for a 6. tau 1!t3 nesmrag a banrdary - Before the toss, the umpires shall deterrnine tle boundary of the fieH of play, whkh shall be fixed for the duration of the match. lf a boundary is moved during play it shall be restored to its original position. Sightscreens will need to have an area marked out which covers every possible position of the sightscreen during play, so the boundary does not change when the screen is moved. Lay, mA.22 bd Bad - Erther urnpire shall call aod signal Dead baH wheo a possiUv serior.rs injury to a player or umpire occurs. Law 21 No ball - Underarm bowling shall not be permitted. lf it occurs the bowler's end umpire shall call and signal No ball and carry out the procedures laid down for a ball that has been thrown. Law 27.7 Ball bouncing more t{ran once, rolling along the ground or phching off the pitch - The umpire shall call and signal No ball if a ball which he/she considers to have been delivered, without having previously touched bat or person of the striker contravenes one of the ball bouncing more than once, ball rolling along the ground or ball pitching off the pitch criteria. Iaw 21.9 Fielder interceptiqg a delivery - lf a ball delivered by the bowler makes contact with any part of a fielderrs person before it either makes contact with the striker/s bat or person , or passes the strike/s wkket, the urnpire shall call and sfinal No ball and irnmediatefo call and signal Dead ball. Lr, 2t-16 Ruos restdtiq from a ?{o ball - tror, scored - lf Byes or leg byes are scored off a No ball they will be credited as such rather than as No ball extras. For example if a No ball goes for four Leg byes it will be recorded as one No ball extra and four Leg byes. Previously this would have been recorded as five No ball extras. Lay 22 Wide Ba[ - There is no change to the recording of all runs scored off a Wide ball. These will all be debited against the bowler, except for any award of 5 Penalty runs. ,-N 22 Wide BaI - a ball called and signalled Wide shall be considered to have been a Wide from the instant the bowler entered his/her delivery stride, even though it cannot be called Wide until it passes the strike/s wicket. Law 24.1.2 A substitute shall not bowl, bat or act as captain but may act as wicket-keeper only with the consent of the umpires. lN U2 FbHer abseat or leavirg the field of flay - There are new regulations covering fielders leaving the field of play. These are laid out in nine sections of Law 24.2 so please read them. lf a fielder is absent while his/her side is fielding, unless in exceptional circumstances or if the absence was caused by an external blow during the match, that player will incur Penalty time equivalent to the total time spent off the field immediatelv. Unlike the previous Law there is no Ionger a no grace tlme of 15 minutes. Penalty time equivalent to the total time spent off the field, which is the time he/she will have to spend on the field before being able to bowl or, if the innings ended meanwhile, being able to bat. The player must'serve'the same time that he/she was absent to a maximum of 90 minutes. Unscheduled break time (rain) counts towards the Penalty time but scheduled time (tea) does not count. A player has to tell the umpire if he/she is ready to come back on the field during a rain break. lf they do not tell the umpire the Penalty time continues when pay re-starts. The Penalty time continues into the batting innings but will end early if the batting side lose 5 wickets. LawEE$ftmfbactasakrwrorrunner-Onlyanominatedpbyermaybatoractasarunner.....eventhoughasubstittrtefieHerhas previously acted for him/her. ' las 25.5.2 A rtrrmr shall - not have any unserved Penalty time resulting from Law 24 and should be someone who has already batted but, if that is not possible, should be changed as soon as it does become possible. This would mean that, if one of the opening batsmen had a runner and his/her partner was dismissed first, the outgoing batsman would need to become the runner. a.ilt 25J Restrtttoo on the strite/s rurrer- The runner at square leg must have some part of his/er person or bat behind the popping crease until the ball reaches the striker which prevents the runner from ' backing-up' to gain an advantage. Runs will be disallowed if the runner leaves early. law 30 Eatsman out of his/her ground - lf the batman grounds the bat (held by the hand) or another part of his/her person within his,/her ground (the elbow when diving, for example), and provided that the batsman has continued forward momentum, and subsequently loses this contact with the ground when the wicket is put down, the batsman will be protected from being Run out. ln addition, the same protection will apply to a striker diving back into his/her ground to avoid being stumped. LN a,.l Eatsmn l6rrklg the x,idcet coder a o*sapprcfiendm - An umpire shall intervene if satisfied that a batsman not havirE been given out, has left the wicket under a misapprehension of being out. The umpire intervening shall call and signal Dead ball to prevent any further actioo bV tle fieHeE side ard sirall recall the batsmao. A batsmar rrmy be recalhd at aqf time up to tle instant ryhen the ball coenes irto play for the next delivery unless k is the final wicket of the innings, in which case it should be up to the instant when the umpires leave the fie{d. Lew:13 Cartftt - The ball can now be caught after it strikes or becomes lodged in a helmet worn by a fielder or the wicket-keeper.
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