Army Military Abbreviations Acronyms Slang Words List of army and military abbreviations and slang words and phrases with their meanings: The British army, like most armies around the world, have their own language which is often incomprehensible to many a civilian. The guide below should help you understand the commonly used words and phrases in the UK military: Army Medical And Nursing Abbreviations AMS Army Medical Services DGAMS Director-General, Army Medical Services QARANC Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps Commonly Used Army Abbreviations And Slang Phrases 2IC Second In Command 7p's Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents a Pretty Poor Performance ACE Allied Command Europe ACV Armoured Command Vehicle Adjt Adjutant AFCENT Allied Forces Central European Theatre AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicle Military Slang Military Slang is a new book from The Imperial War Museum with an up to date book of army words and military abbreviations which includes many army abbreviations and army slang not published on this page. Military slang is not just confined to the army, but also includes the language from the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy. Military slang used in recent military action such as Iraq and Afghanistan is also included. Buy Now for only £2.50. AMF Allied Mobile Force AP Armoured Piercing or Ammunition Point APC Armoured Personnel Carrier APO Army Post Office Armd Armoured ARRC Allied Rapid Reaction Corps ARV Armoured Recovery Vehicle www.sussexarmedforcesnetwork.nhs.uk www.kentandmedwayarmedforcesnetwork.nhs.uk Forces War Records Forces War Records are a military genealogy site where you can find military records of over 3.5 million British Armed Forces personnel cross matched with over 4000 Regiments, Bases and Ships of the British Armed Forces. www.forces-war-records.co.uk Findextrawork Since leaving the QA's we have done an assortment of self employed work and jobs, some which only take an hour a week, others have been full time. We have written about these at our other website Findextrawork at www.findextrawork.co.uk where we share the information for free to help others with information and resources about earning more money. Visit Findextrawork for more information. ASAP As Soon As Possible Cas Casualty ATGW Army Tank Guided Weapon Casevac Casualty Evacuation Att Attached CCP Casualty Collecting Point AWOL Absent Without Leave CCS Casualty Clearing Station Airborne Warning And CGS Chief of the General Staff AWACS Control Systems CinC Commander in Chief BAOR British Army of the Rhine CO Commanding Officer Battle What the QAs of World War Comd Command or Commander Bowlers Two nicknamed their tin hats Comms Z Communications Zone Bde Brigade Composite Ration (also Compo BFG British Forces Germany called comp rat) BFPO British Forces Post Office COMSEN Communications Centre BG Battle Group Coord Co-ordinate BGHQ BattleGroup Headquarters CoS Chief of Staff To Walk Or Do Something Coy Company Bimbling Slowly Command Post or Close CP Blag To acquire something Protection BMH British Military Hospital Chief Petty Officer (Navy Bn Battalion CPO Rank) or Command Pay Bootneck A Royal Marine Commando Office British Rear Support Company Quartermaster BRSC CQMS Command Sergeant Bty Battery Crabs The slang name for the RAF Buzzes or C Sups Combat Supplies Gossip or Rumours Buzz Insert An a - The Slang That Paratroopers Call Every CAD Central Ammunition Depot Cr?pHat regiment Or Corps That Does Cam Camouflaged Not Wear A Maroon Beret www.sussexarmedforcesnetwork.nhs.uk www.kentandmedwayarmedforcesnetwork.nhs.uk CV Combat Vehicles GDP General Defence Plan CVD Central Vehicle Depot GOC General Officer Commanding Combat Vehicle General Purpose Machine CVR (T) or GPMG Reconnaissance (Tracked) or Gun (W) (Wheeled) GPS Global Positioning System CW Chemical Warfare The nickname of the British Greenfly Def Defence Army Intelligence Corps Det Detached Slang Word For An Grunt DF Defensive Fire Infantryman Dml Demolition Hack It To endure or to do something Directing Staff (also called HE High Explosive DS DiStaff) HEAT High Explosive Anti Tank DTG Date Time Group Hel Helicopter Ech Echelon HLS Helicopter Landing Site EDP Emergency Defence Plan Hired Military Transport. This Emb Embarkation army abbreviation was used prior to and including World EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse HMT War Two for troopships such En Enemy as HMT Dorsetshire and EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal HMT Somersetshire. Eqpt Equipment IED Improvised Explosive Device ETA Estimated Time of Arrival II Image Intensifier Electronic Warfare or Early Int Sum Intelligence Summary EW Warning IO Intelligence Officer Ex Exercise IR Individual Reservist FAC Forward Air Controller IS Internal Security The nickname for the IW Individual Weapon Fat Albert Hercules plane of the RAF Jack To Be Selfish FEBA Forward Edge Battle Area Jacked To Give Up Forward Location Enemy Be on a charge or in the FLET Jankers Troops camp jail Forward Location Own JFHQ Joint Forces Headquarters FLOT Troops JHQ Joint Headquarters Fmm Formation KFS Knife, Fork and Spoon FOB Forward Operating Base L of C Lines of Communications FOO Forward Observation Officer LO Liaison Officer FRT- Forward Repair Team Log Logistic Forming Up Point (or Long Range Anti Tank FUP LRATGW Position) Guided Weapon Large Scale Deliberate Gat A Gun Usually A Rifle LSDI Intervention www.sussexarmedforcesnetwork.nhs.uk LSW Light Support Weapon Other Ranks (Often LUP Lying Up Point OR mistakenly taken to mean LZ Landing Zone Ordinary Ranks) MBT Main Battle Tank Or Bat Order of Battle MC Military Cross Pax Passengers Mech Mechanised Push Off Early Tomorrow's POETS Day Med Medical Saturday MFC Mortar Fire Controller P Info Public Information MM Military Medal Pl Platoon MML Manual of Military Law POL Petrol Oil and Lubricants MO Medical Officer POM Potential Officer Material Mob Mobilisation Slang name for the army. MOD Ministry of Defence Believed that this army abbreviation or nickname Mov O Movement Order Pongos comes from the phrase MP Military Police where the army goes the MT Military Transport pong goes. Msl Missile POW Prisoner of War Navy Army and Air Force PVR Premature Voluntary Release NAAFI Institutes QM Quartermaster North Atlantic Treaty RAF Royal Air Force NATO Organisation Regimental Aid Post or RAP Nuclear Biological and Rocket Assisted Projectile NBC Chemical Rest and Recuperation or R&R NCO Non Commissioned Officer Rest and Relaxation NOK Next of Kin RCZ Rear Combat Zone Recce Reconnaissance NTR Nothing To Report Regt Regiment A Polite Way Of Calling Rft Reinforcement Nugget Someone An Idiot! RHIP Rank Has Its Privileges NYK Not Yet Known RHQ Regimental Headquarters OC Officer Commanding Rapid Joint Deployment RJDF Force O Group Order Group Royal Military Academy or RMA OIC Officer in Charge Rear Maintenance Area OOTW Operations Other Than War ROE Rules Of Engagement OP Observation Post Reception, Staging, Onward- RSOI Op O Operation Order Movement and Integration Oppo Best Friend RTM Ready To Move www.sussexarmedforcesnetwork.nhs.uk RTU Returned or Return to Unit TCV Troop Carrying Vehicle The Slang Name For An Tgt Target Rupert or Officer, Usually One Of Low Tk Tank Rodney Rank Or New To The Service TOT Time On Target RV Rendezvous Point Tp Troop Supreme Allied Commander Tpt Transport SACUER Europe Two i/c Second In Command SADO Senior Administrative Officer United Kingdom Mobile UKMF SatCom Satellite Communications Force Scran or UN United Nations Food Scoff Unclass Unclassified United Nations Protection An army abbreviation for bed UNPROFOR Scratcher or place to sleep especially in Force the field UXB Unexploded Bomb SDR Strategic Defence Review U/S Unserviceable Supreme Headquarters Allied Vice chief of the Defence SHAPE VCDS Powers Europe Staff SIB Special Investigation Branch VCP Vehicle Check Point Sit Situation Veh Vehicle SitRep Situation Report VP Voice Procedure SLR Self Loading Rifle VP Vulnerable Point SMG Sub Machine Gun WE War Establishment Senior Non Commissioned A Wet A Cup Of Tea Or Coffee SNCO Officer Royal Air Force (RAF) Whitecap Standard Operating Policeman SOPs Procedures Whinging Incompetent WIMP SP Self Propelled or Start Point Malingering Person A recruit or someone who Wksp Workshop Sprog has newly passed out and is new to a unit March Across Hills With Full Sqn Squadron Kit And Weapon At A Fast Yomp or Squaddie Slang Word For A Soldier Pace Yomp is used by the Tab SSM Surface to Surface Missile Royal Marines whilst Tab is generally used by the Army Services Sound and Vision SSVC Corporation STOL Short Take Off and Landing TA Territorial Army TAB Tactical Advance to Battle Tac Tactical TCP Traffic Control Point www.sussexarmedforcesnetwork.nhs.uk Medal and Award Abbreviations ARRC Associate Royal Red Cross Queen's Honorary Nurse DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal QHN (Usually applied to male nurses) DSO Distinguished Service Order MC Military Cross Queen Victoria's Jubilee QVJI MM Military Medal Institute RRC Royal Red Cross OStJ Officer of the Order of St John VC Victoria Cross Queen's Honorary Nursing QHNS Sister Nurse Rank Abbreviations OR Other Rank Company Quartermaster Master CQMS Pte Private Sergeant LCpl Lance Corporal QMG Quartermaster General Cpl Corporal QMS Quartermaster Sergeant Sgt Sergeant RSM Regimental Sergeant Major Officer Commanding or Officer CSgt Colour Sergeant (Infantry) OC Cadet SSgt Staff Sergeant LT Lieutenant WO Warrant Officer Col Colonel CSM Company Sergeant Major GOC General Officer Commanding NATO Phonetic Alphabet The NATO phonetic
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