TJH E MASONIC MAGAZINE : % SMfrlg digest nf FREEMASONRY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ^ (SUPPLEMENTAL TO " THE FREEMASON. ") VOL V. UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF HIS EOYAL HIGHNESS THE PEINCE OF WALES, K.G. The M. W. Grand Master. ENGLAND. SIR MICHAEL EOBEET SHAW-STEWAET, BAET., The M. W. Grand Master. THE EIGHT HONOUEABLE THE EAEL OF EOSSLYN, The M.W. Past Grand Master. SCOTLAND. COLONEL FEANCIS BUEDETT, Representative for Gmnd Lodge. IRELAND. AND THE GEAND MASTERS OF MANY FOREIGN GEAND LODGES. LONDON : GEOEGE KENNING, 198, FLEET STEEET. 1877-8. PEEFACE L TO THE FIFTH VOLUME, n —?— i TXTE have arrived at our Fifth Volume, and a few words of Preface are customary and needful. Not, indeed, that Ave have very much to say. i- E , We betray no secrets, and we reveal no mysteries, when we mention once again ' ' that were Masonic Literature to be supported alone by the patronage of our Craft, we fear that the result would be a very limited " outcome " indeed,—very far from a " strong order." If our good Publisher only measured the " Supply " r ', he so liberally provides for the " pabulum mentis Latomicse " by the " Demand ," ¦*, which hails and encourages his sacrifices, we are inclined to fancy, though it is *; only our own private opinion, " quantum valet," that the status of Masonic Lite- rature amongst us would be neither very promising nor flattering ;—nay its very appearances, " like angels' visits," must he " few and far between." Despite our excellent friend Bro. Hubert's complimentary estimate of English Masonic Literature, we feel hound honestly to admit that there is a " little " room for an improved taste and more extensive patronage ! But yet Ave do not i Avish to seem to write in a spirit of complaint or fault, especially at the conclu- sion of our Fifth Volume ! For with such a fact before us, we must really beg to congratulate our Order on gallant efforts, resolutely made, to diffuse amongst | | our Craft a sound, sensible, readable, healthy Masonic Literature. "We think Ave | | may fairly say this of the only English Masonic Magazine, and which we oAve t to the discernment and determination alone of our fraternal Publisher. Perse- M verance, we all knoAV, is a great virtue, and as it has been our Publisher's motto II in all his extensive and flourishing business transactions, so are we inclined to i f hope that it will reward one day his cheery expectations and his unselfish Wm m exertions for Masonic Literature, iv PliKFA.CE, The Christmas Number for IS YV was a great success, and we hope to make the Christmas Number of 1878, as a separate and special publication, a still greater one. We have no fear but that the Sixth Volume will show a steady improvement in all respects. Publisher and Editor beg once more to thank their kind contributors for many able Papers, as well as sympathetic subscribers for their unwearied support. They beg to commend Vol. V. to the notice of the intelligent and educated of their great Brotherhood, just as they venture to bespeak for Vol. VI. literary assistance and fraternal patronage. ( 1J8, FLEET STKEET, LONDON , E.C., June 1, 1878. INDEX. ?' PAGE PAOE A Chapter on Oaks . ...283 , 361 Freemasonry in England, the True History of—• A Christmas Greeting 241 351, 404 A Day's Pleasure .' . 371 Freemasonry in France . ...54 A Modern Novel Somewhat Undervalued . 300 Friendship and Brotherhood . 296 A Trip to Dai-Butsu 67 From Lisbon to Belem ....276 Adventures of Don Pasquale, The—13, 59, 110, Harry Watson ; or, the Secrets of .Freemasonry— 156, 200, 281, 344, 393, 446, 491, 537, 587 28 73 Alexander Puschkia 459 , Hermetic Work, An . 386, 434, 484, 530, 578 Amabel Vaughan 316, 367, 406, 457, 506, 546, 599 History of Education, The ...26 An Hermetic Work . 386, 434, 484, 530, 578 History of the " Prince of Wales Lodge " . 2 Ancient Libraries .....419 How Mr. Joss failed to be made a Mason . 314 Architectural Jottings . 116, 183 Arrivals, Survivals, aud Revivals . 254 Important Circular . 481 Inconclusiveness and Aberration of Scientific Bro. Capt. Nathaniel G. Phili ps, S.G.D. 242 Teachers, The 330 Bro. Jas. Newton's Sketch of the Concord In Memoriam 529 Royal Aich Chapter, No. 57, Bolton . 35 In Memoriam. Bro. George Frank Gouley 24 Is it a Promise or a Declaration . 552 Christmas Greeting, A ....241 Civil and Mechanical Engineers' Society . 208 Jimmy Jackson an' his Bad Wife. 374 Cole's List of Lodges, 1763 . 244 Contemporary Letters of the French Revo- Lost and Saved; or, Nellie Powers the Mission- lution ....128 , 185, 209 ary's Daughter 210, 323, 376, 425, 473, 568, 618 Country Churchyard Epitaphs, On . .87 Love and Masonry 607 Day a Pleasure, A . S71 Masonic Language of Flowers, The . 164 Devonshire Lodges Prior to the " Union " of Masonry ; its Past and Future . ¦ . 290 December , 1813 . 103 Map of Europe in 1877, The . 327 DieteticB 363 Modern Novel somewhat undervalued, A . 300 Discovery of Roman Remains at Temple- Monthly Masonic Summary—1, 49, 97, 145, 193, borough 565 337, 385, 433, 577 Dr. Moon's Works for the Blind . 550 . Mrs. Pembroke's " Lucky Bird " . 261 Early Freemasonry in Ireland . 437 My Lord, The King . 118, 166, 236 Embossed Books for the Blind ...74 My Mother-in-law . , .82 Extracts from the Minute Books of the Notes on Literature, Science and Art—44,. 93, Carmarthen Lodge ....448 141, 190, 233, 332, 382, 429, 477, 527, 575, Extracts from the Records of an Old As- 622 sembly of Knigbta Templar Meeting at Bolton 298 Oaks, A Chapter on .... 283, 361 Objects, Advantages and Pleasures of Science - Forgotten Stories . 47, 85, 189, 177, 227 59, 98, 148, 195 PAGE POETRY—eontiimcd, PAOE On Country Churohyard Epitaphs . 87 Masonic Hymn 649 On Selecting the Best Charity . 604 Masonic Ode 156 On the Testing and Strength of Railway Materials, Misery 288 466, 515, 560, 620 Mr. Sprechelheimer's mistake . 144 Origin and References of the Hermesian Spurious Not Knowing .....350 Freemasonry, The-79, 186, 194, 338, 422, 0 Lady Fair 403 463, 557, 615 Only a Rose 124 Our Arohfflologioal Corner . 40, 125, 176 Reconciled 392 Shakespeare : Sonnets . 30, 384 Papers on the Great Pyramid 438, 493, 534, 581 Solomon 66 Poetic Interpretation of Nature , The . 309 Sonnet . 1, 97, 169, 210, 298, 483 Pope and Medieval Freemasons, The . .69 Summer ...... 12 Prinoe Consort, The Late . 846 The Chamber of Imagery . 490 Proposed Spelling Reform The . 303 , „ Death of Alexander . 102 POETRY— „ Other side 203 A Birthday . 152 „ Shadows of Evening . 199 Absent Friends .....36 „ Three Great Lights of Masonry . 432 A Christmas Memory, 1877 . 323 „ Tru e Freemason . 20 A Farewell Address to the Minerva „ True Mason . 163, 505 ' Royal Arch Chapter, No. 250, Hull 564 „ Tryst . 127 A Freemason's Christmas Thoughts . 334 Time's Flight . 370 , After the Last Scientific Lecture . 131 To Brother S. B. Ellis, W.M., Sheffield 145 ' A Good Honest Heart . 329 To our next Happy Meeting . 428 An Old.Fashioned Love Song . 113 Upbraid me not . 109 A Portrait . 280 What Matter 1 446 A Story of Chinese Love . 480 Winter . 366 A Tale of Love 260 Women's Rights and Women's Work . 603 Bide a Wee and Dinna Fret . 539 Work of the Craft . 193 Cabinet of Masonic Curiosities . 302 Wounded 450 Cara Imago . 27 Yearnings 49 Christmas Eve . 267 1877 and 1878 . 340 Dear Heart Mine . 227 Double Acrostic . 144, 240 Reaching after the Unattainable . 305 Education . ....72 Reviews . , . 41, 90, 217, 306, 415, 611 Every Year 30 Scot Abroad , The . 554 Flowers . .61 Shirts and Collars ' 37 For ever and for ever . 177 Some Original Letters . ; . 220 Forgive and Forget . 354 St. Andrew's Royal Arch Chapter, Boston, U.S.A. Four-leaved Clover . .84 341 Freemasons' Wives ....465 Fritz and I . , . 96 T. Ch. Baron Zedlite . 596 Hail and Farewell . , . 556 The Adventures of Don Pasquale— 13, 59, 110 , Her Little Shoe . 233 156, 200, 281, 344, 393, 446, 491, 537, 587 How little we know of each other. 89 „ Bible, its Authority ....146 Identity 79 „ History of Education . .26 In Memoriam 497 „ Inconclusiveness and Aberrations of Installation Ode . 414 Scientific Teachers . 330 Invocatio 54 „ Late Prince Consort ....346 I wish he would make up his mind . 567 „ Map of Europe in 1877 . 327 Jilted . ... 514 „ Masonic Language of Flowers . 164 " Kick him Down " . 586 „ Origin andReferences of the Hermesian Let there be Light . 192 Spurious Freemasonry—79, 186, 194, Let us be kind .....253 338, 422, 463, 557, 615 Light . , . ...240 „ Poetic Interpretation of Nature . 309 Maimoune ....173, 214 „ Pope and Medieval Freemasons . : . 69 PAGK PAGE The Proposed Spelling Reform . 303 Ye Historie of ye Orygynal Knyght of ye „ Scot Abroad 554 Goose wyth. hys Deedesof Darynge and „ True History of Freemasonry in England Fayre Rewarde by ye Kyng Rufus . 322 351, 404, 470, 525 „ YistaofLife . 136 Zend Avesta and Masonry . 170 „ Work of Nature in the Months—31, 62, 159, 203, 269, 355, 398, 451, 498, 540, 589 ENGBAVIN<JS : „ Zend Avesta and Masonry . 170 Shirts and Collars . 38, 39, 40 Time and Patience , . , .68, 106 A Trip to Dai-Butsu . 68, 69 Tom Hood ....21 , 75, 132, 171 Contemporary Letters on the French Revolu- Tramcars and Omnibuses . .16 tion .....128, 130 Trip to Dai-Butsu, A 67 Hall of the Brotherhood of the Holy Trinity— 176 Uncle Charles's Story 293 Capt. N. G. Philips, S.G.D,, . 241 Old Buildings in Fleet Street . 243 " Vale Pontifex Maxime!" . 510 Cloisters of Monastry of Santa Maria Belem— Vista of Life, The 136 277 Cloisters of Belem Monastry .
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