E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 152 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2006 No. 69 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 6, 2006, at 2 p.m. Senate MONDAY, JUNE 5, 2006 The Senate met at 2 p.m. and was sume consideration of the motion to should be prepared to depart the Cham- called to order by the President pro proceed to S.J. Res. 1, which the clerk ber around 10:40 a.m. on Wednesday tempore (Mr. STEVENS). will report. morning. The assistant legislative clerk read I also remind all of our colleagues PRAYER as follows: this week the Senate will address the The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Motion to proceed to the consideration of death tax repeal, the Native Hawaiians fered the following prayer: S.J. Res. 1, proposing an amendment to the issue, and the supplemental appropria- Let us pray: Constitution of the United States relating to tions conference report when it be- Sovereign Lord, sustainer of the uni- marriage. comes available. verse, remind us today that a good rep- f utation is better than wealth. May we f protect our good name with prudence, RECOGNITION OF ACTING MAJORITY LEADER RECOGNITION OF MINORITY civility, diligence and love. Keep us LEADER from hasty words, an impetuous The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The tongue, and unethical actions. acting Republican leader is recognized. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Democratic leader is recognized. May our lives inspire others to maxi- f mize their possibilities. f Lord, bless our lawmakers as they SCHEDULE UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST— labor. May their work be like a special Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, picture frame in which You portray today we are resuming debate on the H.R. 4437 Your grace and beauty. motion to proceed to S.J. Res. 1, the Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- We pray in Your majestic Name. Marriage Protection Amendment. It imous consent that the Judiciary Com- Amen. will be necessary to file cloture on the mittee be discharged from further con- f motion to proceed. Therefore, that clo- sideration of H.R. 4437, the House im- ture vote will occur Wednesday morn- migration bill; that the Senate proceed PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ing. to its immediate consideration; that The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the In the meantime, we have a number all after the enacting clause be strick- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: of Senators who wish to come to the en and that the text of S. 2611, as I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Senate to speak to the marriage passed by the Senate, be substituted in United States of America, and to the Repub- amendment. We are also working on an lieu thereof, the bill be read the third lic for which it stands, one nation under God, agreement for debate time during time and passed, the motion to recon- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Tuesday’s session. Under a previous sider be laid upon the table, and the f agreement, at 10:15 tomorrow morning, Senate insist on its amendment, re- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME we will vote on the nomination of quest a conference with the House, and The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under Renee Bumb to be U.S. District Judge the chair be authorized to appoint con- the previous order, the leadership time for New Jersey. That will be the first ferees. is reserved. vote of the week. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I f I also remind all of our colleagues, on object. Wednesday of this week, we will have a The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The MARRIAGE PROTECTION AMEND- joint meeting with the House to hear objection is heard. MENT—MOTION TO PROCEED an address by the President of the Re- Mr. MCCONNELL. If I may make an The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under public of Latvia. That address will observation, as the Democratic leader the previous order, the Senate will re- occur at 11 a.m. Therefore, Senators knows, under the procedure that the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5401 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:36 Feb 05, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S05JN6.REC S05JN6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S5402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 5, 2006 Senator requested unanimous consent We would also be concerned about I also say that I certainly in no way on, it is our understanding that the bill what is happening with the estate tax. meant to surprise the distinguished might well be blue slipped. We are Other tax provisions from the bill also leader. We alerted staff we were going looking for a way to get the immigra- expire at the end of 2010, as does the es- to offer this unanimous consent re- tion issue to conference in a way that tate tax relief. We would want to make quest. I am sorry about that. will guarantee the conference can go sure the present tax relating to estates Anyway, we have an immigration forward. It will be a contentious con- be continued well past 2010. Also expir- bill. That is what should be taken to ference, in any event, but to make sure ing at the end of 2010 is a 10-percent conference. That is what we should the conference can go forward in a way bracket that increases child credit and deal with, the immigration bill. Any that guarantees we do not get derailed marriage penalty relief. That should excuse to get out of taking an immi- by some parliamentary technicality. not be placed behind estate tax. gration bill to conference and trying to I offer a different unanimous consent. We have unnecessary subsidies for substitute in its place a tax bill simply I ask unanimous consent the Senate big oil, expanding health care cov- is wrong. proceed to Calendar No. 326, H.R. 4096; erage, and, finally, energy independ- THE STATE OF THE WORLD provided further that all after the en- ence. We would offer amendments, all Mr. REID. Mr. President, gas prices acting clause be stricken, and the text tax related, to this proposal that the are over $3 a gallon. Fill-ups at the of the Senate-passed immigration bill majority wants to bring to the Senate. tank, of course, cause emptiness at the be inserted in lieu thereof. For those and other reasons, I re- bank. This administration, the most Further, that the bill be read the spectfully object to my friend’s unani- friendly to oil Presidency in our his- third time and passed, and the motion mous consent request. tory, refuses to buck big oil with the to reconsider be laid upon the table. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The auto manufacturers. Our citizens are I further ask that the Senate insist objection is heard. literally choking on the lack of alter- on its amendment, request a con- Mr. MCCONNELL. I might say to my native fuel. Few incentives for energy ference with the House, and the chair good friend, the Democratic leader, all created by the Sun, the wind or the be authorized to appoint conferees. of the amendments the Senator re- Earth’s geothermal reserves has this Mr. REID. Reserving the right to ob- ferred to could be offered to the death administration endorsed. ject, the regular order is to go to con- tax which we expect to be on later in Raging in Iraq is an intractable war. ference with the House using one or the the week. Our soldiers are fighting valiantly. But other legislative companion as the ve- The American people did not send us we have Abu Ghraib and Haditha, for hicle. here to try to engage in some kind of example, where it is alleged that 24 The House acted first, no question effort to embarrass the other Chamber. more civilians were killed by our own, about that. I am proposing to go to They want us to legislate. We spent and no policy for winning the peace. conference with the House using their multiple weeks on the immigration However, Secretary Rumsfeld con- bill. Some may argue that the House bill. Both the Democratic and Repub- tinues in his job with the full backing will blue slip the bill and return it to lican leaders are aware of who the con- of the President—not a reprimand, not the Senate because it contains some ferees are. It is time to move forward. a suggestion that his Defense Sec- tax-related provisions. That will be the We should not engage in some kind of retary is at fault; a national debt that decision of the House. But it does not parliamentary maneuver that is going President Bush won’t acknowledge, but have to be that case since the Constitu- to be completely lost on the American our children, their children, and their tion states: people as they wonder why in the world children’s children will have to ac- All bills for raising revenue shall originate we did not get about the business of knowledge with generations of debt in the House of Representatives but the Sen- having the conference on a very chal- created by President Bush’s economic ate may propose or concur with amend- lenging bill, the immigration bill. policies; Federal red ink as far as one ments, as on other bills.
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