December 10, 1980 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 33393 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO HON. RICHARD H. meant a better life for all Americans. developed. Some say this is a wasteful I CHORD We will all miss him when the 97th exercise. But military preparedness is Congress convenes. not an exact science, and we have to HON. MELVIN PRICE In his departing message to his con­ make our commitments and take our OF ILLINOIS stituents DicK said, and I quote: chances. !CHORD had the marvelous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I have been honored to serve you. No ex­ talent to look down the road 10 years perience of public life could have been more and point us in the right direction. Friday, December 5, 1980 rewarding. You have given me friendships, On a more personal note, my wife • Mr. PRICE. Mr. Speaker, in Janu­ opportunities, and fulfillment beyond ex­ and I have enjoyed and loved the com­ ary of this year our distinguished col­ pectation. pany of DicK and his wife, Penny. league from Missouri, Hon. RICHARD Let me say to you, DICK, that you Through visits, travels, and work, we H. !cHORD, announced that he would too have given us friendship and many have gotten to know them well. The not seek reelection to the next Con­ opportunities for us as legislators to welcome mat will always be out for gress. better serve our Nation. them in Washington, or Texas, or any­ It is difficult for me to accept the You promised your constituents in where in the world.e fact that the 97th Congress will con­ your departing message that you vene without DICK !cHORD, an effec­ would never leave public life. We will tive legislator who during his 20 years hold you to that promise because the TRIBUTE TO THOMAS ASHLEY in Congress has served his constitu­ needs of our country are too great to ents and, in fact, all Americans with permit a man of your ability to com­ dedication, loyalty, and an unending pletely withdraw from public service. HON. LEON E. PANETTA drive to preserve the American Way. On behalf of your colleagues in the OF CALIFORNIA Mr. !cHoRD is perhaps best known Congress, I wish you the very best and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the part he has played in keeping look forward to your continued friend­ Thursday, December 4, 1980 America's defense forces strong. He ship. Thank you.e has served with the Armed Services e Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I want Committee since 1963. In his 17 years to join my colleagues in paying tribute of service he has most certainly left DICK !CHORD-PROTECTOR OF to one of the most knowledgeable and his mark on the national security of OUR DEFENSE SYSTEM respected Members of U.S. Congress, our great Nation. His unparalleled LUD ASHLEY. LUD 'S departure from the effort in improving the military HON. J. J. PICKLE House is a tremendous loss, and it is weapon system acquisition process and difficult to see how he can be replaced. OF TEXAS LuD's expertise in the area of hous­ his no nonsense approach toward de­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fense procurement have enhanced the ing is well known. No other Member of defense posture of this country and Friday, December 5, 1980 the House or Senate knows more saved the taxpayers hundreds of mil­ • Mr. PICKLE. Mr. Speaker, in my about Federal housing programs and lions of dollars at the same time. I can opinion, DicK !cHoRD has been a pow­ the needs of both the people and the recall in 1978 when he personally led erful strength of the Armed Services industries affected by this vital area of the charge to cut nearly one-half bil­ Committee. He has literally been the legislation. The Nation will not easily lion dollars in unwarranted expenses guardian angel of the need for a recover from the loss of LuD's skills from the LAMPS antisubmarine war­ strong defense posture. Although we and knowledge in this area. fare helicopter program. The Defense may have temporarily fallen behind In addition, Mr. Speaker, it has been Department complied with the !chord the Russians in terms of military my privilege over the past 2 years to mandate without sacrificing a single might and buildup, this slippage was serve with LUD on the Budget Commit­ performance goal or operational objec­ not due to DicK !cHORD. If it were not tee. In that position, LuD used all of tive. for DICK, we would be further behind his 26 years of House experience to The !chord imprint extends well than we are today. help in the enormous task of fashion­ beyond the defense arena. He has As all Members know, DicK !cHORD ing budget resolutions. As a younger been a strong advocate of States rights thinks about each vote and does not member of the committee, I came to and decentralization of Federal power. ride along to get along. When he admire him a great deal, and I know He has consistently supported aid to makes his position known, there is no my fellow committee members felt the education, veterans, medical research, need for the leadership or anyone else same way. social security, rural community and to fool around with him. I would like to take this opportunity farm programs. DICK is a strong, able, outspoken to wish LuD the best of luck in the DICK !cHORD has long been recog­ American. It may be a cliche to say, future. He leaves a great legacy to the nized as a consistent champion of but I really think "America can sleep Nation, and he can be extremely America's small businessmen. He has better at night with DICK !CHORD proud of his achievements.• been active in seeking regulatory around." Thank God he has served us reform and Federal paperwork reduc­ so admirably on the Armed Services tion. Many of us remember his part in Committee. TRIBUTE TO JOE FISHER the Small Business Committee effort One of the most reassuring things to investigate the gasoline practices of about DicK's chairmanship of the Re­ HON. MORRIS K. UDALL the large oil companies to insure that search and Development Subcommit­ OF ARIZONA the small independent gasoline retail­ tee was his capacity to study not only IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ers retain a fair and equitable share of today's defense posture but also future the market. needs and standards. He was able to Thursday, December 4, 1980 Mr. Speaker, I could take the better anticipate the long-range research e Mr. UDALL. Mr. Speaker, JoE part of a week and still not cover the necessary before viable weapons sys­ FISHER was one of the most effective broad spectrum of legislation that tems could be developed. This is an ex­ legislators to come along in the 1970's. DicK !CHORD has sponsored, cospon­ pensive and quite proper system of Some say legislators are divided into sored or supported-legislation that study. Often the actual system is not "showhorses" and "workhorses." If e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 33394 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS December 10, 1980 that is true, then JoE could only be tegrity and dedication, the end of a been aware of the problem of food safety in called a workhorse. career of public service that is the modern, technological society. Most of us envy of all good men and the loss of a can remember a long line of "food scares": JoE served northern Virginians and saccharin, cyclamates, red dye #2, nitrites the country well. I hope he has a great dear and trusted friend. kepone, PCB's, DES, and so on. Announce­ future wherever he goes. His quick But it was a sorrow tempered by ments that food is being recalled are fre­ mind, and his firm and fair dealing pride and gratitude. quent occurrences. Last year, for example, will be missed in this House.e Pride in the achievements of a man the Food and Drug Administration moni­ whose career of public service spanned tored the recall of 153 food products that it the most turbulent, most dangerous claimed had adverse effects on health. Con­ and most production era of our Nation sumers can name many food products­ JAMES M. HANLEY since the Civil War. John McCormack among them canned goods, frozen foods, mushrooms, peanut butter, bacon, fish, jelly came from simple beginnings, the son beans, and baby formula-that have been HON. JOE MOAKLEY of Irish immigrants to Boston. He suspect. Each year changes are demanded in OF MASSACHUSETTS served his country as a soldier and as a the 20-year-old Delaney Amendment, a law IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public official in State and National which flatly prohibits any food additive Government. He entered Congress at that induces cancer in man or animal. Argu­ Thursday, November 20, 1980 the beginning of one of the most diffi­ ments on the wisdom of a saccharin ban fly e Mr. MOAKLEY. Mr. Speaker, I cult and trying periods, the Great De­ back and forth. Initiatives to ban meat pre­ servatives or animal drugs as potential would like to join my colleagues in pression, and helped to shape the in­ causes of cancer also occupy much of the paying tribute to a fine Member of comparable legislative achievements of congressional schedule. Most food scares are this body, JIM HANLEY. JIM decided to the New Deal that restored the Nation tied to cancer, but not all.
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