\I RePublic of the PhiliPPines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN LingayeTl 'urr uo'- pan gasi w n, go r,.p fi OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY gflBTlf,'lgATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the regular session duly constituted of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, Province of Pangasinan, held on November 2 I , 201 I at Lingayen, Pangasinan, the following provincial ordinance was approved: Authored by SP Members Napoleon C. Fontelera, Jr. and Clemente B. Arboleda, Jr. PROVINCIAL ORDINANCE NO. 156-2011 AN ORDINANCE ENACTING THE CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVIS]ONS Article A. Title and Scope Section '1.A.01 . Title. This Ordinance shall be known as the 'Code of General Ordinances of the Province of Pangasinan". Section 1.A.02. Scope. This Code covers all general ordinances of the Province of Pangasinan. Article B. Rules of Construction Section 1.8.01. Words and Phrases. Words and phrases embodied in this Code shall have the same meaning as found in legal dictionaries as well as in existing laws. Section 1.8.02. Construction of Codal Provisions. ln construing the provisions of this Code, the following rules of construction shall be observed unless othenrise inconsistent with the manifest intent of the provisions or when applied they would lead to absurd or highly improbable results. a. General Rule. All words and phrases shall be construed and understood according to the common and approved usage of the language; but technical words and phrases and such other words in this Code which may have acquired a peculiar or appropriate meaning shall be construed and understood according to such technical, peculiar or appropriate meaning. 2F Cadtol Bldg , Lingayen, Pangasina, 2401 Tel/Fax (+637 5) 5424010 e-mail address. spsacpa ng@yahoo com '.-l{_9 Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Lit41a1en 'nrtv t'.p tq.pan ga"si w n 11o i OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY Provincial Ordinance No. 1562011 Page 2 b Gender and Number. Every word in this Code importing the masculine gender shall extend to both male and female. Every word importing to iingular number shall extend and apply to several persons or things as well; and every word importing the plural number shall extend and applied also to one person or thing. c. Computation of Time. ln computing any period of time, the day of the act or event from which the designated period begins to run out is to be excluded and the date of performance included. lf the last day of the period, as thus computed, falls on Saturday, a Sunday or a legal holiday in the province, the time shall not run until the next working day. d Tenses. The use of any verb in the present tense shall include the future whenever applicable. The words "shall have been" shall include past and future cases. The use of the word 'shall' in this Code means the act being required to be done is mandatory, whereas when the word "may" is used, it means Permissive. e References. All references to the "Chapters", ?rticles' or 'Sections' are to chapters, article in sections in this Code unless otherwise specified. Conflicting Provisions of Chapters. lf the provisions of different Chapters conflic{ with or contravene each other, the provisions of each chapter shall prevail as to all specific matters and questions involved therein. t. Conflicting Provisions of Sections. lf the provisions of different Section in the same chapter conflict with each other, the provisions of the Section which is last in point of sequence shall prevail. Section 1.8.03. Amendment and lntegration of Additional Provisions. Any amendment on this Code may be introduced to the chapter, article or section concerned. All ordinances or provisions thereof enacted subsequent to the date of effectivity of this Code shall be complied in such a way as to bear the conesponding chapter, artacle or section to which ordinance shall be integrated into the conesponding chapter, article or sec{ion whenever a new printing or reproduction of this Code is undertaken upon authorization of the Sanggunian. Section 1.8.04. Existing Rights. No right accrued, action or proceeding commenced before the effectivity of this Code shall be adversely affected by any provisions hereof. Thereafter, all procedures or actions to be taken shall conform to the provisions ol this Code whenever possible. Section 1.8.05. Reference to Code. Whenever reference is made to any portion of this Code, such reference shall apply to all amendments and additions now or may hereafter be introduced. Section 1.8.06. Effect of Heading. The Chapter, A(icle and Section headings do not in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of the provisions contained in this Code. 2F Capttal Bldg , Lingayea, Pangasinao 2401 TelEa^ t+6375t 542401a e-mail address spsecparg@)/ahoo com .\', Republic of the PhiliPPines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Li,tgaler. ln rt+'-p a n pas i ru n go r,.p fr OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY Provincial Ordinance No. 1 5G2011 Page 3 Section '1.8.07. Relation to Prior Ordinance. The provisions of this code which are substantially the same as that of previous or existing ordinances particularly when dealing with the same subject matter shall be construed as 'restatement' and not as a new enactment. Section 1.8.08. Annexes. The text of all ordinances in this Code shall be a part of this Code and shall be known as 'ANNEXES'. CHAPTER II Administrative Ordinances ARTICLE A. CREATION OF OFFICES Section 11.A.01. Ordinance No. 'l-1947. Prescribing Rules and Regulations Goveming the Operation, Maintenance and Administration of the Lingayen Watemorks System (Resolution No. 73) Section 11.A.02. Ordinance No. 23-1993. Creating the Provincial Anti-lllegal Activities Task Force and Providing Appropriations Therefore. (SP Member Leonmdo S. Caronto) Section ll.A. 03 .Ordinance No. 25-'1993. Reorganizing and Granting More Powers to the Pangasinan lndustrial Development Authority (Authored by Yice Governor Ranjit R Shahai, Co-auhored by SP Member Dionisio C. Antiniw) Section 11.A.04. Ordinance No. 30-1993. An Ordinance Creating the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office. (Authored by SP Member Dionisio C. Antiniw, Co'authored by SP Member Edith G- Demetia) Section Il.A. 05. Ordinance No. 60-1997. An Ordinance Creating the Provincial Action Center as Provincial Department O,ffice and Providing Funds Therefore (Authored by SP Members Francisco F. Baraon III & Roberto N. Fener) Section 11.A.06. Ordinance No, 119-2011. An Ordinance for the Establishment of A Pangasinan Overseas Filipino Workers' (OFW) Desk (Authored by Yice Govemor .Iose Ferdinand Z. Calirnlim, Jr., & Co-authored by All Sangguniang Panlalaw igor Members) ARTICLE B, LITION'CREATION OF PLANTILLA POSITIONS Secton t1.B.01. Ordinance No. 2-1990. Creating the Position of One (1) 2nd Assistant Provincial Assessor (Authored by SP Member Francisco F. Baroot III) Section !1.8.02. Ordinance No, 4-1990. Creating the Position of One (1) Record Officer at the Office of the Personnel Services Office of the Provincial Governor (Authored by SP Member Francisco F. Baraan III) 2F Cafital Bldg , Lingayen. Pangasinan 2401 TeLFa, !+637515424010 e-n ail adclress spsecpaog@jahoo com ) .-rs8 Reoublic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF PANGASINAN Litt17,z1en . u,te g,, pan {lasi M n, (Jo t,. p A OFFICE OF THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN SECRETARY Provinciat Ordinance No. 15G2011 Page 4 (1) Senior sectlon 11.8.03. Ordinance No. 9-1990 Creating the Position of one Legislative Staff Of6cer at the Office of the Secretariat, Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Aihored by SP Member Franckco F- Boraat III) Section il.B.04. Ordinance No. 1l-1991 Creating the Position of One (1) Utility Worker I at the Office of the Provincial Budget Officer (Authored by SP Member Franckco F. Baraan III) (1) section 11.8.05. ordinance No. 13-1991 Creating the Position of one Provincial Govemment Assistant Department Head at the Office of the Secretariat' Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Authored-by SP Members Dionisio C. Antiniw & Jose B' Castillo) section 11.8.06. ordinance No. 't4-1992 Creating the Positions of one (1) Provincial Govemment Department Head (Provincial Accountant), One (1) Provincial Govemment n"si"trnt O.partment Head (Assistant Provincial Accountant) and One (1) Driver in the Office of the Provincial Accountant (Authored by SP Member Jual Ll. Amor) Section ll.B.O7. Ordinance No. 16-1992. Creating Various Positions at the ffices of the Provincial General Servi@s, Provincial lnformation, Provincial Accountant and the Sangguniang panlalawigan (A. Provincial Govemment Department Head-Provincial General ServI&s Oficer; g. Provincial Government Assistant Department Head-Assistant Provincial General Services Officer; C. Provincial Govemment Department Head-Provincial lnformation Officef D. provincial Govemment Assistant Department Head-Assistant Provincial lnformation officer; E. Provincial Accountant office-lntemal Auditor lV; F. Sangguniang Panlalawiganlegislative Services-Private Secretary ll, Legislative Assistant lll, Secretary I' Driver l; G-. Secretariat Services-Administrative O'fficer lll, Board Secretary ll) (Authored by SP Member Juol Ll. Amor & Angel G. Baniqued) section 11.8.08. ordinance No. 19-1993. Creating the Position of one (1) Legislative Staff fficer V in the Office of Secretariat, Sangguniang Panlalawigan Subject to the Passage of a Supplemental Budget to Cover the Salary (Authored by All Sanggmiang Panlalawigan Members) section 1t.8.09. ordinance No. 21-1993. Creating the Positions of one ('t) Legislative Staff Officer lll, One (1) Board Secretary lll and One (1) Stenographer Reporter lll in the Office of the Secretariat, Sangguniang Panlalawigan (A*hored by All Songguniang Panlalawigan Members) Section ll.B.l0, Ordinance No. 31-1993. An Ordinance Creating the Positions of Chief of Hospital, Medical Officer and Administrative fficer for the Medicare Hospitals in the Towns of Asingan, Umingan, and Balungao in Pangasinan and Providing Funds Therefore (Authored by Editha G.
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