THE EVENING STAR WITH SUNDAY MORNING EDITION. An Open Book. Baitaets OSce 11th Btrest and Peimylncl* Artnue. When a prospective purchase* £ The Brining Star Newspapar Conpany. sees the advertisement of ff THEODOHE W. N0TE3, Prwidrat. 117=20. Part 2. business concern in a reputably Sew York Office: Tribuas BuildUg. Pages like The Cbieftfo Office: Tribuae Building. publication Evening The Evening Star, with the Sandfly morn!n* edi¬ Star, it fixes that concern's tion. !s delivered by carrVr*. on their own account, within the city at 50 cent J per month; without the identity. With such introduc¬ Sunday nornibj? edition at 44 cents per month. tion the of Br n.all. noatnfc prepaid: transaction business Da'.ly, Sunday Included, one m«>ntht <V> cen*:s. l>ally. ^undav excepts), one month, 50 ceacft. is an open book. Saturday Star, one year, Si.00. WASHINGTON, D. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1906-TWENTY PAGES. Rtmdav Star, one rear. Sl.50. RAILROADS. RAILROADS. OCEAN TRAVEL. AFFAIRS IN THE CONGO "AS ACTS OF GRACE" mnrmm?W?WW ??????????????< and Qihio R. R, CUNARD LINIB. Baltimore n FBOM PIBRS NOHTIT RIVER. WAYE SJTATIOS New Jersey sve. and 0 it. 51-52. ! ROYAI. BLUE LINK N. B..Following schedule figures published ooiy TO LIVERPOOL VIA QCEEX8TOWN. REPORT MADE BY INVESTIGAT¬ I3IDEMNITY PAID BY THIS GOV- a* information, and arc not guaranteed. "EVERY OTHEH HOUR 'J.N THE ODD HOUR" for Cmbrla.. .July 14. 10 am Etrurla.. .July 2S. 10 am A to rmnn-Li'iiu and .new 7:85 a.m. Daily. Local Harrisonburg, Vat- Caronla noon ING RARE york July IT. 1 pm Cartnania. .July 31, COMMISSION. E5NKENT. CHAMCE! renton, Danville and way stations. >EW TERMINAL. 231) ST., .NEW YORK. and Florida Lim¬ Campania...July 21, 2 pm Lucanla Aug. 4. 2 pm 00 a.m. Diiu-r I'ui.ouiB Parlor. 10:51 a.m. Dally. Washington GIBRALTAR, GENOA, NAPLES, ADRIATIC, J W) a.m. Buffet, Parlor. IS Hr. Train. ited. Through coaches and sleeper to Colombia^ a m. Diner und i'ullmao Parlor 0«r. Savannah and Jacksonville. Lining car service. New Modern Twin-screw Steamer*. &|9.00 a.m. United States Fast Mali So Denied That Muti¬ Mutilation of a Cuban and tfi.11 .00 a.m. Iilwr and Pullman Parlor Car." 11:15 Dally. PANNON1A Jul/ 17, 2 p.m.; Sept. 11. Oct. Europeans Ordered Unpro¬ Two Fine class coaches and to New Orleans. 2u f W P-m. Diner and Pullman Parlor Car. First sleeper CARPATHIA July 81. 1 p.m.; Sept. 26. Not. Especially Cottages, Dining car service. SLAVOXIA 11 Oct. Dec. 4 3 00 p.m. "Royal Limited." All Pullmaa. Local for Aug.*28, a.m.; 19, lation of Natives as Punish¬ voked Murder of a Chinaman by *4.00 p. in. Cone beg to 4:01 p.m. Week Days. Harrisonburg VERNON h. BROWN. G. 21-24 State Philadelphia. and way statlou* oo Manassas branch. A.. at.. N.Y., ^ m" D'"** "Dd Pullman Parlor. Local for Warrenton. Char¬ Opposite tbe Battery. ment for Men in American Uniform. tS'SJ*8 00 p.m. Coaches to Philadelphia. 4:&6 p.m. Daily. Or 126 State at., Boston, Mass. Offenses. Nos. 802 and 806 .11.80 lottesville and Intermediate stations; week d&jfl Taylor St. N.W. p.m. Sleepers for G. W. MOSS, Ageat, 1411 G st. n.w., Washington, .2.37 a m. Sle-pers. Strashurg. felo | 7:H0 p.m. Daily. New York and Atlanta Express. ljr.eSu.20 ATLANTIC CITY. »2.57. *7 00. *0 00, fll.OO to At'.anta. to «.a*100. *3.00. fB.OO pm. First-class coach sleeper Columbus, Reports made bj the special commission¬ rt appears from the diplomatic corre¬ Best scction of Petworth. "EVERY ON THE Ga.; Sunset tourist aleeper Washington to San ANCHOR LINE. Absolutely unequaled by any prop- HOUR IIODB-' Francif*co Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. GLASGOW AND LONDONDERRY ers of King Leopold who were sent to in¬ spondence of last yetr just published by |* T a m to 8.00 $ osition in this ? (Weak days, p.m ) 9:3o p.m. Daily. New York and Florida Expreaa. Sailing from New York every Saturday vestigate his administration in tbe Inde¬ the of State that the United delightful suburb. TO BALTIMORE. WITH PCL1.MAN SERVICE Through coaches and sleepers to Columbia. Savan¬ NEW TWIN .SCREW STEAMSHIPS Department Meek days: 2.57 8 00, 8 30, 7.00. 7.20, 8.00, 8 SO. nah and Jacksonville. Slec{*er to Augusta and Port "CALEDONIA" and "COLUMBIA" pendent state of Congo have been forward¬ States government paid several Indemnities 10 001 1100 UIU- 12 00 'W>- 12 OC. car service. ed to the X ?'J5*I.00. 2.00,~30, 3,iX>. 4 00, 4.45, 5 03, 5.30, 6.00 Tampa. Dining Average passage TVs days. Secretary of State by United "as an act of grace" for outrages alleged 5.00, 10:00 p.m. Daily. New York and Memphis Lim¬ AND FAVORITE STEAMSHIPS States Minister i S 0°- 1°°° 10.35, 11.30. 11 35 p.m. ited (via Lynchburg). First class coach and sleeper Wilson at Brussels. Al¬ to have been committed by citizens of the %'¦Smdays.J-00- 2.37. 7.00. 7.20. 8.30. 0.00. 10 00 11 00 Knoxville. Chattanooga cud "Astoria" and "Furnessia." 6 to Hoan-»ke, Memphis; For rates of Saloon, Second Cabin or Third Class though the mission of the commissioners United States in foreign countries. One a.m.. 1.U0, 1 15. 3 00. 3 SO. 5 00, 6.80. 30 8 00, sleeper to Birmingham and New Orleans. Dining Book of and information 10.00, 10.35, 11.30, 11.83 Passage, "Tours further was to investigate the alleged ill treatment case was that of Luciano a cit¬ * p.m car service. applj to HENDERSON BROTHERS. New York. Arestuche, $100 Cash WESTWARD. 10:45 Dally. Washington and Southwestern and abuse of . p.m. Or G. W. MOSS, 1411 G st. n.w., natives, they found a great izen of Cuba, who. It was alleged, received Only * WE*T. 1100 observation car to N'°RJ11 am,*6.80 p.m Limited. All Pullman train; E. F. & 92,~> Pa. ave. deal i rKI££F.P. *T LO'18 »nd LOUISVILLB. Atlanta and Macon; club car to Atlanta: sleepers Droop Sous, n.w., Washington. worthy of commendation. injuries at the hands of American soldiers x .,£'£CINNATr-m 4 08 *12.46 and ap2S-78t,e$u,15 Balance so Small t P"1'. right. to Nashville. Atlanta, Macon. Birmingham "Twenty-five years ago," says the report, during the military government of the is¬ Monthly . *11.00 a.m., *0.10 p m. *12 40 at New Orleans. Dining car service. "this Payments. g 10 p m' OOLDMBrS, *0.30 p.m. TRAINS ON BH'KMONT BRANCH. FRENCH LTNET" territory was still in the clutches of land. Mr. Quesada, the Cuban minister, WHEELING.v^7-¥h&P- *10.16 a.m.. *3.30 p.CI Leave Washington 8:10 a.m.. 1:30, 4:15, 4:4ft, absolute and one or 8 6:28 OOMPAGNIE GENEBALE TRANSATLANTTQCE. barbarism, two presented the case to the State Depart¬ ?rJbC{!5STER- 35 »-m- tO-OO p.m. 5:05 p.m. week days for Bluemont; p.m. Europeans only had succeeded in ANNAPOLIS, week days, 7.20 a.m.. 12 06 noon. week days for Leesbur> only. On Sunday leave Direct L'.ne to Havre.Paris (France). crossing ment, and suggested that Congress be asked 8nn'l«rs. 8.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. Washington 9:01, 9:10 a.m., G:2S p.m.. for Blue¬ it, at tbe cost of superhuman efforts and JvJ? "J; *rM* *4.05 car. Balling every Thursday at 10 a.nt. to appropriate a moderate sum for Ihe re¬ El-KTON, p.m.. parlor mont. meeting none but hostile 35 19 15 ,10 06' n, 0° Through trains from the south arrive Washington From Pier No 42. North River, foot Morton «t..N.Y. tribes at every lief of Arestuche. II.15.at t4.06. .aT5.30 p.m. 11:05 a.m 3:00. 9:80 and 0:30 the i 6.42. 6:52, 9:50. La 19'L# 8 step, people of the region, decimated In a memorandum to the Cuban minister, ^ ^ W a.m. and 8:10 a.m. Bretagne July Gaacogne.... August "TO N. tlO.05 tS.OO p.m. p.m dally. Local trains from Strasbarg .La Provence Jnly 26 La Brctngne.. .Aniri«t 11' by the raids of the Arab slave dealers nev- the Secretary of State said: Price, a.m. a.m. week $4,750. 4«^2YP. 2nd W,J Pol"" t« 33, |».15 |1.18 week days: Harrison ruin? 11:55 days .La Lorraine. .August 2 "La Toura^np. .August 23 ertheless were and "It that the colonel t8-00.t6.83, 110 10. til 30 p.m. and 9:20 p.m. daily. From Charlottesville S:10 continually mercilessly appears commanding Ten large, attractive rooms; of off ? QAITHERSBUBO and w»j points, t® 35, 19.10 a.m.; from Lynchburg and Charlottesville. 9:20 .Twin-screw steamers. indulging in intertribal feuds; at any mo¬ our forces at Matanzas collected from the plent'- lawn; just Rright- ment a traveler wa.s Jin Vnt,?;;VL,l 10- t3 3°- *B06- t5 3S- te.50. |7 38. I m. daily. GEORGE W. MOSS. liable to come across soldiers the sum of American wood ave. cars. Admirable in every on 110 15 til 80 p.m.
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