Stalag 17B Roster American Prisoners of War Source – National Archives & 1994 Directory of American Former Prisoners of War 1943 – 1945 Stalag 17B PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL’S OFFICE – AMERICAN PRISONER OF WAR INFORMATION BUREAU MASTER INDEX FILES (Flexo-lLine) of AMERICAN MILITARY PERSONNEL Reported in the hands of the enemy (Germany) Status as of Dec. 1945. ** See code sheet for explanation. ** Subject to change by Casualty Branches Moffett, Ralph P. Sgt. 14065982 (Stalag 17B, Barrack #17B) (303rd BG, Squadron 358) Resto, Clement T/Sgt. 32432937 (Stalag 17B, Barrack #17B) (303rd BG, Squadron 358) The following names are missing from the AAD World War II Prisoners of War Data File for Stalag 17B. Source: 1994 Directory of American Prisoners of War 1943 – 1945 Stalag 17 B Adams, Robert F. Adams William A. (15B- 97th BG) (Captured 10/21/1942) Alderman, R.J. (“Jimmy”) (15B-95th BG ) (Captured 4/13/1944) Alexenberg, Roland (“Lex”) (38B-95th BG) (Captured 10/04/1943) Allred, Joe D. (Hosp-1st Spec. Svc.) (Captured 2/9/1944) Almy, Burt L. (37B-351st BG) Alston, Charles E. (39A-401st BG) Anderson, Wiliam S. (306th BG-Captured 5/15/1943 Arnold, Raymond M. (32B-448th BG)(Captured 4/20)1944) Ash, Alvin G. (388th BG) Ayala, Paul R. (37B-91st BG) (Captured 9/27/1943) Babcock, Dwight H. (38A-388th BG) (Captured 7/26/1943) Bailey, Irving F. (18A-98th BG) (Captured 11/2/1943) Baker, John E. (Hosp.-36th Div.) Baker, Squire (18B-91st BG) (Captured 12/1/1943) Baldridge, Kenneth W. (37A-305th BG) (Captured 5/19/1943) Balmer, Carroll R. (39B) Barber, Clinton R. (17A-306th BG) (Captured 10/8/1943) Barnes, Albert H. (17A-98th BG) (Captured 12/11/1942) Barr, Gorden E. (37B-303rd BG) (Captured 10/4/1943) Barrett, Joseph A. (39A-384th BG) (Captured 8/17/1943 Bartell, George J. (29B-385th BG) Bartels, William G. (“Bill”) (38B-384th BG) (Captured 8/12/1943) Bartlett, Frank W. (39A-306th BG) Bass, Roy B. (95th BG) Baxter, Charles F. (35B) Bean, Fenton H. (“Beany”) (35B-390 BG) Beben, Henry M. (19A-303rd BG) (Captured 1/11/1944) Beckham, Rodric C. (“Rod”) (18B-388th BG-Jan) (Captured 9/6/1943) Belcher, Amon (446th BG) Bence, Marion E. (“Benney”) (35A-379th BG) Benigno, Benedetto J. (“Ben”) (36B-306th BG) (Captured 4/17/1943) Bennett, Harold C. (34B) Benson, Earl (“Bennie”) (29B-306th BG) (10/5/1943) Bergendahl, Robert E. (17B-100th BG) (Captured 10/10/1943) Bernjus, Fed J. (388th BG) Besse, Robert (96th BG) Biernacki, Joseph J. (39A-91st BG) Bing, Richard L. (388th BG) Bitton, Clinton L. (17B-305th BG) Blake, Harold L. (39A) Blanchard, Raymond J. (388th BG) Blasko, John B. (357th Inf.) Bliss, Eugene W. (32B-450th BG) (Captured 4/7/1944) Blitz, Daniel C. (31B-97th BG) (Captured 4/2/1944) Blocker, Leroy E. (35A-94th BG) Bloxom, James M. (36B 17B-95th BG) (Captured 7/26/1943) Blum, Adolf (“AL”) (100th BG) Bocelli, Joseph C. (34B-306th BG) (Captured 10/14/1943) Bochat, Howard H. (32B-96th BG) (4/11/1944) Boelter, Warren B. (38A) Borostowski, Benedict B. (“Ben”) (35A-91st BG) (Captured 4/1943) Borrowman, Floyd K. (38B-379th BG) (Captured 8/17/1943) Bossley, Ludger Bowles, F. Douglas (35A-306th BG) (Captured 4/3/1943) Boyarko, Andrew (34A) Brakefield, Harry H. (357th Inf.) Branch, James L. (“Tiger”) (18A-91st BG) (Captured 4/17/1943) Briaka, Charles Brincat, Frank S. (388th BG) Brokke, Charles F. (19A-91st BG) (Captured 1/11/1944) Brooks, C.E. Brooks, William D. (39A-100th BG) Brosi, Henry J. (19B-320th BG) Brown, Robert H. (“Brownie”) (100th BG) Bruckler, Joseph P. (34B, 15B-376th BG) (Captured 12/28/1943) Brunoforte, John (1st Div.) Bryant, Fred W. (29A-449th BG) (Captured 4/23/1944) Bryant, Jack Buckley, Anthony L. (“Buck”) (35B-305th BG) (Captured 8/17/1943) Bueche, George E. (82nd A/B) Bumb.Robert E. (18B-91st BG) (Captured 12/1/1943) Burke, Lloyd K. (30A-96th BG) Burkett, Gail V. (35B-306th BG) (Captured 5/15/1943) Burnes, Robert O. (“Bob”) (37B-384th BG) (Captured 7/25/1943) Burnett, J.W. (634th AAA) Buske, Raymond F. (32B) Carlson, Donald H. (18A) Carr, William R. (398th BG) Carter, Clarence W. (“Bill) (37B-94th BG) (Captured 9/20/1943) Carter, Richard D. (29B) Casebolt, William J. (“Casey”) (36B-100th BG) (Captured 9/16/1943) Chastain, Thomas D. (36A-741st Tank Bn) Cherry, Earl M. (36A-91st BG) Ciurczak, Richard J. (“DICK”) (34A) (Captured 10/14/1943) Clark, Joseph M. (“Joe”) (37A-94th BG) Clarke, William F. (“Count”) (29B-447th BG) (Captured 4/29/1944) Cluskey, Bernard E. (45th Div.) Colangelo, Emilio W. (17B-98th BG) (Captured 11/2/1943) Colias, Gustave E. (“Gust”) (35th -91st BG) (Captured 4/17/1943) Comer, Cecil E. (18B-91st BG) Compton, Eugene M. (31A-450th BG) (Captured 4/2/1944) Copeland, Jack N. (17A-392nd BG) (Captured 11/13/1943) Coste, Domimic A. Jr. (“Nick”) (9th Inf.) Cottingham, Damon D. (35A-94th BG) Cox, Charles B. (36A-305th BG) Cox, James B. Jr. (305th BG) Craden, Sol (19B-384th BG) (Captured 1/4/1944) Crawford, S.J. (13-42nd Inf.) (Captured 1/5/1945) Cronk, James J. (39A-91st BG) (Captured 5/13/1943) Cunningham, Jack R. (29B-306th BG-) (Captured 4/24/1944) Curtis, Alden B. (34B-305th BG) (Captured 10/14/1943) Czwak, John (17A-94th BG) (Captured 11/11/1942) Daniel, James W. Daniels, John H. (36th Div. ) Danner, Manard R. Dapkiewicz, Edward J. (305th BG-) (Captured 10/4/1943) Dascoulias, Peter J. (35B-306th BG) (Captured 7/26/1943) Datino, John L. Deane, William A. (37B-388th BG) (Captured 7/28/1943) Dearth, Ralph E. (39B-91st BG) DeCasaus, Alfonso G. (36B-320th BG) DeGracia, Ralph A. (17B-45th Div.) (Captured 9/13/1943) Deitch, Daniel D. (36A-303rd BG) Denezza, Pat J. (35A-379th BG) DeSanto, Peter D. (37B) Deutsch, Charles (388th BG) DeWolf, Fletcher M. (36B-31B-92nd BG,306th BG) Diaz, Joe G. (90th Inf.) Dollar, Lynn C. (31A-447th BG) Dolsen, Francis G. (17A-100th BG) (Captured 11/5/1943) Dougherty, Ralph E. (446th BG) Downing, Robert J. (“Bob”) (34B-308th BG) (Captured 10/8/1943) Duncan, Colonel L. (463rd BG) Duncan, James A. (“Jim”) (Hosp.-1st Div.) (Captured 1/9/1945) Duranie, Vincent M. (17A-305th BG) (Captured 1/5/44) Dwyer, James J. (17B) Eanes, Paul M. (106th Div.) Echard, Eugene W. (38A) Edwards, Ralph F. (18-2nd BG) Elias, Raymond J. (36B-95th BG) (Captured 8/21/1943) Elliott, Wilson C. (306th BG) (Captured 4/17/1943) Elsworth, Ralph E. (18A-306th BG) (Captured 10/14/1943) Erhard, Kenneth L. (38B-15B-44th BG) (Captured 3/8/1943) Erickson, Harold J. (94th BG) Espitallier, Eddie F. (17B-306th BG) (Captured2/16/1943) Ewing, Warren, J. (“Dusty”) (18A-97th BG) (Captured 4/13/1943) Farmer, Herbert V. (“Herb”) (34B-94th BG) Fedora, Harold J. (38B-305th BG) (Captured 7/14/1943) Figueroa, Pedro S. Fincannon, William Fincher, Clifton R. (16B) Fisher, Robert W. (Hosp.-92nd BG) Fletcher, Donald H. (39A-W/H-100th BG) Floura, Cecil L. (“Frenchy”) (39B-381st BG) (Captured 8/17/1943) Floyd, Nathan L. (39A-91st BG) (Captured 2/4/1943) Fodor, Joseph (“JOE”) (37B-305th BG) Folk, Robert D. (17B-306th BG) (Captured 10/14/1943) Ford, Frederick J. (“Fred”) (38B-94th BG) (Captured 5/1943) Ford, William S. Jr. (35B-305th BG) (Captured 2/26/1943) Fox, Walter J. (18B-305th BG) (Captured 10/8/1943) Franklin, Jay M. (91st BG) Frautschi, Russell A. (34B-381st BG) (Captured 10/8/1943) Frechette, Oscar Freed, Quentin E. (“Shorty”) (34A,36B-379th BG) (Captured 10/9/1943) Freund, Charles G. (“Chic”) (29B-379th BG) (Captured 10/4/1943) Frieson, William C. (34B-305th BG) (Captured 10/14/1943) Frith, Robert (18B) Fuller, Edward C. (38A-92nd BG) Funk, Robert D. (“BOb”) (31B-401st BG) Furney, Thomas E. Jr. (39B-384th BG) (Captured 9/6/1943) Gallegos, Leo L. Sr.-(“Chico”) (36B,W?H-306th BG)(Captured 4/17/1943) Gase, Albert F.(“Al”) (39B-384th BG) (Captured 9/6/1943) Gates, Henry C. (17B-351st BG) (Captured 11/3/1943) Geesee, William K. (37A-96th BG) Gentile, Author F. (17A-83rd Div.) Gibbons, Raymond E. (37A-94th BG) Gibbs, Leland N. Jr. (“Bud”) (30B-305th BG) (Captured 3/29/1944) Gienau, Glenn L. (38B-351st BG) (Captured 12/31/1943) Gienko, Edward J. (29A-392nd BG) (Captured 4/29/1944) Gilbert, Herbert Gilbert, Thomas D. (35B,16B-93rd BG) (Captured 9/15/1943) Gillem, Paul L. (36B-95th BG) (Captured 10/10/1943) Gillespie, Edmond E. (18A-93rd BG) Gillis, M. Drue (30B-385th BG) Gilmour, William E. (30B-94th BG) Giordano, Sam D. (37B-94th BG) (Captured 6/13/1943) Girvan, Alexander M. (17A-381st BG) Glawson, Jesse J. (16B-381st BG) Goetz, H.W. (303rd BG) Golden, Jack J. (484th BG) Goldstein, Daniel (36B-91st BG) (Captured 6/22/1943) Good Joseph Good, William H. (32B-457th BG) (Captured 4/9/1944) Goodwin, Carroll I. Jr. (38B91st BG) Gracey, Edgar J. (34A) Gray, Charles T. (34B-379th BG) (Captured 10/1/1943) Gray, Ramey G. (17A) Greenfield, Ralph L. (305th BG) Gregorchuk, Peter (9th BG) Grenon, Frank J. Grey, Frank (“Grey Ghost”) (36A,32B- Tunnel-92nd BG) (Captured 8/12/1943) Griffin, Charles J. (30B-100th BG) Grimm, Raymond M. (37B-306th BG) (Captured 10/14/1943) Grosskopf, James A. (18B-100th BG) (Captured 11/5/1943) Gudiatis, John L. (305th BG) (Captured 10/14/1943) Guilford, George W. (29A-44th BG) Guthrie, Don R.
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