28 MINISTRY OF HOME AFFA.IRS CENTRAL ARMED POLICE FORCES AND INTERNAL SECURITY CHALLENGES-EVALUATION AND RESPONSE MECHANISM COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES (2017-2018) TWENTY EIGHTH REPORT SIXTEENTH LOK SABHA -;· :<. :-: LOKSABHASECRETAruAT NEW DELHI TWENTY EIGHTH REPORT COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES (2017-2018) (SIXTEENTH LOK SABHA) MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS CENTRAL ARMED POLICE FORCES AND INTERNAL SEC.URITY CHALLENGES-EVALUATION AND RESPONSE MECHANISM Presented to Lok Sabha on ................. .. LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI March, 2018/ Phalguna, 1939(5) CONTENTS Page No. Composition of the Committee on Estimates(2014-15} Composition of the Committee on Estimates(2015-16) · Composition of the Committee on Estimates (2016-17) . Composition of the Committee on Estimates (2017-18) Introduction PART-I CHAPTER-I Introductory 1 Assam Rifles 2 Border Security Force (BSF) 2 Central Industrial Security Force(CISF) 3 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) 4 ·Inda-Tibetan Border Police Force{ITBP) 5 I National Security Guards(NSG) 5 Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) 5 CHAPTER-II Internal Security Challenges-Evaluation and 7 Response Mechanism Constitutional Position 7 Challenges to Internal Security 8 Terrorism in the Hinterland 8 Cross Border Terrorism in J&K 10 Measures taken by the Government 11 Left Wing Extremism(LWE) in certain States 13 Insurgency in North East 16 Source of Funding ... 20 Central Assistance to States 22 Role of CAPFs in Border Management - Deployment of Central Police Forces in States 32 Global Challenges for Internal Security 36 Coordination between Central and State Police Forces ! 38 Compari~on with other Countries 40 ·- Augmenting the Infrastructure 42 Civic Adion Programme 42 ' Funds allocated to CAPFs in Jammu & Kashmir ... 43 ; CHAPTER-Ill Financial Allocation and Expenditure 44 Modernisation of CAPF 47 Modernization of the State Police Forces under Moderni 51 Sation of Police Force (MPF) Scheme CHAPTER-IV Cyber Crimes - A Perspective 54 Information Technology and Cyberspace 54 Cyber Crimes 55 Impact of Social Media 56 Cyber attacks on Critical Infrastructure and Sensitive 56 Institutions Cyber espionage 57 Focus of Attacks 57 Nature and Intensity of Threats in the Country 57 Challenges in cyber security and crisis response 58 Emerging threat landscape 59 Response mechanisms/Measures taken to enhance cyb 60 security in the country Training 66 Upgradation of Training Infrastructure of Central Police 66 Forces Vacancies in CAPFs 68 Stagnation in Armed Forces 71 Cadre Review 75 Pay Parity 76 Stress Management 78 Representation of Women 81 . Steps taken to encourage women to join CAPF and to 82 improve the facilities for women personnel in CAPFs Housing. Scheme 85 The shortfall in achieving the physical target was due to :.• 86 .· the following reasonsc.~,- . ~ Quality Food ·-·· -:-} 90 Medical Facilities to CAPFs .. 90 . .. Logistic Support to CAPF personnel on VIP Duty ~· 91 Coastal Security 92 Details of mechanisms developed to deal with the coast< 92 Security National Marine Police Training Institute (MPTI) 95 Creation of Central Marine Police Force(CMPF) 95 PART-II Observations and Recommendations COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2014-1S Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi • Chairperson ~· Members 2 Ahmed, Shri Sultan 3 Azad, Shri Kirti (JHA) 4 Banerjee, Shri Kalyan 5 Bhuria, Shri Dileep Singh 6 Birla, Shri Orn 7 Chaudhary, Shri HaribhaiParthibhai 8 Chavan; Shri Ashok Sharikarrao . 9 Choube.y, Shri Ashwini Kumar · 10 Choudhary, Col. (Retd) Sona Ram 11 Deka, Shri Ramen 12 Dhotre, Shri Sanjay Shamrao 13 Gaddigoudar, Shri Parvatagouda Chandanagouda 14 Gupta, Shri Sudheer 15 Jaiswal, Dr. Sanjay 16 Jardosh, Smt. Darshana Vikram 17 Kalvakuntla, Smt. Kavitha 18 Kateel, Shri Nalin Kumar 19 Khanna, Shri Vinod 20 Kumar, Shri P. 21 Muniyappa, Shri K.H. 22 Pandey, Shri Ravindra Kumar _ 23 Ramachandran, Shri Krishnan Narayanasamy 24 Reddy, Shri J.C. Divakar 25 Salim, Shri Mohammad. 26 Sawant, Shri Arvind Ganpat 27 Singh Dea, Shri Kalikesh Narayan 28 Singh, Shri Ganesh 29 Singh, Shri Kirti Vardhan 30 Verma, Shri Rajesh 31 Yadav, Shri Jay Prakash Narayan 32 Yadav, Shri Ram Kripal COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES 2015-16 Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi - Chairperson Members 2 Ahmed, Shri Sultan 3 Azad, Shri Kirti (JHA) 4 ·Banerjee, Shri Kalyari 5 Bhuria, Shri Dileep Singh 6 Birla, Shri Orn 7 Chavan, Shri Ashok Shankarrao 8 Choubey, Shri Ashwini Kumar 9 Choudh'ary, Col. (Retd) Sona Ram 10 Choudhary, Shri Ram Tahal 11 Deka, Shri Ramen 12_ Dhotre, Shi"i Sanjay Shamrao 13 Gaddigoudar, Shri Parvatagouda Chandanagouda 14 Gupta, Shri Sudheer 15 Jaiswal, Dr. Sanjay 16 Jardosh, Smt. Darsliana Vikram 17 Kalvakuntla, Smt. Kavitha 18 Khanna, Shri Vinod 19 Kumar, Shri P. 20 Meghwal, Shri Arjun Ram 21 Muniyappa, Shri K.H. 22 . Pandey, Shri Ravindra Kumar 23 Ramachandran, Shri Krishnan Narayanasamy 24 Reddy, Shri J.C. Divakar 25 Salim, Shri Mohammad 26 Sawant, Shri Arvind Ganpat 27 Shirole, Shri Anil 28 Singh Oeo, Shri Kalikesh Narayan 29 Singh, Shri Ganesh 30 Verma, Shri Rajesh 31 Yadav, Shri Jay Prakash Narayan · ........ ~~ .· ·• . ,.- ; . ~· ( - .\ ·-COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTE~ ON ESTIMATES (2016-17) ! • ~ '. •. Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi - Chairperson Members 2. Shri Sultan Ahmed ~-.... 3. Shri A. Arunmozhithevan · 4. _~ri George Baker 5. Shri Kalyan Banerjee 6. Shri Dushyant Chautala 7. Shri Ashok Shankarrao Chavan · 8. Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey 9. Shri Ram Tahal Choudhary 10 .. col. Sonaram Choudhary 11. Shri Ramen Deka 12. Shri Sanjay Dhotre 13. Silri P.C. Gaddigoudar 14. Shri Sudheer Gupta 15. Smt. Kavitha Kalvakuntla 16. Shri P. Kumar 17. Smt. Poonam Mahajan 18. Shri K.H. Muniyappa "19. Shri Rajesh Pandey 20. Shri Ravindra Kumar Pandey 21. Sl1ri Raosaheb Danve Patil 22 Shri Bha9irath Prasad• 23. Silri Konakalla Narayan Rao 24. Shri Md. Salim 25. Shri Arvind· Gan pat Sawanl 26. Sliri Jugal Kishore Sharma 27. Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat 28. Shri Anil Shirole 29. Shri Rajesh Vernia 30. Shri Jai Prakash Narayan Yadav "Elected vide Lok Sabha Bulletin Part-II No. 3908 dated 28.07.2016 vice Shri Arjuf! Rani Meghwal appointed as Minister. COMPOSITION OF THE COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES (2017~18): Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi - Chairperson Members ·~ : 2. Shri A. Arunmozhithevan :'~ ·'-7'. 3. Shri George Baker ··~.> ~ A. Shri Kalyan Banerlee ~, . *5. Shi"i Ramesh Bidhuri · 6. Shri Dushyant Chautala 7. Shri Ram Taha! Choudhary 8. Col. Sonarej_m Choudhary $9. Dr. Ratna De (Nag) 10. Shri Ramen Deka &11. ·· Shr[ Kalikesh Narayan Singh Dea 12. Shri Sanjay Dhotre · 13. Shri P.C. Gaddigoudar 1'4. Shri Prakash B. Hukkeri 15. Smt. Kavltha Kalvakuntala 16. Smt. Raksha Khadse 17. .. Dr. Sanjay Jaiswal 18. Shri P. Kumar 19 . Shri Rajesh Pandey . ~{: "'""'· ~~:r.~~~6~~~;~:ir~~~~,~~pge~. :2.t:.~(~~.~. ;~,~.'~;~1i··~;.~ i'''f:~~~l~,~~~:f . ·.. · 22. Smt. Ranjeet Ranjan· Fi"-..~'_,;-.~. ...., ·. I: ::_· ' ... ~ .. 23. Shri Konakalla Narayan Rao 24. ··· Sh,ri Y.V. Subba Reddy %25. Sh.rl Rajiv Pratap Rudy 26. Shri Arvind Ganpat Sawant 27. Shri Arjun Charan Sethi 28._· Shri Janardan Singh Sigriwal 29. Shri Jugal Kishore Sharma 30. Shri Jay Prakash l\Jarayan Yadav •Elected vide Lok. Sabha Bulletin Part - II No. 6141 dated 22.12.2017 vice Shrl Ashwlnl Kumar Choubey appointed as MiniSter $ Elected vide Lok Sabha Bull.etln Part-II No: 614.1dated22.12.2017 vlca·Shri Sultan Ahmed died & Elected vid~ Lok Sabha Bulletin Part - II No. G141 dated 22.12.i017 vice Shrl Gajendra Singh Shakhawat appointed as Minister · . % Elected vide Lok. Sapha Bulletin Part - II No. 6141 dated 22.12.2017 vice Shri Nanabhau Falgunrao Patole resigned. INTRODUCTION _, I, the Chairperson of the Committee on Estimates, having been autho~1.zed by the Committee to submit the Report on th.eir behalf, do present this 281h Report on the subject 'Central Armed Police Forces and Internal Security Challenges- Evaluation and Response Mechanism' pertaining to the Ministry of Home Affairs. ".; 1·.~ 2. The Country is currently· facing serious internal security challenges from a number of sources such as te.rrorism including cross-border terrorism, Left Wing Extremism (LWE) and insurgency in. the certain areas of the north-east Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), which comprise specialised para-military forces under the control of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) such as Assam Rifles, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Border Security Force (BSF), lndo-Tibetari Border Police (ITBP), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB), etc. have the mandate of tackling the internal security challenges. These forces are deployed in states by the Centre at the request of the States or constitutional authorities .such as the Election Commission for providing security during elections. 3. With a view to evaluate the various factors about the functioning of CAPF, viz. their role and responsibilitiesi their conditions of service, the extent to which they ·have been able to achieve the objectives for which they were set up, the problems being faced by the CAPFs and steps taken/being taken by the Government to improve the functioning and effectiveness of the CAPF, the Committee on Estimates (2014-15) selected this subject for in-depth examination and report to .the House. The ·committee on Estimates(2015-16); the Committee on Estimates(2016-17) and the Committee on Estimates (2017-18) examined ttie subject. .' : 4. In this Report, the Committee have dealt with various issues like Internal Security Challenges such as cross-border terrorism, insurgency and Left Wing Extremism and their evaluation and response me.chanism, central assistance to States to deal with such challenges, role of C~PFs in bo_rder management,· deployment of CAPFs in States, coordination between Central and State Police Forces, augmenting th·e.· infrastru1.;Lurt:!, financial allocation for CAPrs and their modernisation, measures taken to eriha,nce ·cyoer security, upgradatfon of training infrastructure of CAPFs, career .progression and pay in CAPFs, stress management, representation ·of worn.en in CAPFs, medical facilities, coastal' security and responsibilities of CAPFs. The Committee have .. · analysed these · issue in detail and made observations/recommendations iri the report.
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