OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIA' 1010a (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2) United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Project No. DP/lNS/78/078 Contract N o .: 83/103 Dated : January 10, 1984 SUBCONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR TO THE SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES. J IN INDONESIA 1984 FINAL REPORT 5? f\ n 7 SUFSIDI PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING OFFICE , Jl. Cililin 1/6 Kebayorsn Baru Jakarta Salatan Phone : 71 6 8 S 6 INDONESIA United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Project No. DP/lNS/78/078 Contract N o .: 83/103 Dated : January 10, 1984 SUBCONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES IN THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR TO THE SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES IN INDONESIA 1984 FINAL REPORT SUFSIDI PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING OFFICE Jl. Cililin 1/6 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Salatan Phone : 71 6 8 6 6 INDONESIA PREFACE After sane discussions between the Chief Technical Adviser of LNHO PROJECT INS/78/078 and SUFSIDI PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING OFFICE in Ja k a r­ ta during the months of June to September 1983, a proposed concerning the study matter, i.e . The Possibility of Sub-ocntracting in producing Auto­ motive Parts/Ocnpcnents to Snail Scale Industries, had been submitted by the latter cn September 16, 1983, finally the contract between those parties had been signed in January 1984, which w ill complete within 4-months, January up to April 1984. In accordance w ith th e c o n tra c t, SUFSIDI PROFESSIONAL CCNSUTITING CJEFICE has composed a study team consisting of 4-consultants including the Team Leader and has planned the working schedule as the following. • - Preparation of work : January 2 - January 15, 1984 - Field and desk survey : January 16 - February 15, 1984 - Data evaluation & analises : February 16 - February 29, 1984 - Report writing (Draft Final Report) : March 1 - March 31, 1984 - Discussion and evaluation : A p ril 1 - A p ril 10, 1984 - Final Report writing : A p ril 11 - A p ril 25, 1984 - Typing and printing (Final Report) : A p ril 26 - A p ril 29, 1984 - Final Report : A p ril 30, 1984. Seme institutions and plants visited for data gathering, are : - Department of Industry c.q. the Directorate Generals with their Sub Ordinates, especially the Directorates of Controlling and Development (D it. Pengendal ia n dan Bengembangan), and MIDC-Bandung. - Prcvincial/Regicnal Industrial Offices of Jakarta, West Java, and East Jav a. - Associations of Sole Agents and Assemblers of Motor Cars, Motor-cycles, Heavy Equipments (for smell tractors), Automotive Parts and Components Manufacturers. - Same assembling plants. - Seme Parts & Components Manufacturers. - i i - - prmo anall Scale industries in Automotive Parts/Ccnpcnents in Mini Industrial Estates, Cluster, and Cooperative. Questicnaires had been sent to Sole Agents, Assenbling Plants, Parts & Compo­ nents Manufacturers before the visits, or by request to be returned within 10-days after the receipt. SUFSIDI PROCESSIONAL CONSULTANT and th e Team w ish t o th an k a l l p a r tie s o r persons «ho contributed to this study by supplying data, infconation, and other relevant inputs. SUFSIDI PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING OFFICE ■51 - Ill - LIST OF OCMTENTS Page PREFACE i LIST CF CEKUMTS H i LIST CF THBIES v LIST CF FIGURES v i i LIST CF MMEXES v i i i SUMMARY 1 - 5 INTRODUCTION 6-10 CHAPTER I : THE DEMAND CF PARTS AND OCMPCMEMTS IN AUTO- 12 - 33 MOTIVE PRCOUCTICN ............................................ 1 .1. The trends or automotive sales and salesforecast ...................... 12 1.2. The deletion program set by the Department of Industry in automotive sub-sector ........................................................................... 21 1.3. Deleted parts and ocnponents to be potentially made by large & median scale industries ....................................................... 26 1.4. Parts and components potentially made by small scale in- dustries/cooperatives ........................................................... 31 1.5. Correlated volume of demand in parts/ocnponents potential­ ly made by small scale industries/oooperatives .......................... 33 CHAPTER I I : TOE EXISTING AND PROSPECTIVE PRODUCTION CA­ PACITIES CF AUTOMOTIVE'S PARTS AND CCMPCN- EUTS MANUFACTURERS ..................................... 34-47 2.1. General considerations ....................................................................... 34 2.2. The existing production capacities and volume of large/ medium scale industries ....................................................................... 35 2.3. The prospective additional product items and capacities of large/taedium scale industries related the deletion pro­ gram ............................................................................................................. 36 - iv - Page 2.4. Portion of parts/ocnpcnents potentially made by snail scale industries covered by large/nredium scale industries. 41 2.5. The existing and prospective production capacities of -•anal! scale industries/oocperatives related to the delet­ ion program......................................................................................... 42 CHAPTER I I I : PRODUCT MIX AND NEW UNITS REQUIRED FOR SUB- OCNTRACTING TO SMALL 9CAIE INDUSTRIES AND OOPEERKTIVES ...................................................... 48 - 54 3.1. The existing and the required facilities .......................... 48 3.2. The product mix ............................................................................ 48 3.3. Required new units of small scale industries to meet the deletion program ........................................................................... 49 CHAPTER IV : SUPPORT MEASURES ENCOURAGING SUBCONTRACTING. 55 - 73 4.1. The existing market structure and business relation faced by small scale industries/oooperatives ................................ 55 4.2. Institutions supporting the small scale industries/cooper atives ............................................................................................... 58 4.3. Suggestions on support measures encouraging subcontracting to snail scale industries/oooperatives ........................ 62 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................ 74 -76 ----oOo - v - LIST OF TABLES P age t artf - l : Hie Development of the Production of Passenger Cars, Connercial Vehicles Category I-II-IH -V , Ccnmercial Vehicle for nultipurpose use 13 ta r if - 2 : Passenger Car Production by Makes 1979-1983 . 14 t artf - 3 : Goimercial Car Production by Makes 1979-1983. 15 t artf - 4 : Multipurpose Car Production by Makes 1979 - 1983. 16 t artf - 5 : Motor Cycle Production Development 1974-1983. 17 t artf - 6 : Motor Cycle Production Development by Make. 18 t artf - 7 : Automotive Production Forecast by Department of Industry. 19 tartf - 8 : Automotive Production Forecast (deducted from the forecast made by Department of In­ dustry) . 21 tartf - 9 : Deletion Program in % of FOB value.. 23 TABLE - 10 : Deletion Program fcr Camercial Vehicle Category I-II-III-IV-V. 25 TABLE - 11 : Sunmary of Barts and Components of Motor Cycle/Scooter Deleted up to 1987 (in accordance with Ministry Decrees) 27 ta r if - 12 : Deletion Program in Parts/Compcnents of Hand T ra c to r. 30 tartf - 13 : Components of Ccrmercial Vehicles that have to be produced by large/medium scale indus­ t r i e s . 31 - vi - Page TABUS - 14 List of New Investors for Essential Ocm- percents and Additicnal Capacities. 37 TABLE - 15 Schedule of Deletion for "In-House" Motor Cycle Driving Motor Essential Parts. 38 TABLE - 16 Schedule of Deletion for "Out-House" Mo­ tor Cycles Essential Parts. 39 TABLE - 17 : Sane Automotive Parts/Ccnpcnents Stand­ ardized in Indonesian Industrial Standard ( S . I . I . ) . 40 TABLE - 18 : Parts/Coipcnents that can be made by small scale industries covered by large/Snedium Scale Industries 41 TABLE - 19 : Estimate of
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