%,. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from The Library of Congress http://www.archive.org/details/newyorkgenealog53newy THE NEW YORK 3 Genealogical and Biographical Record. DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF AMERICAN GENEALOGY AND BIOGRAPHY. ISSUED QUARTERLY. VOLUME LIII, 1922 PUBLISHED BY THE NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY 226 West 58TH Street, New York. Z2 Publication Committee : JOHN REYNOLDS TOTTEN, Editor. HOPPER STRIKER MOTT, Associate Editor. JOHN EDWIN STILLWELL, M. D. TOBIAS A. WRIGHT. ROYDEN WOODWARD VOSBURGH. MRS. ROBERT D. BRISTOL. CAPT. RICHARD HENRY GREENE. WILLIAM ALFRED ROBBINS. HENRY SNYDER KtSSAM. CHARLES JOLLY WERNER. — i— 7 INDEX OF SUBJECTS. Accessions to Society's Library; not re- Accessions to Society's Library; not re- viewed viewed {Continued) Addingham, Co. York, Eng., 1612-1812, Colonial Wars, Society of the State of Register of, 202 New York, War Register, 1917-18; Alden Kindred Historiographer, Vol. I, Year Book, 1920-21,98 Nos. 1-4, 304 Columbia County, N. Y., Lawyers of, 202 American Antiquarian Society, Proceed- Complete Peerage, Vol. V (1921), 202 ings of the, Vols. 1-10, 304 Connecticut Report of the Examiner of American Antiquarian Society, Trans- Public Records, 1912, 1914, 1918, 1920, actions and Collections of the, 9 vols., 201 304 Cook, Mrs. Clarence P., Pedigree of, 98 American Historical Association, An- Cornell University Register, 1920-21, 304 nual Report for 1918 and Supplement, Cornwall Genealogy, 98 202 Cortlandt, Monographs upon the Manor American Irish Historical Society Jour- of, 98 nal, Vols. XIX, XX (1920-21), 201 County Court Note Book, Vol. I, Nos. Atkinson Family Notes, manuscript, 97 i-3. 3°4 Bangs Family of South Dennis, Mass., Courtright Genealogy, manuscript, 304 manuscript, 97 Danvers Historical Collections, Vol. 9, Banking in New York, A Century of, 98 1 822- 1922, 304 Darian, Conn., Abstract of Church Re- Banning, Ephraim, In Memoriamof, 201 cords of the Town of, manuscript, 201 Banning, Lucretia T. L., In Memoriam Dean Family, Genealogy of, 202 of, 201 Decatur Genealogy, 97 Beach Family, newspaper clippings, 201 de Hodiamont Memorial, III, manu- Boston, Mass., Memorial History of, 97 script, 97 Bowen, Descendants of Ephraim and Delaware Archives, Vols. II, 111, 98 Hannah Hale, 304 Denby Family, chart, 304 Bowen Family, 1814-1914, 304 Derby Genealogy, 202 Bowen, Rev. John, and his Descendants, Dutch Bible Belonging to Gertrude 202 Masten, newspaper clippings, 202 Bowman Family, History of, 202 Dutchess County Historical Society, Bundling, Origin and History of, 97 Year Book, 1921, 304 Bureau of for the Province of Archives East Venice, Locke and Baker Ceme- Ontario, 2nd Report of the, 98 teries, Tombstone Inscriptions in the, Campbell, Pilcher and Kindred Fam- manuscript, 97 ilies, Historical Sketch of, 98 Ely, Abner L., A Memorial of, Carpenter and Wheeler Family Notes, 97 Emley, Co. York, Eng., Vols. I, II, 1600- manuscript, 97 1812, Parish Register nf, 202 Cayuga County, N. Y., Leading Citizens Evening Schools of Colonial New York, of, 202 98 Charlton, Saratoga County, N. Y., Re- cords of the (Freehold) Presbyterian Fifth New Hamshire Regiment, 1861-15, 201 Church, typewritten manuscript, 97 I., Y., Baptisms and Chatham, Columbia Co., N. Y., Mar- Flatbush, L. N. riages of Columbia County residents Marriages from the Records of the Protestant at the Reformed Protestant Dutch Reformed Dutch Church, Church, manuscript, 201 4 vols., manuscript, 304 L. I., N. Y., Marriage Fees, Chipman Family in America, 202 Flatbush, embers of the Christophers Family Genealogy, 2 vols., Deaths and M Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, manuscript, manuscript, 97 Church Family, Records of the, 1700- 3°4 in the Borough of the Bronx, 1888, 202 Fordham, N. Y. City, Records of the Reformed Clapham, Co. York, Eng., Part I, Parish Church formerly the Reformed Prot- Register of, 202 estant Dutch Church of Fordham, in Clinton, in the Town of Kirkland, of Farms, Westches- Oneida Co., N. Y., Records of a Con- the Town West gregational Church, typewritten man- ter Co., N. Y., typewritten manuscript, uscript, 98 97 J Frost Family in England and America, College of Surgeons, Members of, 1921, 201 304 Colles, James, Letters of, 1801-1870, Gansfort, Wessel, Life and Writing of, manuscript, 201 97 Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Pub- Gardiner's Island, Monographs upon lications of the, Vols. 3, 18, 19, 98 the Manor of, 98 Index of Subjects. Accessions to Society's Library; not re- Accessions to Society's Library; not re- viewed {Continued) viewed (Co?itinned) Glenville, Schenectady Co., N. Y., Moresville, in the Town of Roxbury, Church Records of, 1814-1920, manu- Delaware Co., N. Y., Records of the script, 304 Reformed Dutch Church, typewritten manuscript, Goldthwaite Genealogy, 98 98 Great Woolstone, Co. Bucks, Eng., Reg- Morrisania, Monograph upon the Manor of, isters of, 202 98 Greenwich, Conn., Abstract of Church Mothers of the Revolution at Continen- tal Village, N. Y., Unveiling of the Records of, to 1850, manuscript, 304 Memorial to the, 202 Griffing, Mrs. Sarah, In Memoriam of, 97 Mott, Gershom, Letter from, manu- Hanna, House of, 304 script, 97 Hauppauge, L. I., History of, 98 McAfee, John A., Memorial, Sermon on, Harpersfield, Delaware Co., N. Y., Rec- 98 ords of the Presbyterian Congregation, National Cyclopaedia of American Bio- typewritten manuscript, 98 graphy, Vol. II (New Edition), 202 Harris, Dunlop, Valentine and Allied New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y., Re- Families, 97 cords of the Presbyterian Church Harrison, Westchester Co., N. Y., Re- (formerly the First Religious Society cord of Births, Marriages and Deaths in Whitestown), typewritten manu- in, manuscript, 304 script, 97 Harvard University, Catalogue of the New Orleans, La., Creole Families of, Officers and Graduates, 1636-1920, 98 98 Hastings, Thomas, Sketch of, 98 Newton, L. I., N. Y., Presbyterian Hawes, John, Manuscript Notes Relative Church Records, manuscript, 201 to, manuscript, 304 New York City and State, Who's Who Hemenway, Daniel, Descendants of, 98 in, 1914, 304 Hobart, Town of Stamford, Delaware New York City, Records of the South Co., N. Y., Records of St. Peter's Reformed Dutch Church in Garden Episcopal Church in the Village of, Street, typewritten manuscript, 201 and Supplement, typewritten manu- New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, script, 97 Medical Directory of, 1920, 202 Holland Society of New York, Year New York State Historical Association, Proceedings, Vol. XVII, Book, 1920-21, 304 98 Niagara County, N. Y., History of, 2 Huntington, L. I., Records of, 98 vols., 304 Ithaca, N. Y., Pioneer Days in, 97 Niagara Falls, N. Y., Anthology and Jay Notes, manuscript, 201 Bibliography of, 97 Kansas State Historical Society, 22nd Northern Post, Salem, Washington Co., Biennial Report, 97 N. Y., Vol. IV, May, 1807,-May, 1808, Kiersted Family Births, manuscript, 201 304 Bell Notes, manuscript, 201 Lamar, Thomas Jefferson, Sketch of, 98 Norton and Lapham Family Register, 202 Ogden Family History, 201 Lawrence Family, manuscript, 201 Old Dartmouth Historical Society, His- Lenox, Madison Co., N. Y., Vital Re- torical Sketches, Nos. 45-50, 202 cords of the Town of, 1848-9, manu- Olin, John, Family, 304 script, 201 Onondaga Celebration, 1794-1894, 202 Lewis, Edmund, of Lynn, Mass., and Onondaga or Reminiscences of Early N. Y., 2 Some of his Descendants, 98 and Later Times; Oswego, Lewis, George, and his Descendants, vols., 202 Soldiers of the Revolution, manuscript, 97 Onondaga Little Woolstone, Co. Bucks, Eng., 202 Registers of, 202 Paris, Oneida Co., N. Y., Records of the Livingston, Monograph upon the Manor Paris Religious Society (a Congre- of, 98 gational Church), typewritten manu- Lowell Historical Society Contributions, script, 201 Vol. II, No. 1, 202 Park, Edward A., Sketch of, 98 Lullingstone and Horton Kirbie, Co. Park, George S., Memorial Sermon on, Kent, Eng., Registers of, 98 98 Maine Historical Society, Collections of Paterson, N. J., History of, 98 the, Vol. II, 2d Series; Vols. 21-24, 202 Pelham, Monograph upon the Manor Mann Notes, manuscript, 201 of, 98 May, John, Descendants of, 202 Pennsylvania Archives, 98 Mayflower Compact and its Signers, 98 Philipsborough, Monograph upon the Mayflower Pilgrim Descendants in Cape Manor of, 98 May, N. J., 1620-1920,98 Pine Plains, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Re- Moore, Andrew, Ancestors and De- cords of the Round Top Lutheran scendants of, 202 Church, typewritten manuscript, 98 Index of Subjects. Accessions to Society's Library; not re- Accessions to Society's Library; not re- viewed {Continued) viewed (Continued) Pocumtuck Valley Memorial Associ- Schoolmasters of Colonial New York, 98 ation, History and Proceedings, 10,12- Scotia, N. Y., Sketch of the First Re- 20, 97 formed Church, 202 Porter, Andrew W., Sketch of, 98 Second Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Prattsville, Greene Co., N. Y., Records Y., Historical Sketch of the, 1826- of the Reformed Dutch Church, type- 19 16, 97 written manuscript, 98 Seneca Falls Historical Society, Year Prentiss, George Lewis, Sketch of, 98 Book, 19 1 3, 304 Presbyterian Church in America, Min- Sharon, N. Y., History of the Reformed utes of the General Assembly, 1879, Church, newspaper clippings, 202 1899-1906,201; 1916-1920,304 Sheffield, Co. York, Eng., Part III, Preston Family Genealogy, 202 Parish Register of, 202 Prichard-Pritchard Family, 1745-1915, Southworth, Constant, Descendants of, 304 Second Edition, 292 Prisoner of War in Virginia, 1864-5, 201 Special Libraries Directory, 202 Psi Upsilon Fraternity, 12th General Stamford, Conn., Abstracts of Probate Catalogue of, 97 Records for the District of, 1729-1802, Randolph, John, A Letter from the Vir- manuscript, 201 ginia Loyalist to Thomas Jefferson, Stamford, N. Y., Records of the First 202 Presbyterian Church, typewritten Reformed Dutuh Church in America, manuscript, 98 Proceedings of the General Synod of Stanton and Wilkins Family, manu- the, 202 script, 201 Register Book for the Parish Prince Stewarts, Genealogy and Biography of Frederick Winyaw, S.
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