September 12, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20207 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LOOKING FOR LEADERS IN ALL private sector to those so early in their ca­ be an exercise in depression, however. THE RIGHT PLACES reers. Rather, it is meant to inspire; for without By way of example, allow me to share problems to solve, you and I would clearly with you just a few of my experiences be out of a job-underpaid as it may be-in HON. IKE SKELTON during two years of federal service. I have the public sector. Besides, as Alice in Won­ OF MISSOURI represented the President in a suit brought derland reminds us, before we decide where IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by a hundred Congressmen challenging his we are going, we first have to decide where actions in the Persian Gulf as a violation of we are right now. Tuesday, September 12, 1989 The War Powers Resolution. The suit raised As fellow American lip-readers, you too Mr. SKELTON. Mr. Speaker, I would like to crucial and still unresolved questions of the recognize-I am certain-that govemment­ include the following remarks by Mr. Steven L. limits of executive power and the extent of at least at the national level-seems to be Congressional authority in the area of for­ Zelinger in the RECORD. Mr. Zelinger, a 1979 run by sloganeering. There is a story that, I eign affairs. I have prosecuted labor unions understand, is making the rounds in Truman Scholar, was the keynote speaker at that did not ensure that their constituent Moscow these days. A certain comrade made the 1989 Harry S. Truman Scholarship Award members' votes were given the proper re­ an appointment with the famous Dr. Orlov Ceremony. Since 1987, he has served as a spect to which they were entitled. I have of the Moscow Eye Institute, only to insist trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Jus­ been involved in the litigation aspects of when the moment of his appointment final­ tice in Washington, DC. The award ceremony international debt restructuring and ensur­ ly arrived that he could not describe his ail­ was held at the Truman Library in Independ­ ing that the United States courts remain a ment without Dr. Sverdlovska, the eminent viable legal forum for the enforcement of ence, MO. ear specialist, also being present. Dr. Orlov international debt. I have acted as lead was perplexed, but nonplussed, and upon LoOKING FOR LEADERS IN ALL THE RIGHT counsel representing federal agencies in the arrival of Dr. Sverdlovska, the Russian PLACES cases raising questions of national concern. patient stated: "Comrades, my problem is INTRODUCTION I recount these experiences not for purposes that I am not seeing what I am hearing." Chairman Staats, Vice Chair Miller, hon­ of self-aggrandizement-because, frankly, This story-while it loses something in the ored guests, Truman Scholar honorees and any one of my colleagues in the Federal translation, perhaps-could as easily be your guests, ladies and gentlemen: Programs Branch at Justice could reel off making the rounds in Washington. And, it I am honored to address you today, fol­ similar experiences for you-but rather, to highlights a problem that, unfortunately, lowing in the footsteps of such esteemed give you an idea of what kinds of opportuni­ transcends party affiliation. This is exempli­ speakers as Congressmen Bolling and Skel­ ty and responsibility await you in your fied by the behavior of the national leader­ ton and Wheat, Mayor Cisneros of San An­ chosen field of endeavor. This brings me to ship of both major parties, who are skirting tonio, Senator Danforth, Governor John the purpose for which we are assembled. our fiscal obligations by cooking the na­ Carlin, and Truman Foundation Vice Chair­ We are here to congratulate you and ap­ tion's books in such a way that private cor­ person Anita Miller. Undoubtedly, you are plaud your accomplishments, and to inspire porations doing so would be indicted for wondering why you have the-uh-"good and encourage the full development of your fraud. Harry Truman, among others, would fortune" of hearing from Steve Zelinger. untold potential, not only for your own have been appalled. In a letter from his re­ However, the board of the Harry S. Truman sake, but for the public good. This is a time tirement [that never was sent] to the Treas­ Scholarship Foundation has seen fit that to recognize yourselves and those who have urer of the United States written in 1961- you should be the captive audience of one of supported and assisted you, and to enjoy for when, economic history tells us, most of the your own, and, indeed, I am the first a brief moment the benefits of hard work nation's expenses were still written on­ Truman Scholar to address this convoca­ and dedication that have allowed you to ac­ budget-the former chief executive com­ tion. I couldn't be more pleased. complish so much. Okay, that's long plained: Let me take a moment to tell you about enough! Because the Harry S. Truman "I have been reading the statement of De­ myself. I am a trial attorney in the Civil Di­ Scholarship is as much a challenge to action cember 13, 1961, ... Candl vision of the U.S. Department of Justice in as it is a reward for accomplishment and "I'd appreciate it if you could find a way a branch that defends the President, his recognition of untapped potential, there to place debits and credits so an ordinary cabinet members, members of Congress, and could be no more fitting a memorial for the citizen like myself could understand what federal agencies. We also prosecute those man who, as described by the great photog­ you are trying to show . who insist on violating ethics and election rapher, Yousuf Karsh, "made one of the "Why don't you set up yours so any citi­ laws. There is no time better than the most momentous decisions in the history of zen who understands debit from credit can present, then, to note that my comments man-to drop the atomic bomb. He recalled know what you are doing. I don't think that here should in no way be attributed to my MacArthur, the implacable general, hither­ the financial advisor of God himself would employer or be deemed to represent the to seemingly unvulnerable to authority. He be able to understand what the financial po­ views of the Attorney General or the De­ was short of temper, long on common sense, sition of the government of the United partment of Justice. The views I state here and his outward image of the haberdasher States is, by reading your statement." are mine and no one else's. from Independence, Missouri, was belied by If President Truman thought it was tough I came to the federal government after ap­ his political sophistication and acute human in 1961, today's financial statement would proximately two years in private legal prac­ judgments." Harry Truman was, by any be enough to make him roll in his grave. tice in Washington, DC, with the aim of measure, a leader, who met the challenges Our so-called national leaders seem un­ making a public service contribution and that Providence placed before him-and willing to make the hard choices that need getting some marvelous hands-on experi­ who had the foresight to prepare for those to be made, or even to address them directly ence. I believe I have satisfied and am con­ that were foreseeable. in the forum of public opinion. I do not tinuing to satisfy both those aims. Although DISCUSSION mean to be partisan in this assessment. This we often spell the word "government" with In the remarks that follow, I will discuss paucity of political courage-a willingness to a capital "G", it is an institution that is the kind of leadership that, I believe, our put your money where your mouth is or, at spread quite thin, with immense responsibil­ nation needs to face the challenges that least, encourage the public to do so in a re­ ities and insufficient money, bodies and confront us. That leadership, of course, is sponsible way-is rampant on both sides of talent to meet them. This is not a new prob­ what we all hope you will provide. And, the political aisle. Prima facie evidence of lem and will not likely go away, nor is it one given the grave problems that lie at the this lack of political courage-as we lawyers that is limited to the federal government. It heart of the challenge, leadership becomes like to say-is the approximately 98 percent is a problem, however, that provides a essential. This discussion will, of course, re­ reelection rate in the House of Representa­ window of opportunity for bright, ambi­ quire a description of problems with which tives. Frankly, the Politburo has seen more tious, dedicated people such as you to make you are all too familiar. I am aware that turnover in recent days. a valuable contribution and gamer superb this is an uncomfortable subject to discuss We Americans have become too comforta­ experience that may not be available in the on such a festive occasion. It is not meant to ble with dinner-tab economics, which is like e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.
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