NEWS-JOURNALEmmitsburg Exulting the importance of ideas and information —Edward R. Murrow VOLUME 10, NO. 7 • WWW.MYFAIRFIELD.NET • WWW.EMMITSBURG.NET • MYTHURMONT.NET • JULY 2018 NEWS Residents Voice Noise Concerns Residents and Mount officials Town square unveiling is delayed are working together to address noise disruptions. Page 2 he Main Street square revi- to finish up. Per the State High- are all most there!” stated Ttalization project began offi- way Administration (SHA) and Mayor Briggs. Hamiltonban Community Park cial construction a year ago, and the contractor for the project, so So far the town has Park development has entered what was slated for a spring com- far, the sidewalk is complete, the received a mixture of phase 2. Page 3 pletion and unveiling date has now brickwork is all but finished, the positive comments as been pushed back until the fall of curb and gutter installation on MD well as concerns with Upgrades Planned For Food Bank this year. Delays to the completion 140 is complete, with the excep- the work already com- CDBG projects submitted this of the project are mainly due to tion of landscaping items, and the pleted. Residents were year include interior and exteri- or upgrades to the town’s Food weather and the need to find a new clock was re-installed. Within the overwhelmingly pleased Bank. Page 4 company to complete some of the next few months there are several once the clock made its work, i.e. the installation of the new projects to finish up. Landscap- way back to the square. traffic signal. ing, including the planting of new The majority of resi- COMMENTARY Work on the square will continue through Words From Winterbilt This Main Street Revitalization trees, will be complete by the end of dents are satisfied with project, in its entirety, included an June, the commemorative stamped the work done on the the summer. The formal unveiling will The government provides edu- take place this fall. cation, public safety & infra- upgrade to the existing sidewalks imprint where the town square sidewalks, but during structure. Page 12 and crosswalks, the reconstruction fountain was many years ago will the May town meeting, some mem- the attention of SHA and the con- of parking on the square, the recon- be complete by July 9, and the new bers of the pubic pointed out some tractor, who are currently in the pro- Down Under struction of sidewalk ramps which traffic signal will undergo construc- concerns with the changes. One cess of making a “punch list” of items Trump’s legacy will be built will now be ADA compliant, a tion towards the end of August. business owner noted that there that need to be finalized, including on success… the success of reconstruction of the curbs, gutters Mayor Don Briggs noted that the are many obstacles that pedestri- the sidewalk surface unevenness. falsehoods and double-speak. and the traffic signal, resurfacing ribbon cutting will be held sometime ans still have to maneuver around Mayor Briggs ensures residents that Page 13 the intersection, landscaping and in September, pending the absolute when using the sidewalk, which is “safety was paramount in the design street tree replacement. The com- completion of the project, availabil- something that has been going on of the State square-sidewalk proj- ARTICLES The Book Of Days pleted project will offer connectiv- ity of guests and coordination with for months, making it difficult for ect. Handicapped accessibility was A look inside the lives of Alex- ity of sidewalks from the east point Mount St. Mary’s in regards to the elderly or handicapped residents to enhanced even to the degree where ander Hamilton and Sir Thomas of Silo Hills Road to the west point clock. “I am excited about wrap- get around. It was suggested that slopes played an even larger part of More. Page 22 of the town with ADA compliant ping this up. Thank you to every- ADA accessible curb cuts and mod- design. Working with this, and pre- sidewalks. one for your patience with regard to ifications be considered. serving it as a key architectural ele- The Retired Ecologist The project is close to being com- the inconvenience. Almost within a In response, Mayor Briggs and ment, respectful of today needs was A worthwhile lesson on the plete with just a few more items year (though it feels like longer), we town staff brought these concerns to done by the state engineers.” Balance of Nature. Page 14 In The Country Over the course of time the Po- Draft Zoning Ordinance draws concern tomac River and the Great Falls continue to connect people to whopping 75-80 residents thetic values of the Environment.” water and continued the environment. Page 15 Aof Hamiltonban Township Local residents questioned how drainage issues. Along attended a special joint meeting much thought went into planning with commercial busi- Real Science The history of the Opioid crisis of the Planning Commission and the proposed draft. Was everything ness there is continued and the government’s lack of Board of Supervisors on June 25 taken into consideration? Will this noise, fumes, lighting appropriate action. Page 16 to discuss concerns with the Town- affect the species in the area? Why issues and traffic is an ship’s Draft Zoning Ordinance. was the Water Quality zoning map added nuisance,” stated The Village Idiot The zoning ordinance has been in not included in the presentation? one resident. Has an alien influence talked the works for four years, but the The Board stated that the zoning Residents believe Jack into finally getting himself Planning Commission is just in map describes what land uses are that adding more com- a tattoo…? Page 17 the preliminary stages of making permitted on the land. They deal mercial building zon- revisions. with water in sub-division and land ing districts will only Pets The meeting began with a pre- development ordinances as well as increase these issues Choosing a knowledgeable sentation by Rob Thaeler with the the Flood Plain Ordinance, which and hurt the value of pet-sitter for your animals is Adams County Office of Planning is a separate ordinance entirely. their property. They Denis Christensen of Fairfield studies important. Page 19 the proposed changes to the current zoning & Development. Thaeler gave a Another concern raised was the know they can’t stop ordinance. The vast majority of those World War I background on the project, and addition of three industrial lots future building already attending Tuesday’s meeting voiced opposition to the planned changes. July 1918 – The Allies finally presented three zoning map drafts: off of Iron Springs Road. The res- zoned, but are hopeful seize the offensive on the West- the Overlay Districts, Riparian ident who addressed this issue was that if more building comes to the motioned to take the information ern Front. Page 26 Buffer Areas and the Steep Slopes. concerned with the change from area concerns of nearby residents given to them and make changes He compared the Current Zoning Commercial to Industrial usage. are taken into consideration. to the draft. Phil Thaeler stated Cooking Ordinance with the Draft Zoning Supervisor Chairman Robert Gor- This meeting was only an that the new plan should have Introduction to a new garden Ordinance, including the agricul- don made the motion not to add “informational” meeting and no standards that reflect the charac- pest and some scrumptious tural settings, rural settings, mod- the three industrial lots and all decisions were made in regards teristics of the community and rhubarb recipes. Page 31 erate and lower density residential members agreed. to the proposed zoning ordi- they will take into consideration settings in the Fairfield Borough “This will not resolve the con- nance. No changes were proposed all topics discussed and review the Four Years At The Mount proposed ordinance again. Our writers choose a presi- area, highway commercial settings tinued issues that exist for residents during the meeting, but the Board dential speech and reflect on and industrial settings. beside already existing commer- its implications in modern-day A major theme addressed by the cial businesses, or if the land for PRE-SORTED America. Page 34 public came from Article 1, Section sale on 116 is sold for commer- STANDARD 27 of the Pennsylvania State Con- cial use. Since the Strip Mall and U.S. Postage Sports stitution that states, “The people Gas Station are directly beside Postal Customer PAID Thurmont’s Little League’s in- have a right to clean air, pure water, my property, on what was already house season comes to a close. and to the preservation of the nat- wet land … we have experienced Gettysburg, PA Page 40 ural, scenic, and historic and aes- issues of water run-off, standing Permit No. 53 2 | EMMITSBURG NEWS-JOURNAL | JULY 2018 EMMITSBURG NEWS Residents complain about noise discussion during the public “They’re treating Emmitsburg Mounties hold themselves to.” Acomment portion of the June 5 like a frat house and frat row…we “The vast majority of students Emmitsburg Emmitsburg town meeting about dis- have an issue here in Emmitsburg behave in accordance with our values orderly behavior by Mount St. Mary’s and something needs to be done,” and make valuable contributions to news-journal University students who live off cam- stated McKinley. the community,” Green said. “We care P.O. Box 543 pus quickly turned to a pledge by town Resident and business owner for every Mount student and owe it to Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 and Mount officials to together seek Melissa Wetzel mentioned the police their development to address misbe- 301-471-3306 better communication and solutions force is already stretched thin and havior that is not consistent with who to the problem.
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