CA Ti CANBERRA BUSH WALKING r CLUB INC. r9 NEWSLETTER PG Box 160, Canberra City A.C.T 2601. I Regiateted for pdSting as a, periodical Category B.. Sice 20c • . •ZRUARY 1978.; .. :.: Wednesday 15 Febivary - General Meeting at Land Use Research Building, CSIRO, Black Mountain at 7)+5 p.m. A member of the Ornithological Society will ... be along to give a talk and slrnw slides on :1 identifyiü.irds. : Monday 20 • . - Committee Meetingati Edwart St., HIGGINS. Wednep4ay 22:-:.i.. - B.B.Q. foverâne - Black Mountain Lookout, Bring yo'ursteaks, salads, drinks, grog and . :hateve d spend .a pleasant evening below the tOwer! This spot has genuine wood eating I B.B.Q.s so collect i club or two on the way up. 6.30 p.m. onwards. 2hurs4ay Z3 . '. ,.. - UT' Closing: Date. Wa4ñdy.....March.LL •- Conservation.Sub-,Committee Meeting - 28 Pambula Street, KALEEN. Come along and give your ideas on this controversial subject. Tuesday 7 March. - 'IT' Collation at 19 Stokes St., .!4ANUIcAk. MARCH MEETING .. - Slides of trips during December/Jánuay/February. Please give your slides to Craig Allen or Henry Burmester for editing, to be,shoin atthe March Meeting. 1 •.• •• LETTER TO THE EDITOR . .. .. ........ Dear Editor and Dear Wendy, The bIub.gets good value frbm its committâe members. In return it usually shows little gratitude, and often enough does its best to make fl life difficult for them. I organised the Ettrema Trip (privately) in opposition to Long Point, and I will do it again in similar circumstances; and any committee... ii member is more than welcome. to come along. I1 only four peoplégo on the Cflzb ChristmaS tr1, • it presumably means..that four, people are f interested presumably those four will enjof themselves. If othei..'Cltzb Mèmbeis choSe toenjoy themselves elsewhere,' Ifall to see why they should be denied. It frequently seems to be forgotten that the Club exists to serve its members and not vice versa. TERRY JORDA} 1 Page 2 IT February 1978 J MACLAUGHLIN RIVER NPA (NSW) is preparing a submission for a National,Park Proposal for those parts of the MacLaughlin and Snowy Rivers adjoining the eastern boundary of KNP. Could anyone having any relevant information please see Terry Jordan in the first instance0 MINUTES OF THE JANUARY COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE CANBERRA BUSHWALKING CLUB, held on Monday 23 January 197?': PRLSENT Henry Burmester, John Street, Peter--C-o-nroy, -Bill wi6zi Craig A,flern- £-ary i4e-daris, Allsoii Ourrio, Wendy Davidson. APOLOGILS Robyn Blessing, Fred George, Lyle Burgess. RF'-'CPTS PEPSUER o change since the General Meeting - many people had renewed - thoirsub.flriptionsbefot'e the deadline.: It was agreed to put the $2500 at prescnY'irrthe bankJn the Publicat'ion'und into an interest bearing deposit which allows withdr&wal at the end of three months. The committ- ee agreed that the request for a $2000 loan for the committee publishing a book oR the Budawangs was OK provided that suitable documentè are ccr cll LO pxotct the nioney. A lotter is being sent asking various qut' ,am put forhardat bh generat meeting. ?AN(S'StC?ETIRY 4.wa1a •pltnnhng evening is planned for this Wednesday. SCIAL ZLCPETARY Will we have a lIt Franklin weekend this year? Support - or otherwise is to be sought' at the next gneral meeting, and fina1i: decision made at the Fe?uaryc.oñmittee meeting. Alison suggested tht: there be a BBQ before the March IT,,collation. EDITP hoFe4t4Jcneport are needed. CONSERVATION OFFICER: It was agreed to join the ,•Nature Conrvation Councii of New South Wales as a Full Member. A Conservation Evening is to be held at Uendy' s place ci Weeday I rMc1?o A note is to be put Lnto IT. requesting' the rturzfbf any conservation portfolios. Letters to be .seii't':,f .Senator Khight asking when Gudgexxby is to be declared, *JMinister for Lands re'DèuaTuross Park,Erskine of KNP re policy on huts and cattle grazing unchecked in the KNP, Cole Committee asking for bumper stickers and posters ........... SEARCH AND RESCUE OFFICER: Two women spent a night out on a day walk in the Adaminiby areaa 15 wasvqted,,tp help.cove the costs of a car from Canberra to pick thorn up (Craig Allen asked that his opposition to the money being given be recorded). Len Medaris is to be compensated for no'e calls resulting from recent incidents. r ;odnezd,4jE&ji QonFqrvation.night at 28 Pambula Street KALEEN, 8pm. Please return portfOlios on varloue areas if you had One. Shep has rc..urnod has' Preferably brj,ng them with you to the meeting or return them to me at the February General Meeting. WENDY DAVIDSON February 1978 IT Page 3 (. New Members Diane Medaris 18 Alberga Street, Kaleen, 2617. 726013(W) Renewals Jean & John Pinchin 5 Lindrum Cres., Holt, 2615. 543560(H) 499262(W) JOAN Walsh 3/30 Gatton Street, Farrer, 2607. 451691(W) Susan Brierly 5 Cosgrove St., Curtin, 2605. 816924(H) 476311(w) Lesley Band 28 Feakes Place, Campbell 2601. 474979(H) 452155(W) Ian Watson 31 Wongoola Close, O'Connor 2601. 478186. (New Address) Katrine Porra 25 Bamford St., Hughes 2605. 8109830) 469290(W) Joan Goodrum 25 Eggleston Cres., Chifley 2606. 816090(H) 493469(w) Warwick Blayden 16/20B Gaza Rd.,, West Ryde 2114, NSW. (New Adcress) Graeme Flett 34 Millen St., Hughes 2605 (home) P.O. Box 255, Manuka 2603 (mail)• 81.0113(H) 950936(W) Russ & Jenny Bauer 34 Selwyn St., Hackett 2602. Work.: 9 80237(R) 499259(J) Gregory•Rees 1 Owen St., Campbell 2601. 480831(H) 664733(W) Daryl Powell 18 Grace St., Weetangera. 548973(H) 468330(W) Jann & Antonio Nicolai 18 Luehmann St., Page 2614. 546597(H) Don Smale P.O. Box 614, Woden 2606, 896479(w) Helen O'Brien 16 Eva's Court, Tryon St., Hackett 2602. 489141(H) 489922x357(W) Meg & Frank McKOne 22 Longworth Place, Holt 2 6 15. 545902(H) Work: 581322(M) 541311(F) Peter Henderson k? Wybalena Grove, Cook 2614. 632971(W) R.B. Harrison 15 Luehmann St., Page 2614. J.C. Harrison Same address as above. Micheal Iltschef±' 10 Minos Village, Glenmaggie St.,.Duffy 2611. 832211(W) Tim Falkland 9 Ferguson P1., Flynn 2615. 483278(W) Erwin Koch-Emmery Dept. of Germanic Languages, ANU, P.O. Box k, 2600. k91336(H) Lloyd Melhuish 178 Wattle St.,Lyneham 2602. 479523(H) 525235(W) Judith Hall "Hayfield" RMB 228, Sutton Forest, 2577. 048-789118(H) Stephen Gisz & Cynthia Breheny 80; Cowper St., Dickson 2602. 476857(H) Stephen 462108(W) Keren Bisset 99 Barada St., Aranda 2614. 514516(H) 493046 (W) Trevor Bunning 7 Rolfe Place, Chapman 2611. 885964(H) 819447(W) Allan & Susan Scerri +8 Olympus Way, Lyons 2606. 8 11383(H) 525973(W) Pat & Arminel Ryan 20 Urambi Village, Crozier Circuit, Kambah 2902. 317392(H) 832211(W) Ellen Fremantle 7/98 Vale St., East Melbourne 3002. 422863(H) Murray Spinks 19 Geeves Crt., Charnwood 2615. 586098(H) 490430(W) Peter & Valerie Elder Cork Street, Gundaroo, NSW, 2581. 663059 Change of Address Michael Cashmore Unit 21, 13-15 Mowatt 5t,, 1 Queanbeyan, NSW, 26200 Jan Cox 12 McKidd Court, Charnwood, 2615. Jeff Bennetts, 461552(W) EASTER TRIP - GIPPSLAIW Departing Thursday 23 March after lunch. Raturni.xig Easter Monday 27 March. Anyone interested contact John Street0 487325 (H). 730415 We S PMASE NOTE: The Environment Centre has shifted from the Childers St. location. It is now located in the block immediately hehind.. Entrance is off Kinsley St. and behind the incinerators. There new location is rather bare anti they can use any donationa of furniture such as chairs tables, carpets etc. Phone number is now 473064 LI Pagek .IT February 1978 WALKS PREVIEWS Blue Mountains Base Camp March (10) 11-13 Camp at car. Three day walks, different from 1977, in areas I think untouched by recent bushfires. They are: Sat: Wolgan Valley — Glow Worm Tunnel Sun: Blue Gum Forest - Victoria Falls Mon (am): Wentworth Falls — Valley of the Waters. Walks will be fairly easy, scenery outstanding. Alpine Hut Tri3 March (io) 11-13 This year the party will take advantage of the three day weekend to take a day trip to Jagungal. Also with a bit of luck the great mus1qom hunt will be on again. Bring a small musical instrument — bushsongs and folk dancing are in prospect, as the trip has attracted large parties in the'past. Please book" early - by Wednesday 8 March. HARRY BLACK Gudgenby Hill Sunday March 19 This walk is designed for people who aren't particularly fit, but who are".fâirly agile, and stubborn enough to plod gently in an upwards direction for 3 — k hours. Some scrub and rock scrambling near the top. Rewards are superb views and boulder formations. Bring water, a mug if you want tea, and a pullover for the top. LINDA GROOM Reedy C reek Chasm — Hells Hate Hole March (23) 24-27 A repeat of last yearts trip with hopefully better strategy entailing, an early Thursday night start (EASTER) and a 6 hour drive but with no walking that night. The first day involves a 16km fire trail slog which we may be able to get out of if proper arrangements can be made, plus a 3000 foot descent into Reedy Creek Chasm. Campsites could be'hard to find and the amount and quality of the scrub is unknown a The second day will be spent following the Reedy Creek upstream'to its source. The third and final fourth days will involve a descent into the Tambo River and Hells Hate Hole. The way out can be made up any available ridge to the Nunnion Road fire trail and thus back to the cars.
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