916 May 22 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 McGuire Air Force Base who supported Robert C. Williamson, USN, commander, Carrier IFOR troops in Bosnia and evacuation airlifts Group 2; and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New in Liberia. There are Coast Guardsmen and York City and his wife, Donna. women from Governors Island who rescued thousands of Haitians and Cubans seeking Remarks on Receiving the U.S.S. refuge on dangerous waters. There are Ma- Intrepid Freedom Award in New rines from Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, York City who, not shyly, recently returned from Trini- dad and Honduras, where they helped to May 22, 1996 build schools and barracks. And there are cit- To tell you the truth, Zack, I thought it izen soldiers here from New York State who was a pretty good speech when you stopped. answered the call to action in the wake of [Laughter] recent snowstorms, floods, and fires. Mayor and Mrs. Giuliani, and members of I want all of you to know that America your familyÐand I especially want to ac- is proud of each and every one of you, grate- knowledge the fact that in the Second World ful for all that you do. Your example explains War the mayor's father-in-law served here on why people around the world look to us for the Intrepid and was a Navy man for 25 help and for inspiration. years. He and his wife are here. Secretary I also want to say a special word of thanks and Mrs. Dalton, Paul Tudor Jones, and Max to those who are here from other nations, Chapman, Admiral Johnson, Admiral Flana- for our partnership with our allies have pro- gan, Admiral Williamson; to all the distin- vided us for some of the most important op- guished friends of the Intrepid Sea-Air-Space portunities we have had in recent years to Museum who are here and who share this advance America's cause. podium with me; and members of our Armed Let me say that I know the last few days Forces and our allied forces in Canada, Mex- have not been easy for our Armed Forces, ico, and Great Britain. And let me say, as and especially for the United States Navy. an old musician, I want to especially thank We lost a great leader and friend in Admiral the Royal Marine Band from the United Boorda, but as we honor his service to our Kingdom. I thought they were quite wonder- Nation, I ask you to be proud of your own ful. Thank you. There was a time in my life achievements as well. You are members of when I had committed to memory almost the world's greatest military, whose values of every important piece of British band music honor, resolve, and integrity America re- in the last 50 years, and so I am delighted spects so deeply. You protect our Nation on to hear it from the horse's mouth, so to speak. land, at sea, and in the skies; you project our I thank the United States Marine Corps strength and our values around the world. Honor Guard and the Joint Armed Color You stepped forward to serve your country. Team. And I want to thank all of you for You do so with courage, commitment, and being here today and for your support of the compassion every time America calls. We are Intrepid and your support of our Armed grateful to you, and grateful that you are the Forces. best trained, best equipped, best prepared I am honored to receive this 1996 Intrepid fighting force on Earth. As long as I am your Freedom Award; especially pleased to re- commander in chief, not only our gratitude, ceive it in the company of two of the best but the reality of that statement will remain friends of freedom this country ever had, intact. Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher. And I thank Your country and I thank you for every- them more than I can say. thing you do. You have earned a week of Just a little over a year ago it was my privi- celebration and now, liberty call. Thank you. lege to present Zachary Fisher with the President's Citizens Medal. It was a great NOTE: The President spoke at 3:25 p.m. on the flight deck. In his remarks, he referred to Larry honor for me because of all the remarkable Sowinski, executive director, Intrepid Sea-Air- things that he has done. Most of you know Space Museum; Adm. W.J. Flanagan, Jr., USN, what the Fishers have done for their ex- commander in chief, Atlantic Fleet; Rear Adm. tended family, the 2.6 million men and VerDate 28-OCT-97 09:34 Jan 07, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P21MY4.023 p21my4 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1996 / May 22 917 women of our Armed Forces and their loved given abilities in peace. But it's good that ones. From the Fisher House program that they learn these tales of duty and devotion provides a home away from home, to the because it's up to them to build a future wor- families of hospitalized military personnel, to thy of the sacrifice that we honor here. the Armed Forces Scholarship Foundation Ladies and gentlemen, today I have re- that has allowed hundreds of servicemen and ceived this fine award for contributing to the women to attend college, few have done preservation of freedom and democracy. For more for those who dedicate their lives to a citizen of the United States to become defending our freedom. So we thank them President is something no citizen can ever for their shining service to America. truly deserve. And in that sense, no award Yesterday in Washington in our Navy's flowing from the service of a President can hour of need, Zachary Fisher was there ever be deserved. So if you allow me, I can again. When I escorted Bettie Boorda out only accept it with pride on behalf of my fel- into the National Cathedral, he was there to low Americans, and especially those in the sit beside her during that profoundly moving Armed Services and the diplomatic corps but difficult memorial service as we cele- who have made our Nation the greatest force brated the life of Admiral Mike Boorda. for peace and freedom and prosperity, and Mike Boorda will be remembered as the for the citizens who continue to support first enlisted man who ever became the Chief America's leadership throughout the world. of Naval Operations. More than that, I think I was especially grateful for what Mr. Fish- the men and women of the Navy knew that er said about that because in the aftermath he was not only once an enlisted man, in his of the cold war, with so many pressing meas- heart he always was. He never forgot that ures here at home, it would be easy for the he was their man. I saw it in the tears that United States to turn away from its respon- they shed yesterday by the hundreds in the sibilities around the world. But citizens like cathedral. But if he were here today, he Zachary Fisher and so many of you under- would flash his famous smile and tell a few stand the great lesson of the past 50 years. sea stories and say to us, ``This is still the It is that what we now see as a global trend greatest Navy in the world. America needs toward freedom and democracy is neither in- you to be the best you can be. Carry on.'' evitable nor irreversible. This trend must Because of that spirit of ``carry on,'' he have America's support. It must have the would also be grateful, as I am, for the gener- power of our example. On occasion, it must osity and devotion that so many of you here have the example of our power. Always it today have shown when you have helped to must have the leadership of the United transform this veteran of America's triumph States. over tyranny into a truly glorious sea-air- Earlier today I had the honor of presiding space museum. Indeed, I was out there look- over the commencement for some of Ameri- ing at the exhibits, and I was afraid I would ca's newest leaders for freedom, the Coast miss my entrance. If it hadn't been for ``Ruf- Guard Academy's class of 1996. I spoke to fles and Flourishes,'' I don't think I would them about the challenges we face as we haveÐ[laughter]ÐI'd still be out there look- enter the 21st century, and especially the ing at the planes somewhere. challenge to advance the fight for peace and For thousands and thousands of people freedom. every day, this wonderful old carrier brings Nothing will strengthen our security more to life our Nation's proud military history. in the long run than advancing the cause of It also reminds us of all of those who came peace and freedom throughout the world. before us, of what they gave and what they When people live free and at peace, they are lost to keep America free and secure. I know less likely to resort to violence to settle their it is our most fervent wish that the young problems or to abuse the rights of their fel- people who come here to visit the Intrepid low citizens. They are more likely to join with will never have to face the horrors of war, us to conquer our common challenges from that instead they'll have the chance to make old threats like ethnic and religious hatreds the most of their freedom and their God- that are taking on new and dangerous dimen- VerDate 28-OCT-97 09:34 Jan 07, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P21MY4.023 p21my4 918 May 22 / Administration of William J.
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