Mycological Society of America NEWSLETTER December 1 984 MYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA NEWSLETTER -~pp Volume 35, No. 2, December, 1984 Walter J. Sundberg, Editor Department of Botany Southern I11 inois University Carbondal e, I11 inoi s 62901 (618) 536-2331 TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents . Forthcoming courses . Editor's Note . New Mycological Research . Letter from the President . Fungi for Distribution . Society Organization . Fungi Wanted . Minutes of Annual Council Meeting . Identifications . Minutes of Annual Business Meeting . NewBooks ................ Report of the Secretary . Publications Wanted . Report of the Treasurer . Publ ications Available . Financial Sumnary--Fiscal Year 1984 . Computer Software Avai 1able . Report of Edi tor-i n-Chief , Mycol ogia Vacancies for Mycologist . Report: Memorials Publ ication Corn. Postdoctoral Positions Available . Report of the MSA Newsletter Editor . Assistantships and Fellowships Available Report of the Membership Comnittee . Posi tions 4anted . Report : Ed. Board--Mycologi a Memoi rs Changes,in Affiliation or Status . Report: Culture Col lection Committee Travels and Visits . Guidelines: Wm. A. Weston Award . Papers, Seminars , Symposia, and Morkshops Letter from Charles Drechsler . A. H. R. Buller's Mycelial Maze . General Announcements . Honors, Awards, and Promotions . Call for Appl ications and Nominations Personal News . Calender of Meetings and Forays . Notes and Comments . MSA Placement Service . Changes of Address for Respondence . In addition to the usual collection of Society business reports, this issue contains several itmes of special interest and importance. This years Nomination Blank and Ballot are included as inserts. Information on the MSA Placement Service and forms to Xerox for its use can be found on pages 40-43. Similarly, pages 71-72 contain a Mushroom Poisoning Report Form. Your attention is called to the Guidelines for the Wm. A. Weston Award (page 32) and the Statement of Purpose and Guide1 ines of the Mycologia Memoirs Board of Edi tors (page 30). A special note for all MSA Newsletter contributors is located on page 44. The condensed text of Michael A. Allen's presentation from the symposium on "The Future of Mycology" is included on pages 68-69 at the request of the President. Finally, whenever possible, patronize our Sus- taining Members, 1isted on page 6, and note our advertisers in this issue (pages 46 and 66). Unless otherwise note, all creative fillers (art, poetry, humor, etc.) included are here- tofore unpublished. Yves Renaud prepared the cover figure of Mycena corticola and those of Colpoma quercinum (page 22), Inocybe jurana (page 50) and Calocybe comrm age 67). Some material (pages 39 and 58) is reprinted with permission (via Dave Minter) from the British f~1ycological Society Foray Programne. For their poetry contributions, I wish to thank Martha Sherwood-Pi ke (page 15) and Nina Shishkoff (page 47). Lastly, I wish to acknowledge the able and pleasant assistance of Linda Neuman who gave many weekday and thanksgiving holiday hours to type most of this issue and the ever-coopera- tive labor force provided at mailing time by the SIU-C rlycology students. FOITNDED DECEMBER. 1931 Office of the President Department of Microbiology 8s Cell Science 1059 McCarty Hall, University of Florida (;ainesville. FL 32611 Phone (904) 392-1096 N:jvember 5. 1984 Dear Fellow Mycologists: First. let mc: thank you fur elect.ing me to this office. 1 already see that there is more work than honor involved, but it is interesting and stimulating ncvert.heless. : am in t11ct uniqut: posit.ion of being President. during a year when AIBS meets on my own campus. Potentially this could mean additional problems for me. Ilowever. Greg Erclos, with the help uf Gerald Benny and Saeed Khan, is functioning well as local arrangements chairman and my participation has been minimal. Plans arc well along for the Gainesville meetings. The schedule includes two days of forays. family trips to Disney World and Epcot Center, an EM cryotechnology workshop, a seafood dinner at Cedar Key on the Gulf C:oast, the breakfast and business meeting, and a reception - awards event in the Florida State Museum. A local craftqman is donating some mushroom stone replicas for door prizes for the reception, and additional copies will be available for purchase. Expect details on these events as the year progresses. The Iowa meeting wit.11 the Phytopnt.hology Society was quite successful. As a result, we are exploring the possibility of occasional separate future meetings while retaining ollr traditional AIRS association in most years. Co~~ncilhad to commit the society to the 1986 Amherst meeting at its sessions in Fort Collins, so 198'7 is the next available time for a separate meeting. AIRS will meet t.hat year at Ohio State University at Columbus. As an alternative, Don Barr has invited the MSA to Ottawa for a meeting on the campus of Carleton University. Carleton has sent an attractive packet of convention materials. We will develop a formal proposal for Council at its meeting in Gainesville next summer, for consideration as an alt,ernat.ive to meeting at Ohio State with AIBS. Don has suggested that we invite one or more Canadian societies in plant pathology and microbiology to join us for il joint meeting in Ottawa. Let. me or individual council members know your sentiments on this matter. We are also in contact with officers of the Phytopathology Society about possible future meetings with them as well. 1987 is not really attractive because their schedule calls for (:incinnat.i in November. However, 1990 may work out for a joint meeting, and we will continue to explore this possibility. For those of us from the flatlands, both the terrain and the scientific aspects of the Fort Collins meetings were welcome, and we thank Brent Reeves for his part in arranging this meeting. ,211 of us in Gainesville look forward to seeing many of you here next summer. Don't let the heat keep you away. Everything is air conditioned! Finally, many of us are concerned about the long-term health of Mycology as a profession. The symposium arranged by Amy Rossman at Fort. Collins addressed some of the issues involved. For those who missed this. 1 have asked Mike Allen to summarize his talk there for inclusion in this Kewsletter. What he says about mycorrhizology could just as well be said aborit cell biology, microbiology, genetics, or several other fields. Please give this your thoughtful consideration. Best wishes. The Mycological Society of America FOUNDEO DECEMBER 1931 mceof the htaly Cenm for Forest Mycology Rewad Forest Ptoducu Laboratory P.O. Oox 5130 Madison. Wi. 53705 SOCIETY ORGANIZATION, 1984-1985 President, 1984- 1985 Henry C. Aldrich Presi dent- Elect, 1984- 1985 Roger D. Goos Vice- Pres ident, 1984- 1985 James M. Trappe Secretary, 1983- 1986 Harold H. Burdsall , Jr. Treasurer, 1983- 1986 Amy Y . Ros sman COUNCILORS Eastern U. S. , 1982- 1985 F. A. Uecker Western U.S., 1983-1986 Martha Christi ansen Canada, 1985- 1988 Davi d Ma1 1och Cytology-Geneti cs , 1983- 1985 Sandra Anagnostaki s Ecology-Path01 ogy , 1983- 1986 Richard E. Koske Morphol ogy-Taxonomy , 1983- 1986 Gareth Morgan- Jones Physi ology-Biochemistry, 1983-1987 Alan Jaworski Past President, 1982- 1983 Harry D. Thiers Past President, 1983- 1984 Richard T. Hanlin 2. OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVES: Representative on the Committee of Section G, Biology, American Association for the Advancement of Science (3 years), 1985- 1987: Lafayette Frederick. Representative on the Governing Board, American Institute of Biological Sciences (4 years), 1982-1985: Jerome J. Motta. Representative on the Board of Trustees, American Type Culture Collection (3 years), 1983-1986: Lekh R. Batra. Representative to the Assembly of Life Sciences of the National Research Council (3 years), 1985-1988: Meredith Blackwell. -. .." .. - Representative to the Biological Stain Commission (3 years), 1985-1988: Harvey C. Hoch. Representative to the Medical Mycology Society of the Arneri cas (3 years), 1985- 1988: Michael J. Dykstra. Representative to the Association of Systematic Collections (3 years), 1985-1988: Don R. Reynolds. 3. EDITORS: A. MYCOLOGIA Terry W. Johnson, Edi tor-in-Chief Clark T. Rogerson , Managing.Editor Gilbert C. Hughes, Book Review Editor EDITORIAL BOARD Terrence M. Hamni 11, 1985 Richard T. Hanlin, 1985 J. Thomas Mu1 1ins, 1985 David J. McLaughlin, 1986 Darrell Weber, 1986 Pernard Lowy, 1987 Edward E. Butler, 1988 Kyung Joo Kwon-Chung, 1988 Sally E. Gochenaur, 1988 Carol A. Shearer, 1989 Wi1 1 iam Ti mberl ake, 1989 Kenneth We1 1s , 1989 B. MSA NEWSLETTER Wal ter J. Sundberg, 1983- 1986 4. STANDING COMMITTEES: A. MYCOLOGIA MEMOIRS Board of Editors Terrence M. Hami1 1 , Chai r, 1983- 1986 M. B. Bigelow, 1982-1985 M. Blackwel 1 , 1983- 1986 D. H. Pfister, 1983-1986 C. T. Rogerson, Managing Editor, MYCOLOGIA, ex officio K. E. Conway, Chair, Membership Comni ttee, Kofficio A. Y. Rossman, Treasurer, MSA, ex officio B. COMMITTEE ON FINANCES Amy Y. Rossman, Chair, 1983-1986 C. T. Rogerson, 1984-1987 - R. E. Halling, 1985-1988 C. COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL MYCOLOGY Michael J. Dykstra, Chair, 1985-1988 A. A. Padhye, 1982-1985 D. T. Testrake, 1985-1987 D. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON NOMENCLATURE J. Leland Crane, Chair, 1983-1986 R. P. Korf , 1982- 1985 T. J. Baroni, 1984-1987 . - E. COMMITTEE ON MEMBERSHIP (SUSTAINING) Kenneth E. Conway, Chair, 1983-1986 D. .T. Jenkins, 1982-1985 D. R. Reynolds, 1982-1985 H. L. Monoson, 1982-1985 M. A. Kl i tch, 1984-1985 S. E. Gochenaur, 1983-1986 K. T. Smith, 1983-1986 J. T. Ellzey, 1983-1986 M. S. Fuller, 1984-1987 F. W. Spi egel , 1984- 1987 5. ROTATING COMMITTEES : A. PROGRAM COMMITTEE Joseph Ammi rati (Morphol ogy-Taxonomy) , Chair, 1981-1985 I. Charvat (Cytology-Geneti cs) , 1982- 1986 P. Szani szlo (Physiology-Bi ochemistry) , 1983- 1987 D. Barr (Ecol ogy-Pathology) , 1984- 1988 B.
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