JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 southern african Volume 21 Number 5 Forwireless communications professionals in southern Africa COMMUNICATIONS ● How to get the best out of the latest satellites ● Connecting the education sector ● Network sharing: boosting performance for MNOs Designed by Experts: You When we were developing the new FG Wilson 6.8 – 25 kVA range, we worked with the experts: the people who own and use generator sets every day. From top to bottom, the range is designed to make life easier for you. It comes with 600, 1,000 & 2,000 litre fuel tanks so you need to refuel less often. 1,000 hour service intervals mean you need to make fewer visits to site. New LCD control panels with optional remote communications make day to day operations simpler. Three enclosure design options mean you only fit the enclosure you really need. And our extensive dealer network will ensure your generator set is always in great shape to do the job it was designed to do. To find out more, visit www.fgwilson.com Wirelsss Asia ad Sept ToPrint.indd 1 26/09/2016 15:48 wirelesssouthern african CONTENTS COMMUNICATIONS JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 southern african Volume 21 5 News review Number 5 JANUARY/ Forwireless communications professionals in southern Africa COMMUNICATIONS FEBRUARY 2017 > Eutelsat’s African broadband back on track ● How to get the best out of the latest satellites > LTE not secure enough for critical comms ● Connecting the education sector ● Network sharing: boosting performance for MNOs Volume 21 > Microsoft to use Nominet’s TVWS tech Number 5 > Vodafone helps fight HIV in Lesotho > MTN trials unique PtMP platform in SA 9 News > First demo of Gigabit class LTE in Africa > Tablet brings internet to remote communities 16 Wireless solutions > Indian Ocean Xchange will offer open access > Angola aims to become regional hub About Otto Wireless: 13 Wireless business Otto Wireless Solutions is a supplier > Liquid wins approval for Neotel takeover of wireless connectivity hardware, specializing in Industrial GSM, 3G, 16 Wireless solutions HSPA and LTE equipment. In addition to > F-Cell revolutionises small cell deployment supplying industrial modems and routers with back-end management platforms, we also provide GSM and GPS modules, Features: and a variety of other complementary 20 Satcoms components to OEM design entities. > SARA FREWEN finds out how to get the best from next-generation high-throughput satellites. These product families are well supported 20 Satcoms by the antennas, RF connectors and locally 24 Wireless users 24 Wireless users manufactured custom RF cable assemblies > How wireless solutions are helping the which we supply to the South African Industry. transport sector deal with traffic. Our head office is strategically positioned 29 Industry view in Randburg, Gauteng, with a sales office > MOHAMED N. HAMDY explains how to deliver in Cape Town. All logistics and stock is high-quality network service via site sharing. managed from our head office. 32 World news 32 World news Our commitment to customer service and > Aviation network integrates satellite and LTE technical support has differentiated us in the > Singapore to trial ‘Li-Fi’ for wireless data industry, and set us apart from our peers. > Europe’s first mission-critical LTE deployed > Iconic building adds Xirrus Wi-Fi network To find out more about Otto, > Australian mobile network virtualised turn to page 12 > Antennas – ‘intelligent radiating skins’? Tel: +27 11 791 1033 SUBSCRIPTIONS: of control can purchase an annual Website address: www.otto.co.za Southern African Wireless Communications is subscription at the cost of £110. a controlled circulation bi-monthly magazine. For more information and general enquiries Email: [email protected] Register now for your free subscription at please contact Suzanne Thomas at Address: 58 Wakis Avenue, www.kadiumpublishing.com [email protected] Strijdompark, Randburg, Johannesburg Readers who do not qualify under the terms or call +44 (0) 1932 886 537. EDITORIAL: ADVERTISEMENT SALES: Editorial director: Rahiel Nasir Senior sales executive: Andy London Designer: Alan McClenaghan [email protected] Contributors: Sara Frewen, Tel: +44 (0) 1932 481731 Dr. Mohamed N. Hamdy Mak Rahnama Publishing apprentice: Jennifer Coates Editorial enquiries: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 1932 481729 [email protected] Production & circulation: Production: Suzanne Thomas Publishing director: Kathy Moynihan [email protected] +44 (0) 1932 481730 Tel: +44 (0) 1932 481728 South African office: Kadium Publishing Pty Limited, Unit 2, GSW Building, Techno Park, Gold Street, Northgate East, 7405, South Africa © 2017 Kadium Limited. 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Printed in England by The Magazine Printing Company SAWC 1702 p3 (Contents) RN.indd 3 08/03/2017 16:27 Register here for your free digital edition http://kadiumpublishing.com/forms/africa/sawc_reg.htm NEWS Eutelsat’s African broadband “back on track” with Yahsat’s help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not secure enough for public safety, warns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he TCCA says that while there is %&1%8/&0*4(/01=(](%0(%*(/**/&0%,#(0"(-*/( 0"(/&,7#%&'(12"%1/(%&(02/(A."9%*%"&( 02/3(,./(#"":%&'(0"(%;A#/;/&0(PJ5? no simple answer to how mobile &/0$".:*(02,0(,./(*-%0/8(0"(;%**%"&? 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