$% & '( '')*'+,- '( (.+*'+,- '(, RNI Regn. No. CHHENG/2012/42718, Postal Reg. No. - RYP DN/34/2013-2015 !" #!$ ##$ %"$& ! "#$% &$ &$& $ '$& &$ !"# chhattisgarh 02 RAIPUR | WEDNESDAY | APRIL 21, 2021 Bring Covid Infections to zero percent in Bastar: CM STAFF REPORTER n RAIPUR and employees of Bastar division for arriving security personnel, who he doing good work. "We will definitely said should not use public transport. hhattisgarh Chief Minister achieve our goal." He said no one com- He said the drivers and cleaners com- CBhupesh Baghel on Tuesday told ing from outside to Bastar should go to ing in trucks into the mining areas officials to ensure that the sprawling a village or city without getting tested should be examined for Covid-19 and Bastar division becomes Covid-19 free. for coronavirus. "Our focus should be arrangements should be made to keep In a virtual meeting from his resi- on testing as well as treatment of them separate from the labourers. dence-cum-office here, Baghel patients, vaccination, prevention of Baghel said that to provide employ- Heavy wind and light rain lashed capital Raipur on Tuesday afternoon which brought relief to people from sweltering reviewed the status of corona infection corona infection and contact tracing of ment during lockdown, MGNREGA heat. Pioneer Photo and measures to control it in the seven infected patients and intensive screen- works and collection of minor forest districts of Bastar division namely ing," he said. "Contact tracing will help produce should be started by following Kanker, Kondagaon, Bastar, Bijapur, to a great extent in preventing infec- Covid guidelines. Health Minister T.S. Narayanpur, Sukma and Dantewada. tion." Singh Deo gave information about the He pointed out that last time "good The Chief Minister said that test- condition of corona infection in Bastar success" was achieved in the Bastar ing of CRPF and paramilitary force division. At the meeting, the Chief Cong MLA’s tweet against division with everyone's cooperation. personnel returning from leave should Minister reviewed the status of oxygen "This time also, we should try to bring be done at the entry point. They should beds, ICU beds and ventilator beds, the rate of corona infection to zero per- be allowed to go to their camps only oxygen supply, availability and rotation PM draws criticism cent in the Bastar division," an official after being in quarantine and isolation. of oxygen cylinders, medical staff, He asked the Bastar Inspector General Remdesivir and other essential medi- communication quoted him as saying. STAFF REPORTER n RAIPUR The Chief Minister praised the officers of Police to arrange for vehicles to ferry cines. hhattisgarh Congress legislator and CParliamentary Secretary Shakuntala Bring positivity rate below 5%, CM to officials Sahu’s tweet that hhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Testing Labs in Balod and Mungeli. ble effort should be made to bring the Prime Minister CBaghel on Tuesday urged officials to Baghel underlined the need to win positivity rate below five percent in the Narendra Modi "will bring down the Covid-19 positivity rate the war against Corona working tireless- districts, he said. Baghel asked the sell out the entire to below 5 percent to effectively contain ly and non-stop. There is a need to work Collectors to ensure strict testing of peo- country" as business the virus. Baghel made the observation systematically with a team spirit. ple coming from outside -- at railway is in his blood drew at a meeting with senior officials includ- With a view to bring the situation stations, bus stands and especially at widespread criticism, ing those from the Health and under control in the rural areas, he told inter-state borders. Those in isolation forcing her to delete Administrative departments. the Health Department to prepare kits of should be monitored. it. He also told District Collectors to vital medicines with guidance from Saying posters often get damaged, From her official buy Remdesvir and other life-saving experts and arrange for their distribu- he wanted that painted stencils should twitter handle, the Baloda Bazar MLA, medicines as per the immediate require- tion through Mitanins. Constant moni- be displayed at the homes of Covid his blood. Hence he is doing business remark, she deleted the tweet. ments. He approved setting up RTPCR toring should be done and every possi- infected patients. addressing the Prime Minister indirectly, said: “He is a Gujarati, so business is in and will sell out the entire country." This is not the first time she been After being widely criticized for the caught in such a row. Grocery shops can now do home delivery STAFF REPORTER n RAIPUR n a major relief, the IChhattisgarh government on Tuesday told District Collectors to allow shop owners to deliver grocery items home during the ongoing lockdown. Earlier, the Collectors had ordered that grocery could be bought only from vendors operating handcarts. The order put grocery shop owners in a dilemma because they could not arrange for handcarts. But be taken if any grocery the shop owners can use Poor people lined up on Tuesday outside a government PDS shop at Bhatgaon in Raipur for ration amid Covid lockdown. Pioneer Photo it has been made strictly shop opens and sells direct small vehicles to deliver clear that stern action will to the consumers. Instead, items home, the order said. ∑§Êÿʸ‹ÿ ∑§‹Ä≈U⁄U, (•ÊÁºflÊ‚Ë Áfl∑§Ê‚ ‡ÊÊπÊ) Covid vax safe in people with high risk allergies Á¡‹Ê ∑§Ùá«UʪÊfl, ¿UàÃË‚ª…∏U (Á¡‹Ê ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ ‚Á◊ÁÃ) ºÍ⁄U÷Ê· (∑§Êÿʸ‹ÿ) Æ||}{-wyxÆw} (»Ò§Ä‚) Æ||}{wyxÆw} ◊ÒŸÈ•‹ ¬hUÁà ¬˝Õ◊ ÁŸÁflŒÊ •Ê◊¢òÊáÊ ∑˝§◊Ê¢∑§/vÆ|/•Ê.Áfl./ ≈UË. 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On the other IANS n allergists at Massachusetts MGH. ∑§Ùá«Uʪʢfl ◊¥ Æv Ÿª ‚Á„Uà General Hospital (MGH) However, people with a who have become fully cases per million doses hand, if you are allergic to ≈˛UÊ¢Á¡S≈U „UÊÚS≈U‹ ∑§Ê ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ evere allergic reaction in the US. recent severe allergic reac- vaccinated, with the Pfizer- administered, with 89 per polysorbate 80, you should (•Ê¢ÃÁ⁄U∑§ ÁfllÈÁÃ∑§⁄UáÊ ∞fl¢ Sfor Covid-19 vaccines "Our main goal is to tion to polyethylene glycol BioNTech and Moderna cent occurring within the not receive the Janssen vac- •ãÿ ∑§Êÿ¸ ‚Á„UÃ) remain exceedingly rare, enable as many individuals (PEG) -- an ingredient in Covid vaccines. PEG is the 15- to 30-minute observa- cine and instead speak to thus people with high-risk as possible to receive a the vaccines -- should see common excipient in both tion period. However, your physician about ÁŸÁflºÊ ¬˝¬òÊ ∞fl¢ •◊ÊŸÃ ⁄UÊÁ‡Ê ∑§Ê ∞»§.«UË.•Ê⁄U. ŸÙ«U‹ •Áœ∑§Ê⁄UË, ‚„UÊÿ∑§ allergy histories can safely Covid-19 vaccine safely an allergist before getting the mRNA Covid vaccines, Polysorbate 80 caused ana- receiving the mRNA •ÊÿÈÄÃ, •ÊÁºflÊ‚Ë Áfl∑§Ê‚ ∑§Ùá«Uʪʢfl ∑§ ŸÊ◊ ‚ ºÙ •‹ª-•‹ª Á‹»§Ê»§ ◊¥ S¬Ë«U take the jabs, according to and avoid unnecessary vac- the jabs, they recommend- whereas polysorbate 80 is phylaxis is extremely rare. Covid-19 vaccines. ¬ÙS≈U/⁄UÁ¡S≈U«¸U «UÊ∑§ ∑§ ◊Êäÿ◊ ‚ ¬˝SÃÈà ∑§⁄UŸÊ •ÁŸflÊÿ¸ „U٪ʖ ÁŸÁflºÊ ∑§ ‚¢’¢œ ◊¥ a study of 65,000 people. cine hesitancy due to a lack ed. The findings are pub- the excipient in the Janssen If a person is allergic to The CDC, has since ‡Ê· ¡ÊŸ∑§Ê⁄UË ∑§Êÿʸ‹ÿËŸ ‚◊ÿ ◊¥ ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ ‡ÊÊπÊ ◊¥ ©U¬ÁSÕà „UÙ∑§⁄U ÁºŸÊ¢∑§ Individuals with severe of knowledge around aller- lished in the Journal of Covid-19 vaccine. PEG, he or she should not April 13, placed the Æx.Æz.wÆwv Ã∑§ ¬˝Êåà ∑§Ë ¡Ê ‚∑§ÃË „ÒU– allergies to foods, oral gic reactions to vaccines," Allergy and Clinical The US Centers for receive an mRNA Covid- Janssen vaccine on "pause" drugs, latex, bee stings or said lead author Aleena Immunology: In Practice. Disease Control and 19 vaccine, instead speak while investigating adverse ∑§‹Ä≈U⁄U ∞fl¢ •äÿˇÊ venom can safely receive Banerji, clinical director of The study examined Prevention described the to the physician about events of thrombocytope- Á¡‹Ê ÁŸ◊ʸáÊ ‚Á◊Áà rate of anaphylaxis after receiving the Janssen nia and central venous the Covid-19 vaccines, the Allergy and Clinical possible allergic reactions G- 60303/4 Ryp/Dtd 20.4.21 Á¡‹Ê-∑§Ùá«Uʪʢfl stated the experts led by Immunology Unit at to Covid vaccinations in receipt of the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine, the team thrombosis.
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