f'onaiderable cJoudIneM and coWrr tonight and Saturda,v: freab ueelerlv wlnda. Manchester— A City of Villofie Charm LOL. EXE. NO. 33 (riaasifle4l Advertising On Page 1$) MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1911 (EIGHTEEN PAGE.S) PRICF, THREE CENTS Four Dead in Hotel Fire itler Is Given Year Red Counter-Attack For Reich to Burst; Becoming Offensive; Russians Get Billion Admit Tough Battle toosif'vell D irect Deli\- .Sliiliii SavH Kioit-iu \Sin- Will Match German Dive Boml>er> May G<»iii|)le(ely Reopen cries Loinm ciicc lin- gif' F'iglifing (jn n p ' Wires Knox .Aiul .\Ftillery Be{*in M«)'*('ou . Irf’ningrad incdiately anti to Be M i t h InexhaiiHtible Social Gains .\ttempl8 lo O a ek ( ioiiiiiiiiiiieationH* Re- Fulfilled in Larf'cst iSavy Denies .Siipplick of Manpower; ‘.Sev aNittpol Forlre88 lie\e Siege of I.enin- Possible .Vnionnts Ln- Wilh U. S. .Afbl Germany 4ta<1ly I .\rea‘ in Efftirt lo Wage Rights grad; Swift. Mobile til Hnpe Store of Mu­ Mi**ralri|Jate»r f^ffect (iontrol Oimea: En-, Rii«<8iaii Liiilk Ham* nitions |{e|iresented by Aohofly Hungry in f.rr- Of Firpi Blow Made lirely Hahetl in I'heir flredil in Red Hands. Lalutr Official Asserts meriiig Hard at Nazi many. Spokesman Says Against Kedh* \Army. Drive on .Mo<*et)v». (.rmtractors Told Vo/ Positions .Near Kalinin In C om m ent; Stalin hV) Wa.shington, Noi. 7.— '' Mo.srow, Nov. 7.— — i Ih-rlin. .Nov, 7,— To Sign Seic If age -Thp I'nitPti Stafp.s liackfd ' Speech Born of Fear Prpmipr .Jo.^eph .Staliji today I.onilun. .Nov. 7.— (/P)— A m.in (li\o-homljers ancl artil- the hard-prr.ssbfl armies of: gave .Adolf Hitler “mpylip a Scales with I ninn. ftii'.Uan counter-attack on' ler> today began then at­ H lu s.sia with a hillion dollar i B#*rlin, Nov 7 -fp Authorli^d i year” before ''lIHlerfte Ger­ Wilokolamsk appears to be »nurcf*«i, (Omm ^ntlng on ProRldont | tempt.* to crack "the .Sevasto- (.'alif, Nov * Bease-lend iredit today. I're.'ii- many mu.st burst under the (lei'floping into a powerful lent Roosevelt directed dcliv- H(K>R<‘vrll> jtpf'orh before the In- weight of her own c|rimes,” I»ol f o r t r e .‘;.‘; area.*^' b u t t h e K (i. Bitter, .AKL Bitlding Tra(Jn« offen.sjve wliich may com­ pries '"to commence immedi-; tcrnallorm) Labor Office yesterday, in an addres.s on the 24th an- Germans admitted their,. Council r('tHry, toM Secretary plete! \ reopen Mosc<Jw-I„enin- tro'ip.-i were having a tough ly and to he fulfilled in the ' said tfxiay Germany was willing to niver.sary of the Hol.shevik K.nox. in a lele^rari) today that the t'Vad communications and re- time andd the Soviet steel [largest po.s.sihle iimount.s" un- [ match her social achievements revolution. All Russia wa.8 "a Navy wae trying to deny labor it.'^ lie\e the .siege of I.eningrad, right .of collective bargaining the huge stores of miinition.s against thoi^c of the I ’nlted S ta te s single fighting larnp’ with ine.x- and concrete niountain ca.«e- in fo r m e d source.s .said to­ mate* jn the Crimea and w-ere . Hi.* Tne.s.««age waji a reply to an Jrepre.scnled by the rreilit are in (The President anid that labor hau.'itible supplies of man|«iwer, night Swift, mobile Russian units' iPoviet hands ' hal’ed entirely m the dri\e on appeal by Knox that the .AI-'L ( ail had become a “slave of the mili- .Stalin said. adding that Ger­ .are hammering hard at the Ger­ Mo.^fow- engineer.* had to off .^Irikex'at three ?an r>iecn mili­ Poses Stupendous Task |tsrj’ state” under the Nazi sys­ many, counting on the Red Armv man forward poi^itions northwest ‘ employ special w-eapon* to ,ciear tary e^tabliffhment>. tem and that Berlin was "the cracking after the fifet blow, of Kalmin. q.') miles northwest of This new assistance program awa-- hindrance* in the Crimean B itte r A.vierted th at r(*ntrx.ctorjc Jposed for the nation a stupendous! principal slsve market of the "badly mi.acalriilalfd " A mldhight fir* at Hotel MonlU*llo. (nbo\-el Alexandria. Va . Mn*if.w , and already have reopen/ •mo'intain* a military .■.commenta­ 'Aho xgreed lo ,J»ig7i new wage Itask both In prodiu lion and tran.s- ' w orld.” ) .Speech B efore .Military- Review kllleft four peri- .ii,« n'l.'i .cj-irerl'SIX f.thcr- ■ . .vir.g i tuer g .ests 'O the ed s secondary branch rail line.ln tor *aid ?rale.« with the 'imor. were told Jportation If the supplies are to “Nobody is hungry in Germany.” The speei h was dcliveled before street m tliei, riighi cu.-ipng that area, these .sources aaid./iind W eather H alt* .\tta<-k not to do rf> bv offKialu of the Irearh the Russian fronts in effer- a spokesman saul a military review in Red Square. thu* are easing some of the 'pt*** He ,*aid the w eather on the Mo*- Navy Department Itive time, but Mr. Roosevelt mill- ' "There are no multtmillmnaires .Stalin contrasted Ru.Hsia today *ur* on Leningrad hv blunting , cow front had become such that "T he nffirialji of the N«\‘v Tie. Icated definite confldenre that the w-ith that of the October revolu­ the northern claw of the Nazi pin­ any large *cale operation* par­ I job would be done. ((ontlniietd On Page Fourteien) tion. when Ru.s.aia had been »trip- cers aimed at Moscow te ilarly a direct attack again.*! (( ontinued CIn Page i4tx) The unheralded devision to *x- ped of "the Ukraine, the (*^uca- K slln ln bn Msl"n IJn e su*. central Asia, the Uralai .Si­ Finns lo Hall Fighting the 'apital were not feasible. Itend lease-lend aid to Russia was beria and the F at Ka-l " andi had It 1* iinneressary, ' he said, "to Kalinin is on the main line be-, Ixnnounred late yesterday by the tween .Moscow and "Leningrad. It I State Department. Whether by ae. neither alliea. Army nor arm.* ana ■indertake anything under *;ich Austin Urjtes was not made /Clear here w hether [cident or design, the announre- lai keel bread and clothing. r irc’imRtancf* and we aren I do- British BomI) When Threat Removed a brarlch lin* actually had been [m en t w *a psychologically w-ell- Today, ho said, Kuaaia has l"nn 1 mg It. " opened cleat* through to Lenin­ Itilued, it came on the eve of the serious ahurtage either in fiiod, I The German high command ac- Giviiifj Notire grad, however. I Sovtata' great national holiday arm* or clothing," while heru('re- I knowledged t'Klay that Nazi and ' (Fermaii Port Broadcast of Official Around Volokolamsk, 6.S miles I the 24th anniversary of the 1917 . servea of manpower are ine.xhaii.at- Rumanian forces were enooiinter- ible " And she has an Army. Navy, Japan Desires ’ mg stubborn Russian rear guard norlhiy^gt of Moscow, southward iBolxhevtk revolution. And it fol- Radio Implies IK ar I lowed by a few hours the radio To Enemies allies and "tin- sympathy and ^p- I re.*islam e m the (aatnessea of I of ^linifi. Red Army infantry, I Cities, Docks I cayalrj', artillery and planes were I address of Premier Joseph Stalin. port of all people* of Europe \( ho . Will Be Slopped as (.’rimean mointama .but declared I declared in dispatches relayed Ill which the Ru.asran leader spoke have fallen under the yoke of To End Parley that pursuit of Soviet fone* in the • /from Kuibyshev as having driven ot the "great Importance" of the Tells (iolleagnes in .Sen­ Fascist tyranny" Soon as .^im Gained. Peninsula was continuing ^ ilhelt^i.nhaven* Bremeij German armored forces out of lid already being received from •Nazis Fare .Sure Disaster B om bers .Nmaah Poaltlon* ate Longre<48 .Should position after position along a In the face of this, he declared, The communique said divg boinb- j I Britain and the l.tnited States. Bulletin! At Early Date And \ C Havre Targets ! three mile route. No Interest Charged Wipe Out Neutrality the Nazis face *iirc disaster 1 er* had smashed positions among "Germany i* bleeding to death, Washington. Nov. 7.—i/I’i Ihe fortification* ot Sevastopol, Of .\UackH: PlaiieiC .Ac­ This explosive leizuriL of the in­ The announcement was in the itiative came after earlier invasion form of an exchange of corre­ l-aw Entirely Now. her resources giving out. ' ,9talin —The State Department to­ Di.spHlrli of kuriiKii at4 Rii.s.<iia .* best reniam iric .Naval haHc said. m the B la rk Sea. tive in Mine-I:jiying. thrust* againii the cap!ltal wera spondence between Mr. Roosevelt day made public memoran- declared to have been bloc^d. "The German invaders are In the D onets bSain area, it .said, and Stalin, tn a letter dated Oct. Wsshington. Nov 7 ■A’,- While .S|»ecial Envoy to Ha»- Possible Expansion Ilidlcsil^ 30 Mr. Roosevelt wrote that the straining their last forces There is 'dums of Cop versa! ions in German and Italian unit* were London, Nov. 7 yp- Th* big administration leader* drove for a ' Even as the Soviet success tyaa $ 1 ,000,000,000 credit was being ' no doubt that Germany cannot which the t'nited States Ipii Tallin: No Time inishlng forward and In the central port cities of Wilhelinshaven and final Senate vote on neutrality sustain such a strain far any long .reported, possible expansion waa made available without Interest, transmitted to FihU)nd infer-; sector infantry force* were said to ; Bremen In northwestern Germany ; indicated in the scope of the war! law revision by nightfall.
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