Peace in the Yuletide Season Olthe imide Vol. IX, No. 57 servmg the notre dame -~st. mary's community Friday, December 6, 1974 Paczesny. Sr. Jones give reactions to Mulcahy's housing proposal ... by Ken Bradford "We need an answer soon for the housing office to function Staff Reporter properly." Mulcahy said the problem began when the female student quota Vice President for Student Mfairs Brother Just Paczesny for the University was raised from 1000 to 1500. This change yesterday criticized a letter sent out by the Housing Office .about necessitates finding housing for an additional 500 females in the the possibility of converting either Flanner or Grace Hall mto a next two years. Co-education women's dormitory next year. The decision to admit "extra" women disrupted the on-campus The letter which was senWednesday to hall rectors by Housing housing situation, Mulcahy noted. Unitl the quota was raised, there Director Fr.' John Mulcahy, proposed reconverting Farley Hall for were enough rooms for women on campus. Diffe re n:c e s male use and converting one of the two towers for women. Mulcahy called his Farley-Towers plan a "workable solution at Yale and Paczesny said the plans have not been discussed by the which could provide an end to the housing problem.'' University Officers, the group which has the authority to make The plan would move over 500 women into either Flanner or such a choice. The text of Paczesny's statement follows: Grace next year and move about 250 male students into Farley. In Notre D a.m e "I am disturbed by the letter from the Director of Student 1976, Farley would again become a female residence hall when the Residence to the Rectors. It forced too many students to con­ full quota of 1500 females is reached. ... page 4 clusions that are unfounded because of inaccurate assumptions." The decision to convert one of tthe Towers for female use 1s the "The use of the Towers and Farley Hall as examples of possible most natural solution to the problem, Mulcahy stated. solutions to the residentiality problems is simply one suggestion "The Towers are the only two dorms which can handle the in­ made by Father Mulcahy himself. The final decision does not rest crease of 500 women," he observed. with the Director of Student Residence, but with the Officers of the Also, Mulcahy noted, Farley and Breen-Phillips currently have a University. At no time have the Officers discussed such a trade-()ff disproportionate number of freshmen a!ld sophomores;. and a new of a Tower for a hall. A number of other possibilities are under dorm of the size of the Towers could realign the class rabo. discussion in hopes that the solution will result in as little disruption Mulcahy said the female occupation of Flanner or Grace w?uld to present hall life as possible." Assistant Provost Sr. Joh.n . provide no special security problems as far as he could determme. Miriam Jones agreed with Paczesny's assessment of the s1tuabon. He added that there was no reason why one of theTowers would be "Brother Just's statement expresses the actuality of the situation more desirable than the other, and I concur with it," Jones said in her written statement yester- There has been no official discussion of Mulcahy's proposal, the day. , . , housing director noted. He added that, though no other halls h~ve "I regret the timing of Fathe~ Mulcahy .s suggestio~, she been formally discussed as possible for future female use, there 1s a continued. "Its being coupled w1th the arbcle concernmg the possibility that other plans for female hall conversions will be various options tends to enlar~P it hevond its proper_ perspective." submitted. "It is only suggestion and, to m knowledge, one that is under serious consideration," Jones concluded. Paczesny is a member of the Officers of the University while· Jones is not. Other members of the body include the University ••• as do students President, the Provost, Assistant Provost. and the four ~ther by Lonnie Luna new dorm is definitely the only Crimson Tide University Vice Presidents. Mulcahy adm1tted Thursday mght Staff Reporter solution. If the University cannot that the decision to select the next female dormitory would not be afford it, then it should have a his to make and that his plan was not the plan of the Student M­ University Housing Director Fr. private corporation to come in and ~Notre Dame fairs office.' "I can only suggest what I think will work, and I think John Mulcahy's proposal to give build on the land it leases," ~again faces my plan will," Mulcahy stated. one of the towers; to women and Modular housing might also be the return Farley to men met with The release of the plans in Thursday's Observer, Mulcahy sa1d, answer to housing situation added J Alabama was meant to trigger reactions by students and administrators to a much student resentment at a McGuire. situation which he believes needs immediate attention. He added meeting in Grace last night. that he expects student opinions to be funneled through the Hall This proposal seems to con­ "If they can move guys off ... page 2 4 Presidents' Council and the Student Ll:fe Council. tradict the University's guarantee campus, why can't they move, "I'm in a hurry to get an answer to our problem," Mulcahy noted. that female population would not girls off campus?" asked fresh­ increase until a new dorm was man Tom Marvinac. "If girls want built and that no more men's equal rights, then they should be dorms would be converted. Lyons treated like the guys," added Hall was the last of the men' .s Marvinac. "It is just as dangerous dorms to go. It was taken away in for them as it is for they guys," he December of 1972 and did not concluded. become girls's dorm until last year. In the original layout, two On the other side of the con­ more towers were to have been troversy, the women at Farley built between the present Towers were thinking along the same and the library. lines. "I was very, very upset. I would hate to see either Tower to go "I don't like this at all because because we were starting to get the proposal will move half of the things going and as a result, if this North Quad female population to proposal does pass, they would be the other end of the campus," said virtually "gone," said Tom Porter, freshman Kathy Berg. "As it is, Grace president. Porter added students complain about the male­ this proposal would cause a female relationships and then if warped situation seeing that no this happens, there won't be any freshman would be admitted--the interaction at all. Guys from the hall would have nothing but South Quad will not come all they sophomores, juniors and seniors. way to the Towers to visit," added "The main problem is not the Berg. There would be a waste of housing·but the fact that 300 girls money to renovate the Towers are coming. We don't have room to Berg concluded. put them anywhere,"stated Frank (continued on page 20) McGuire. Flanner president. "A Presents Today is the last issue The Observer ·of theObserver ... gives in the true spirit Next issue will be January 16 ... page 2 the observer Friday, December 6, 1974 an campu• taday Junior parents to receive 1 p.m.-5p.m. -open house, counselling center, room 400 ad bldg information lor weekend 2 p.m.-u p.m. - christmas bazaar, lemans lobby 5 p.m. - mass & dinner, bulla shed The Junior Parents Weekend and make any plans." classmates could give up ~ hour 6 p.m.-8 p.m.-fllmthe way we were, eng. aud., $1 committee will begin to mail in­ Junior Class President Augie to help. "We'll be there ~.~day, 6:30p.m.-dinner & dance. "a .chrlstmasogala", albert pick formation to parents this weekend. Grace invited any juniors that are and food and drinks will b fur­ 7 p.m.- madrigal dinner, regina lounge, $6.50, call4176 program'.is scheduled for interested to stop by and lend a nished, so have a break and stop 7 p.m.- swim meet. rockne mem Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, hand on preparations. Grace in," said Grace. For additional 7:30p.m. -internat. students xmas reception, lib lounge February 28, March 1 and March stated that he knows time is information call Pat Boyle (283- 7:30 p.m. - hockey, nd vs michigan, ace 2, 1975. precious at this time of the 2521), 832 Notre Dame Ave., apt. 8 p.m. - play, "fellows", washington hall, $1.50 students, $2 ge Plans for the weekend include a semester, but he hopes that 2A, or Grace (1504). admission Friday night hockey game, ND vs. 8 p.m.-12 p.m.-square dance, stepan center, 25 cents Wisconsin and a cocktail party saturday, dec. 7 afterwards. ·c NOW RENTING 10-12 a.m.-career workshop, lyon's chapel, karen o'neill Saturday morning begins with 2 p.m.- bball game, nd vs princeton, ace collegiate workshops in which the ·programs in each major are ex­ 2 p.m. -play, "beauty & the beast", o'laughlln aud. 75 cents plained and career opportunities A FOR SECOND SE,\1\ESTER 5 p.m. -evensong vespers, Jog chapel 7 p.m.- madrigal dinner, regina north lounge, $6.50, call4176 all observed. Continuous showings of Notre Dame ic Review will be · · \I' \ p I '1 I'' 1 ~ \\ I I If 7:30 & 10 p.m.
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