2378 WILLING DON. SUSSEX. [KELLY's ~s an endowed vicarage, average tithe rent-charge £125, The chief crops are wheat. and oats. The area is 4,274 acres gross yearly value £270, including about 4 acres of glebe, of land and 33 of water; rateable value, £n,so6; the with residence, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of population in 1871 was 794 and in 1881, 1,244. Chichester, and held since 1888 by the Rev. Owen Lechmere The town of HYDNEY, now no longer in existence, is be­ Tudor M.A. of Trinity College, Oxford. The Eastbourne gas lieved to have been situated on lands bearing the names of works are in this parish. Langney Fort and Anthony Hill Great Hydueye, Plough Hydneye, Green Hydneye, Court Tower are in this parish. The manor comprises the chief Hydneye and Little Hydneye in this parish. part of the parish : it formerly belonged to the Parker Parish Clerk, James Stevens. family, to whom monuments are found in the church: for PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- the last centqry it has been held by the Thomas family; Mrs. Caroline Radwell, receiver. Letters arrive from Freeman Thomas esq. J.P. being the present holder and Eastbourne at 6.50 a.m. & 1.30 p.m.; dispatched at II.3o principal landowner. Of the ancient house of Ratton a.m. & 5.30 & 7-45 p.m nothing remains but a building used for farm purposes ; the County Police Station, Fras. Wm. Gilbert, constable in charge present mansion, a little north of the old house, is seated on Parochial Schools (mixed & infants), built in 1840 & enlarged the declivity of the Downs, screened by timber and orna- in 1889, with master's residence, for z8ochildren; average mental shrubs, and commands a fine view by land and sea : attendance, 142 ; Augustus A. Haylock, master; Mn•. it stands in park-like grounds and is the seat of Freeman Julia Hurst, infants' mistress Thomas esq. J.P. The soil is rich loam; subsoil, marl. Railway Station, Stephen Wm. Hy. Sell wood, station master [For other names see EASTBOURNE.] Carter William, farmer Mewett George, farmer, Rippingtons PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Catt Edmund, jun. accountant, clerk Miller James, boot & shoe maker Brooks Edwin Joseph, The Hoo to the guardians of Hailsham union Mockett Edwin,builders' & general iron- Catt Edmund, jun & clerk to the Arlington & Westham monger, smith & gasfitter Collins Mrs. Orchard cottage school boards; collector & assistant Mockett Matthias,miller (wind) &farmr Filder John, Park overseer for the parishes of Folking- Oxley William, baker :FitzRoyHughMaitland,Buckingham ldg ton, Pevensey, Westham, Willingdon Putland Waiter, farmer, Townland farm Gosden James, Prospect cottage & Wilmington & deputy registrar of Read Jn. & Son, dairymen, Pigdean ho Jackson John, The Lawn births &deaths, Westham sub-district Sell wood Stph. Wm. Hy. station master Jessop John, Shortlands Catt Stephen, registrar of births & Seymour & Marchant, wheelwrights Robinson Mrs deaths & vaccination officer for West- Stevens .Benjamin, farmer, Meachants Sergeant James, Hockington house ham sub-district Stevens Thomas, carrier & coal mer .Thomas Freeman l.P. Ratton park Cooper Thomas, farmer, Hill farm & Stevens Fanny (Miss), agent for the sale Thomas Hon. Mrs. Rattou park Chalk farm of brushes, mats &c.made by the blind Tompsett Waiter Joseph, The Cottage Dennis Chas.beer ret.&marketgardener Taylor Thomas, carpenter TudorRev .OwenLechmereM.A. Vicarage Filder HubertCompton,farmr. Park frm Thomas George, miller French Frederick James, plumber Thorpe Henry, tobacconist COMMERCIAL. Hilton Robert, cowkeeper Timson Alfred Cook, baker Bradford David, farmer Hutchings John Louis & Henry Alfred, Vinall John & Co. lime burners Bryde's Cottage Home for Little Girls grocers & drapers Vine William, farmer & butcher (Mrs. Pike, matron) Marchant James, farmer Welch Charles, school attendance officer Carter Chas. farmer, Lower Willingdon 1 Martin George, tailor, Church street forWestham &Pevenseyschool boards Catt Edmund,relieving officer Westham 1Measey Wm. beer ret. Low. Willingdon Wooller Charles, farm bailiff to Free- district, The Butts Mewett Frank, Red Lion commercial inn man Thomas esq. J.P WILMINGTON is a village and parisbonadeclivityof or Long Man of Wilmington was originally a very rude and the Downs, 2k miles south-east from Berwick station on narrow outline of a man cut in the turf on the side of the the London, Brighton and South Coast railway, 9 south­ chalk downs; but the grass not being properly trimmed the east from Lewes and 6 north-west from Eastbourne, in the figure was very indistinct ; the arms were partly extended, Southern division of the county, Pevensey rape, Longbridge a staff was clasped by the right hand and a scythe by the hundred, Hailsham petty sessional division, Eastbourne left: this figure supposed to have represented a husband­ union, Lewes and Eastbourne county court district, rural man, has been renewed (a staff similar to that in the right deanery of Pevensey (first division), archdeaconry of Lewes hand being substituted for the scythe) and the outline and diocese of Chichester. The church of SS. Mary and marked with white brick, by subscription, under the direc­ Peter is a small building of stone, with portions of Norman tion of the Sussex Archreological Society; it is now ( 1890) date, and consists of chancel, nave of two bays, south aisle, being again renewed with chalk under the supervision of a chapel on the north side, north porch and a western tower the vicar of this parish: there is a similar figure on a hill with small shingled spire containing 3 bells : the church was near Cerne Abbas, Dorsetsbire. The Duke of Devonshire restored in 1883 after the designs of Messrs. Paley and K.G. who is lord of the manor, and Robert Lambe esq. are .Austin, architects, of London and Lancaster, at a cost of the principal landowners. The soil is chalk and clay ; sub­ £2,000, and reopened 25th May in the same year, by the soil, chalk. The chief crops are wheat and oats. The area Bishop of Chichester : there are 220 sittings: in the church­ is 1,788 acres; rateable value, £1,955; the population in yard is a magnificent yew tree. The register dates from 1881 was 246. the year :1538. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent­ Parish Clerk, Henry Gibbs. charge £4r, net yearly value £x4o, with residence and 9 PosT OFFICE.-Miss Ann Ade, receiver. Letters through acres of glebe, in the gift of the Duke of Devonshire K.G. Polegate R.S.O. by foot post, arrive at 8 a.m. ; dispatched and held since 1875 by the Rev. William Augustus St. John at 6.zo p.m. ; sundays, dispatched II.25 a.m. The Dearsly lii.A. of Caius College, Cambridge, who is also rector nearest money order office is at Upper Docker & telegraph of Lullington and a. surrogate for the diocese of Chicheste!". office at Polegate railway station Here are the ruins of a Benedictine priory, founded in 1088 by the Earl of Moreton: the gateway, of the 15th A School Board of 5 members was formed in 1875 ~ J. Gos­ century, with flanking turrets, still exists; other remains den, Marchfoot Farm, Hailsham, clerk to the board &. attend11nce officer serve as a farm house, including the former porter's lodge, • with a groined roof, now serving as a parlour, and a crypt Board School (mixed), for so children; average attendance, or cellar, 23 feet square, with a central pillar. The Green 37; Miss Laura Jessie Pattenden, mistress Dearing Abner, Crossways villa Ade Philip, carpenter Gibbs Mary (Mrs.), farmer Dearsly Rev. William Angnstus St. John Ade William, poultry farmer Gosden Charlotte (Mrs.), farmer,Street M.A. [vicar & surrogate], Vicarage .!wcock Henry, Black Horse P.H & New House farms Lambe The Misses Baker Isaac, farmer, Court farnl Hide James, baker & grocer VinaH John Bristow Oliver William, saddler Levett WiJiiam, wheelwright Carpenter Charles, coal & corn dealer Waters Jabez, blacksmith ' COMMERCIAL. Crowhurst Calvin, veterinary surgeon Wordley Thomas, farmer, Hayreed frm Ade Ann&Lydia(Misses),grocrs.Post off Funnell Charles, farmer Wright Emily (.1\lrs), farmer . Ade John, farmer Geall William, carpenter WINCHELSEA (fromgwent-chesel-ey,words signifying division), archdeaconry of Lewe'3 and diocese of Chichester. the heaping up of shingle banks ( chesel) on the seaward edge Portions of the parishes of lcklesham, .Brooml1ill and Pet of the muddy flats) is a small corporate town and a cinque are in the jurisdiction and liberties of Winchelsea, which, in port, formerly a. seaport, situated on the road from Rye to the old English times, was a place of some importance, and Hastings, with a station on the South Eastern railway, 69 was granted by Edward the Confessor to the Monks of miles from London bridge, 3 south-west from Rye and 8 Fecamp, in Normandy: in 1067 William the Norman landed north-east from Hastings, in the Eastern division of the here, in u88 Henry II.; and later, but before the accession county, rape of Hastings, Rye petty sessional division, union of King John, it was made a cinque port: in 1250 more and county court district, rural deanery of Hastings (second than 300 houses were destroyed by the ie&; and in 1266 the .
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