Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1930 Campus Comment, January 1930 Bridgewater State Normal School Volume 3 Number 5 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Normal School. (1930). Campus Comment, January 1930. 3(5). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/13 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. CAMPUS COMMENT PUBLISHED BY BRIDGEWATER NORMAL SCHOOL VOL. III JANUARY, 1930 No.5 PROFESSION OF EDUCATION IOLD WORLD FESTIVAL TO BE I CLIMAX OF SOCI..L\,L SEASON UNLIKE OlHER PROFESSIONS CELEBRATED HERE IN FEBRU. ARY, WEEKEND OF FEB. 7 Sociologist Says Educators Place Too Men Become Masters, of Ceremonies and Present Plans for Gala Events Much Emphasis Upon Their Minor Have you ever wanted to be some­ Specialty; What to Teach Is Called one else, to take on a satisfyingly dif­ ferent personality, if for only a day or A Men's Play With the Feminine Men's Club, has found 'Women to be More Important Than How to Teach a night, or perhaps only a picayune Touch one of their needs and 110t superfluous lalf second? You have, of course. Here as some supposed. With such a view, "Education is not like the other pro- is your golden opportunity. Don a mask the next step came easy. They invited fessions but essentially unlike them," and slip into that other personality of Washington crossed the Delaware, girls of the Dramatic Club to take the says Ross L. Finney in the January yours. Be daring or gay, sardonic, gro­ the chicken crossed the street, and now feminine roles in their next annual Journal of the National Education As- tesque, bold, or sophisticated - be the Men's Club has entered a new play to be presented February 7, 1930, sociation as he criticizes the recent ex- your other self! For Louis and his period in its history. at eight o'clock in the Horace Mann' traordinary emphasis upon technology young queen Marie Antoinette have Woman is a beautiful creature, made Audi torium. in teaching. invited all the good folk of Bridge- to be the helpmate of man. Some men What a play, "In Walked Jimmy," is! Dr. Finney points out that each pro- water to disport themselves at "Un would willingly die for her, that is, It has more giggles than "Sweet Six­ fession has a major and a minor spe- Mardi Gras Royal" in their garden dye their hair. In any case she is in­ teen," more sighs than an old maids' cialty. Its major specialty is that body at Versailles (commonly known as dispensable. home, and, girls! your hearts will flut­ of scientific knowledge which it is the "the gym") on February 28. Or if Even that august and historic group of embryonic male pedagogues, the ter like feathers in a cyclone when you business of the profession to apply; your new personality is not sportive see the lovers in their tender moments. its minor specialty is the scientific tech- you may wish to sit at a table in the 'Why, if Shakespeare ever saw this nie of applying that knowledge. balcony qde and nibble exquisite mind. One would think that they were play, he would feel sorry for deluding The major specialty of the legal pro- French pastries while you watch the all jeering at him, scoffing at him, the world so long' with his cheap fession includes law and court pre- colorful reve1ry below. pointing accusing fingers at him, and dramas. cedents; its minor specialty the tech- . Come king,. come cobbler; come generally making him ashamed of past neglect. He turns pale and sinks into It is with great pleasure that the . .... ~he m,fI:~!:.. _Jester, COl11:_J.u~ge~ come .o..ne!_.~.me achaii;""" ...-_. - ..... -.-----. ~~.:rcn's Club o-f"OUf'''·-si!hvol--invitt::s ev- ... " mc1udes ana-j art, '1rn"11ltance torne~lS" <51 a new tomy, physiology, and materia medica; world orchestra in an old world Suddenly John remembers tha.t it is eryone to come to their play and in re­ its minor specialty, the technic of con- setting 'til the magic hour of - 11 :30! January, the beginning of a new year. turn we will give you a laugh insur­ This mental stimulus having travelled ance guaranteeing each' one two hours ducting diagQos,es, managing clinics, Then, presto! You are you. of giggles. and administering hospitals. along a neuron pathway until it strikes a snag, the association areas with which Similarly, continues Dr. Finney, the Resolutions . major specialty of the educator's pro­ he is fully equipped-he is the mytho- N. A. A. Sponsors ScintillatinG' Tri- fession is the body of knowledge, skills logical member of the A class who is 0 and ideals to be taught; its minor spe­ There are so many fallacious ideas not a moron--give him an idea, and he bute to Terpsichore cialty is the technic of managing about resolutions in circulation that determines to m'ake a resolution. (This schools and adminis,tering systems. it surely behooves someone to make is fate, and he cannot help himself, .so N. A.A. ,Dance Feb. 8. a few corrections. It is thought, for in­ do not blame him when he breaks it later on.) Seated at his desk, he writes Turn your calendars over to Feb­ Part Taken for Whole stance, that a resolution must be made only at New Year's; that it must in­ something like this: "Resolved, that I ruary,folks. See the red 22 for Wash­ "What the educators have done is evitably be broken in a few weeks; will no longer waste time on women ington's birthday? Well, just count up to equate the minor specialty of their and. that during its short lifetime it and movies, but that I will faithfully two spaces and put a nice red ring own profession with the total specialty must be given constant publicity. These prepare my work throughout the com­ around the number 8. And speaking of of the other professions. They have ideas are objectilOnable enough, but ing year." Then with a comfortable Washington, honestly, George himself mistaken a part for the whole and the there is yet a worse requirement for sigh he falls asleep. couldn't be more truthful than I am lesser part at that; with the result that the customary resolution, that ideal Of course the very next time there is when I tell you that you are due for the lesser part tends to monopolize of all confirmed, January-first resolv­ a moon our hero will be right back a perfect evening when you come to their attention altogether, to the neg­ ers. It is an unwritten law among them on his old stamping-ground. At the first the N. A. A. dance, Feb. 8. lect and even disparagement by them that resolutions shall be made for the opportunity he will recline at the Prin­ The affair is advertised as formal of the major part. It is as if the doc­ express purpose of prohibiting them­ cess Theater for a pleasant hour and a but don't get scared, boys, you don't tors, in their professional education, selves f.rom something in which they half divided beltween admiration of h~ve to wear claw-hammers; tuxedos paid attention almost entirely to the find enjoyment. How much better it Greta Garbo and g·entle slumber. His w1ll do - and you know I'll bet it will technic of managing offices, conduct­ would be if energy and effort were reason for breaking the resolution is be :worth a ticket just to see our young ing clinics, and administering hospitals co?served for resolving not to do the clear, I think: he never liked the re­ ladles as they'll look that night. to the neglect of anatomy, physiology, thmgs which they heartily dislike I solution anyway. The obvious, sensible thing to do is to make a resolution . All I have to say about the music pathology, and materia medica." For purposes of illustration, let us lS that Burke of Brockton will play. Dr, Finney calls society the edu­ take a student at Bridgewater Normal which he will not wish to break. John H you haven't heard of Burke, you cator's patient, the sodal institutions School. It is New Year's Eve, or short­ should frame his resolution in this man­ probably think Rudy Vallee is a pet the anatomy he must study, the social ly after. (Sometimes the inspiration ner: "Resolved, that I will never do name for an impolite male servant. processes his physiology, while the in­ ~omes a bit late.) John D. Frog has today what I can put off till tomorrow". tellectual resources of 'the social herit­ Just come back from a riotous evening Then if he should happen to come home If you miss this dance you'll feel age are his materia medica. The cur­ of walking in the vicinity of Campus early enough so that he has time to really chagrined when you hear the riculum is his prescription. Pond, pleasantly topped off with a worry about the next day's work, his rest of the school talking about it for­ (Reprinted from the January bulletin movie at the Princess Theater. Strange­ : reasoning would be something like this: w~eks afterwards; (and they certainly IIThere's a moon way up high, da da wIll); so get your ticket right now and of the Journal of the N. E. A.) ly ,e?-ough he seems to lack that after­ prepare for a treat: fee!mg .
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