IMMOBILIZATION OF HIGH LEVEL WASTE IN SYNROC A. JOSTSONS and K. D. REEVE, Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Lucas Heights Research Laboratories, Locked Mail Bag No. 1 , Menai, N'SW 223-i Australia Telephone (02) 543-3111, Telex AA 24552 ABSTRACT occurring radioactive elements in a variety of geological cnvi ronmi.-nt s . Synroc. a polyphase titan, boina developed in Australia as a second generation The Synroc strategy for HLW immobiliza- waste form for the immobilization of high- tion was developed in 1978 by Ringwood and 3 11 level waste (HLW) from nuclear plants. The colleagues ' at the Australian National wasteform, produced by reactive hot -press i n _.-,,- University (ANU). The Australian Atomic has excellent resistance to leaching and there Energy Commission (AAEC) began studii-*. on is good evidence that the long-term release Synroc in collaboration with the ANU in 1979 rate of elements from Synroc will be of the and the program has expanded with strong order of 10~" - ] 0~s g/m2 per day at 90°C. support from the Australian Department of The durability of Synroc is not affected . Resources and Energy and the National Energy, significantly by impurities normally present Research, Development and Demonstration Pro- in liquid waste from reprocessing operations gram (NERDDP). This aupport has enabled the and is not sensitive to fluctuations in the construction at Lucas Heights of an inactive composition of the waste-stream. Reducing Synroc demonstration pilot plant with a capa- conditions prevalent during Synroc fabrication city of 10 kg/h of Synroc. Apart: from the ensure that the losses of volatiles such as Cs AAEC and ANU, other groups in Australia are and Ru are restricted to levels of around 0.17« engaged in Synroc research, the most signifi- or better. The important physical properties cant of these being Griffith University, of Synroc are also superior to those of cur- Queensland, which has attracted NERDD1' sup- rent generation wasteforms, allowing greater port . flexibility of options in managing storage and eventual disposal of high-level waste. The Australian Synroc. program benelitid s i gn i f i can t 1 v f*-om thf U.S. pr^grirr on alter- INTRODUCTION native waste forms in the early 1980s. Cur- rently, the major Synroc research outside For about three decades, research on Australia is proceeding under the cover of high—level waste (HLW) immobilization has been bilateral R & D agreements with Italy, Japan under way in many countries resulting in the and the U.K. choice of borosi1icate glass as a first generation waste encapsulation medium. The This paper summarizes our current under- first continuous commercial scale production standing of Synroc as a waste form, its chemi- of vitrified waste was achieved in 1978 in the cal durability and fabrication. AVM plant at Marcoule, France. This technology has been further scaled up in THE SYNKOC PHASE ASSEMBLAGE plants under construction at La Hague in France, and Sellafield in the U.K. ' Addi- Synroc-C, a formulation chosen for the tional vitrification plants based on the Joule encapsulation of HLW from the reprocessing of ceramic melter have been constructed2 or are commercial light water reactor spent fuel, under construction. consists mainly of zirconolite CaZrTi2O7, barium hollandite Ba(Al,Ti)2 Ti6 0,6, perov- Synroc, a polyphase titanate ceramic, is skite CaTiO3 and rutile TiO,. A combination an advanced waste form which is receiving of the first three phases has the capacity to attention as a possible candidate for second accept most of the elements present in HLW. generation waste management. The major phases Under the redox conditions chosen for Synroc in Synroc are similar to naturally occurring fabrication a number of waste elements are minerals known to have retained naturally reduced to the. metallic state and form alloys 537 which are microencapsulatod within the tita- modification by cation ordering, crystallo- natc phases. The composition and mineralogy of graphic shear, or twinning on a unit cell scale Synroc-C is given in Table. 1. is an important mechanism for enhancing the capacity of Synroc phases to immobilize HLW and Table 1. Composition and Mineralogy of imparting flexibility to respond to inevitable Synroc-C variations in waste-stream composition. Composition % Mineralogy (approx wt.%' The "forgiving" nature of Synroc is fur- TiO2 57.=~1 hollandite 30 ther enhanced by the occurrence of spontaneous ZrO2 5.3 zirconolite 30 adjustments in the proportions of phases in the Al2O3 4.3 perovskite 20 Synroc assemblage in response to variations in BaO A.5 TiO2 + minor ph'ases 15 the waste-stream. One formulation of the Synroc CaO 8.8 allovs 5 constituents shown in Table 1 can immobilize a HLW 20 10.15 or 2O7= HLW loading without diminution in durabi lity.'3 Thus , a Synroc-C with a nominal 107„ HLW loading can accept fluctuations of An important aspect of Synroc solid state ±100% in the level of each constituent of the chemistry is the use of the Ti-TiO2 buffering waste-stream. system provided by the reaction between the excess TiO of the formulation and titanium 2 The Synroc microstructure is tine grained, metal powder added to tho calcined powder M v:m,with alloy phases with diameters in the before hot-pressing. The resultant non- range 0.01 - 0.1 pm encapsulated by the tita- stoichiometric rutile (actually Ti 0 nates. Transmission electron microscopy re- Magnel'i i• phasesi ;\ provide. • s a suppl, y on,2n-r i veals the presence of intergranular glassy Ti3 which stabilizes hollandite and increases films 1 - 3 nm thick.'" The glassy phase also the solubility limit of caesium therein ' . occurs at triple grain junctions. These glassy The buffer also controls the oxygen fugacity, films are not continuous, are rich in process ensuring that most noble metal species in HLW contaminants and usually caesium, and generally are reduced to the metallic state, and pre- account for less than XX of the total volume.' vents the formation of water soluble phases containing caesium. An excess of non- stoichiometric rutile provides Synroc with the CHEMICAL DURABILITY capability to react to unexpected fluctuations in the HLW stream composition. The partition- The most rigorous test of the chemical ing of HLW species in Synroc is summarized in durability of a waste form is provided by Table 2. leaching under conditions where the leach solu- tion remains undersaturated with respect to the wasteform. We use the MCC-l'5 test with regu- Table 2. Partitioning of HLW Species in lar replacement of leachant to measure the Synroc Host Phases""' intrinsic immobilization capacity of the waste form and to evaluate the effects of processing hollandite: Cs, Ba, Rb variables on the durability of Synroc. In all •zirconolite: U, Zr, tetravalent actinides cases, the leach rate of each element from the perovskite: Sr, Na, rare earths and tri- wastpform is calculated from the formula valent and tetravalent. actinides alloy: Mo, Ru, Rh, Pd, Te Differential leach rate (g/ni2 per d) = fraction of element * Lesser amounts of rare earths are also contained in leached x W/At zirconolite, whereas perovskito incorporates significant amounts of uranium. The TiO does not contain significant 2 where W is the initial mass of the test speci- - quantities of HLW species apart from Zr. men in grams, A is the geometric surface area Trace amounts of other phases are usually of the specimen in square metres, and t is the found but generally they do not contain signi- time in days. cant amounts of HLW species. Thus, in Synroc-C incorporating waste with high Na contents. Figure 1 shows the leach rates of the more White8 has observed freudenbergite, nomi- soluble elements in Synroc at 90 C. The rapid nally Na2Al2Ti6 016 which was previously obser- decrease in these leach rates with time is cha- ved in ceramic waste forms by Morgan et al.' racteristic of Synroc and makes the accurate Monazite (Ce,Nd)P0i, is invariably present if determination of long-term leach rates diffi- phosphorus is a contaminant of the HLW.8 cult because conventional methods, such as inductively coupled plasma and atomic absorp- The three major Synroc phases have a range tion spectroscopy, have insufficient sensiti- of cation acceptor sites and various substitu- vity. To overcome this difficulty, and to tion mechanisms which ensure that the solid generate results for the more leach-resistant solubility of HLW species in the host phases is fission products, a hot-cell line was construc- extensive.10 White et al.11, White12, and Kesson ted at Lucas Heights to incorporate into Synroc 99 m and White5'6 have demonstrated that structural a waste solution from the Mo/" Tc production 538 line. The resultan t leach data obtained bv constituents intersecting the specimen surfacesurf . Y-counting is shown in Figure 2. The so leach Elements such as caesium have been identifiied rates .ire based on total activity in the in the glassy regions. Actiniae elements, leaching vessel and include adsorbed and sus- usually simulated in inactive studies by ponded radionuclic s. The- results ag.iin show uranium, have not been detected in intergranu- the incongrucnt dis solution of Synroc over the lar films, which could explain the low initial period investigated and indicate that the total leach rates of this group of elements. leach rates of the rare earths, ruthenium and zirconium approach IXICT". g/m2 per d after three weeks. From 80-1007 of the ram earths and zirconium, and 1 roin 50-70», ol tlie ruthenium are removed by lilt ration through a <).hb yni Cs137 f iiter sug^e F> L i ng I hal most ol 1 h";H' c 1 oiwu ' Ba1«0 are uresent in l!ie le.ulute as 1 suspension.
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