LIST OF REGISTRED DRUGS IN ARMENIA (01.03.2017-31.03.2017) International nonproprietary name Dose and Registration Term of Legal Status N Trade name Drug form Manufacturer Country ATC1 code License holder (generic) or active packaging number registration for Supply ingredients name Eli Lilly Regional Lilly France S.A.S., Operations GmbH., solution for 100IU/ml, Zone Industrielle, 2 17.03.2017 1 Abasaglar insulin glargine France A10AE04 16535 PoM2 Koelblgasse 8-10, injection 3ml cartridges (5) rue du Colonel Lilly, 17.03.2022 1030, Vienna, 67640 Fegersheim Austria Olainfarm JSC, 5 300mg, Olainfarm JSC, 5 06.03.2017 Rupnicu Str., 2 Adaptol mebicar capsules hard in blister (20/2x10/, Rupnicu Str., Olaine, Latvia N06BX21 16440 PoM 06.03.2022 Olaine, LV-2114, 30/3x10/, 40/4x10/) LV-2114 Latvia Olainfarm JSC, 5 Olainfarm JSC, 5 500mg, 06.03.2017 Rupnicu Str., 3 Adaptol mebicar tablets Rupnicu Str., Olaine, Latvia N06BX21 16441 PoM in blister (20/2x10/) 06.03.2022 Olaine, LV-2114, LV-2114 Latvia 10mg, Pharmstandard- OTCPharm PJSC, fabomotizole in blisters Leksredstva JSC, 27.03.2017 123317, Moscow, 4 Afobazol (fabomotizole tablets (30/1x30/, 60/3x20/, 305022, Kursk, Russia N05BX04 14729/2 PoM 30.07.2020 Testovskaya str., 10, dihydrochloride) 60/2x30/, 90/3x30/, Agregatnaya 2nd str., Russia 120/4x30/) 1a/18 Gedeon Richter 15mg/g, Gedeon Richter PLC, 17.03.2017 PLC, Gyomroi ut 5 Airtal aceclofenac cream 60g aluminium Gyomroi ut 19-21, Hungary M01AB16 16514 OTC3 17.03.2022 19-21, 1103 tube 1103 Budapest Budapest, Hungary 1 Gedeon Richter PLC, Gyomroi ut 19-21, 1103 Budapest - batch releaser, Industrias Gedeon Richter Farmaceuticas powder for oral 100mg, 17.03.2017 PLC, Gyomroi ut 6 Airtal aceclofenac Almirall S.L., Ctra. Hungary M01AB16 16515 PoM suspension 3g sachet (20) 17.03.2022 19-21, 1103 Nacional II, Km. 593, Budapest, Hungary Sant Andreu de la Barca, Barcelona, 08740, Spain-bulk manufacturer, packager BIOPHARMA BIOPHARMA PLASMA LLC, 37, solution for 100mg/ml, PLASMA LLC, 9M. 27.03.2017 Kyivska St., Bila 7 Albumin-Biopharma human albumin Ukraine B05AA01 11989/1 PoM infusion 50ml glass bottle: Amosova St, Kyiv, 07.12.2017 Tserkva, Kyiv 03680 region, 09100, Ukraine BIOPHARMA BIOPHARMA PLASMA LLC, 37, solution for 100mg/ml, PLASMA LLC, 9M. 27.03.2017 Kyivska St., Bila 8 Albumin-Biopharma human albumin Ukraine B05AA01 11990/1 PoM infusion 100ml glass bottle: Amosova St, Kyiv, 07.12.2017 Tserkva, Kyiv 03680 region, 09100, Ukraine BIOPHARMA BIOPHARMA PLASMA LLC, 37, solution for 200mg/ml, PLASMA LLC, 9M. 27.03.2017 Kyivska St., Bila 9 Albumin-Biopharma human albumin Ukraine B05AA01 11991/1 PoM infusion 50ml glass bottle Amosova St, Kyiv, 07.12.2017 Tserkva, Kyiv 03680 region, 09100, Ukraine BIOPHARMA BIOPHARMA PLASMA LLC, 37, solution for 200mg/ml, PLASMA LLC, 9M. 27.03.2017 Kyivska St., Bila 10 Albumin-Biopharma human albumin Ukraine B05AA01 11992/1 PoM infusion 100ml glass bottle Amosova St, Kyiv, 07.12.2017 Tserkva, Kyiv 03680 region, 09100, Ukraine 2 S.C.Biotehnos S.A., Str. Gorunului nr. 3- 5, Otopeni, Jud. Ilfov, 075100- batch releaser, secondary S.C.Biotehnos S.A., 0,1ml/ml, packager, S.C. Str. Gorunului nr. 3- bioactive concentrate solution for 06.03.2017 11 Alflutop 2ml ampoules, Zentiva S.A., Romania M09AX02 16453 PoM 5, Otopeni, Jud. from small sea fish injection 06.03.2022 in blister (5/1x5/) Theodor Pallady Blvd Ilfov, 075100, nr. 50, sector 3, Romania 032266 Bucharest, Romania- bulk manufacturer, primary packager S.C.Biotehnos S.A., Str. Gorunului nr. 3- 5, Otopeni, Jud. Ilfov, 075100- batch releaser, secondary S.C.Biotehnos S.A., 0,1ml/ml, packager, S.C. Str. Gorunului nr. 3- bioactive concentrate solution for 06.03.2017 12 Alflutop 1ml ampoules, Zentiva S.A., Romania M09AX02 16454 PoM 5, Otopeni, Jud. from small sea fish injection 06.03.2022 in blister (10/2x5/) Theodor Pallady Blvd Ilfov, 075100, nr. 50, sector 3, Romania 032266 Bucharest, Romania- bulk manufacturer, primary packager SIC SIC "Borshchahivskiy "Borshchahivskiy Chemical- Chemical- ambroxol (ambroxol 30mg, 01.03.2017 13 Ambroxol hydrochloride tablets Pharmaceutical Ukraine R05CB06 16483 OTC Pharmaceutical hydrochloride) in blister (20/2x10/) 01.03.2022 Plant" PJSC, 17, Mira Plant" PJSC, 17, St, Kyiv, 03134 Mira St, Kyiv, 03134, Ukraine 3 DL-methionine, L- leucine, L-valine, L- isoleucine, L-threonine, 9,2mg+9,15mg+ L-tryptophan, L- 5mg+5mg+5mg+ GL Corporation, phenylalanine, L-lysine 5mg+5mg+25mg+ Hankook Korus Woori Venture (L-lysine 1000IU+100IU+ Pharm Co., Ltd, 30, Tower 201, 70, hydrochloride), vitamin 10mg+2,5mg+ 06.03.2017 14 Amivit-Asteria capsules Gangjeo-ro, Jecheon- Korea South A11JC 16435 OTC Seonyu-ro, A, vitamin D2, vitamin 1,5mg+10mg+ 06.03.2022 Si, Chungcheongbuk- YoungDeungPo- E, vitamin B1, vitamin 5mg+2.5mg+ do Ku, Seoul, South B2, vitamin B3, vitamin 0,5mcg+100mcg+ Korea B6, calcium 25mg, pantothenate, vitamin in blister (30/3x10/) B12, folic acid, vitamin C Pharmaceutical 10mg, Pharmaceutical Company in blister (50/1x50/, Company "Zdorovye" propranolol (propranolol 17.03.2017 "Zdorovye" LLC, 15 Anaprilin-Zdorovye tablets 50/5x10/), LLC, 61013, Ukraine C07AA05 16516 PoM hydrochloride) 17.03.2022 61013, Kharkov, in plastic container Kharkov, Shevchenko str., 22, (50) Shevchenko str., 22 Ukraine Pharmaceutical 40mg, Pharmaceutical Company in blister (50/1x50/, Company "Zdorovye" propranolol (propranolol 17.03.2017 "Zdorovye" LLC, 16 Anaprilin-Zdorovye tablets 50/5x10/), LLC, 61013, Ukraine C07AA05 16517 PoM hydrochloride) 17.03.2022 61013, Kharkov, in plastic container Kharkov, Shevchenko str., 22, (50) Shevchenko str., 22 Ukraine Remedica Ltd, Remedica Ltd, 1mg, Aharnon street, Aharnon street, 13.03.2017 17 Aremed anastrozole tablets film-coated in blisters Cyprus L02BG03 14684/1 PoM Limassol Industrial Limassol Industrial 29.06.2020 (28/2x14/) Estate, 3056 Estate, 3056 Limassol Limassol, Cyprus l'Alleud GlaxoSmithKline hydroxyzine UCB Pharma S.A., Export Ltd., 980 25mg, 13.03.2017 18 Atarax (hydroxyzine tablets film-coated Chemin du Foriest, B- Belgium N05BB01 15024/1 PoM Great West Road, in blister (25/1x25/) 02.12.2020 hyrochloride) 1420 Braine Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9GS, UK 4 Boehringer fenoterol (fenoterol Ingelheim Istituto de Angeli hydrobromide), 500mcg/ml+ International S.R.L. Loc. Prulli, 06.03.2017 19 Berodual ipratropium bromide solution inhalation 261mcg/ml, Italy R03AL01 16436 PoM GmbH, Binger 103/C 50066 06.03.2022 (ipratropium bromide 20ml glass container Strasse 173, 55216 Reggello, Firenze monohydrate) Ingelheim am Rhein, Germany Boehringer Boehringer Ingelheim Ingelheim Pharma 100mcg/dose, International fenoterol (fenoterol aerosol for GmbH & Co. KG, 31.03.2017 20 Berotec N 10ml aluminium Germany R03AC04 12208/1 PoM GmbH, Binger hydrobromide) inhalation Binger Strasse 173, D- 07.03.2018 bottle Strasse 173, 55216 55216 Ingelheim am Ingelheim am Rhein Rhein, Germany Alkaloid AD Alkaloid AD Skopje, Skopje, Blvd. ibuprofen (ibuprofen 200mg, Blvd. Aleksandar 06.03.2017 21 Caffetin Lady tablets film-coated Macedonia M01AE01 16458 OTC Aleksandar lysinate) in blister (10/1x10/) Makedonski 12, 1000 06.03.2022 Makedonski 12, Skopje 1000 Skopje Veyx-Pharma GmbH, Sohreweg 6, 34639 Schwarzenborn- calcium gluconate batch releaser, Veyx-Pharma (calcium gluconate 380mg/ml+ secondary packager, GmbH, Sohreweg monohydrate), solution for 60mg/ml+50mg/ml, QA12; 17.03.2017 22 Calciveyxol 38 Bela-Pharma GmbH Germany 16512 PoM 6, 34639 magnesium chloride infusion 500ml plastic bottle veterinary drug 17.03.2022 & Co.KG, Lohner Str. Schwarzenborn, (magnesium chloride (1, 12) 19, Vechta, Germany hexahydrate), boric acid Niedersachsen, 49377, Germany- bulk manufacturer, primary packager 5 Borisov Medical Borisov Medical Preparations Plant Preparations Plant 1000mg, OJSC, 64/27, cefazolin (cefazolin powder for solution OJSC, 64/27, 13.03.2017 23 Cefazolin glass vial (1, 10, Belarus J01DB04 11972/1 PoM Chapayev str., sodium) for injection Chapayev str., 19.11.2017 270) Borisov 222120, Borisov 222120, Minsk oblast, Minsk oblast Belarus Sopharma JSC, str. Sopharma JSC, str. 25mg, 17.03.2017 24 Cinnarizine Sopharma cinnarizine tablets Iliensko shosse 16, Bulgaria N07CA02 16513 PoM Iliensko shosse 16, in blister (50/1x50/) 17.03.2022 1220 Sofia 1220 Sofia, Bulgaria "Sotex"PharmFirm" "Sotex"PharmFirm" CJSC, Bld. 10, 11, 12, CJSC, Bld. 11, village Belikovo, village Belikovo, 250mg/ml, rural settlement rural settlement citicoline (citicoline solution for i/v and 06.03.2017 25 CITOLEPT 4ml ampoules, Bereznjakovskoe, Russia N06BX06 16449 PoM Bereznjakovskoe, sodium) i/m injection 06.03.2022 in blister (5/1x5/) Sergiev-Posad Sergiev-Posad municipal district, municipal district, Moscow Region, Moscow Region, 141345 141345, Russia "Sotex"PharmFirm" "Sotex"PharmFirm" CJSC, Bld. 10, 11, 12, CJSC, Bld. 11, village Belikovo, village Belikovo, 125mg/ml, rural settlement rural settlement citicoline (citicoline solution for i/v and 06.03.2017 26 CITOLEPT 4ml ampoules, Bereznjakovskoe, Russia N06BX06 16450 PoM Bereznjakovskoe, sodium) i/m injection 06.03.2022 in blister (5/1x5/) Sergiev-Posad Sergiev-Posad municipal district, municipal district, Moscow Region, Moscow Region, 141345 141345, Russia 6 Medac GmbH, Theaterstrasse 6, 22880 Wedel - secondary packager, batch releaser Medac GmbH, powder for solution 200mg, (Oncotec Pharma 31.03.2017 Theaterstrasse 6, 27 Dacarbazine medac dacarbazine for injection or Germany L01AX04 13771/2 PoM glass vial (10) Production GmbH, 05.09.2019 22880 Wedel, infusion Am Pharmapark, Germany 06861 Dessau- Rosslau, Germany - bulk
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