• , ~ -- nnt AND MAT"ILDA,. ADVOCATE Authorized as Second Class Mail, VOL. XXV, No. 4 Post Office Department. Ottawa IROQUOIS, ONT., THURSDAY. JUNE 6, 1946 $1.50 per Year in Advan-.:e () () () 04 () () O•W () National Clothing Local Masons BOWLING NOTES 1 "The Store That Appreciates Your Trade" :I: Birthstone for May .r. •:• Collection June 17~29 On Monday evening last the first I i•-----------------------------:!: Attend Knox Church mixed jitney of the season was held ·t •:• by the local Bowling Club. EMERALD From June 17th to June 29th has An impressive service was held in Sixteen members took part and a been officially designated for the Na­ Knox l'resbyterian Church 1ast Sun­ fine evening-'s play was enjoyed. in 10kt. Gold at $7.SO tional Clothing Collection. The local day morning when approximately Messrs. 'l'hos. Hargreaves and Ray plus tax I Footwear I committee which will again be head­ 50 members of Friendly Bros. ~a­ Parmeter were the men prize win­ y ❖ ed by John W. Marcellus as chair­ y ~ sonic Lodg-e, Iroquois, and visiting ners and Mrs. A. G. Bowden and Mrs. • l * i man are .already making extensive brethren were in attendance. Garnet Loucks were the lady prize J. C. GILDER {: We have just received a large shipment of the popular :!: plans to make this collection a far The service opened with hymn winners. greater success than last year•~ col­ 118, followed by prayer. The On Monday evening next; June Jeweler & Optician ~ ❖ lect ion. In our next issue full details Scripture lesson was taken from 1 0tb, a similar jitney will be held IROQUOIS ONTARIO will be given. Ecc1esiastes, 12th chapter. An an­ with prizes awarded. All wishing to :;: ''Health Shoes" :i: A letter signed by 42 children at­ • • ❖ them, '·Close to His Side" by the take part are asked to be at the i ❖ tending school in Warsaw, written in choir followed. greens at 7.15 ~.m. so that play can - • ,. • • • • !~' ,, ' ' l: l, • ~ ', '•' • :~: for children, in brown or white, Oxfords and Boots. :!: Polish, sending greetings to the chil­ Rev. J. C. Hoss, the pastor, de­ get under way promptly at 7.30. ~ ❖ dren of Can.ada and expressing livered a splendid and inspi1ing ad­ ❖. •:•❖ thanks for thet gifts of clothing that dress. He chose as his text, 1st TO CLEAN A BOTTLE shake it well. Afterwards empty X * o were sent to them from the Domin­ Kings, chapter 7, verses 21 and 22. and rinse and the glass should be ••· Our Misses and Childrens lines are very complete. ❖ ion by the Imperial Order, Daughters His adpress was based on the two One of the best ways to clean a clean and shining. ;· ~.: Tans and Dlack. :!: of the Empire in Canada, has been pillows placed in the porch of Solo­ bottle, especially if it is sticky or If sawdust is not available, news-­ ~ •:• forwarded by the Polish Democratic mon's temple in the City of Jeru­ oily, is to put in a big spoonful of paper pulp or tea leaves will do very­ t: A good assortment of Ladies and Growing Girls Brown :!: Association to national headquarters salem. Mr. Ross stressed the need sawdust or bran, moving it about so well, and another good clean.er X or Black, Low, Military and Cuban heel Ties, of the Clothing Collection campaign, of faith, stability and strength and that the inside is well coated. Then which can afterwards be kept in ;s. :f: as indicative of the feelings that are quarter fill with cold water, and small bottle for future use is a mix­ l' Oxfords and Pomps ❖ com'teous consideration toward one X . ❖ arnused in the recipients by such another, also the importance of holding the hand over the mouth, ture of vinegar and lead shot- 1• Men's Oxfords in Brown or Black. A good assortment :f: donations. <:naracter in the future of the world, "We, the children of public school and the advance for the Kingdom I of different styles to choose from. :!: in Warsaw, thank you most heartily on earth and the need of brothe_rly for sweaters and woollen caps that Jove and affection. () () () () () () () 0 you sent to us. These g'ifts were Mrs. James Fenton rendered a very useful and at the same time vocal solo, "Bless this House." Men's Dress Weight Sweater Coats SEELY BROS. they warmed our hearts," reads the The service ended with the hymn i i translation of this letter. "Blest be the tie that binds" follQw­ Men's Sport Shirts ;; Phone 26 IROQUOIS, Ont. ... "Our fatherland is now a land of ed by the benediction. t ❖ graves and ruins. We live in the Men's Garters most tragic and the most ruined city () () () () () () () () of Europe. For almost six years we Men's Arm Bands were very unhappy. We were not Fish And Gaine allowed to love our country. Our fathers and mothers w ere murdered Club Meeting in the camps, executed on the streets Wool by the_ ball at 15c, 18c and 25c. 011 burned in the gas chambers be- ca use the:v loved their country. Many A public and committee meeting of om: children were killed or perish of the Iroquois Fish and Game As­ BOLTONS' Iroquois, Ont. ed. ·w e have seen the blood run in sociation was held on May 21st. streams arid other awful things. Did Business was discussed and the fol­ () () () () () () 0 the children of ·b eautiful Canada lowing prizes for 1945 season know of all this? awarded. The Owner Serve•· The Buyer Save• "But in spite of the suffering we Pickerel-1, s_ A. Thompson, 4 have not lost courage. Just as soon lbs. 5 ozs. as the enemy was driven out of our Bass-1, Robt. Smith, 2 lbs.; 2, () () () () () 0 () land we have gone to work. We have Robt. Martin, 1 lb., 10 ozs. NEW PORT FLUFFS unfaltering hope that we shall re- Mud Pout- 1, Robt. Smith, 1 lb. build our country. 8 oz.; 2. Reg. Montpetit, 1 lb. 2 oz,;. That famous Puffed Wheat Cereal in four size pack­ "Sweaters and caps sent to us· Perch- 1, S. A. Thompson, 1 lb. SELECTED FINEST ages, 3 wifh premiums at 19c. 25c and 39c. and 25 quarts from Canada bring more than pro- 4 ozs.; 2,Reg. Montpetit, 1 lb. 2 ozs. tection from cold. During geography On April 23rd, 1945, Reeve J. F. size, no premium, at 49c. Include a package with your lesson we look with love to the map Hadley and a Government agent GROCERIES MEATS next order. · of Canada. And we remembeT that placed 500,000 pickerel in the river over there, far beyond the seas, lives here, and on Jnue 1st, 1945, l _O,a Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a noble nation which understands our 000 maskinomre were placed in the Large red Juicy Watermelons now on hand practically plight. We send our best wishes to river b:v Reeve Hadley and Arthur Complete Customer Satisfaction every day, the noble organization and our greet- Banford. Grapefruit, Oranges, Pineapples. Lemons, also Bap­ ings to all the children of Canada., , A Sports committee composed of Public schools Ko. 93 and 186, 12,:, · Don Thompson, \V. Hagerty, G. Choice Red and anas when available. Czerniakowska Ulica, Warsaw." Perrault and • Reg . iviv ..._.,- --- was selection Blue Brand Beef, Young Por~ Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Tomatoes, Cucum­ In forwarding this letter to the appointed. Aged Veal. Grade A Fowl and a large selection ' of Cooked Meats and Fresh Fish. bers, etc. Canadian Allied Relief which is s pon- It _was decided to hold ~he annual •.. soring the second ~othing drive, W. meetmg the last w:eek m ~ovem­ .:. Local grow·n Asparagus fresh daily, Dutkiewicz, general secretary of the ber also that . a _µriz~ be given to •!• Polish Democratic Associati-on states: the person weighmg m the l_arg_est •!• •!• "While in Poland I- saw evidence of variety of fish. •!• DIP FOAM, new price 29c~ J ·SANIFLUSH 29c See us for Garden and Flower Seeds of all kinds. Grass Canadian aid in every cjty, town anq _Tickets :£or 1946 may now be ob­ •!• village. Used ,clothing from Canada tamed from Messrs. Arthur Ban­ Seed, Clover Seeds. Fertilizer, Seed Potatoes, also is being distributed to the needy all rford, F. J . Hadley, Don 'l'hoIJ!pson,. l= For Extra Vitamins Table Potatoes which are-·becoming very scarce. Get ... over the country. I want to assure W. H ag_erty, G. P~l'l'ault, Reg. .:. OVALTINE and Minerals 58c and 98c your supply today, you that to me it was the, greatest M?ntpetit, Robt. Smith and Wm. .:. thing I saw on my visit, fol' Canada Wilson. .:... has done a great work of relief in The financial statement was as .•:• Limited supply of Certified Irish Cobbler and Green Polan<l, and the Polish people are follows: ... Mountain Seed Potatoes still on hand. Also a few Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday most grateful- Canada is held in RECEIPTS 100-lb. bags of firm Eating Potatoes very high esteem by the people of Cash in Bank Jan. 1, 1946__ $ 30.15 ·'· 85 tickets at 25c each___________ 21.25 ·'·.•..:. Blue Ribbon Coffee, 8 lbs. utility jar, per jar ..• $1.59 Poland." .:. Canned Peas, 8 tins . - •••...• - . • • • • . • • . • 42c •!• $ 51.40 •!• Values Effective Saturday and Monday Jackson's Roman Mee.I, per pkg................ 29c EXPENDITURES •!• Quaker Muffetts, 2 pkgs. • • • . • . • • • • • • • • • . • . • 19c WEDDING Telephone _________ ______ -------$ .46 ...•:• • R 6th and 7th Rib Bones Quaker Oats, per pkg . , ....• - . • . • . • 28c Advertising ____________ ___ _ . 50 .:. 42c Me_mb~rship_ cards _______________ •!• Rib oast Inside Roll,IBoneleas, per lb. Frosty Mix Ice Cream Powder, per pkg.
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