M o ^ cloo^ wltb eMtttDiied aaDd te ta p m ip a n toa^i^ 'ttid ¥ M v » • PRICE TGDEffiE C E It^ ’ SOCTO MiNCHESTBK, COW. ra«I« f , PAGES) yOL. XLV^iJO. 38. (OsMifled A^dvertiiiaf on Fnge IS.) •r POORBOUSE INMATES.____ Germ an Arm y H orsem en W in In^rriatrona DOUBLE OtA^ TO HELP THE NEEDY m Pittsburgh, Nov. 13.— (AP.)— This unemployment situatloin— FOILS A1TEMFT the hiingiy, -tlie destitute—is .‘a live topic among the inmates of the A lle^eny • county^ poor farm, and they-'have decided they too TOBRMHARK can help i^eve the suffering. The Cliristmas baskets’ sent annually to them by the .Luther­ an Inner hDision Society-^-^ger- 19 Firemen and Seven Po- -r. Bodi Endurance Plane and ly anticipated weeks before— must ^ to the city’s nee<^ this ficm n^ Die W ide Trymg Its Snpidy Ship Come To year, they haves agreed and have ’ so notified the* society. The bas­ kets are worth $1,000. Concerning U. S. Ttip To Rescne Victims In Earth— None of the Fonr 1 Lyons— Ten Houses Col­ Berlin, Nov. i3.4-(AP)—Professor ^ Fliers Serionsly Injnred. Albert Einstein today ^ denied him- solute^ ,);^official M d is tO be^ un­ SPEED UP PLANS self to visitors who sought to learn dertaken tor vesea^ pur^sM. lapse — Army Engineer^ more about his proposed visit to the Sheadded he had not Intended to New York, Nov. 13.—(AP.)—An United States eeirly next year. deliver any lectures wMe in tte attempt to break the world’s endur­ FOR SHORT TERM Inquirers were told by his wife United States, but ufight possibly Called To Help In Rescue that her husband could not be dis- consider, toe o r ^ at ? ance flying record ended in double ^ i The Jewito Telegraphic Agency misfortune early today when th.3 “We are greatjy annoyed that annoyed. ye^rday^«t_^te^ « Work— Stories of Eye­ plane “American Legion” burned in President Asks Parties To news of my husband’s projected voy- Etesfeitt a forced landing and its refueling ^ to America has le^ed out," she and sa il^ m Antwerp on the Bel- witnesses. said “Albert is opposed to-public- genland Dec. ship, “Miss Queens,” fell into Jama­ Co-operate So Tkat No ity about it emd will not receive any- world cruise, but ttat he will lea.ve ica Bay near the Jamaica Sea body to discuss it. N o pne is to the sWp .at^San^ Francisco shortly Airport. know the time, place or the purpose after New s. Lyons, France, Nov. 13.— (AP.);— Captain John S. Donaldson, pro­ Extra Session Be Needed, ' k ''"*' . ' '' -— ■■■ A catastrophic landslide taking /the moter and pilot of the endurance lives of between sixty told one hun­ ship, was uninjured, but his co-pilot, ■Edward Weimer, former war flier, dred persons hsis thrown the entire/ suffered a broken ankle and lacera­ Washington, Nov.' 13.—(AP) — city of Lyons into mourptog. An administration drive was on toy Thsyre the iorld'e ilneet team of mlUtary homemem M 1 ^ . S iS L S ^ S S 'a t' CALL g e n e r a l s t r ik e tions. in which four German army officers carried off. the co veted ]“ternational M iU ^ ^ p h y at New Y o«s Last night practically the entire Charles Soule, pilot of the re-fuel- day to avert a special session of the Fourvlere hill surmounted by the ing plane, and George Adams, his as­ next Congress by expediting legis­ aonual hmee ahow ^ | ? e 'e SU™''(^S'a"S ~nte?t of tld- noble Basilica of St. Jean rild into voa waldeofela, cap,^ « the sistant on the hose, were drenched lation at the December term with ON LIMA’S the city proper bringing ten houses but were pulled out of the water ♦ :jf-. / Democratic co-operation, if possible. ^ m ; Capt. L .1 McCarthy, U. S. A., interpreter; Lieutenants Haase and Momm. down in ruins. otherwise uninjured. President Hoover himself took ^ t e this afternoon, three bo<fiea The “American Legion” ran out toauding those of two firemen were of gas and was forced down on the hold, initiating conferences with leaders of the Republican forced in HAItTFOKD BROKERS recovered. Eleven injured had been edge of the seaport, catching fire as taUcen to a hospital. Twenty^seven it landed on a cement roadway. It the Senate and House. Further it NAMES W. J. SHEA developed last night the Chief Ex­ ARCHBISHOP DEFENDS persons, unhurt but badly shaken ( was destroyed. ecutive has written Senator Robin­ Martial Law After Bloody FA aiW t $100,000 up, also were being cared for at’the Loses a Wing same hospital. ' “Miss Queens” lost a wing and its son of Arkansas, the Democratic ASST. FKOSECnniR landing gear as it settled down in leader in regard to the program for Battle la Whidi Two Former Premier Herriot, mayor the approaching session. BIRTH CONTROL POUCY < ' . ■^te***#.-*Wi',4 -V* ' of Lyons for twenty-five years, was the marshes of , the bay. Its motor Hopes for <nterparty co-operation apparently was not well warmed up personally supertotendtog rescue at the short term which be^ns De­ lew is and Co. Cloie Doors; and refused to function “■**■ Americans'Were Killed.- vork, arising from a sick bed where cember 1, have been current since Judge R. A. Johnsou he had been confined for sevend ship got into the air. seven leaders of the Democratic Captain Donaldson said after the London Prelate Says It Is a SHOWDOWN IN 1932 Decline In Prices of Stocks days. , Party, including Senator Robinson, A V * J le sent to an urgent cal^ t o double crash that lack of gas and a issued a post-election statement that YouBg Attorney To Suc­ Lima, Peru, Nov. 13.—(AP)— heavy fog were responsible for the Army headquarters at Grenoble aak- the party gains would not be used Subject Impossible F6r This city’s trolley and bus service Gi?en As One of Causes. ng that two companies of engtoeera accident. As early as one o’clock, he for obstructive, purposes. ON DRY LAW ISSUE was parEdyzed and railroads were said, he radioed the refueling plane ceed Late J. E. Rowland. >e dispatched to Lyons immedlsiU^. Glass Not in Accord at a atandstiU this morning because to lead'volunteer rescue pfurties mer to ascend with fuel and it obeyed. The Democratic declaration failed tbe Cbnrcb To Ignore; cUsorganised to a certain extent.' Sovfle and Adams had just got into to satisfy at least one prominent the General Workers’ Confederation Hartfordi. Nov. 18-^(AP)— With the air when the plane refused to Democrat, Senator Carter Glass of Attorney William J. Shea was to-, had called a general strike as a re­ an estimated deficit to customers of 19 Firemen Killed Sbonld Be Discussed Fully Both Sides In Both Parties This disorganisation was causedl function and settled toward the wa­ Virginia., He denounced it last night day named Assistant Prosecuting sult of disorders in the Cerro de $100,000, the local brokerage firm of ter. Attorney by Judge Ra3rmond A . Pasco mining area where two by the death of 19 firemen and.sey- Second Plane Sent Lewis and Company was petitioned en policemen who were trapped jby (Continued On Page 3.) Agree On It — Sen. Fess Johnson, succeeding James B. Row­ Americans were killed yesterday. About five hours later a second London, Nov. 13.— (AP)—The ac­ The departments of Junto and Into receivership by Bank Commis­ second collapse at thrae o’c land who died on Sunday. Mr. Shea plane was sent aloft to make con­ tion of the recent Lambeth confer­ Lima were under martial law and sioner Lester B. Shlppee, torough this morning while attempting f to Denies He Will Resign. accepted the appointment and* was foreign refugees were Pourl^ out rascue the victims of the first land­ tact with the American Legion but ence In passing the much discussed Aaristant AttomeyOtoeral it was too late. The endurance ship STUDENTS AT YALE aworp.jn today. ' , , iv ' of t& area tows^ by ri^ slide. e n ^ » began to eputter and Captain rMoJution Ikvoi^ahle to birth control 'Julil' l’. 1981.' The Amerilito. ambassador has ^ this; afterfiOon. Tms estimated d^ Wtoe^ it stiy impossible to Donaldson glided down. As the plane under certain clrcdttBt«ie ^ ^ « » Washington, Nnv.-.13.r^(AB-i^-^ ''fW ’JudgrtMdd-Deputy Judgs <ff tts mtoded’ that the Peruvian gwert- f l c l f Is th* prt-llquidation fl^ re and: toil tea "toll »tent of the tragedy ment provida pw teqtitojor, Ameri- hit the roadway the landing gear warmly defended bjf tiie J^chb,l.shop ^maj^ in, 1988 for ptobibltipn'a OA* bjecause ,of the tons eff earth that must be removed, latest estimates was torn off and the ship burst in­ of <^tfeif1iux7'tod^ ' ' ^ Uves and to flames. Donaldson and Weimer reer^ In National politics appeared American consul at L lm ond (fll lmportattCe to-Harttord stow place the number ^ of dead between scrambled out Both were taken to Addressing the Lower House of today the objective both of its oppo­ aistiM to the evacuation^ of n r - the current depjresalon set in, ^ 60 and 100. the convocation of Canterbury over thfee-fold, according to Commia- a hospital. , - nents and some of its supporters. Sgnws and to caring for “A sinister crackUng like a thun­ The “American Legion" had flown Chemistry Head Hears That which he presided, he said it was a Either as an issue between the of John W.
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