Don't Miss The THE BREEZE Art Clubfiall! VOLUME VIII flARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA, JANUARY 18, 1930 NUMBER 13 Governor's Budget Recom- Stratfords Offer Good memds $170,000 For H.T.C. National News Performance In Playlets IF APPROPRIATION IS MADE, NEW DRAMATIC CLUB MEMBERS Hoover and Dry Law Enforcement Art Club Sponsors NEW BUILDING FOR H. T. C. Many New Books In SHOW GREAT AMOUNT BECOMES REALITY OF TALENT Library; Latest Fic- Perhaps the biggest thing before the Annual Costume country today is Hoover's message to Submitted to the Virginia General tion Is Purchased Congress on Dry Law enforcement de- Ball Tonight Presenting two one-act plays, the Assembly at Richmond, Friday, Jan- livered on January 14. He urges Con- Stratford Dramatic Club gave a uary 10, the Governor's budget car- Since the beginning of the fall gress to make more adequate provis- The Annual Art Club Fancy Dress sparkling brilliant performance Sat- ried in it an appropriation of $170,- Ball will be held tonight in the little urday night, when soine of the mem- 000 for the construction of a three- quarter a number of new books of dif- ions for enforcing the dry laws. The President offered specific re- gym at eight o'clock. The entire stu- bers appeared in "The Florist Shop," story building to contain a large audi- ferent types have been purchased for the college library. commendations for legislation design- dent body has been invited to attend by Winifred Hawkridge, and "Stop- torium, administrative offices and class ed to overcome weaknesses in the en- and everybody has been requested to pressed Desires," by Susan Glaspell rooms for Harrisonburg State Teach- The authors and titles of the fiction forcement structure. These were wear costumes. and George Cram Cook. ers College. are as follows: backed by two extensive reports from The gym will be decorated in ca- This recommendation, if passed, will D. G. Mukerji The Chief of the Herd In "The Florist Shop", a delightful the National Commission on Law En- baret style using pastel colors and a mean to H. T. C. the completion ofathe J. C. and F. Lincoln Blairs Attic skit, the characters were exceptionally forcement and Observance and memo- hugh moon as the background. Small inner chain of dormitories and admin- A. H. Bell The Red Prior's Legacy well portrayed. Virginia Thomas, as randa from the Sercetary of the Treas- tables will be placed around the walls istration as pictured in the plan of Crosboe Garstin Houp La! Mr. Slovsky, the proprietor, playel ury and the Attorney General. at which refreshments will be served. buildings. It will represent the culmi- Warwick Deeping Roper's Row her role splendidly. Her character Two outstanding recommendations Dancing will be enjoyed from eight to nation of years of work and effort Annie Parrish The Methodist Faun was decidedly outstanding. Carrie were made. The first is that the in- ten-thirty with the college orchestra made by President Samuel P. Duke. S. F. Wright Dawn Dickerson as Maude, the expensive vestigating and prosecuting functions furnishing the music. The building will in its construction, Booth Tarkington ... Penrod Jashber "arranging agent" but invaluable of the Prohibition Bureau be trans- make the fifteenth building in the en- Maza De la Roche, Whiteoakes of Jal- Helen McNeely, President of the member ofof Slovsky's staff, played an ferred from the Treasury Department tire group used for college purposes ne . Art Club, with Esther Smith will lead attractive part. Pauline Efford, play- to the Depaprtment of Justice. The on the 30-acre campus. J. B. Priestly, The Good- Companion the grand march which will form the ing the part of Miss Wells, gave one of second in importance provides that Plans for the construction of the E. Hemingway Farewell to Arms figure. At the close of the figure for- the most delightful characterizations measures be adopted for relieving con- building, if the appropriation be grant- Fannie Hurst Five and Ten mation prizes will be given for the ever given here. Elizabeth Knight as gestion in the Federal Courts due to ed, were brought before the student P. G. Wodehouse Fish Preferred best costume. Mr. Jackson, as always clever in her prohibition cases. body Monday, January 13, in chapel. J. M. Neville Mud and Glory The program for the evening is be- character portrayal. Henry, played Numerous other proposals were in- "The building will be columned, in Stiauthers Burt, The Interpreter's ing given by the Art Club Goats. Its by Isabell DuVal, was a charming cluded in the President's program. colonial fashion," Mr. Duke said. "It House nature has not been disclosed but it "office-boy." Hugh Walpole Jerepiy On January 15 the immediate Con- will consist of three stories, thus is in keeping with the gay scenes of In "Suppressed Desires," a clever Peter B. Kyne Cappy Ricks gressional response was made evident the cabaret life. standing higher than any other build- modern play in two scenes. The parts ing on the campus." Agatha Christie, Mysteries of the Blue by the introduction in the House of Train Representatives of several bills in- were played equally well. Mina Tho- The use of the three floors was mas as Henrietta, the exceedingly mo- Eleanor Mercein Basquerie tended to carry out the recommenda- DEBATING CLUB PLANS then explained by Mr. Duke, the first, dern wife was quite outstanding. he said to be used for the administra- Edith Wharton Age of Innocence tions. • . .___ INTERCOLLEGIATE DE- Edgar Wallace Mammoth Mystery Stephen Brewster, the matter-of-fact, tive officers—those of the president, sensible husband was played by Iva Book BATES FOR SEASON dean, registrar, treasurer, and the Lou Jones. Elizabeth Hopkins as H. L. Wilson .' Lone Tree post-office. The second and third I LOVE TO TEACH Mabel, the "go-between," gave a clever Dodd and Rhinehart, Best Short Stor- The Debating Club has arranged floors will be divided into class rooms for a debate with Emory and Henry, performance. and various work rooms for physics, ies of 1929 I do not know that I could D. Hey ward The Half Pint Flask for February 1. This debate is to be Decided praises should be given the chemistry, and the fine arts. make entirely clear to an out- given here with a return debate at At the rear of the building, the en- Sophie Kerr Tigers in only Cats sider the pleasure I have in entire cast of characters. For the John Buchan Midwinter Emory and Henry on February 15 or majority of players in both plays, this trance coming directly from the hall, teaching. I had rather earn my 22. The teams composed of Anna will be an auditorium with a capa- Russell Neale Relatives living by teaching than in any wa3 the first appearance as a Strat- S. Undset Kristin Labransdatter Keyser and Frances Snyder, the af- ford member. The talent displayed city of 1200 persons on the main floor. other way. In my mind, teach- firmative, and Irma Phillips and Ger- In the rear of the auditorium a bal- Oliver La Forge Laughing Boy by all of them is quite representative ing is not merely a life work, a trude Drinker, the negative, will use cony will be placed, seating 300. The Edith Wharton Ethan Frone of the high standards of the club. profession, an occupation, a for their question: "Resolved that stage will be large-proportioned, J. P. Kinnedy Swallow Barn struggle; it is a passion. I love trial by jury should be abolished and The character interpretation in each equipped with curtain and scenery as E. L. White The Unwilling Vestal to teach. a proper substitute found for the case was unusually good. needed, foot and spot lights, dressing Lornea Rea Six Mrs. Greens I love to teach as a painter jury." The annual costume play of the {Continued to Page S Stratfords will be presented at a later loves to paint, as a musician lov- The try puts for the orators and CLASS SWIMMING es to play, as a singer loves to other debating teams are being held. d»te. LEE LITERARY SOCIETY BECOME&MAjOR sing, as a strong man rejoices to Plans for debates with Bridgewater, ELECTS SIX MEMBERS SPORT FOR PRESENT run a race. Teaching is an art Farmville, and N. C. State and under FOR QUARTER —an art so great and so difficult way. The question used for these ART CLUB CHOOSES to master that a man or woman debates will be: "Resolved that all na- With class basketball well in the can spend a long life at it with- NEWr MEMBERS: GOATS In the customary white, six new Lee background the sports have turned to tions should adopt a plan of naval Literary Society members made their out realizing much more than his disarmament excepting those forces class swimming. The schedule for limitations and mistakes, and his PRESENT DANCE appearance on campus Wednesday and class practices have been arranged by needed for police protection." Thursday. These consisted of Flor- distance from the ideal. the athletic association swimming But the main aim of my happy ence Stephenson, Lillian Hicks, Ida leader, Kennie Bird. LANIERS ELECT NEW Friday and Saturday the Art Club Hicks, Tommy Dickerson, Dorothy days has been to become a good It will be remembered that class held public initiation for) the new Campbell, and Piercy Williams. teacher, just as every architect MEMBERS; QUARTER'S swimming honors event last year went On Wednesday morning they were wishes to be a good architect and members who are Maxine Carmean, to the senior team with the Freshmen OFFICERS ELECTED lined up in Harrison in single file un- every professional poet strives Georgia Collins, Edith Glick, Sue Glov- coming in a clos second.
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