Research articles NAT. HIST. BULL. SIAM Soc. 54(2): 177-194 ,2006 FORAGING ACTIVITY PATTERNS OF FRUGIVOROUS OR OMNIVOROUS ANIMALS ON THE FOREST FLOOR OF A TROPICAL SEASONAL FOREST IN THAILAND , WITH REFERENCE TO SEASONAL CHANGES Shunsuke Suzuki 1,Shumpei Ki 加 mur a2,3, Masahiro Kon 1 ,Pilai Poonswatf , Phitaya Phitaya Chuailual ,Kamol Plongmaf , Takakazu Yumoto 2ペNaohiko No~ , Tamaki Maruhashf and Prawat Wohandee 6 ABSTRA Cf 明le present study quantitatively described 出e diel forag 凶 g activity pattems of 企ugivorous or or omnivorous animals on the forest floor of a 位。 'pical seasonal forest in Th ailand and showed the the seasonal changes in the activity pattems of some species. Th e activity pattems were investigated investigated using automatic camera systems baited with fruits on 出e forest floor. A to 阻lof 11 , 133 pictures were taken. Forty -e ight animal species could be identified in 10 ,955 pictures , including including 30 species of mammals , 17 birds and 1 reptile. An alyses were made for the diel activity activity pattems of animals for which 30 or more visits had been recorded. Based on 白e tempo ra1 dis 佐ibution of visits , 18 analyzed species were classified inωthe following three categories: categories: (1) diumal species , not active at night , (2) noctumal species , not active during 白e day , (3) others , active during both day and nigh t.百 le results of 血e ciassification were as follows: follows: 2 mammals (Macaca nemestrina ,Callosciurus finlaysonii) 飢 d3 birds (Chalcophaps indica ,Pit ω, cyanea , Garrulax leucolophus) were diumal wi 出叩 almost un Inl odal tempo ra1 distribution; distribution; 2 mammals (Tupaia belangeri , Menetes berdmorei) 飢 d3 birds (Lophura diardi , Gallus Gallus gallus , Arborophila chloropus) we 問 diumal with ab 泊lO d叫 tempo ra1 distribution; 5 mammals (Rattus spp. ,Niviventer fulvescens ,Leopoldamys sabanus ,Maxomys surifer , Hystrix brachyura) brachyura) were noctumal; 3 mammals (Tragulus javanicus , Cervus unicolor , Muntiacus muntjak) muntjak) were 曲e others. 百lere were significant differences in 白e temporal distribution of visits visits between the rainy 加 d 企y seasons for the Malayan porcupine (Hystrix brachyura) , Siamese Siamese fireback (Lophura diardi) and red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus). Key words: activity pattem , camera trapping ,crepuscular ,diumal , feeding activity ,Kh ao Yai National National Park , noctumal lSchool lSchool of Environmental Science ,The University of Shiga Pr 巴fecture ,Hikone ,522-8533 , Japan. s“l1 ss 叩uz 此 i砲@e 切c.us 叩p.aωc 仏吋 .j 匂2Cent 陶蜘t飽附e釘r 伽fj 0併rE配∞c010 句gical Research ,Kyoto University ,Otsu ,52 0- 2113 , Japan 3旬lailand Hombill 折口j民 t,De partment of Microbiology , of Faculty Science ,M 油 idol Universi 旬, Bangkok 10400 ,司副land 4Research 4Research In stitute of Humanity and Nature ,Kyoto ,60 2-0 878 , Japan 50epartment 50epartment of Human and Cultu 問, Musashi University ,Nerima ,Tokyo 17ι8534 ,Jap 組 6National 6National Park ,Wildlife and Plant Conservation.Oep 訂伽lent ,B 卸 gkok 10900 ,明 lailand Received Received 13 September 2005; accepted 25 July 2006. 177 177 178 178 SHUNSUKE SUZUKI F:f AL. 問 τRODUCTION Tr 'O pical f 'O rests pr 'O vide en 'O rm 'O usly diverse and c'O mplex habitats and harb 'O r many mammal and bird species (HARR:r SON , 1962; M 町 RA EI' AL. , 1997; YASUDA ET AL. , 2005). WmTMO 阻 (1990) presented a schematic figure describ 泊g the space and 曲nep 紅白i'O凶 ng 'O f mammals in a tr 'O pical rain f 'O rest in B 'O me 'O, by which c 'O existence may be facilitated. H 'O wever ,quantitative studies 'O n activity pattems ,which 釘 e an essential c'O mp 'O nent f'O r understanding understanding time partiti 'O ning ,have been relatively insu 伍 cient f'O r animals 'O f 住opical f 'O rests (VAN SCHAIK & G 阻 FFITHS , 1996; MIURA EI' AL. , 1997; KAWANISHI & SUNQUIST , 2004). 2004). Several Several studies c'O nducted in temperate z'O nes have sh 'O wn that activity pa 仕ems 'O f mammals change seas 'O nally in acc 'O rdance with envir 'O nmental fact 'O rs such as air temperature ,day length ,and precipitati 'O n (PEARSON , 1960; OSTERBERG , 1962; TANAKA , 2005). 2005). Alth 'O ugh tr 'O pical seas 'O nal f 'O rests als 'O experience marked seas 'O nal changes in precipitati 'O n ,n 'O由加 g is kn 'O wn ab 'O ut seas 'O nal changes in the activity pattems 'O f animals living living in tr 'O pical seas 'O nal f'O rests. In In recent years ,aut 'O matic c創 nera systems have been utilized in ec 'O l'O gical research 'O n animals animals (PEARSON , 1960; CARLEY EI' AL. , 1970; G 郎町WOOD , 1978; GRIFFITHS & V AN SCHAIK , 1993; PEI , 1995; AKABAR & GORMAN , 1996; VAN SCHAIK & GRIF 町田S, 1996; MIURA EI' AL ,. 1997; BLANCHONG & SMALE , 2000; JA YASEKARA EI' AL. , 2003; O'BRIEN EI' AL. , 2003; YASUDA , 2004). Such systems have proven useful f'O r investiga 出 g activity pattems pattems because 'O ne 'O f the advantages 'O f aut 'O matic camera systems is that they rarely disturb disturb f'O cal animals (OSTERBERG , 1962; CARLEY EI' AL. , 1970; VAN SCHAIK & GRIFF 町 HS , 1996; 1996; CUTLER & SWANN , 1999). By using aut 'O matic camera systems baited with fruit ,we have elucidated 血e relati 'O nship between fruits characteristics and frugiv 'O res 'O n 血ef 'O rest fl 'O'O r 'O fa 住opical seas 'O nal f 'O rest in 百lailand ,which has distinct rainy and dry seas 'O ns. As a result ,we accum u1 ated c 'O nsiderable data 'O n the activity pattems 'O f many animal species. In this paper ,frrstly we describe describe the diel f'O raging activity pattems 'O f frugiv 'O r'O us 'O r 'O mniv 'O r'O us animals inhabiting 出e 佐opical seas 'O nal f 'O rest 'O f Kh a 'O Yai Nati 'O nal Park ,百lailand. We 血en investigate 出e presence presence 'O r absenc 怠'O f any seas 'O nal changes in 白 e activity pattems 'O f these species. STUDY AREA Th e studies were c'O nducted fr 'O m July 2000 t 'O June 2002 in Kh a 'O Yai Nati 'O nal Park (hereafter (hereafter KY , Fig. 1).官 le p訂 k lies between the latitudes 'O f 14 ・05'-15'N and the l'O ngitudes 'O f 101 ・05'-50 ・E in 血eD 'O ngruk m 'O untain range , and c'O vers an 釘 ea 'O f2 , 168 km2• Its elevati 'O n ranges from 250 t 'O 1, 351 m. 百 le principal study area was l'O cated near the headquarters headquarters 'O f the Nati 'O nal Park and c'O vers appr 'O ximately 70 km 2 (KπAMURA EI' 必円 2002 ,2005 ,SMITINAND , 1977 f'O ra detailed descripti 'O n). 百 le study area ranged 合om600 t 'O 800 m asl in elevati 'O n and was mainly c'O vered with m 'O ist evergreen f 'O rest which c'O vers appr 'O ximately 64% 'O f the t 'O tal park area and extends between 400 and 1,000 m asl (SMIT 町 AND ,1977). 百le mean annual rainfall is 2,340 mm (1993-2003) with the rainy seas 'O n usually 'O ccurring 企om April t 'O Oct 'O ber and the dry seas 'O n fr 'O m N 'O vember t 'O March (KITAMURA ET AL. , 2004). Th e mean m 'O nthly temperature ranges fr 'O m 21 0 C FORAGING ACTIVITY PAγTERNS OF FOREST AN IM ALS 179 。 20 0 N 15 0 N 10 0 N 100 0 E Figur e 1. Location of Khao Yai Na ti ona l Park (Decemb 巴r and January) to 32" C (April and May). A lthough rip 巴白uits (e.g. Ficus spp .) are are available ye aJ可 ound (POONSWAD ET A L., 1998) , fruit diversity and abundanceω'e re lat iv e ly hi. gh i.n出巴 ra i.n y season and becoming scarce at the beginning of the dry season (BARTLEγr , 2003). METHODS Automatic Camera System We used two kinds of automatic camera syst 巴ms. One consisted of a faJ '-infrared sensor sensor and motor-driven compact cam 巴ra with a built-in tim 巴pi 巴ce. The d巴ta i. ls of this system are described i.n M 1U RA ET A ム(1 997). Since April 2001 ,we have used another system consisting of a compact camera with a built-in infrared motion sensor (S 巴nsol ・ Camera “FlliLDNOTE" ,MARIF Co. Ltd , Japan). Th 巴 detail s of this system are de scr ibed in in Y ASUDA (2004). Camera syste ms wer 巴set i.n various habitat s 'including primary forest , seconda ry forest ,and th 巴巴dge of fores t. Five to 50 fruits that had been co l! ected 合om the ground 釦 ound par 巴nt trees were set at the base of the same tre 巴s as bait ,and c創 ηeras were placed placed approximately 2 m away from the bai t. When fruits w 巴I巴 cons um ed by an im als or 180 180 SHUNSU 阻 SUZU 阻 ETAL. damaged by insects or microbes , they were replaced with new s創 nples. Photography was continued continued for at least 5 consecutive days. Th e cameras were checked at intervals of one to 伽 'ee days ,and films and batteries were replaced if necessary. In In total , 187 individual plants of 69 species were studied (Appendix 1). We collected all all plants not identified in the field and 酪 signed a tempor.
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