2016 ANNUAL REPORT We have had an excellent year. We all took a giant leap together. Branch Port of Corporate Passenger Cargo Finances review Helsinki responsibility traffic traffic p. 22 1 p. 4 2 p. 5 3 p. 8 4 p. 12 5 p. 18 6 Building growth As the main port for Finnish passenger traffic, we have been able New momentum has been sought for the development of Fin- to enjoy the increased popularity of sea travel, which has con- land’s extensive harbour network for years. The ports that were tinued for approximately ten years. These days, people step on converted into limited companies have now sought cooperation. board more often for reasons other than holiday travel: the route This is also the case with the Port of Helsinki, which acquired the between Helsinki and Tallinn in particular is increasingly used majority of the shares in the Port of Loviisa. The roles were easy FINANCES TRAFFIC 2016 for work-related purposes. At the same time, holidaymakers are to divide: the harbours in Helsinki are specialised in large unit more often people who have flown to Finland from the Far East. cargo traffic, while the Port of Loviisa offers services for general Million euro 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Cargo traffic, tonnes It seems that the Baltic Sea has been noted to be a safe and in- cargo and dry bulk traffic. The new cooperation has been wel- Turnover 89,7 86,9 90,8 89 87,2 Unitised cargo 10 565 000 teresting area for travel. comed warmly by customers, operators, and decision-makers. Investments 64,6 18,8 15,6 13,3 15,9 Import 5 019 000 The West Terminal 2 construction project proceeded excel- The participation of the Port of Helsinki has sent a strong signal Grand total of 553,8 575,6 592,6 593,7 600 Export 5 547 000 lently in 2016. The new, modern terminal will be open for use on the development of the Port of Loviisa. in early 2017. The increasing capacity and improved travel com- We have had an excellent year, and 2017 seems to be becom- the balance sheet Bulk product traffic 829 000 fort are much needed, and they create preconditions for contin- ing quite good as well. We wish to thank our customers, cooper- Foreign traffic 11 394 000 ued growth. Smoothly running port operations in the centre of ation partners, and personnel for all their work for the common Business indicators 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Coastal traffic 227 000 the city are of great importance to Helsinki and its strongly grow- goals. In accordance with our slogan ‘Forward together’, we all Change in the turnover, % 3,2 -4,2 1,9 2,1 0,8 Total cargo traffic 11 621 000 ing tourism sector. took a giant leap together. Turnover per person, 621 574 560 525 482 Unitised cargo In goods transport, the Vuosaari Harbour was prepared for the Metsä Group pulp transportation which is set to start in 2017, as 1000 euro Containers, TEU 451 000 well as growth from other sources. The filling of the former dock- Return on investment, % 2,9 2,8 4,2 3,6 3,2 Trucks, trailers and other, pcs 528 000 ing basin increased the harbour area by almost 5 hectares. New Equity ratio, % 58,1 54,9 72,2 68,8 65,5 Passenger traffic traffic and area arrangements improved the use of space and Passengers of Line traffic 11 565 000 made activities clearer. The operators at Vuosaari have taken the modifications well, even with the challenges caused by the many Kimmo Mäki Cruise ship passengers 409 000 temporary arrangements. CEO BRANCH REVIEW PORT OF HELSINKI The sea route to Main port for Tallinn is increasingly passenger traffic significant and foreign trade The use of the Baltic route for Finnish The Port of Helsinki serves the business Extensive traffic network foreign trade is also continuing to grow, life and well-being of the Helsinki region The regular liner traffic network of the and exceeded the four million tonne mark and the whole country. The Port creates Port of Helsinki is the widest and most in 2016. The competitiveness of the route a smooth framework for busy sea trav- versatile in Finland. Helsinki has frequent 1 is heavily reliant on the traffic between 2el, and it is also the main port for Finnish connections to ports on the Baltic Sea, Helsinki and Tallinn, offering an efficient foreign trade. The objective is to be the North Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. There and sustainable transportation route for forerunner for Baltic ports and the most are a total of approximately 140 liner both passengers and goods. appealing business partner. traffic departures every week. The Port of Helsinki manages port op- Ferries carry not only passengers with The tight city structure of erations with a long-term perspective their vehicles, but also goods deliveries in Helsinki poses challenges for and develops them in active coopera- trucks and trailers to Tallinn, Stockholm, rubber-wheeled traffic tion with shipping companies, stevedor- St Petersburg, and Travemünde. The condensing city structure of Helsin- ing and forwarding companies, and oth- In addition to this, Helsinki is visited ki creates challenges for functional traf- er harbour operators. The Port of Hel- by numerous international cruise ships fic arrangements and the capacity of the sinki provides a modern, competitive and every summer. road network. The same challenges ap- functional setting for port operations. ply to the parts of the Port located in the The Port also produces its own services The success of port operations is bound of passengers on the Baltic Sea are centre of the city. The significance of this to complement other port services while to the development of the business Asians. This trend creates excellent pos- matter has been recognised in good time, also creating added value for its coopera- world. The slow growth of the Finn- sibilities for the entire tourism industry and work is ongoing to ensure the suffi- tion partners. ish economy started a year ago, and in the region. As a group, the Japanese cient capacity of the road network. How- The Port of Helsinki Ltd is a limited has been mostly based on the increase and Chinese, for example, are more like- ever, it is possible that in future decades, company owned entirely by the City of of consumption, but even investments ly to spend more money than the aver- rubber-wheeled traffic will no longer be Helsinki. and constructions are slowly picking up. age tourist. as smooth-flowing as it is today. The export of services has also devel- oped well, even though it does not have Smart traffic to offer new Cooperation creates opportunities St. Petersburg much effect on harbour operations. The solutions for the Tallinn route The slow growth of harbour traffic, the improvement of trust indicators in ear- The growth of passenger traffic is heavi- incorporation of the port operations, and ly 2017 is indicative of an even better fi- ly centred on the route between Helsin- the investments made in port operations Stockholm Ust-Luga nancial development. As an example, ex- ki and Tallinn. The busy ship connections in the 21st century have increased com- Tallinn Grangemouth ports within the forest industry are ex- enable the twin cities: mobility of labour petition between the Finnish ports. Port pected to increase within the coming force, social integration, and the devel- companies have united, and cooperation years. opment of a common economic area on has become even closer than previously. Riga Århus Regardless of the general financial sit- both sides of the Gulf of Finland. Cooperation has also opened new Teesport uation, sea travel has been growing for New solutions are now being sought doors for the development of the Finnish a long time. The new investments made for the challenges brought by the pas- port network and the specialisation of in- Hull Klaipeda by shipping companies have made trav- senger flows through a smart traffic ex- dividual ports. In the future, as each port Immingham Travemünde elling more attractive for people living periment, for example, aiming for an im- is able to concentrate on its particular Bremerhaven Rostock Gdynia in the surrounding areas, but the Bal- proved travel experience and smoother strengths, it will be easier to concentrate Bilbao Felixstowe Hamburg Lübeck tic Sea is also considered an interest- flows of people and goods in the areas of different goods flows in different ports Ferrol Tilbury Amsterdam Szczecin Sheerness ing destination by people further away. the West Harbour in Helsinki and the Old based on cargo type and cargo process- Santander Zeebrugge Rotterdam The most significantly increasing group City Harbour in Tallinn. ing type. Ghent Antwerp Rouen 4 || PORT OF HELSINKI 2016 PORT OF HELSINKI 2016 || 5 PORT OF HELSINKI Vuosaari Harbour Katajanokka South Harbour West Harbour Hernesaari Kari Noroviita (left), Pekka Meronen, Kimmo Mäki, Timo Laitinen and Jukka Kallio. West Harbour the surrounding logistics centre form one Our Values Organisation Board of Directors West Harbour is Finland’s busiest pas- of Europe’s most modern logistics areas. Productivity. We commit ourselves to The Port of Helsinki has two business In 2016, the Board of Directors of the senger harbour. The ferry traffic to Tal- The sea fairway, main road, and rail- the clear qualitative and financial objec- units: Vuosaari Harbour and the Passen- Port of Helsinki Ltd consisted of Pia linn and passenger ship traffic to St Pe- way connections to the harbour are ex- tives set for our operations.
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