January 3, 2017 The Voice of the LaRouche Political Movement Volume 2, Number 1 The Hamiltonian Take Action Now! Enact Glass-Steagall and LaRouche’s Four Laws Lyndon LaRouche has put forth the mea- economic recovery. These Four Cardinal must then be followed by the development before the November 8th election, now digm, which has been initiated by China sures for immediate priority action to be Laws (larouchepac.com/four-laws) start of an immediate credit program to increase President-elect Donald Trump made the and Russia and the dozens of nations now taken in the United States by the incom- with Glass-Steagall, together with a re- the productivity of our nation’s citizens and following statement, “Dodd-Frank has working with them, or will we suffer the ing President Trump and Congress. As turn to Hamiltonian National Banking address the dire collapse of the physical been a disaster, making it harder for small chaos and implosion of the hyper-inflated LaRouche stated at the opening of his four as a means of extending credit into the economic conditions of the nation. We can businesses to get the credit they need… 2017 looming financial bubble? laws, the measures presented are “not an real economy, and spearheaded by sci- and must reunify the entire country, first It’s time for a 21st Century Glass-Steagall To start down the necessary path, we option, but an immediate necessity.” ence-drivers in fusion energy development by increasing our labor force and bring- and, as part of that, a priority on helping must eliminate the Wall-Street vultures “The economy of the United States of and a restoration of NASA and the explo- ing the nearly 100 million Americans who African American businesses get the credit and secure the nation’s long-term produc- America, and also that of the trans-Atlan- ration of space. are now unemployed back into productive they need.” tivity with LaRouche’s Four Laws. tic political-economic regions of the plan- The LaRouche Political Action Com- work; and second, it requires joining with On November 8th, the American peo- Call and visit your Congressmember, et, are, now, under the immediate, mortal mittee is launching an all-out offensive the international efforts of nations such as ple voted to end sixteen years of the Bush- write a letter-to-the-editor, call into the ra- danger of a general, physical-economic, in the mobilization for the enactment of Russia and China in the formation of a new Obama reign of terror, a psychological ter- dio stations, contribute to LaRouchePAC! chain-reaction breakdown crisis of that re- Glass-Steagall into law as the cutting edge global economic Renaissance for mankind, ror which has been imposed on them since Help create a chorus for Glass-Stea- gion of this planet as a whole,” he declared. of consolidating this New Global Paradigm as must be done now in Syria. September 11, 2001. On January 3, 2017 a gall and LaRouche’s Four Laws and end Glass-Steagall’s reinstatement as the first for the New Year. This means Glass-Steagall The momentum for this urgent mea- new Congress will be sworn in, and three Obama’s failed legacy for future genera- of the four measures Lyndon LaRouche should be on President Trump’s desk by the sure is increasing rapidly. Resolutions weeks later President Obama will be an un- tions to come. issued in June of 2014 will put the United day of his inauguration, January 20th. for Glass-Steagall were passed in both pleasant memory. Let them know once again we mean busi- States and the trans-Atlantic System back The reinstatement of Glass-Steagall is the the Democratic and Republican Parties The looming question before us now: ness and we can’t be stopped. Take action on the track to a much-needed physical first step to ending the financial bubble. It platforms. On Oct. 26, just a few weeks Will the United States join the new para- today! Schiller Institute NYC A New Cultural Platform Chorus Pays Tribute to The Highest Conceptions of Man and Nature By Dennis Speed Alexandrov Ensemble cover-up of his murder, the paradigm of the On Friday, December 30, members of the ing: “This is what is called human values. Western world and especially the United Schiller Institute Chorus gathered in front These peoples did more for Russian-Amer- States has really led to an incredible brutal- of the Consulate of the Russian Federation ican relations in several minutes than ization of the population. Many people are in Manhattan to pay tribute to the victims Obama’s administration for 8 years.” still not happy about the future… of the Christmas day Black Sea crash of the The performance was done on the same “Now, how do people get out of this? How TU-154 plane carrying nearly the entirety day that the Obama Administration an- do we get people to be their more noble of the famous Alexandrov Ensemble, and nounced the expulsion of 35 Russian diplo- selves? How do you get people to be more several others, including a beloved doctor, mats and their families to leave the United elevated than just saying, ‘Let’s hope Trump Dr. Elizaveta Glinka (“Dr. Liza”) who was States within 72 hours, in the middle of the Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute will stick it to them’? (Or, it must be add- on her way to deliver medical supplies to holiday season. Russian President Vladimir ed, to be more rational than the emotion- the children of Syria. They sang the Russian Putin responded by inviting the children Can a meaningful section of the United writer, painter, playwright and poet in the ally unstable supporters of Obama puppet National Anthem, which was composed in of U.S. diplomats in Russia to join him for States population be inspired to adopt a United States in the post World War II pe- and subordinate, Hillary Clinton? ) Because 1942 by Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov, the holidays in the Kremlin. This action, new way of seeing, thinking and acting to- riod, from 1947 until the mid-1960s, was there is still an emotion of anger, frustra- the founder of the chorus. or non-action, by Putin made Obama’s pa- ward Russia, China and other nations that financed, often unknowingly, by a British tion and so forth. The problem is, and we This performance went viral on YouTube, thetic, shrinking, lame-duck stature all the are now poised to enact the greatest sci- intelligence and “CIA” outfit called the Con- have discussed this in these meetings many generating thousands of comments includ- more obvious to the rest of the world. entific and material upshift in mankind’s gress for Cultural Freedom (CCF). Classical times, that the oligarchy rules over society history? Can the new Presidency that takes culture, particularly as that was or might by reducing people to beings of just feel- office in less than a month be caused to take be associated with Germany, was to be re- ings, emotions; and they are very good at meaningful action in that direction? If that placed with “home-grown, authentic, dem- manipulating these emotions. That people can be done, it will have to be done in New ocratic American popular culture,” much of are angry; that people are depressed; that York City, the “City of Hamilton.” it created by intelligence agencies or their people have rage; that people have joy in This is the mission, in the next weeks, of employees like Jackson Pollock, Sidney decadent pleasures. All these (feelings) are the Manhattan Project designed by econo- Hook, or media-promoted pseudo-persons tools of the oligarchy. When man is on that mist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche. To like Timothy Leary of 1960s LSD fame. The level, he is not truly human… accomplish this, the Project calls on the children of persons involved with or em- “Now what great Classical art does is, it ideas and example of poet Friedrich Schil- ployed by the intelligence services of the shows a way how people can first of all learn ler, and Presidents Franklin Delano Roo- U.S. Army and Navy, including persons to understand real principles; those princi- sevelt and John F. Kennedy, whose 100th employed at facilities like Ft. Dettrick were ples which are behind the sensuous appear- birthday will be celebrated this May. Roo- used as guinea pigs in these experiments in ance. And they can learn how to become sevelt’s 1933 Inaugural “national mobiliza- the 1950s, 60s and 70s as is documented in truly free.” tion against fear” put millions to work in various locations. A new cultural platform, capable of ad- the first 100 days and established a partner- From its first intervention at the Wal- vancing and sustaining the highest con- Members of the Schiller Institute Manhattan Communicty Chorus singing outside the Consulate of ship with the “Forgotten Man.” Now, with a dorf Astoria Hotel in 1949, at a time when ceptions of man and nature, must be im- the Russian Federation, December 30, 2016. Watch at: http://lpac.co/alexandrov-memorial physical economy in far worse shape than Bertrand Russell and others were actively mediately built as the underpinning for in 1933, and no real prospect for a better considering dropping nuclear bombs on a new form of intellectual practice in the future for youth, Martin Luther King’s ad- Russia, the Congress for Cultural Freedom American republic. This is not something Message of condolence to the monition that “with this faith, we will be hovered around New York City, the in- that the incoming Trump administration, able to hew out of the mountain of despair tellectual capital of the United States.
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